them. On t!e whole the ! ct was a good one. It was a bad thing to have three grades of teachers, for they knew that many of those who had 3rd class certificates were not con-- petent to occupy the positions they held at | present. He should support the Bill, aithoush | he would profer to gee the law consolidated. Mr. BOULTER said it would better to consolidste the law after a trial of tho | present Eill, than to have it consolidated in their presert state. Mr., CHRISTIE belisved his constitusents | werg averse to a change in the present law, snd he would, thersfore, oppose the msa i stre. ] | Mr. COCKBURN said that any amend--. __| ments to cur present Common School Law, ' having for its object the establishmentof an | improved syeterm for the educrtion of the masses, arc of even greater importance than # | scome cf the enactmonts in regard to the | bigher branches of education. The Bill now telore the House, having the stamp of tas ripe expcrience of the Superintendent of | Equcrtion, and baving been considered by a l Select Committeo of this House, might be --] taken as a gusrantee of the soundness of the wessure, He, bhowever, had some grave dorlt« as to the adsptability of the entire messure to new localities--thko minimum sa-- leries aad the compulsory clauses may be ob-- jfi-';(i(;l able. Mir. Sexton, Mr. Trow, Mr. Montsith, and ¥'r. Crosby followed, referring to some de-- tails of the measure. The Bill was then read a sscond tims and --j| aes referred to a Committee of the Whole 'oomorrow. Mr, BOYD moved a suspension of 1zhe§I | rulea in order to investigate the charges .. »] mado in Tns GroBs againsts Mr. Vance. | Atty. Gen. MACDONALD said this was a | watter that aflected the privileges of the House He hoped no objsction would be raised to the suspensgion of the rule. It was a question which should be thoroughly sifsed, for he believed there was not a shadow of cause for the complaint. Mr. BOYD moved, seconded by Mr. ' GALBRAITH, That a Special Committee be | | appointed to enquire into the cireumstances . coprected with the printing, distri-- | bution, _ and postiag of Bills Nos. 43 ard 44, said Committese to be ecmposcd of Mesars, Ciark, Lount, Ferrior, --_ Blake and the mover, with power to send for persons and papers. --Carried. Hon NMr. CAMERON moved the second reading of Bill (No. 20), to incorporate the Torontc, Simcoe and Muskoka RKailway Com-- any, ° The Bill was read a second time and refor-- | red to committes of the whole for to--mor-- | row. \___Mr. RYKERT moved the second reading of Bill[No. 33), to amend.the Act to regu-- : te the precedence of the Superior Courts of ( ommon Law, and of the County Courts. After some discussion on the details of the Bll, it was referred to a special committee composed of BHon. Mr. Cameron, Messrs. t ark, Pardee, Lount, Coyne and the mover. Nir, CROSBY inquired whether the Gov-- er mentintended to introduce a Bill, this session, to amend the Division Court Act, |-- with a view to exterd the jurisdiction of riid ;Court to the collection of $200. Attorney--(«. naral MACDONALD replied, certainly not Such an idea never; entered | _ bis head, The complaints of the expenses in | the County Courts being already too many, ' be did not wish to extend them to the Di vigion Cour:. Fon Mr. CAMERON preserted a return to an address, asking for the average annusl attencanrnce of pupils at Grammar Schools during the first three years of the existance of ruch schools,. The House adjourned at 10:15 p. m. EQTICES OF MOLlION. ! Attormey--General Macdonald--Bill to emend the Law Reform Act of 1868. Atty..Gen. Macdonad--Bill to provide for the better despatch of bus'ness in the Chambers of the Judges of the Superior Courts of Common Law, Mr. Wisle--HEill to amend the Municipal Institution Account of the late Province of | Capzeda, Vic, 20 & 30, chap. 51, section 355, enb--section 9 & 12. ' _ Mr. Cvrrieer--That rule No. 49 of this Heuse, respecting private Bills, be suspend-- ed, as far as it relates to the p«tition of Ed-- | -- ward Stonehouse, praying for the passage of an Act to suthorize the Law Society of On tario to admit bim to the Bar. RAATTNEOAHIT SR eRiiNNNANAEErereercny wocomemenacermmmememuy oi o e o e o on o