The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 17 Dec 1869, p. 1

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-- CcOUNTY COURTS. Atty.--Gen, MACDONALD moved the third reading of Bill No. 103, to amond an -- Act passed in the 32nd year of the reign of 8 Ber rda!efl intituled, " An Act to amend Coes us < Hon. Mr. CAMERON presented the An-- mual Report of the Commissioner of Public | Works fc'n' 1869 ; _ Also, the Bursar's Statement of cash trans-- ~ actions for the year ending 30th June, 1869, of the Upper Canada College ; Also for the _ University of Toronto, for the same period. | THIRD READINGS. | _The following Bills were read a third tlime 'and passed : Swvuvions in UOntario.--Mr. Eyans, | _ Bill No. 79, To authorize the Church So-- | ciety of the Diocese of Huron, to sell certain Church Land in the Township of Goderich. --Hon, Mr. Carling. Bill No. 78 to confirm and legalize a sale | and conveyance by the Church Society of the | Diocere of Huron, of certain promises in the town of Galt, to the Rev. Michael Boomar, D.D.--Hon. Mr. Carui®c, Bill No. 105, To extend the time tor the Reglstration of Conveyances to}Religious In-- stitutions in Ontario.--Mr. Evanu_ Mr. BOYD presented the Report of Bill 12, Copartnership Act. Atty.--Gen, MACDONALD presented the Reé:ort of the Committees on StandingOrders and Railw ays, Several other Reports of Select Commit-- tees were presented, REPORTS OF COMMITTEE3, Hon, M:i, MecMURRICH preosented the Report of the Committeo on the Medical Act with amendments. F2IDAY, Dec, 17. The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock. PETITIONS. The petitions presented included the fol-- lowing :--Six in favour of the establishment of a school for the blind; two in favour of granting a charter for the construction of a railway from Glencoo to Niagara River; and one for amendments in the Municipal Law. LECISLATURE OF OXTARIO. ADDRESSES, ama .lsR C C PCms yd@ OVIL If SD1G _ »clause became law. It would be establishing & dangero_lu principle, for if individual cases of hardship received attention in this case, L:fi'.-'. 'L.egnl'a'tu:e would be expected to afford ~o l1 cay 0_ 0 CV vapuuiCUd 10 AllOrd welief in all other cases of hardship. -- This section would amount to an Act of confisca Tion. _ Parties would be called upon to pay "Tor imorovemantn whaus 11 NOC . WAL T F C NAys--Messrs Beatty, Boulter, Calyin, Cameron, Carling (London), Carling (Huron),,Code, Cloquhoun, Corby, Coyne, Craig (Glengarry), Craig (Russell), Cam-- beriand, Currie, Kyre, Ferguson, Ferrier, Graham &?astiugs), Greely, Hooper, Lauder, Lount, Luton, acdonald, Matchett, Monteith, Murray, McColl, Elgin), McGill, Paxton, Richards, Rykert, Scott 'iGmy), Secord, Smith (Leeds and Grenville), Strange, ett, Wallis, Wigle, Williams (Durham), Wilson, Wood.--42, Mr, PARDEE moved that the Bill be re-- ferred back to Comumittes of the Whole, for ' un mserncmene on uh -- c i snn ESS & A division was taken on the motion with the following result: YEAS--Messrs. Berber, Baxter, Blake, Boyd, Car-- megie, Christic, Clarke, Clemens, Cockburn, Cook, 'Crozby, Kvans, Finlayson, Fitzsimmons, Fraser, Gal-- 'braith, Gow, Grahame (Y¥ork), Hays, McCall (Norfolk), McDougall, McKellar, McKim, McLeod, McMur. wich, Oliver, Pardee, Porry, Read, Scott (Ottawa), Rexton, 8inclair, Smith (Kent), Smith (Middlesex), 'Bpringer, Trow, Williams (Bamilton).--37, Mr. BLAKE moved that the Bill be rs-- committed with instructions to amend the third clause, to the effect that land pur-- «chasers under sales for taxes should be re-- funded the taxes paid since the purchase with 10 per cent. interest, and compensation for @ll improvements made tharsoun. Bill No. 107, to provide for the organiza-- tion of the Torritorial District of Parry Scund--Attorney General Macdonald. Passed through Committoe, , SALES OF LANDS FOR TAXES. Atty.--Gen, MACDONALD moved the third roading of Bill No. 16, respecting BSheriff's Sales for Taxes. A'_:¢'., ,.'. * ' * '. "'f" :w: tat. U" . nbls ld :;Xct respecting County Courts." ? Mr. BLAKE formally moved that the Bill be referred back to the Committee of the W hole gvlthAmgtrflfflf_n: Lfrom"the 'Ho:.ue to h d & .2 cb Aarndd repeal the Act alluded to. Hs said it w not bis intention to press his motion. C Atty.