® + ® Y at there f " i iccecded in onsting them, an y ty. | Mr, McCALL (Norfolk) seconded it. "::;'ento such thing as a Consqrvat'llv'?r ',';;dgr | C Mr, BOYDsaid he should support the Go-- 'I'hat was the position into whzch' (;: 18;"8 him $ vernment in this item, believing that the 1 hnad brought them, and he Wl:)i:n Aelf and his Iff district needed development, to settle the matter bet ween hi Mr. PERRY thought that if the road || ;ojlowers. (Cglee"-) D &ALb ar touchef ans . pat »here & nilwaydytvll F o AuomeaGt%nefalde?Iot}ctge b;nserva.tlve posed. then it was a useless expenditurs. claimed to e loa $v, -- He simply the Reform party, Hon, Mr. CARLING said there was rno | party (cirt%fbe ( cater of thg'Governments aaq railway there. claime he responsible for the scls.0f the i e re ie oo io mm f S eet bertpag . gravel roads at the commencement. | Gove Eo the Govern-- grSome discassich OF & somewhat pe"gon:ll M:',, BLAKE--The axes of th r ensuod, and the vote was eventual-- | | ment ? % & LD--1 said lc;"::::d to. :/ | _ Attorney--General MACDONALD--I said t aage 1:eén ::fn: 21402;1%20 P o eata act;{r BLAKE--O, I beg pardon, I thought Drainage of Sw » «. i sai « 7 d axes. (Laughtsr). Mr. BLAKE said when the House adopt you sai o xre Abk ed the regolutions authorizing this expendi-- Hon. Mr. WOOD said, if a party :fiirx'lt ture, it was chiefly influenced by the obser-- were to be displayed in this great '1"'1 t vation of the hon. gentleman, that expiana-- Ict the hon. members opposite bear t ebro wcould be given at this stage, orsibility for it. _ Did the hon. members g?'hope d that the promiss would be ll;'etend to be serious in exgressmgthelrfeari redeemed, and that the happy time ?hat the Government wouldnot act honestly ? had a.nive'd. when the House would have the Thore was no discrepancy between the sts.t?!; opportunity of knowing the localities where mect he made last year, and the facts whic the money of the Government was to be ex-- | had since transpired. Ts ths fetp id ht | peoded. | Air, BOYD thought that the facts di peBon. Mr, WOOD said ne was n}"'P"i'ed | ca;rv)" out this assertion. that the hon. member asked for this informa-- The vote was ultimately agreed to. Houre, and the Engizeer in Chiot in the do. | | PROVINCIAL LUNATIC AYLUM. he Engineer in Chief in *' ' s § crovincia H:;:za;::: ggtl ;reseg:zteda report on the lands On the item $83,177, for the Provincial where this money for draiuage was to be [ , .. .c.; Asylum of Toronto, y | expended. Nr. McKELLAR eng;xi;red the causs of | 4 ; t ear. OYD said the House was not in & | | ;10 increase of the vote 7 5 ofi't;u? when.the resolutions authorizing the Hon. Mr. WOOD explained that it arose Expenditure passed to estimate the cost, and chief y from an increase in the numbver of | further information was certainly deur:ble. petiente. f o iyuw ihuss | k . WOOD read an extract from Aiter some discussion on the various f [ sn ?:3'" ,h,'f'preaen"d to the House, as to the the votes of $22.478 for Reformatory, and surveys and estimated cost of reclaiming the $69,450 for Agricu_lture_ and Arts, woere lands which were referred to in the report. agreed to without discussion. The varicus plans could be seon by gentlemen On the vote of $24,700 for Emi{gration, on application at the offices. The object was id the heading stated that a s over the whole of the Mr. BLAKE said the g j to rt:c]mm swamp 1 t clo them all at the vote was $24,700, and referred to statso $rouince; 'but they could no% do ment A for further information.d 81:1 re'fer- ornce. A > foun a *' ap-- ing to that statement, he fo S Aa'l" milt Mr. MONTEITH thought that it the "}'ogp riation for that service, $24,700." That money was expended on any but Crown, Eeemed to be a singular way of explaining Echcol.l or Clertg{h;a:g:e he would not so (he matter, isks i uns «| willingly suppor f Hon, Mr, WOOD gave some items in Atty. Gen. MACDONALD said they pro-- vote, and, in reply to Mr. BLAKE, i posed to drain lauds in any part of the Pro-- Bon. Mr. CARLING said that poor emi-- vince where health, or agriculture required. grants .were assisted by the Government with They wouldtakeinto consideration the wishes free passes to places in th: Provinces, of the municipalities in this matter. Collxnull(:ln Mr. ELAKE urged that liberal measurss sense showed that large swamps should, uld be adonted by the CGovernamont in re. it possible, be recl:i;:ie((il, :n;ih largedtrapt; E}:g di i ei:n :;Ii)gratio); An) Hist» assista0cs ight be ed to the producin & o o oii-';-d:f ?