The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 13 Dec 1869, p. 2

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"til H 52 . . r'. "r't"thr.'c:iGVi2'. it??? . able YSNOJI'd the Goveinmont (1001de that. if Mr "arm" at tttd not get mentoworkat the ume rare, the work should not he proceeded with Hewevu, although the works were suspended, B'r. Carroll, with a Inn" party, oorcrroced on the 8th Mo to under)" nh the road, in deiiantrt of the m. "whom from Govarurnettr" Ila ww'sui atr s emu-la of days, and than pent ir, a {all fur 3301) m, also chuged n large 'Lit"! "21' his own IGTVIC'OS up to the bt July od f r ps-ovimnuu Of course the ac. c4 an o,aro. m t be for a. mnmont entartaurod an. tbe met. was mm: pe'ioo Wu blur " at the winter below them was my i it trrttor, of manhunung work on that-aw, T or that n wan hardly just 'tt charge thn c, at enlmr; t rrlr 1tts um: " them There have uhr ts- ms 'o, tlte "u.uscut; similar to tn m; Qtwtti a . -".. uremia" WE road, them wan,- ofbwr t {a _ 11-3; tm.-lar, T t."tum.etatieess, 'y'] the lr, _ 1mm all cu' has»; mm below 8t0to l ccptipg on; when the chime me $109. Thenwuuothor any inyyuohaoialant?t 8500 u prenatal. but Government paid only 8100 of the amount, refusing to give any note. All the other mounts had been "ttled, and so would this have been liquids. ted it n had been a resemble one. Mr. MoKELLAR said if the hon. Commie- douu- rttqrttgt to investigate this one, be (Mr. Me .) would not move for A com- mittee; he won prepared to leave it in the hands of the Government. Be believed there was something due Mr. Carroll. 7 in,,. Mr. iiicBARDs-we never denioi that. We owe him $50, After some further discussion. Mr. McKELLAR withdrew hll 'not;lott, leuing the matter in the hands of the Gov- eminent. ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE. Bill (No. 92), To amend the 25th no , can. 21 um) 32 Vlo., intitulad " An Ad respect- ing the 1iaotion of mgmbon ot the Legisla- tive Assembly," went into Committee. Atty-Gen. MACDONALD wished to Inh- mit a chase in addition to the Bill. He aid that the purpose he had in View was to leave out the property qualifioatims of Membership, which now wee am. " might no; be e conservative step, but a hon. members took the oath, he did not think it necelsery to continue the property qualification. He moved the adoption of the dune. Mr. BLAKE did not consider that it was neceeeerytopm the clenee proposed. It was enough to any that the law requiring qualification is repealed, and the clean of the hon.[gentlemen we: entirely needless. Attr.denera1 MACDONALD contended that it was necesury, Mr. BLAKE laid it would apply to - section, and it was ridiculous to say that thin put of tholow could be in force any more than others. Bon. Mr. RICHARDS said the law was to ccntinno until "otherwise provided." Mr, BLAKE-certainly-hut we hue "otherwise provided." The Committee than rose. and report. ed tho Bill with certain amendments. Third reading tomorrow. THE SUPPLY BILL OF 1869. Mr. BOYD moved the mound reading of BJi (No S?,) To. reggat section " If}, otyys one, passed in the 32nd you of Her Mk. jeetg'e reign The decision of the Minister of Justice was that the chase for the addition.. d pa) ment of the judge: should be repealed unconditionelly, and this was not done by the Government in their proposed, Bill, and therefore he moved the second reading oflthig Bill, in order to prevent any complication between the Legislature and the Minister of Justice. Attv.