The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 17 Dec 1869, p. 2

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, Wkly 2- 2. I tl . ite, il,tli'g,', rv ' 15377. 3til . . ' ranged'u" I . » 'e (Ki'"" -eN 2 r21}: . - 2 (inference being thtm tl,"dht -ral . 1itgtN "In 'i 15lXarr% " 2 " W 2. m -' _ = (r ti, . which they m by a. 8820,tho yum 'll'l'lTi"' ' " .m. r " SE',,",., i Ctrirlil),'ii',ii,iiiiigiiiiiiiii _ i tf 'bhsha coma mak wt m at?" to vary ftl to o. Th" on" mt . "£30m" gmon i,iili,iiiiiiiiiii'Ett:i.1: "' . '.r t We: inth . ally al not think Wuh'" " tte " We: ttE- 5'? irirre' tll'g i,it'th,ttllt; ......... Mott 'itll - . ' r x "IMI I: . Iii tl'll',lfllnt"l'Mt,'et',,'t for th in EDEN", alnoe &ere we! til-yum J', /ii',','ii,ii'ltl,h1r1,',l,'ii,',l 'JGGC'6"iiiGC'.'/'/.'/ 1:200 yt):" BRetrrHMe , - IlMiiilr7 pea , 'F,1ltl. t 22222 atlonr,andh 0mm. .22. s wealthlnthe 001m . not the 2 ' Asylum do '..t.... 222, «rm (tiii _ rl'ak'"i" ','ii"i ...-. (8:.i,t8i'ir.c)tiii', , . kit v, Jw ttttttt " the a thaiit m to "72.33 it Wu" " firiiii($t)l)'Atlr,' d 00...... t l I PMnt 2 '0LM) ..6l " a. - ' it foundthat th "m rate... "N oontinued "my iaoetltte than in . "r, 'iiii'i,ii2elltt morithp .... It .ra...." 'dl "3 ifirttt.f?h', ,rntntaretiitg been"... TI l , Illlllqill " _ 26.22, t im,tut,ons 0 public on we!" m irondfilos that they should reo pro-pew". Gene orpital, 4','Gl"aka"y..".:h'i.',' 2,250 i 'i.iiiiieilr,, conducted, It 'tdll lioathih, but, j IltllEi 2 ' Il' ' - f 'i)"sfi, an Maggi. 'lllg'lllr.,' m 0 various religious element. The hon tttle 'lt 2lituht, vote-tWo tiiEiii"ii 1,000. , 111W! and useful. he made lat; i-li!.',)-':!!).?,?, 'llt' Ith' , ' . , f be made When that the grit. Sl', I? had ttt B22036? Ipoken tritlt reference at " It titutionHr" alst "on; and '; . The Item w" carted. ' ' T _r'8'cli7ilr:: '1, fly" BP. , ton were the meeiptUrom th u d only 0 Wind 'df of I disnominationa) ohAra EDUCATL P d. a . The next s'temv-A9ramrn i '', a. ':,jii'i')'ry' I. being ledongl tie, their tttili tsttontrlbtio l ter, "B th ' ted that tN,',,"',,',',' inadh 0- - Th ON. [L hon, $2,000--"" ended"? School in. ', ' . J l" 'i; T tri. $122566 "r _ _ therefore howyh mpaired, and? 'r/tttld have : ma l ° 1.t.oylt1 tell the n nunnbe thy .,. tt next w" ttus Hrpropriatl .1 The next t thout 'tIdle',". ' . _ , a2. :2" Ix: . "f I _ the" 2tat'gtuu Impose tCllr,',',',',', see "It?" $132330 to do "ray with the 2de 4'ilj 43 tor "nation. on ot S337" l Common st,g,ftta,S2,0d for Con ti. '" " f. t . P . I' ' , seether these iiii'u hm" question m ort t',,'f'r'S't, In th? wimp!" It rt? go After . short dsrbate on detail 82,000 for "Samantha", 'Ill ' _ Cv' ,'.: :6: . s' extended. Big I ouldb. co tin - 917 , but he detitsdt oh t prihrrittie'y, ' ot the Ip- t ' were struck out t eslete Inutlt t f . 