}?ficcnntry' Where School, Crown, should be given to settlers, gr Clergy lands were concerned, they would | Hon. Mr. CAKLING said that the Gov-- be charged to the public revenue. \ _ | erument 1lmdi aixfit OIl)lt c'lrcnli:t;{ i:g § ::';;Y municipality in the Province n=-- In avswer to Mr. GALBRAITH, } M ?o?xf:lz:'t)ixon ag to the rcquiremex'x'.:a of the+ dis-- Atty.--Gen. MACDONALD said that the | | trict in the shape of laboiu'.' Tt(lie tl':-l;lal'l'l)'; courtry were to understand that it was the had been received, and were four irtention of the Government enly to spend great use, morey on large works this year, and not in Mr. McDOUGALL hoped the Government smail advances to municipalities. would give faller information with Fogarfdtlto Mr. MURRICH &lske;i if thfiee f:;:ds v:z;: | i'igi i(';xc;;nt lands in the eastern portion of the 0 ded on lands such as those irce, o i t be'expetxox the Canada Company. Hon. Mr CARLING s:nd that the naw belonged h diticns of the pamphlets issued by tha Do-- Atty.--Gen. MACDONALD said they did earticns of t & a Frse n(j': titnytegc'i!:'s do so There was no inten ?;:r;;tx::el.;ntn%:vi; e(tl}t:;l eg::?:;n e;::flt:nthoef :he tice of g('i"ibo).o\?dr:h::m::: f :lf,.::;ycou][); Province as in the other districts. :x':-sw:xtrg : evr'g '.v't:)f draining the swamp The vote was then agreed to. rreurd which ecitliers had alrsady sat-l The Committee then rose andfirepqrth; at;d ticd. | the House zdjourred at 15 minutes to Mr. MeKELLAR asked if any works were iwelve, to be undertaken in Kent? t on o 2 Atsy..Cen. MACDBONALD ssid it was NOTICES OF MOTION, l not the intention. ira how-- -- ovLtEr--Address for a roeturn sho Mr. BLAKE satd the amount stated in the inth?xeB:\il;{)e: of acres of land drowned and return was that works then mentioned would rendered unfit for agricultural purposes, by require £243 00), whereas the vote was bus | the Government, across the riveor Treont at | £20,000. What course did the Government Chisholm's Rapi;is. | intend to pursue ? K i Atty..Ger. MACDONALD said that the whole of these sums would not, of course, be expended in the coming year, Mr. BLAKE said that he then understood that the money was nrot all accounted for, anc, therefors, they had not & fulfilmeat of the premise that had been made. _ They might corsistently spend the whole of the morey on other piaces, while not one doliar might be spent on the Swamps stated. Ho ihought the pledge of the hon. gontloman had not been fulfilled. They only knew some Swemps on which the morey might be ex-- pended, but they did not know what other ; places might be selected. | _ Atty..Gen. MACDONALD said that the | bov, member for South Bruca distrusted the ' .'gic.verr.mezt, in the face of every proof. | | ibe Government were abused becausse they | wenld not spend more money, ard he was | surprised at the cordust of the Oppositioa,. | He defied them to show where the Govera-- | ment had misapplied a dollar. | _ Mr, BLAKE said that the houn. gentloman | had ro right to glory in it ; it was no saving | to say that having not exp:nded the fuil | sront, thero was an economy of the balance, */ and it was altogether too ludicrous to be al-- 'owed to pass. Last year they gave thsm »15,000 to make surveys and report to the Houge, in order to know where the | t localities wore which requirsd -- those | | enterprises ; but the Government did | J not choose to spend the money, but pre-- | ferred to keep it in the strong box and then | came and claimed credit for being economi-- { cal, He did not thizsk that the replies of the kon, gentlieman were satisfactory, and did /« cot fullil the promise which had beea heild out, Practicaily this was a vots of credit, |° and having defeated the motion on ths pre-- vious cccasion, he came down and said that | they should not know where the money | might actually be expendesd. References | bad been made to the position of the Reform j party, but at the ""celebratsd " spsech at ' Brcoklyn, be said that he hal converted the M Conservative party, that he was a good mis-- | sionary, and had brought the party over | inio the arms of the Reform party, with which he had spent the bost years of kis lifs, He was a good Bgformor, and he could not | / | 'orsake the principles which he had #upport-- | <d during so long & pericd, And that was fi 'he stetement of the present leader of t4s |-- || Conservative party ? | ' Atty.--Gen, MACDONALD--NO, L am | | not, o [ _ Mr. BLAKE--No, you atre not, bessuse | | they aro no more, for the hon., <ntlemsn ha; | _