-General MACDONALD said he rupposed the Minister of Justice was much obliged to the hon. member for Prescott. The Government; were quite willing to accept all the responsibility. Tho House had adopted the Bill of the Government by a large majority the other evening, and he did not think that the time of the House should be taken up in this way. It the Bill was disallowed he was prepared to send the hon. member of Prescott a silver medal for his endeavors. The hon. member ought to [ l withdraw the motion, as he had now an op- portunity of ventilating the question. Mr. BOYD would not withdraw the Bill. Atty. General MACDONALD then moved the three montha' hoist. Mr. BLAKE said the question ought to be plaud in its proper light. The betterng would be to repealthe clause which had tt disallowed by the Minister of Justice. The course proposed ttthe hon. Atty.-General would only complicate the matter. He thought the suggestion of the Minister of Justice was worthy of consideration. He did not think that they ought to put the constitution in this 4iffioultr. _He thought that the hon. member toi Prescott we: quite right in pressing his Bill. Mr. LOUNT thought that it was "Allure of courteey on the part of the hon member for Praeott to prom hia Bill. The opinion ot the Home was egeiuet him, and he should, then tore,mithdraw the Bill. A diviiion wu taken on the amendment, with the following tumult p--. SIMS-Messrs Beatty, Bonner. cum, Cameron, Carling (London), Carnegie, Cockbum, Colquhoun, Corby, Coyno, Craig (Glpnear_rt), Craig sawed), tyre, Fit uimmo: a. Galbraith. titltthl'tt, ngs), (kahuna (Yolk), Unruly. Hooper, Lauder, mutt, Luton, Mae. donald, intone", Monteith, Murray. McCall (fish), McGill, Paton. Richards, Rrhort, Scott (Gray BC 'tt gym"), Meord, Smith. (Leeds and Grenville), tango, Ten. Trev. Walla, Wish, William. (Dur- ham) and Wood.--42. 1eArty--hrrgtm, Baxter, Blane, Bord, Christie. demon, Cook, Finlnyson. Gov. McCall (Norfolk), Mobougall, McKellar, MoMunich, Oliver. Perry, 31mm, teptinger, and William thitunuton).---17. MEDICAL ACI?. On the Bill (97) being oalud, Ben. Mr. MCMURRIOH aid that whoa this Bill wu up for dincnuiou on the second mdin . 3 point of order waniudu towho- ther 'dd WM 3 public or . prints But. He tasked the Spoke: for his decision. The SPEAKER laid he considered it . public Bill. The motion. before the Rota, l Tthi? six months' bout, moved by Dr . hun was tai. provmone Wur- l m a... winter before there was an) l Dr. McGILL said he made no speech when he maved the six months' hoist. He was about to do so when he was intsrrupUd by the hon. Provincial Secretary, when the do beta was adjourned. Mr. BLAKE said when the hon Attornerqentral made a motion the other day, atter having made a speech on the ssme subject, the Speaker ruled that he was in or- der It would be but justice to treat Dr. McGill in the same way. AttrGen MACDONALD said that we: a different case. He made no speech, but sim- ply made the motion. did. "Atty-Gen MACDONALD aid the hon member was then in order. Mr BLAKE did not believe the Doctor wee in order-but he was a much in order " the Attorney-General. (laughter ) Dr. MCGILL spoke " some length on the f course taken by the hon Provincia Secretary I with respect to this Bill. That hon gen- l tleman had taken occasion to say that there was a decidedly hostile 1 spirit displayed towards the Hommopathists f and Eclectics by the Allopaths at the last 1 meeting of the Medical Council. Be (Dr. , McG.) denied that statement. It was not i so. The meeting was, in fact, most harmo- I nicus. All the members of that Council had . shown a desire to uphold the character of the ; profession They were aware that the fun damental principles of the Medical Act Were l acknowledged by all the branches of the pro- fusion, and it was on these that the exami~ t nations were to be conducted. There was no I desire on the part of the Allopaths, and