'f ". "v.C,4. to cities an d l " they had been tied or member to oarryit out. Every exert! on Mr. BLAKE with l mu of th H o the eating". th g "- 2 ' V . _ 3 _ c"), them. rtt,e,,i,t,'g2hthl, 1t'r,ghttl, i'iiiii,idl1'itiiil tgat',',,', this had 'l,l',,l'fd WI! "Footed to sed tlt",',', if this Vote ' dropped " on. Mr. Omar-on i2tdtg,1, I " . "v",,; 6:66:66u6amyptt6: that culls-t2 sies/gr,',t,'p,1it2Wti; 222326222266~llllll.°t::26:6:6lll for ti, Ggusvouof811,813 th _ r', s.", _ l tiicijjijtj.'/a"irt'1,a)' "" $t'gi1irtt',;?gf, See',)",'?. "tttrg' Home TIf 3:12:23 B M 'Ci' BOMMt "we" to 'ld1',1'ltt l oation offioe, " for I'll-lies In E122. s", l V . ' , . G _ great) w ere avee 3230 Bill," . on. y. 00D . p. 2- Hon. Mr W l 2 ' . h. 1 h . Y the . in orde traid v I . . OOD . f N 22662:: ttit, 32:33:22? tta"ttitits 2262612 22262226; 22222:; 2ttlf 66266 it ',te,tf1i,'l, tttrl',' tear,,' 'Ltutttt'Lt, I i, tttteel, t 'f,Pc,ett,th2tl,2rl'l; of v ' . armtathnn l th . Jltr o the H r "I e as 'r" tttMO can enmde, . ' ' l I they je,'tr,'Sttt,)r"tt2, mate: iiiiif't)i;/r1ti/l,, le, ooald not 2211:0262 22m°a°fi§lfig66l6zfillttffi°s€$§26gr my"? ,and i,iilii,iu'1titgr,',tir""" t ' _ , thee V enl milu' , ' . ' ear.) up 0: 911 on. r. M . . " . ' $3:ch i,tJiglrf He thought t,fg,t " iir.htty.!e,H said the hon m b , Itmllgemllne acme "slt'lljh7tl"i but there stand that the $333103 did not under _ I o ' -rsnt, u hon. ft,',"),,','),','.'.) tlttht mt: 2222;622:622: fe, remarks of the iioi" ",','ld,'Ji 'Gll je,g'l")l1":ttintil'2t,' ttth,, m t the 6666» in fire')"" had 'ru'l',l,ll,'1'l'ii " o 1 In ' - ' j I 's . . 2 2 2.l2ut.ona they might Sig d "'0 these in. the grants would: Tm. remark was that keep them with! 'sxpsndjturety would by?) t Mr. TROW said we ul I ' to opi90us, they now held. 'dn') of the lie spirit. made m the most catho. metal. and em, fl £10 bounds of the' esti- l 2 books, and oheaper f If. purchase better . . , "8"?" Pe.', w," cited " a ca; forest." Atty-Gen M MID oould Bay J',f,It'nll teirtt,t7, oats" he l, i "111? iould by 't,t'iutQt11t storm, than ' . ' I _ i'ii',ciijj:tti)s1ini,1i' 21°31" and Public? ipz,'t), not be done. ONALD said it scald coed In Iog,'t)liei'lli',Q te, they would lug. _ l, o lt, tt Govertumsat . Iii , Mawa .1. . ry. . . l i, vote w" _ il 2 f o f M . M K . . Mr. BLA then '. 1 51:30 33:1:'3 1tttgehol the gr'nthug::2°% and rid/il EELdAR asid it could be done had asked 1:? hoped that the Governm l, The oorttingeneiett Jpg,') to. . t! ' Patriot P y tttntl at ottsia--uatned 'dl South Brue h d one. l hon. member ii', to meet a: Gough this year It t m $th8r,urstoyststmt oEduoationOdioe . . . l _'iui',t,rli'ii,ir..litdi)tti'uj,rii.'s, the Bt. J 'lt,')'); . lrlt. It Id," (ge,',"),,',',' to create a party but to pay no 'el"",'?',": iit 'ttget were agreed to. "a unprovidesd, $20303: . . . t i , ' . um". oallin firth Sighted by tspsdal . 'Ill' law which ggtr,'rl, would maintain lithe Jl'lUt t tt arrears referred to, I Mr. BLAKE called 2 f , I r I , . tions oi thug who 'wtd,t',1'a',1e oontribu. l polled each county to Ji,1itec;)ilii) com- ngriation itnurtu't for such .1; t " of $84.1. 