n vul 00 re 881 [ In not, ttttttttled an Act to define the pgvi- T leges, immunities and pewers of the Legigla. Aive Assembly, and to give summary protea- , tion to person: employed Itt the Publication l of Ieuional papers. The Bill having been read 3 flrgt time, thx, I eeoc-nd reading wu fixed for Mondu'y next. ,r' -7 -- -C"-"db" aa, twelve months, 810. ; and correspondence since last _..£_I a . _ SEMBLYTEE' Mr. BLAKE introduced a an Aot, intituled an Act to a. tau uumDer or meetings held during the he; twelve months, 820. ; and also, Copies of all correspondence since last session of the Dr gislature, between the Chief Superintendent of Education and the Government, respect- ing the contemplated Mango in tho Gram- mar and Common School: Act. TOWERS OF THE HomMLCAME RON present an Address, showing a copy tion or application of WilliamJ for certain lands in or near District, together with all 0rd: co: Cart icd, and the Thursday.' Mr. CLARKE intro? the law respeeting the and administrators. Prom J amen Agnew and others, of Kings- ton, Charles R. Atkinson and others,'of Chatham, F. M. Fairbairn and others, of 1?isterborir', It. Sutherland and others, of Walkexton, and of J amen Shanly and others, of London, for the passing of an Act to ren- der the Benchers of the Law Society elec- tive. From the Town Councils of Seaforth an?! Barry, tho Village Councils of Welland Thorold and Portsmouth, and the To_wnship Councils of Burford, Derby, Ahlboro', Caar den and Howiok, pr 'ing for the establish- ment of a school for tie blind. From G. H. Mills and others, for an Act of Incorporation, by Mr. Williams. From Richard Fitzgerald and others, may ing for the separation of the municipalities of Garden and Dalton, by Mr. Coeebtfrm From the Church Society of the Diocese of Baron, praying for an Act to enable them to sell certain lands in Goderich Township, and also to legalize a sale of lands in Gut, by Mr. Carling. From John Sheridan and others, of Watt, Muskoka District, for an Act of Incorpora- tion, by Mr. Cockburn. From the Town Council of Perth, praying for an Act to seperate Perth from the county of Lanark, by Mr. Code. From John McDonald and others, of In. genoll, for the annual election of Aldermen, y Mr. Oliver. From the Grey Township Council, for a share in the Land Improvement Fund, by Mr. Hays. From John Hamilton and others, of stk3- burg, for an Act to vest certain property in the hands of trustees ; also,'from the Village Council of Hawkesbury, by Mr. Boyd. From Ronald Fraser and others, of Ken- yon and Charlcttenburg, praying that an het be not allowed to pass fermitting D. L Mac- donald to cut a cana to his mills, by Mr. Blake. MONDAY, Nov. 22. The SPEAKER took the chair at three o'clock. The following petitions were presented '.--- me the Village Council of Petroit, praying for an Act to enable the Ire, an: biagsra Railway to extoml their mm, 0:; Mr. Enter; also, from Towmhip Goa.) rd. m Exmiskillen; also, from who Liming-i and others, of Moore; also, front tleo. R. sn. Pherecn and others, of Eauisuriia. by xiv. Baxter; and John MoOlson and others, by Mr. Luton, to the some (that. LEGISLATURE 0F ONTARIO. "up, aqowmg , cop of tl a": fpphclaatlgn (sf 'w'hli2TdLi, R0531; am an . l, 'duh',",:,'! J,',.',,?..,,'":', the. Muskoka she second reading fixsd for RETURNS. introduced an Ay to amend t.ON presented , Return to LEGISLATIVE V IL -- powers of executors .3111 to repeal AS. I Mr. LOUNT saidif these grave and so. i r'ons charges were true-it no other means roald be found to procure this favourable i statement ..-ti this job, " it has been called, i has no other foundation to rest upon-it on its own honest merits it cannot commend itself to the intelligence of this House and the country except through the . 'medinm of undue and improper iatiaerttso, 3 i then he would earnestly and sincerely Bar-- l, ', l the sooner they were made aware of the fact lithe better for all concerned. But, it there charcea are false, then the reputation of the I I won?, and the good favour of those connected i with it, should be cleared from the blot cad - lstigma cast on it, and on them; and for the l purpose of learning if they be guilty or. not i, ilty, he asked that this committee I: gtatsted---a committee consisting of lmen who could and would pursue their ianuiriee free from the reproach of permitting undue intlaena" and improper I practices being used upon them-tred from (the tan paring that could bring discredit to i l their names. (Bear) And when the while a i subject, has been fully examined into, , l, weighed, and considered-he felt sanguine l ' it would rise like the Pbmnix from it, ashes, , redermed. regenerated, and disenthralled. , ', (Hear, hear.) should, however, the judg- . I ment of this committee prove adverse to his F ! hcpea--srould it be true as allegad--thon he desired it to be known here and else- where, so that the cotttidlug and the un- Wary might