espe- l cially of the CJouucilto snuff out the Homo-o pathrets. as had been asserted by the hon me miter for North York This Bill wasunne ce-seary. lthadnot been asked for by the Roar. awsptatsitstt, as a body. He believed there was not a single member of the regular profession i In the Province that asked for it. He be. ' have the majority of them were "tatied i with the existing law True it was thar S lately-n few had been found to support this ! umnomeot, but even those few would nut 1. have shown the slightest dissatisfaction if the hon. member for bo, th York had not brought m the measure He (Dr. Mefl ) hrlievm I that when amendments were required, th I M. ' ital "ouocil would ask for them 'ie an ulo he the foremost in mime-sting a clam» an; tetted from that quarter, but otherwlzm he I m UV or pose any amendment It was wait: 1 ; to: ttttP. n rward and ask for this amenmnen' before a rivrgle examination had taken pleas , undo the preterit law. He only asked the ' Home to reject this Bill till after the next muting of the Medical Council. It at the _ one of the year it should be found that the Lr,e,1',,t, law had not worked well, it would nu o enough to bring in this amendment. Mr. L00NT! said he was not a medical man; in fact he hada holy horror of medi- cute m tote. Last Session the House had been physicrd thoroughly with the Medical Act, and he hoped that all the Legislation that would be necessary for some time to i, I come had been passed. But here came _ math " Bill the Session to amend the Lsglsa ( latter: of Jet year. m would not discuss I the principles of this Bill. m had the mu. 1 fortune to be on the Committee to consider the Medical Bill last year, and he was sick at heart at the recollection of the manner in which the Committee had been dosed, (Laughton) Jf these amendments were neces. say: it would be well to send this Bill to a Opens} Committees. Let the Rouse swallow a the bolus and hand the Bill to a Committee (Laughter) . 's' Mr. BEATTY agreed with the hon. ( member for North Simooo, the it would be l better to tend the Bill to a Committee. m , (Mr. B.) could not vote either for the Bill or e for the amendment of the hon. member for , South Ontario. j, Hon. Mr. CAMERON hid the Home )pg. thiata desired to have the opportunity of being on g; tryul to?tlgg with the Allomth- Mr BLAKE-That is what the Doctor " the ammonium. Why would they'll?" be gllqwefl 3tt- be present? It wan putting Gind.itpitr on them to deny them the right of being present. He Watt oonhdantrths hon. member for South Ontario would aeustspitlO Bill if he were not subjecmd to other ia. fluentNtt. Mr, LAUDER said the Honmapethiats i were a smell a body compared with 1 the Alrlapaths, and in spite of all I the me one of hon members to tU con- cury, there was a most ithberal hostile spit-1% iiiiiiiisu3or,art the Hommophbhists by the more powerful body. He had no sympethy with either party, but he did not behave in allowing the minority to be crushed out of existence. He would be sorry to see this Billtbrown out. Let it be read a sscon-l time and be referred tot committee. The amendment was put and lost on a division. _ The Bill was then road a second time 311% _ . . n~-A--.-:Lhnn nnmnnnnt' n alvmluu. The Bill was then road a second time and referred to a Special Committee composed of Hon. Mr. Common, Dre McGill, Enter, Messrs. Fraser, Batty, Bord, Williams (Hamilton), Sincloir and the mover. Hon. Mr, CAME RO s-.-.") Dr. Booker." Hon. Mr. McMtrRR10rl.