66-Dr. I," $318!?" to the item ' - .7 » ilt , ':t'il/,1, tleft It was 23:0 0:23:33". "r, , the; grants need not t2,"te,hclL'.' at any vote for it. 6 Hon" would ', C,iii,ir1'1i""""' what was the '2utttrut, ' ' l I I l .; . 3 1 u love, with th 1n on. r. WOOD.-- . JOU i, . 9 _ . 2 ', .- 222626222222:66:666lltéitz6msr "ttti, And who rtsiriltsi1 ',s,e,,1,yt11:,?iClil,1l1j,cl,'.l,il,,1; 22323522022, "ldhew" bl l " ' L. 22 narone . .Mck . o owin -2- e u . "he e . I . l 1:51;:ng 1'ioi?it:il'i'/iir,i' 3%?333 "to, l men; WithoEEEcilEtum it w" the Govern- atgttte of $1 gogofr; tight'., till the I I ig,thte gg,thf 284151;?! Ita,f,', but ti: , . 2 rl , 3. Was, he th g, o l . iottWN1 reach. ournaz o .wou " tne . o 06 andh F . "jet, gouge religion should hing": deglraole "PM" Mr- WOOD said every memb . Mr. BLAKE 1tt f Mr. BL AK xp.1yetio.? at a future sittin e t T t , ' SH}? that there wouldbe no [tget ttl ha quogfl'Ement had voted to rtstUn it " of debate on this item hath"! hoped after the the considergiuld :11: 6 item could stand, 5- T . ! b, egrenta in favour of the in . on "ken r. c ELLARuid6fG . havebeen t " year, that it _ betak Pl " ("Sense ttl, d rrN titation net co t 1 l over-amen could ' 3 ruck from th E would 2 ' en upon it wh 1011 might l g Mr. BLAKE "m th h a 3. . u ro the House they Shoal d hail not been tshown o 5timetee. " 2 given. en the explanation , , "7 ed to give tro in do 0 on. Treasurer 388m- their seats Under our f not hold the count that it w" of an ' wa, t , 2 . tt _ '... pair the td . Gor orm of Ree ongibl . w. The matte y TMR' to On the vot ' - 2 - . it?" Egg: jiili'ii,ithiii'ya,ti';1i)':i)i,?,s' bg,tr/a"t) tt agzgtgzeat Was [held 1.; 1li,iitaeghtttli1f, t' 'e,'lllf 2lt dtgti. smognt Utedf 1,'/lil'fui'ir, to meet the E . I l 2 t rc,'",,' 1 no think th onse- e in an r- men on accoh t . men Gave C! f ' 2 'silt-ity,),':,):"." t/et'd, that 2226262226; 2tt,erare,t) 2:22.666 health oouli1 Sij,,tht'2ti, iiii)jiiiis.v,oi'ilili7e,?i)'i; 'iiiiii'1ii'"i Max:222: 11:22:26 2* 26666536 _ _ l ' l ' the; 1, . " WIN' asrimi 1 m . . met mast b . ' . il mates. If - ep ember , L' I 2 s'i,icy,,ir'fi,'dt1a1;'(9;r' reasonable methlog'thgg tte',',).,' Jii,dtiutoi't"ij1, solely by ttdt iggr,uJlte,'l to that ggNt a"70:11? 2 Mr. BL AKE e . l l . t , , Am not thin f, (ttfl one no N adopted. He _ cities it,wouldube {not be done, for in large 9 rought up for geed,'lll? tt Dominion yoe,gge't'd; how it was that the .. , , . , 2, . "gamma" and It,, t2,ttatlt systeom we: them in such a wagund impculble to support ci,teitlt MACDONALD said iL, th 'll' stttd of the iigsiur,1gtpteh1, money V E ' i t 'lll'nt not to be granted'to " pu lie aid Mr. PERRY 'i, " c, pending the who" to t e . o ep mber this you, tb 6 as the 30th l ' , t , 'l, "a. h did not ot/ia its d Btty iUtimtion member for ku',',' u d not "ree with theh press of the Proving the local t Hon, Mr W0 ', A l , p, 6 l 'eqtr . . 11 that th on. the edve ti 6, and the cost t . 0D and it . 