no longer be deceived. (den) e, For many years he had mirked the steady determined progress of this scheme; i and mm. m- mbers might as well endeavour to stem the progress of civilization " to check this living actual necessity for the country's advancement. After a glowing reference to the successful accomplishment of the Suez Canal, the Atlantic Cable and the Pac.ifio Railroad, Mr. Lount tuned the progress of the present scheme, which wouil rot be supported by the stolid and cautious Englishmen and the shrewd and business. F like American, unless, he said, it commend- . ed itself to their judgment. The work was practical and the money for it could be raised, and would be remunerative. Referring to [ the practicability of this work, hon. members l were, of course aware, that it had for its 0') jest the shortening of navigation between the head waters of Lake Superior and the sea- Iaboard by about 400 miles; the enabling an urea going vessels of 1,200 tons burthen to leave Europe and land their freight " Guic .. ( co, Milwaukee or Thunder Bay without $mnshipmcnt ; and to depart from thence with their millions of bushels of grain, pro- duce and cheapened food for the old world , shores. This, he was informed, was inevery f way feasible, and up.onittformaiion not given ' by interested parties, but based upon the opinion of Sir John yaElrtruw. the most dis. ' tinguished togietrinJihyrland,snd oontirrned by many other able minds. (Hear.) l1 mu ' ever, to ascertain the truth of these state- i merits he asked a Committee to invesli , gate and report. The advantages i . likely to flow from its construction '; Vwere of great moment. Be believed it was . t project fraught with the promise of wide: spread blessings bothto themselves, to the t inhabitants of the Red River Territory, to " the people of the United States and of Tag. '1. land. t would beware a connecting link in ' the chain of navigation between the Old World and the New, for When it is con l structed vessels could leave European ports, ' _. laden with their manufactures and their emi- C, grant Iyyyuation, to "il direct for Thunder tq Bay, Chicago, or "1! of the Western '5; ports And from a recent statement 'M I they learn that f.g..et,Aiii head of Like 1 Superior to the 1te.Pritir,ir; 1.979 miles, _" , ' of which but 500 miles VII laud traeie, th' , _." rest being oapatrks . ot being made god :.,:};{ ""39? '. it 41 L P. ' _ And might 25?. HURON AND ONTARIO SHIP CANAL" aed of dishonourable men, and that at the at sersion of the Dominion Parliunant the committee that gave this subject their full and m at careful consideration, were so bat. ton-holed and importuned, that they report- ed favourabl y to escape the aunoyaaar--tirat wine and other liquors were freely used to away their judgments, destroy their intelli- ¢enee and tap their honour. The A'N0RNltY.GIilh'li', RhL--It's per- fectly true. (Laughter). as to the means used in the past, for its advancement to the present-to vindicate the character and the reputation of those who have nourished and fostered it from its inception-to convince hon. mem- ben that the object sought is worthy their most earnest consideration, and that the mama of obtaining that object are about to be realized it properly encouraged. They have been told, on What ought to be consid- ered good authority, but which authority for the preswt he was free to dispute, that the Enron and Ontario Ship Canal was what is eneral'y termed a "job/U-that at is got up ft: the interest of ioubersr--thst former per- liamentary committees were, iii tact, carn- nilway facilities now constructed to supply the immediate demands or the future re- quiremente of the country. Neither did he intend, for he did not think it ativisabie, to t raw comparisons with other routes or pro- jected routes. He would oonfine himself ias ply to explaining, in as few words " possible, the motives that actuated him in asking this committee to investigate and report on the present position, the practicability, and the probable advantages that might, not unnatur- ally, and with not too sanguine a hope, be ex- moted to result from the construction of this oanal, for he thought it but right that he should justify himself for occupying the time and attention of this House in the discussion of this subject. He would endeavour by all fair means to remove the obstructions that were in the way, and to prove incorrect the calamities and unjust utterances that had been too lightly made, in this chamber Mr. LOUNT moved for I Select Committee consisting of Menu. ctetm,rtt, Ferruson, Coyne, M00011, Har, Clarke, ifii2'll', (Durham), Wallis, Snmmerton, Grahame (York), Boyd, Oliver, Lander, and the mover, In doing so, he said he did. not propose at this, stage to go into the manta of the work, in detail; nor to attempt to show that there did not exist " the present time tu1tfisisat means of transit afforded by the canal and