---'1?Aat would make the committee too large. (Laughton) Mam), . Mr. MCKELLAR objected to oeutnlizin I l The Bill was then read I .1eoond Utne ttlt power. He did not believe in giving Gog 1 referred to a Speciul tj,iiani,titteo,rnae tt nutrient too much power over such odiatss, Hon. Mr. Cameron. Dre Mcbrlll, Sigh". Be did not mean. to say this Government , Menus. Fraser, Beatty, Boyd, Williams gwould unease their power, but he did not t yurnilton), Sincluir and the mover. " l want to give them the chance. He would, ' Hon. Mr, CAMERON-ond Dr. Boulter. lthenfore. moat cheerfully, support the Hon Mr. McMtrItR10rL---'1lhft would ii"'2tC,'t make the committee too large, iuughter0 i Mr GRAHAM ( mating" said his oeiset After ashozt discussion. Dr. Boulter was "vyttng,.tho, amendment r.eto do P.")' I tl Committee. With themed prerogatxve which it pumdod added te n0 t six o'glotrlt. m was Just as tutiottg u the hon. Provin- The Home to" for recess a ,cial Stun-my to are this Common Schou AFTER RECESS. Law perfect. end for that reason h: moved - - - . ,A, - __"m,_,1:..,, In thieameudmeu-t. FI'ER RECESS. Lew perfect. end for that meson is: moved A this smendu I oeu'r, Til wished before proceeding to . 1,,,e,rif,0,Yoi2,J, his ,name tsken item the I Mr. h'rcPAlAiNorft0)traidtherts Udbeer, i'iil','ii'iiii" list. He had paired with _Mr. 1quite anemia of petitions presented in the Tdt',' lHouse, prtWrdl thai no Change be undo m . . . Be did not the Selma] Law. He agreed, however with Mr. BLAKE t.stittle to It dent. the hon moms»: for North Hastings iii th: believe in establishing 311011 . prose 7 _ " ' hart discussion. Mr. Covne w" law mu? pew) ct/i'i.his't,'.,tah/', police: of mum. elrdy'e have his tttune talarn off. sal to t e kpwcibtll!' othr I a one. p6 T C "00L LAW , Mr. CODE t, -u'-:i support the amendment c,o,,syehsfii'fy') moved .thaii the "relieving the Mange tlf, t"itsif, pus; ): we,',:.',",,',:, ff,,') 2il't2 on the Bill (No. 3) miniagfw' r irc', e o toil e m . to ttet 12 1ig,g,hht,t1dt' ot Upper ' Mr. C,AI.WN 1193i": the (Liverln'mu , . r. . . . a Ao " t . te F tT LE": Mr. CAMERON moyad the "dopuon -:::::dwt:rv gin. 3:1? then JI'," 1",','L, m: ' t " 'has Rtth o1attise. Re balievedtlttt PlentA'. as "en tte CroFie "it in? rnetrfherk g , t 3!}; Mr. GRAB AM (Hastings) rose to move an amendment, to tho effect that the power of diunissal be left to the Council or Board sp- pointing the superintendent. " The Lotion was declared out of order, the motion for the hon member for North Ox- ford being before the chair. Mr. GALBBAITH believed it would be better to appoint the superintendent for life. Dr. McGI LL concurred. It would be bet. ter to give the Bill a trial without amending it. Ron. Mr MCMURRICH wished to know if " the end of the three yen-e the superin- tendent would be eligible for reelection. Mr. PERRY.---certitulr. Hon. Mr MCMU RRICH Mid it would be well to strike out the word "only" in the amendment The word was struck out. Mr. OLIVER spoke In support of the amendment. Mr. MCCALL (Norfolk) said while the ep- Mr. PERRY said it won well known that incumbents for life became cerel'eae from the knowledge of being secure in their offioes m had heard nothing to convince him th ..t the clause u it stood we. I good one, and he hopes the Home would accept his amend- emen ointmente were made yearly the some men had been re appointed year after yenr. The people were in favour of yearly appoinianeatr, and be hoped the House would have the good sense not to make the proposed change in our School laws Be did not approve of extend ing the term of oilitsts, even for three yem ; but he would vote for the amendment be. 1aifu1g it to be better than no limitation at I Mr. TROW believed the most objectiona- ble future in thia clause we: the power given to the Governor. m considered the amendment of the hon. member for North Hastings to strike out this feature, more tte" than the