22 I ', 2.2m, He iii' my . a?" to all proper oils should YO PP' , 0, county ooutr. r laments would . o that had been tsnias . was on contracts , l 'r,", "31"? gr"Wipe wyith the t'2ie, th It?) ttl "tad 'ii,iht,0lettt'. thmla (Ur. . (i,i'jst/oar';,liirri'ii,,'(, than l, ex'penzgzlt ' pletlon of Confedexgognto before the com- . I ' 6" c meted the '". , ll ' ' w ich ill . 0 w of pe mg the . . I l Mr. BLA F' . ' M, F, Bl "fi" Ost tiirhcuity. proper tneang to over- 1.Uh "till 2:606:66 (fihoet'tl'tt 1ttd'r',,2l',/'l ttttt on that 3:622:62 i been Je)rli?te,1tdlti'yle itwou1dhave F i, ii} I ' _ Trs, gown tho-nah: th , . . Imperative. He believed r" " It of thei ,0 "9°ntlnue the imblip ti ' vines. c ebt of the Pro. . . t6. 6 2 I '22:: rljttc',,'iifnveg1 51d otetsyaai/er'e.,11,i' ttlt t supported In iiiii,i,eftit'r"a1 ',jir,?itiii?iol's, te', i,'tit,1ii1iql1ii;iitil1i'ii')it,'t,i1: Je',",, Mr. WOOD futtls . Hit , l ' ', C,'., C', " ' open oivspeotion and to u I, . w" oppoe1to no tl Bi cred their d . W a 1recall- i was elocal h " explained th t l ' l ' .l r,tupnoilta operatioy H, " furnish . but he believed, vhil c onal grants, contin etermmetion and resolved __ igreedt b 0 arse, and such Char 8 1 , d r--,t,rdt'ir3lusOcn (tiiiu, "will not un- ' had . m 1 ' . It the Government ue the publication ofthe . to ' . o edefnyed by th . g" were '2 l . j El 2 r m- . M '6 th Cl ' " . , rp "I tn th I journal. ' "Dcelntereated t' particular P . , . , v6~h§~§2um12 the grants The ,ed)"ir'i11tii.i" ' St,u,'t0'ieti, support tali]'."":,,), Fer' BLAhE said that the Jo , The Item . . to i, * e I ' "7217553 guirms ware distributed tni it i shouldbl: ttheed', in cities ta,,,") 334523" Lt,' tor the teachers "533%? The toll w" ultimately agteed to , r t 2 l 3 Cl gresth .. . 's..', oun n 03" . , (tttn t 8 owin ' . t ti I , "Jr 2262 CALL Nc. €222,222: . tazation,it WOUIdebe a? to "sort to direct culu. The tgf, In!yiouh1 be lent b 2. .' tshort 2t,1,t,tig..LP"" Wert' carried after a , . _ 1 t - sci, tlv', , (1 trick) Bald it they 11 draw 0nd0wm ta It enough to with. Generalbe mm" ot the h r c r Nunici alitf - /,r", 2:22:22???" of in.tsptsotitP, they 21ti 'i, Mr 1tirli'll from suohtntfitations l pm", and 'r,',',", l? advertUin inatteALttytl Chartegont1§23$21666m6------~--.-.. 873 97i?, ti) _ I I 6;. Ary 52th:; 3:131)tfv'~:o:s'th°f charities, of Wt! were f,',1,et't'i'it, not tell whether there .2 ma". t'gt2,?,85 and 'Sh'l "Wagon lo Goggle" the J1eur"vre'eririiii1' l' .... 11811;"; 00 . _ l _ "l""p'mr of ill-lacs." max?" want 'n'otforthe life of In; 'gtta12l' he oould l 1"y,t,tt', "all t,lag2i'tg,', matters, but I iii,i,iliittir.,vnrsii11,'syies: 1:29....11; 233% 'ls) 'l , l 2 :'KFER 6166):: asked 123m- I, iriis,1j,i,,tgsoe1i,1,'pt'll the list. t?d, tte l 50:33 incurred in they tttit,,tf" ths l 11it,ef7 Fund, 'i"s'ii.t..C.'.'.'.'.'/ 1:1;3'30) y, . t _ _',.',",', to ti, House oi ihe1ersht'ir,ul' ',t, h gg,gtt', . oonatitueney far "2332,02: I t that it "7051; 2:: nght Inch b22123; this "In t l, H a was thehustitem. ' 31 'Yo' ' , I . 