--Gen. MACDONALD moved the third reading of the Bill Mr. BLAKE said he should press for a division. ! The House accordingly divided, with the ; following result: -- ' ¥rEAg--Mesirs. B_arber, Baxter, Beatty, Blake, | RBoultar, Bojy 4. Calvin, Cameron, Carling, (London), Carling (Burqn?. Christie, Clarke, Clemens, Cock-- burn, Code. Colquhoun. Cock, Corby, Coyne, Craig, (Russel)), Crosby. Cumberland. Currie, Evans, Ejre, | Ferguson, Ferrier, Einlayson, Fraser,Galbraith,Gow, | Graham, é}alastmga), Grahame, (York), Greely, Hays, -- Hooper, uder, Lount, Luton, Macdonald, Matchett, Monteith, Murray, McCall, (Norfolk), McCo'l( Elgin), McDougall, McGill, McKoliar, McKim, McLeod, Mc-- Mmrlcg, Oliver, Pardee, Perry, Read, Richards, Rykert. Scott, (Grey), Secord, Sexton, Sinclair,Smith (Leeds and Grenville), Smith, %lddlesex). Strange, Springer, Tett, Tro:v, !gllu, nllliams, (Durham), EM Y SE cce 4Mb en im mm 2 97 1 Mr, BOYD moved that all the words of the preamble be struck out after "that," and that words be inserted to the effect that it was inexpedient that legislation'should|take place in individual cases when thore was a Bill before the House dealing with the dgen& ral question. He did not intend to divide the House on the motion, but only dasired to enter his protest against the measure. Bill (No. 64) to amend the Act incorpo-- rate the Wesleyan Female College of Hamil-- ton--Mr. Williams (Hamilton). The motion was then withdrawn, and the Bill was then read. come up ngam in order that the 23 who voted for it, and the 40 who voted against it last year, might have an opportunity to record their votes again. That opportunity he had given them, and the vote stood recorded. THIRD READINGS. The following Bills were read a third time and passed :-- Bill (No. 35) to legalize the amalgamation of the Cobourg and Peterborough Railway Comfiany, and the Marmora Iron Company-- Mr. Rykert. Bill (No. 65) to authorize the closing of certain streets in Elora, in conformity with a By--law of the said Village-- Mr,. Ferrier, Bill (No. 70) to facilitate the withdrawal of the Town of Perth, in the County of Lanark, from the jurisdiction of the Council of the County of Lanark, and to irovide for the liability of the Town for its share of the Bill (No. 59) to incorporato the Ottawa Ladiea' Collego--Mr. Scott (Ottawa). Bill (No. 60) to incorporate the Ontario Peat Company--Mr. Scott (Ottawa). Bill (No. 67) to empower the Ottawa Mo-- chanics' Institute and Athen>um, and the Ottawa Natural History Society, to amal-- gamate into one corporate body, under the pame of *"The Ottawa Literary and Scien-- tific Society "--Mr. Scott (Ottawa). County debt--Mr. Code. Bill (No. 83) to incorporate the Weston Church School--Mr. Grahame (York). (Teeds and Grenville), Smith, (Middlesex), S ai'ifi;&','d'rett, Trow, Wailie, Wiltams, (Daihke), %guu.m, (Hamiiton), Wilson--70. Nays--None. The result was received with laughter, Mr. BLAKE said he lu%poud after the vote which had just been taken, it would be useless to oppose the passage of the Bill any further, because he could get no one to sup-- port him. When this measure was before the House last session he promised that he would bhave a division on it when it should vements where the land PARRY SOUND. eyisiasive evil if this It would be establishing , for if individual cases t not The 4MAAA " CCACOIICE _ WOEV -- LOL worth n La !' :;;oh l".t gm prékent _ tins :i were live years ago, m ) :::yimunoo the depreciation of :l buudlnp from decIY and DtRhOPran ce _ mt Mr. BLAKE said in reference to this item, that he had alluded to the arbitrary mauner in which these grants were distributed last session, and the hon. Treasurer had flromis- ed an amendment to the mode of distribu-- tion. He admitted the hon. gentleman's excuses on the last occasion, but %oe was very morry to see that the mode was stil! the same. The institutions had been requested to give some returns to the Iuspector of Pri-- sons, but this was merely an indication, 0f rather the evidence os indication. He there-- fore asked the hon. gentloman whethsr he interded to continue the present arbitrary : :li;dehof distribution. fi regrot::!d that on,. tleman had not pro