The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 6 Dec 1869, p. 3

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Mr MCKELLAR said the grant was made after the hon. gentleman was in the House. But in the face of the whole ot this, the I Government had removed the Asylum, and i he thought it was one of the moat wrong Iand tutiutrtiliable acts that had ever been : done by a Government, and he hoped that ( its like wou'd never be seen shin. Mr. GOW failed to see that there bod been any reasons supplied as to the removal of the Asylum to Bellevillo. It was impossible to an aid tho belief that the Government had dinplfsyed a moat vindictive policy towards Hamilton. The sentiment wowed by the Minimum when laying the foundation stone, out} on other occasions, was, that it won ato- l foam} at Boliaviiie for the oonaiaton: support I given to their Government by this mambers. lt did not rc'dect upon the mombors for thai district, but it did most certainly refteot dis credit upon the Government. It was a mor' immoral procedure. and he hoped that tlu louse would not rapport the Govamment i: such. a principio. . --.- mu W "KO" woulu convmce the hon. member for South Bruce mantle Government posseued the oonfidtuvao of the Hague, and that their out: would meet with their Inpport. m would move that all the word): in tyne yewlntion after " that" be "mad. and the iiiiri7iiinC, .331. toted, Pit.' House, recognizing the judi- cicua selection of the seven] lite. on which the Govtrm.ntn.t h?" 1tautml to be oreotod the provinoia1 institutions for which appro- priati.oy were made trr the Legislature, are of opini.on that there " no ttttttttt Ihswn tor expreasmg my doubt that the some prudence in the selection of sites will fail to be ob- served in the future. Mr. WILLIAMS (Hamilton) said when, ever the Government was uked where the institution should be locsted, many pines. were stated. He would always vote atr,aitttet an "prcpriatio? until the situation of nu institution won decided on. 'u'" °"" - '"""Tr" "aiifif the GGFnrrisnt. I't',efg"t,',t 'nom Pttpoud of late that lit h his '1. . He had favaured the HOMO wit . Il', 'P. "". this sea-lon- wt 'tetunott qt did ttttt Open his mouth, ex- cepting 030°. to say that the door, the diimght, u celd. Ho Wu now "bid because glans ' Asylum hut been moved from llnlmlton. It the ctty was go very wealthy u it was represented to u, it would not miss it much. 1y.sihir. M.) hoped the result of the you 3:11:03: would goon be taken would Mr. MCKELLAR thought it msf1eoted dig. credit to the country that the Attorney. General should deliver speeches in the country which would be fitting only to a bar-room. They had been taunted with the fact that Sir John A. hIaodonald had bought over members from his side, but the lest leading Reformer that he gained wee the hon. leader of the Government. He wished him success with the hon. gentlemen, and that they would keep their speeches as the relics of the last recreants who had fied into his unks. He respected the hon. members for Hastings, for they hsd always been con. sistent. He did not charge them thet they had done anything dishonest, but the Gai. unment had, he thought, sated 4itsttontstrtly. The House did not do its duty last session in voting away s large appropriation with- out knowing the spot where the Asylum was to besritaated. He thought a great wrong had been done to the people of Hamilton, who, fer many years, had well supported it by their eubacriptions. They were asked by acme of the gentlemen who aided in perpe- trating this wrong. Mr. COREY read an extract showing the appropriate situation of Belleville. The re- port had been made by one of their own kid- my, and he would like to know whether [by would have objected to it if it had been situated up at Bothwell. (Laughton) It was built at Belleville, and they could not help themselves. He was quite euro that there was nothing wrong about the matter, and all he would nay to the people at Hamil- ton was, that the poor people, far removed 1can dust and "mif1ios, now revelled in the Mantle. of nature at Belleville. (Loud