2:13;? 2311,01) an {be "gage ',C',C,", ft,' item; of siigsl?Liittrplp'r/tl'., vote for , in favour of the Pet,',',',',,',',)",,?)!,',,',',',' 83:13:32: , mutt: it: $360233}: 'd) before the Com V , . I _,,rit",,',?i'r,1,:.,')cr'r1'i)'hi' . i: /. t .2 . " , e to Sub . . _ 29.2 . ijaiholi:a and /tatt all: y uh w" l $233" who had ever visited tld?,,: Home. I Mr. MONTEITH a a1 d l "omen. 2 Home a report received f mit to the 2 ii I I 2556222222222 of the 2mm 6,.Olcte223h25 who were for emoment oppo" th iUtltution l l thins Inthe "timaua t there Was one 1 a6newer to the char a, ro.rn Mr. Tl'lly in ' '/f, at. , -ci'"' thero wero8 'ii1;iei'"'atht,ei/r1 at!diticsn 2,2 init',',"): Them 2... no g,tg,"ed grant! 'lrl'llh'd than 1ttgttt Walt 222,222. 2666662 "is/jim":,',':.",','"?,,'),),)"'),')"!; ml . 21 2 - «gated ouriside the thitltntli?) er ot persons I portigegwhOf tf, expended BO lit',,"'?,,' that I s .8t)O for the u t'ott'g'd"cf,t', aha vow oi ruce, ember for South _ l , , J 2;, FtN',rf', .2 2 . . n. on; an , msati ." . . " 2. _. r. 1102:; 'f:1,' :93 av11 1': was a libel to can l 1'l It g,"g,',i,',e,',,t'f 'itir1s,'?t1s,iiiit:'i'sil,'ili i "13:; i1'e,ff,J,tL; (Norfolk), said heozbj tat (1 I dt report; was " fOllowgg._ l , ( , I m' 2 .CC new. a " I t be . 010! ould f Mr, and th a., 9 ' EPAR'IMnm l T I l t ' t,,ols, fio 22 2 fi",')",',".)'):', The brunt learned l e" one Urge. ho 1 , .rrop., the hon I 056 beds ro . l tu PUBLIC Wo 2 , l 2 t't" _". t l .. " 2-, tthat th " capital of th 3p til in thel 1 l . reassure;- th t . p tnum l T BK8, OMAR") I ~, _ I " *- trmv tr'r'toj. are e _eoantry Were l Initi . 0 Province n 869. Bow . th it would Ce I OR0tl'r0 Dee ri' ' J. 2 ... , , _ ,6", Al.a thev 2'. ' .. I itutionw" r Ir . . Such " l "had as tu1rpritsedt 886 I i ' . ith, 1800. f .d . . 2 wan wry larrc tor 2. . 9-8 or $0 soo I than t . eqt1 ed, If for nothi l totmrepeated. o 308 the Vote 6, srm--uysrtain h l l ii , only-12:, c/cr.: _ aa institution re . . _ . o gm our Gedioal " else a M _ C "g" havin b ll q . , tier 1 32.1117" 2 smug l Em?" to ?lrtain that ':','ltite','li'i", an ?ppor" l "gammy "id the iomnal wa . i, bytan antatymou' 't)eCo,tielfl,'ll'r' 'et i sd/lr/c,',' I: at: "L [111103 asked Le tl h ', ac? on, which Wee only to be e m their pro- l. M I entirely . member of the Legulatur ' mum" l I . miyl 22f"? 'dt? visited the imam-2.6 " on , " ual practice in a lar {Waited by i: r. BEMITY did n t 2 mannerinwhioh th s, ropetsting the i l t T Ct J'Ll'Ome A ccmvcrt, to it. tuou. HR ', would support the grant mgoet oiistial. m F, g',',",',',:',', w" 2Ju,f,1l1,dfi't's think thsi; the ', the Lun ti 8 works connected with _ . . l , l, that; (f,,ii"ol,ffi",j, said he had not a waa 9.1.31 YER thought It tttget 21 1tilt1et't' In the 23131:: an?" I 2,'d',t' leer: , London, have bean tttttt ." , L '" ' l, 2 ' .; C" ate-22.662 has ttal " 3 ou " o t th Overnment . . th Was a lfiei r 8 d 2 . , aw, ehono t . , 2 I: l, l 1i.t-yc)i,'idt, 36" tl1i).e1t'd1,wl"t', 22233852!" a te,'t,g, j1jitLih,u',i'igrt',t'gd the hom t,pl1'e the humid? b52233??? to ""36 III "Macaw theae ttCt report Mriatint , 3 . gamma: 2;;26?;'e,1H: tntictpeted if tlhz (at b: tatt $21an '3in an £2,031: {20:2ng think T, ttSpd/lie" But aria}? 