an* |, other lcheu;':u proP | Hon. Mr. WOOD said that during th* recess these institutions were called up?" t: 8 make a return of their operations for #9M° | _ The first votes were "aid to Toronto Hos-- pital, $6,400;" and $42,510 for Heapitals and Charities, Bill (No. 95) to amend the Act of Incor-- poration of the Cobourg Cemetery Company, and to extend to said Company the provi-- sions of chapter sixty--seven of the Consoli-- dated Statutes of Upper Canada, and for other purposes--Mr. Fraser. SUPPLY. The House then wont into Committee of Supply. Bill (No. 69) to amend the Act 31 Vic., cap. 40, intitnled "An Ast to incorporate the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Rallway Com-- pany," and the Act 32 Vic , cap, 82, amond-- ing the same--Hon. Mr. Cameron, Bill (No. $8) to amend an Aot, intituled " An Act for the relief of the representatives of the late David B. Ogden Ford--Mr. Fitz-- simmons Bill (63) to confirm certain sidle roads in the Township of Tilbury East, and to pro-- vide for the defining of other road allowances and lines in the said Towoship--Mr. Smith (Kent). QimuDpy, is UpI Tuuinl nayq throwing parties out of doors, : mno doubt there were many }fim improvements were not much -- at the _ present Mr. FERGUSON said this subject hai been fully discussed in Committes, and the Bill passed unanimously. The parties inter-- eate(f went back quita satisfied. He ex-- plained to Mr. Craig, by the aid of a dia gram, the position of the district, with a view of sliowing the justice of the provisions of the measure. Mr, CRAIG then withdrew the motion, znd the Bill passed through Committse. The following Bills were forwardsd a stage :-- PRIVATE BILLS. Mr. FELXCUSON moved that the House go into Committee of the Whole, on Bill (45), To enable D. A. Macdorald to constructs a canal in the Township of Kenyon, Mr, CRAIG moved a three months' hoist, and said he opposed the Bill from a sense of éuty to his constituents, many of whom would be injured in the construction of this canal by the drying of a lake. Hon. Mr. WOOD said the amendments were gimply verbal changes. The report was received. Bill No. 77, To iz corporate cortain parsons under the rame of the Toronto Wharf and Warehourizg Cowpesy--Hon. Mr. Camsron, was read a second time and referred to Com-- mittee of the W hole to--morrow. Hon. Mr. WOOD presented the Report of the Select Committee on Bill 90, to amend the License Law. Mr. BLAKE asked if there had been any serious amendment made. 1Ih6 movion wasy carfied, asnd the House kaving gone into Committese, the clzuse was satruck out. The Report was then received, and the Bill was read a third time and passed. Nr. BLAKE moved that the Bill be refer-- recd back to the Committee of the Whole, with instructions to amend the Bill, that it may not affect resident owners, The motion was lost on a division. Mr, BL&AKE moved another formal amend-- ment to the Ist clause, which was lost on a division Mr. CLARKE in referring to the first di-- vision which had been taken this evening said that by the Engliish practice in taking & divie-- ijon it was necessery that the motion should be dissented from. Now, in the casewhichk had occurred this evening the hon. member for Bruce had called for a divislon. Mr. BLAKE asid the hon. gontloman re-- ferred to the English practive, but the sim ple practice in this country was that any five members could demand the yeas and nays without declaring themselves on any a de, Attorney--General MACDONALD sald that was only in case of opposition. Mr, BLAKE moved that the Bill be rot now read a third time, but be refarred back to the Committee of the Whole for the purpose of striking out the word " occupation" in the fourth sub--section of the first section, ard substituting instead the word * possession." He explainsd the legal _ distluction between the words * occupation" and "pos-- session,." The one implied that it was no-- cessary that the proprietor should be seen in actual occupation of the lot, the other sim-- ply implied that he should own the lot. The amendment having been made in Com-- mittee, The motion was carried TAVERN AND SHOP LICENSES, . have t cors, for there way where |

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