laughter.) Mr. BOULTER supported the remove! ot the Asylum. The Reformer: on the other side of the House did not desire tobevo an} thing to do but to queue! among them- when and everybody else. mks gravo' Mr. FERGUSON asked some question an to which Government made these contacts. Mr. SEXI'ON asid so far " the member; for tho Refo'mims having been bought, he hoped that Sir John A. Maodonald would pat up his hot tshi'tltug and they would be only too happy to be rid of them. Mr. WILSON supported the amendment. Mr. FERGUSON "id. ha was no: presant to hear the speeches of the hon. member awaits, but he did not think that he had in; mach. ' Mr. t,scKELLAR---We'.1. we have not "ry" much either by that. (Laughter). ' Mr. FE RGUSON thought it was not an pinch what the AttoraepGtsaara] all said, bat whether this remove} -- a::'."d have been made from Hamilton. Co Beilevihe. Be believed if any other place (ci'. the Province had bean cheese as the site, the. unfortunate member who might happen? to represent that locality, would be chm-33d .n the same way that the members for Hest- ings were now. He (Mr. F.) believed. the Liiitations were well located, economnally built, and there was nothing like ioh'?1ag or unfairness in the whole affair. He had every ceididen ce in the Goverumeut and would lup- pezt them on this occasion. Hon. Mr McMURRICH did not grudge Lesson or Belleville the Aiylume which bed 'orett given them, but he .oouteuded that the House should have heeu Informed lest semen v. hen voting the gametes where the money should be expended. It was pow too late tq mend the past, but precautions could be . . h "an": a recurrence oi such term- gig-2:111"! aat, Bal taLen to prawn" . " actions in th" tatt A division on ". .muuuuuul, - Uh". iollowmg Ic'",',:,".",, Bo l , Yr.ce---Yt? rs. Boa r, later, Calvin. Cams 0 ' Cums ioiu1oe,).: 'idiretye,.ff'lttyy,n Code, will}? hum), doth?» can: (uleugany). 'g'l'uig "may", Cum; idruitd, ii'/rsnufP: f,lrtft,1"'sW,'t),; turs irGiiirl, Lauder, otdirt.Ciiithidg,1'ue y.tloryyd, Mahmoud Maven?!» 31°90": Soak 190.1". Bard, Ritalin-hi when, siso" @ng3 Man. ' a?" (was and Gran ville), ttr'nso, . s , Igle, Wils Mt, ('rSrl..) --.--t-,i.a, /: sary,-, .. I an umendment, with tl the Mr. WN LAYSON said the you book con tained nothing but astatomenn of the interns '. ccrued. Mr, HAYS said he wou'd lika very mac} to see those returns. The motion was carried.2 TORONTO SIMCO E AND MUSKOKA RAILWAY COMPANY. Hon, Mr. CAMERON moved the thir? reading of the Bill (No. 20) to inoorporatw the Toronto, Simcoe and Muskoka Railway Company. Hon. Mr. CAMERON said there could ls: no ohjectinns to giving the information desir 'd, but he believed the "mo iniormatim could be obtained in the your book of 1869 Mr. FINLAYSON said it was necessary that these returns should be presented to the House. The funds from municipalities had been received for two yours and no returns. had been received from the Dominion Gov. eminent during that time. It wss desired that the members of this House should know how the municipalities stood Witt respect to that fund, and to know what amount of sinking fund was to the credit of municipalities, with the interes' accrued. There had been an attempt made some two years ago to give a statement but it was not insccordence withtho facts It Wat highly desirable that tho majority of thi. stc should know how this fuadatood witi: tho Province of Ontario. Mr. COCKBURN moved in amendmeni that the said Bill be not now read a thir/ time but be referred back to a Committee 0, the whole House with instructions to amend the some by inserting the words in the sev- enth line of the third sectior as follows t " and to be constructed and completed a wooden or iror railway of o gauge not less than three feet, to Parry Senna." PATENTS OF APP01NtrililNW, &c. Mr. BLAKE. moved for copies of any Intentl of app,oi.ntrntyt, and of any corms- pondenco touahmg the appoirttrnerit of the presiding Judge at the Court of Error and Appeal. Han. Mr. CAMERON said all the inform» tion required had already been furnished a! the titat session of this