2'i i fe, find charge is that " Thef itt I e 1.1."; Li, . I ' . ' o . . I t I , tcorTrn, Landis, .thuy Ct.'.::),,;,,'.',,),',':':'),",'),, out the ssuppott of te2t,t' 1.66686 smell for 'dt' th medium was 22222223", Be th.otyru 'p/g/ld':';""); rubble or 1ee,e),"4',t) " . ' l it h' m rect taxation. avetorotsort , Was . won'knovm h t'l iniMdtiontr, It i,','tt,t,,t,t,",' more immediatyl or the inter. brick used of the common"; h1'l", I , , 25h" vtrie. wsstlrcr, cavriad _ to"? oounoi1s got "113$ that number' of 2 p to education. a y luterested in , is of a ver ut London. The lt a . l g I 2 2 _ ac'/trvnrv1 for tecer3. .2 , and the Home L thin paupers Jtdlell." tlckets ta send 2 ,rlhl,vo11doe': Drs BOC' LTER d t I thin slaty iggtrrgee,'2 being all of n: , t i. Ill . _ Ir. CALVL . i BO spoke in . _ 3'1 BAN- pointed " "9 beplaeter d a it i. ' On th AMER Misuse. i, 1:130:12? thia 1,gptrl. true Hm" "in support ot the appropris- l, In 22123312" poor mortar." e taot l ,liiii, I l u evoteo 'N, T i, c ellvedi 9 count in . y.-Gery MA kT I BaboVeI l 6 2," , 2 , ' at, $122,223", MM{.000 to. country patients 2 t,ty"c2h g,tghi2i,t,tuleirc1' yrich gelscusaion had b22102 3:21:32 was glad we '; ' tl ttltd, the, rubble 3110:3332: that ' . . ; li t, , " ', ,2... , . 6, 3 3;. ---1 mm. t . . tn f 2 . 1380 090 , , v.ii)lli.'i., sei,,),?,"),',),',', tsaid.. he Bavr thut tu'; poor 'e" 2:622 'ov, ii,ti,-pil'rt'o"tdiot tom i;1tit,e,f1tht'ltr)tyli,'; t1iip,',',lt/il,efr_ et,tr in tl',, f,t,o,rp,to)rdp,' inolttm ll 66' I athuticn tshallhavtt gi'g1,lt"l that each in. l I, ewellthy county lik57' Now lf on every occasion, He 1,tll'lf, at the jourml , Ttet {he masODI'Y in the ttttlg') ( "is . ' (1:36 {Segue}? certain 1i',iiiid1pt,orat)j'p,',f; ', ttg,pithteg11th in m2t'c,olhi, hh'd iitdfg"ttti) and tttinte,', ,1 oarnal i the Saturn: th Tttt tae tstone being 'l'),',,', 2, ' , I ( ', nu " . 8 Should 6. W 0 Were . TI tom, u w 0 ari. the moat aiiatiro 0011- I so . .ry's imetstontt . , - I ended out, and 536%? "t the idea . tetate coet the gg,lfa,tll the Rouge 'dg, one who fgietTgt"1, manner, '5 tr,', Eggnptlon, and in "$3323: at a . ii) l 2 N l 1 Hum be tenured" be 88a restitution; with n their poor with che "much ', Obnected with It c l o the facts ' be cop cations. A: the toundati with, I ll 2 , specticn of the Inspector pp,tt, to the in. ' I out. poorhouatss as "tyne showed that lgsé'ud Beth The gro ngd.'w with terraces the l"? will .5266" f . cpcrtt' Should u 1it'tgfdf'ti"d', and that , dh McGILL tsaid is w fffe,wg' naked for adverifsgnthe sum of "mun Le"' being at ' the "ere, ', it" ' q " 1m. l . ' " . . . . if L' A lion Mr. WOOD ecquleec d l i' sd 1:31:12? th "Ming mu much "d" to iliiiid a)?" were circulated, Ift tinished with cat', the joints are ll . . .222. 