L" tittle o evigence to sun Atlate 1 1 ) _ _ _Mr. FERGUSON suggested that the mem-- . / ber for Wentworth should also withdraw his | remarks, charging Bon. Mr. Cameron, with ) wisconduct, as Chairman of the Committee. ' Mr. McCALL (Norfolk) drew the a?ten- | tion of the House to the tact that the Com-- l | mittee of last Session was appointed by the . Government to frame the Common and . | Grammar School Bills, and thatf:he qu;s'tloen of Upper Canada College was afterwards re-- . § ferre?lpeto it. lf the Bills framed by the | Committee were aspecimen of what we might | expect from them, he must say he had very \ iib'e ecufiderce in it. ' Mr. CHRISTIE, in answer to the appeal made to him by the merber for Simege, said | he trusted his language had not been felt as. : offensive by the Provincial Secretary,. He had simply intended to intimate that hs ' thought the hon. gentleman had erred in . _ judgment. As regarded the appoal made by | -- the member for Alzgoma, he could not retract | bis statement. _ He had geen the charge re-- | ferred to in the public prints, and it was his impreszion that he could show by documen-- | tary evidence laid before the commission | appointed by the Goversment that the langvage he had used was justifiable, He should be l}xppy, however, if in the courss of the inquiry he found 'he was not justified in using the language, to . l wiihdraw it. se | | _ Mr. RYKERT suggested the addition to ' | the Committee of the names of Mesars, . | Clarke and Boyd. 1 _ Mr BAYES and Mr FERRIER begaged } : to be excused from serving. and Mr. BOYD requested that his name should not be put' 1 . _ OB the Committee. | Mr, CARNEGIE, as the seconder of the criginal motion, said he was sure the meraber | | for Wentworth had not been actusted by a ' desire to pack the Committee. At the same . time he bad yet to learn that it was the duty | '/ of he mover of a resolution like this, to put | on the Committee a majority of opponents to | the object he had in view. Mr. CHRISTIE desired to have the name of Mr. Carcegie put on the Committee in place of Mr. Shaw, deceased. This was agreed to, and Mr. Christie's resolution was adopted, the Committee being the same as last year, with the change just ! indicated,. AUDITING COUNTY ACCOU7NT3, | --| _ MR. CA&RNEGIE moved the zecoad read-- ing of a Bill to amend Sub--sections 2 and 3 of | Rection 9 of the Law Reform Act of 1868, | and to repeal Section 2 of Cap. 128 of tha | Consolidated Statutes of Upper Canada, now ' | (Ontario ) The object of the Bill he brief y | explained was to effect a change in the Aud-- | iting of County Accounts. The auditing of | accounts in certain counties had been attend-- _ ed with a great deal of inconvenience and | expense, and was found to operate injurious-- | ly. Magistrates were interested occasionally in the accounts, and had numbers of friends who would vote for their being passed. Ons case of such a character had come to his persoral knowledge, and he thought some cbhange ought to be made. -- Porsons who audited these accounts should do so re-- | gularly ard not be selected at haphazard. _ Ue proposed to refer the Rill to a select Committee which could bring in any special amenoment which might be required. (Hear, } hear ) The second reading was then carried, the | Bill referred to a select Comm'ttee consist-- -- f ing of the Hon. Attorney--General, Messrs. ' | Hays, Lyon, Ferguson, and Carnegie. _3 _ The other orders of the day stood over, and the House adjourned at 5 20 p. m. / o----------Gme--_--_----_--._ c . NOTICES OF MOTIONS. ' The following notices have been given : -- N |__ _ Mr. CLARKE--Bill to amend ths law re-- | specting the powers of Executors and Ad-- | ministrators. | Mr. SEXTON --Bill to repeal sub--sec. 1 of | I sece 150, cap 31, Con. Stat of Upper | | Canada, respecting Jurors and Juries, and to | mae cther provisions in lieu thercof