| not be proceeded lw @ f 9 'a G | objection l(')f ulOOdhon'"ht owing to the Mir Mr\ h F,l_l.'i,' if t"'e ;hon' membar's welt. member for Both-- argiivent wore right, this Bil Ouzht to be | Ur MON ecerivyed at ance ; but he (Mr Blakze) beleved | MF A\TEITH thmght th * he Fail was left over from Iast seysion fay | 1 well drop the Bill ag drop th?: 3':'{':"85' ' 4 nrpose o Giscuesing it th, roughly, and Mr BLAKTE saj | se aa glact to ses that so far it had 'lm\n- | the clause would tdb','o;""é;;':;-" mot thst || icorughly dizonsesd, He had voted for ] het » ""' e every amendment, and he was pleased to Bon Mr CAMEROX said the clauso was | *"*"* that they had been carried. ;cz!l-er atruck out nor stands--in fact, it is not Hop, Mr MoCCALL (Norfolk) moved that here. Jause 12 be expunged. J'?he SOUSiderlflon of the clause was theo Hop, Mr CAMERON said the hon. mem-- deterred. ber for North Bruce had at length reached ()n clause 8, the povel plclsitifindof finding nfimu in a Mr, MONTEITH movy ; | wojonty. Ne had resson to be proud "six months" should be :l(tler?;:oth.tv;';:d f that . position--of having opposed months" in the fifth line, ° | tho views of a man who had de-- Mr. FERGUSON second voted a lifetime to the study of ; d.s similar resoluti pnded, having pre-- || the cubject, The -- hen. gontliema i pared & esolution. | without any knowledge of the suvjeot, ani l Mr. G RAHAM (Hastings) moved that the || probably without knowing the harm he w is | clause be entirely struck out, beli--ving that || doing, bad voted for amendmonts to the Bill, | it was an insult to the intelligence of the || :imply because the mossure ;was promoted | people. by the{|Government All the amendmonts Hon. Mr. CAMERON said the object of ig || which bad been introdcocd, so far, had been was that there should be school houses of a || m0v*4 t© Pr¢s®rve the rights of the people-- certain capacity, which would be promotive || 0 £°*P the power in their hands, ye't here, of tke health of the pupils, It was neces. || wBep it wu£rowed to give the majority of rary that the superintendents should have ' the people the right of deciding a qzestion, power to order the enlargemient ot the school || "OB-- ®*®°¢** Still opposed it. « hen it was required. y Mr, BLAKE sald, with reference t> the Mr. TROW had an amendmsnt to the || charge made against him of having advocated efect that the authority of the superintend. || chanses which he did not underetand, ho ent should be put into action only on the || would not reply just now. But, if the hon-- petition of at least one--third of the rate. | member would move to have the clauses re-- peyers ; and that the time should be twelve instated when the Speaker should be in tho instead of six months. With these altera. || chair, be (Mr. B.) would be most happy to tions he did not think that the clause would | | give his reasons for voting as he did. | ; be objectionable. After some further discussion, the amand-- ' Mr, MATCHETT alzo proposed an ameni. | _ ment to expunge the clause was carried. ment, and | _ _ On clasuse 13, providing that no Schaol \ Mr, MONTEITH brisfly explained his | section be recognizsd after 1570, which shall pesition. contain less than fifty resident childroa, a Mr SINCLAIR thought that if the time discussion arose. was extended as proposed, that there would Mr, FERRLER moved in amendment, that not be any injurious effects resulting from the | twenty--five bo substitutsd for fiity in the propot ed clause, l clause. Mr. GALBRAITH considered that, in the ' The Committee rose and reportad progress, majority of cases, there was an earnest desire | and asked leave to sit again to--morrow. that there should be good school accommo-- The House then adjourned at wiinight. dation, but it was not so in all cases. Hop, Mr. CA MERON said it seemed to be the iGea that the Chiof Superiatendent had on ly the desire to get all he could get; but it t was absurd to suppose that the offiser would call vpon a poor district to serect a stons or | brick bui'diug in a poor district, but such a | ce as the district could afford. | Mr, CODE thought that the clause, with the alteration of the time, would be ons of the best in the Bill. Mr. PERRY said that ho should support § the amenament of the hon. member for Hastings, Kon, Mr. CAMERON said, in England, grants were refused to all schools which were 10t up to the standard requi:ite for health After some further discussion-- ¥r, FERGUSON moved an amendment to the effecot that an appeal should stand ftrom the decision of the Couaty Superiaten-- lent to the County Judge, f The amendment to the amenadmant of Mr. ; Urahame, that the clause be expunged, was | put first, and lost. Yeas, 23; nays, 27. | T'he amendment substituting twoelve for | six months was then carried. ( MNr. FERGUSON moved an amendment that the words *"*Chief Superiatendent of Ecucation" in the last line of the clause be «truck out, and the words "County Judge" be substituted. _ He explained that this change would remove the right of appeal from the decision of the County Suporintend-- | ent from the Chief Superintendent to the County Judge. Hon. Mr. CAMERON said this was no legal quertion It was stmply a question of the suitableress or unsuitablensess of school accommodation. Mr, BLAKE said the chief difficulty in making the Chief Superintendent the party to whom to sppeal, was the inconvenience of bringing all appeals to Toronto. He did not approve of the County Judges, but, if there wera no other choice he would prefer them to the Chicf Ruperintendent. After some further discussion the amend-- ment was car led. Mr. TROW moved an amendment to the fHect that the School Suparintendent shall decide as to schcol accommodation only on a petition signed by at least one--third of the ratepayers resident in the section. | The amendment was carried; and the | clause, as amended, was adopted, Un clause 9, Bon,. Mr, McMURER CH moved that the word *"*two," on the fourth line, be erased, and insert the words **not to excesd five." alter the word * persons," on the same line. The effect of the change would be to increase tie number of the Board of Examiners. Dr, BOULTER moved, in amendment to * tre amendment, that the word " two," in the fourth line, be expunged, and the words "one or more" be inserted instead. This, he explained, would have the same effect as the change proposed by the hou. member for North York. I be first amendment was withdrawn, and the second was cartied. The clause was al-- lowed to stand over, to be re--cast by Govera-- ment. \| lavee 10, fixing the minimum salaries of | | teachers, was dropped. } | (lause 11, providing when school sectiouns | shall be Gomentitisd to aud from the anunuasi | sppropriation for specia! aid to poor schoais, | ! ard also providing extra aid on the increasa | of the minr:imum saiary of & teacher, was also | droppes : Up clause 12, providing that at the re-- } qu«:t of a majority of the gx'huol sections of ' ! s township, the Council of such township ; | may estabiiecb & Board of Common school ] | T:ustees, a Oscussion arose., ¢ | Mr. FERiCSON objected to permitting 1 t the ll'bj"'l'--')' *to -10\{\!?'(-'![':! matteg ]'t, wouald b | be returni:iBf§ t thejold systsm of meDMAL [( . :'\.lnl (4";. ("en 'NXA.CI) '\\7 A '.U ,|,"i!' i( was | AREY. * & afteralil the trouble whi h h s J | i | really too bat o milk s isie whicsh had § A bost )# o on MiS-- AC3, Lhat thsq Houss | }