033.2120 was added l n this idea f0 193 for them m3 than to pro- ly, ut a good many w only m i which will r at, imstead of bein at k * I I 2 cc,pditions. to this attach to "I; i T, Bothwell ',,t2tehd?t hon. member ' countries Now, would IT Sent to other 2 -. make Stronger work. g rue ' . , . . I Mr, BOT' LTFD l, ould take C're of it. " tsaoh ssorporatloa l, $900 was too much to all y one any that II ith reaped to the brick. th . l I t " might, {It}, '57:;ntbouglht that the grant il tlt) T,',?',',',"?,":'," may: Mfg Thin Wag. I: of this journal? ow for the support l ttt te,1,i,,t manufaotured 'ui a"? of the . - . l, ' "mulike to Bee 'tgf,',', a inoreased. H; . wOuld to take one tt "ohmanief- l Mr. FERRIER belie i ug "na11er'utsstztr than th 9 on, and d ' P 2 ' "t - d it i, inToronto ts bucks mud p, 6 , ,6 lens. by the ' ° Government take not cost mac 0 n. own poor it l, wrong tsort of econom ve would be a , are of a more d . e 2 i t I ' the institution. " overhanging cities it was 'ghi' but JIS, Wet said of Mr. MoatLLrStrrto1k) s id . . "can ngtfut quality, " a 1UlrfiJ' of i , * 2262 amount of M62. logs C. 2:6: tsitieg had 'd1Ct Jthe,t tttm,',,),', .6' et, ooantry the Journal get,?),! tusotion 'r, mer will .2226: tT during the .222: l - , .2 l ' sw patUnU, but o o y to' ce'awho mmall por the poor f n tty-Gen. MACDON om read, out T . , . g tet herd the h t . " . I cine tad am- " . College of m tre' of y flocked o tsmaller ere ALD--pe h . he pit trand be' ug - . _ 't , ' gory the ed1- populati to the] not . readin . r "P3 the l tsh . mg too clean l l " T I,",',',',',',",',, 'if2i'id'tiG iggJI',g. of Indenh ',,t'211' flocked t't,,de,; " the 'li'gaiczz; tLaughter) g people In your il/tl',",,'. human 1'ii,f:,e,./lt. . raver" of at . t ' in 2 loge :22. oth'lIeepfieugetmplflyozh: 5:2" l by aovggntggi?"tmel'nzftigggulation, there dr,'; MoCALL said they were not 'lgll' dramy trand ',eifht"S")t'l'fl4 to mix I li ' , I Pro Vince and he h a importance to "I; did not 2l'l!lll " the relief fOne, endowed in mg Wople,but they Were ho Only . 6 P 0 et clay is mix ed . 0 Mme prin- . , , L r t--hoc, 2 tom with the Water li . ; , . , T would b; Oped. tut O liberal would th l er the grant o "were. He ppritios at myrnte W no" ost s good came . . tpt r , I . 2 " their C),',',,,),',,'?,',', by the teg,t21'hr, The "grime mpport I'"""'"' and he ' (tttrl' of this 'ct," g,'ith hon. l, / 'dl conaent, and I 'gf, "if; $733116 Wrth . 2 , r E . 