Parliament. The same information had boon given time and again by the Government at Ottawa li than: was anything in psrtiou1ar which hit hon. friend desired to know it would be bat ter to state it, and save the trouble of pre- paring all those returns. Mr. FlNLA YSUN moved for a return showing the names of the municipalities which borrowed from the Municipsl Loon Fund, the amount borrowed by each munici- polity, the principal and interest paid on those loans by each municipality, the princi pal and interest now due on those loans by each muricipalitn with the amount of Sink- ing Fund and accrued interest on said fund " the credit of each muttieipality. Mr. BOYD wished to know It noti the pro; osed change had been given. FREE GRANT LANDB. u' Hon. Mr. CAMERON presented alretum of the number of persons located on free" guts of lend, from the lat J mum-y, 1863, to tho let ihantury, 1869, with the number of 35108 sold to locatees, under the mate. l stead Act, during the same time. 9 Hon. Mr. CAMERON said there wa: nothing objectionable in the amendment. I: wen byan oversLht the Bill had been al lowed to pass through the Railway Com mittee without making the nlteretion. Kay-Gen. MACDONALD aid there were no patents. and no correspondence. ie.,, BLAKE said, if that was so he would withdraw hm motion. Mr. BLAKE said it should have roceivm the sanction of the Committee. Mr, COCKBURN Blid the object of ttr amendment was to enable the Company in build a road of a oheaper character we the same liner-to enable them to construe it of wood and of a ddferent gauge. NAI"; -31rssr". Baxter, Blako,B "rfil77iri:iiiiT,"trsWl, 1H,"... r'itrstttttttotttt, Fraser; mun-mu Gm, iiirfii' A. Hum), mun". McKlng. yclturaieh, Olivia 'iuuiee,.,1,'"ry' Sexton, St. Clair, Springer, Tro mwu I Mr. Lror.r-rro, enquire if the Gavel-amen ': intend to. i?.ttodyyrd an Act to dofhte th rights of limit-holdem cutting timber on roe . alloweneee in tewnahipe within their limit: 1 when the municipalities claim the timber o l such roads; and whether the Governmen I intendto repay the license-holders agsim . when vtsr.try.tu.ryrt been obtained thereto: 1 when "ohiimit-ho1der, have paid due: 0 I such limits to the Crown. fi he member for Middlesex Paired with the Ine. m'ucr for Enron. Mr, BLAKE mid the matter should haw been decided by the Railway Committee, am the hon. member should have referred i back to the Rtilway Commit'eo agsin in stead of to a Committee of the whole House Mr. RAYS said a. survey had been mad into this district. Mr. CUMBERLAND said that survey were not rammed by the Standing Order: but plans were. Mr. CARNEGIE wished to sea the rule carried out in fair and full integrity. A short conversation followad, and ulbi mately tho amendment was withdrawn, an the Bill was read a third time. and passed. The House adjourned at 12 c; a. m. The following notice: of motion have be given: F Atty-Gen. Macdonald-hu Act to mak further provisions forcsrrying out "The hm Reform.. Act of 1809," and to roride fo proceedings on wnta of Error Lt Certiorari Mr. Pardee--) Bill to amend 32 Vic , Cap 30, of the Statutes of Ontulo, entitled "A, Act to provide, for the Registration of Births Marriages, and Deaths " Mr. Grahame (York)~Ad<'iress for copit of all correspondence between the Gavan meat: of Canada and optario, and bah"! the Governments of 0nhrio and Qatsttty with reference to the Inrveyu of the land" the north and s'ttt.terra,,a,teiitiiiGi'iiii, Hum! " MUSIC] PAL LOAN FUND. NOTICES " MOIION- 1'lfi'irli73ro"r",7dr' WiiiiiiipiiuiGt" 6&1" PT.', '1'" "erm t 3:3, Itll reference toctho facilities 'll1'l",,',1tii'tis' a"; for the construction of s line of "GT/ _ through that section. M r. McCtu ai,No.rf,o1k)r-ror a return, t . ' soon as practgc'ablo. of the nuns of on . sbthId" rendmg in Onturio, with t! number of share- so held by etch person the ospital stock of the Great Western Rs wth y Company of Canada; also, the name q each Direytor and head of%ial of nid Cot puny. mthfho name of each ptrty, l, parties: having a contact with the ca b

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