amendment before the once. A count wu than made and the amend. ment was carried, 52 you. F Mr. GRAHAM. (Hastings) moved thst the wo.rds embowering the Lieutenant-Gov- ernor m Council to remove superintendent! be struck out .8011. Mr. QAMERON explained tht the cheat of tpp.oi.nttng the nuperintendents for life, and_of pvipg the Liam; Governor the gown: of removipg than.f wu to pace them qund the poulbility o liticd inf1usn " {this wu no "tempt to marten with the ristltipt tttet, "we. The mos-urn wu- one 160688 before proceeding to l name taken from tha i Id paired with _Mr. l uuutu not 00 6tt8 up he. .. . fl J" :an "i'; the vsrions memngI'p ii'lttt,tt' i,, out we country. thin elm-o wu Nllrrtmit' ttb. land he hoped the Home would not mu; § otat that but feature in it. Mr. MOD UGA LL could not no how thi. ohm would prevent a}. 't1p.irritptatiiaL from being iuflairtuxrd in his politieg Gonna. If ho voted gain" the Government, night he not be removed from his oifitn for it, Hon. Mr. CAMERON ma th ' tenant pould o_nly be il')';;'),,"),),',',',",',',. penance tn tho discharge of his duties or mix conduct. ' Mr. TROW 9 aka in _ mendment. p support ot the Mr. MON TEITH thoughtthe Governmant should exercise their power a they ooand bated tow-rd; the support of the offi3oa. Mr. CALWN 'ne'.ioved the Gavemmr wanted to assumes all the control. If u power Wetv grzutuz'l, then the House mi: an well he can": up. the members gr ha and let the fwv trst.orct an all the but": ", The Govettmittl., "1.2mm? tins power r- 6" {they assign 1 tbs scar-oi: but they, , _ -- ' _ ' nL/ Aw!" cs,, be" r. arhotMioi he Hon. Mr. CAMERON said the amount. of these expenses would be entirely with;:: tlr: discretion of tho County Council. . M r. SINCLAIR thought that it woMu t2T' be better if travelling expenses were one away with and the eatery mnde e lamp sum. Mr. McKELLAR raised the .tryti.i',',t p'ng an uuu.,",___ '7 i p816 the Government, and therefore. me I generosity of the Government}; propositicy was that they should now pay $10 for tnseh 'school, while they formerly psid but St (Pusher) He could not agree to tut kind of thing. (Renewed laughter ) ' Mr. FERGUSON Was in femur ofa car. tun emu being iixed, husband of the Pment uncertain manner being followed. _.,.- _.ugout to a, Mr. MCKELLAR raised the questiou I whether the clause could be proceeded with except by resolution, as it imposed a net: to: upon tho people That course in? 'rein adopted with the various clauses oi the l Drsinage Act. I AttyGen. MACD)NALD thought the ', exclusion of the Government from any cm- trol over the superintendents while they con- tributed towards their maintenance unfair. H e thought it was a one aided arrsogem mt, and they might as well strike out the. clause ai- together. He had met some very 1nd speci mens of orthography on tho part of some of the F,iGtrsiirsruiisntunu appointed by the County Councils. Mr. GRAHAM (Hastings) thought it was not a matter of dollars and cents. l Mr. CALVIN said that they now paid $4 I a school; but the hot provided that they _ should now pay at least $5, the Government _ paying an additional $5. NOW. tlm peops ' paid the Government, and therefore . the generosity of the Government's iroponuc!t was that they should now pay $10 for enseh "1...! "In". that: formerly paid let.,th Hon iiiirirlMmtit1ci1, the mm contributed in eqna the expenses. Hon. Mr. CAMERON "itl W - drop the 03:11" at present Mr SINCLAIR hop ed the chute would not be dropped antinu- Hon Me CAMERON ,',ese,atttcg'til t hf 1110qu ',p,mAt'.'R mid ui rt "an artrtttdat K tlt, ppm 3 J? ug " l " wished to no et1tusl pwporbion to slid he Ind batter to tint l

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