2 A hdt,riit'l'; MACISONALD add tha I The 'lcd'.,,',',', then "tried, l to tgtt'2 t,ed,tl, ttaken the homage 111:5:111 30351111111}? judgment. praotr- , ' Ill ', l . ' F tiiiiii'ii,jitatt,i,ii!i,i an" 1,te,2gt Olen c-- - Were carried without dUeus igl'amdv and ten of ttttttll',', that; the 'PPW gagging: Ltt " the materiel . It . Hum" an take £13: I) oontrolof the gag" of IndmstryTor . ' om or never taken out ot their chi Was ' m°.u' without re ard to town together pep. , ' , k 'l Ing isff the debt of tl'l,'llxf' str',' ot par i,?jiitir'n,'ti'ii1riti?i.f.i.'il?.'e/.iif l,' .. .... .. .. w. 900 ' erg/11R f,ity'lW),fi "id it was C'; an"? "tailedg. IU t',ght'f, the the . r I _ i 2 22 But It Government any; due _ 'egtte"ifll,0p1iit'; (,i',','il'i"1e'iitfrlii came Aid " It had tr'eatoego 3110 1:t,t1,", of Norfolk thetit'hilg 3111:1111. thThe gm" evidently "'11:ng ' t i 'r/ 2 value oubtm m 2 - - oapim syl rV,C1_'l11"" fr 6 onrnal' 2 _. 9 m on: . l . ' ' . £125 bonds hadbeen takan 2,1t',',t,'d an", at: A letter" 'j)?tii,le, um, "tft.-.: at?) l lt thawed that they took in?" menuer. I, hollow walls-an ggetl of building with ' i _ E _ I 2- a id - have realised . cent I';',',',"))',',',',', would 322'": 301113;??? do l'.'.' te iht,te)tt Now, in 41'T'l tighten" I " min! grsatt.r etrenxth. cal oys--1m.t oon- . t f , . I "(1%, 2tt, Hospital would hams 'Ppeeled em, I'moe minim" blic Nursery t,' .... t.fl ~tuency. the Journal had a o d . ts.) 0011- l that m practice a hell on. the pnnoiple . k . I . - . : .' 26.22 " - ' remitthe debt, ml not by ttht them to 00110263153: fptipmaty a: .. .. M0 and was generally read. Hose tt IOIrculatiOn . tstronger than if it we. I fll' non column it 2 _ l r'. I b. Lista 6 w "W lhe lune mu" in'm-e ,irreeyf, 122331216 Eingaton do ..a. 820 useful Publication and on. onisdsred it 3 the brick Walls in th o throughoyt. All ' , 6 . 2 alllll, , , which atone time belonged to t ot {and - (o1ili"i'jiiiiii',i; end t',yarri,riiiiiii; 1.333 " lupport, , well worthy of ' built on this princi fl'.' London Asylum are ' . " . i: " illl tion N - lit-90'" ot at av? Inytitu- .2, Dongle? hell'; ,'ii',i'i',l'iitr:l':/(r1dlt'rt ' ,' Mr. TROW did n t ball '2... 2 le' being of ttltd,") interior WWW . 2 t sl, - " I A; nett, PM. ysl1 weld, It it 1'Ptt,'," '-'¥"'8&"°"1 '41dtgt'tldt, Icrrrirrrrr'/-iri 2,400 :Ihould-bo lu,1ufh, 2, "a the Journal l .- thioknem with I "we": two iiyth.e in 2 ", N J Iti' e ' '6 ._2 tdi' :'r,ut,e1vi, :7 3.52 f 2 , M '5'2-mfifimmdmughnuiiirm-l.....I: 333 l "In Gtaa1ntemsatin yt he tnotyV It ' the oentns, and bonded mm inohiut 3 . . . _ 'i' I "9' - , '6 " r, eii "i ("566* itititii% t. than iliiiiiii'ii'i? iiiiii:iiiiiii:,F) 2,400 Wye g " it had been In for. , tightenht aitro" this if/gtg/IR')'. cont... _ I ' 'i i Lcu2a' --r r " "WE-LS6. .- We. "handgun... $800 Mr. _ , ' * to " an . 'mhnner ' _." .. a - EIN I'! , , _ 'l'iii'istitttli'i'liiii:, 640 'i: ,,l',t,e5it,,r,tJltl agreed with the who". "ii,'iii, bond in 'iiiL,iii,iiih"'jef" "d "the , _.." ." , l f: ' "' -. . , __ 'ifiisiasiiisliili' EaMi " 6 giL2ih'i C 'tttijt,'-,.!,,),,'; jertt,!Pt,,1, Into ("l?, f1',,'lfll't but not in re 1i BP" mitif ' " l " , 2.2, ". 26 " ., I tit' 'ifiiilttlhit sTiiiihit a, 'iciruu'g4 " ' the " . ty. Un. . Fr'. . . ' I 2 . , = 2 Mtll " _ " (it-"6 " . 2 ttEI . 0'" made whilst th V . a)" t . , _ Ae . 'iiiru" '. - _ " . , "la m log- the number "a 0 works 2 I}; .' t ii" ,2 a 49%.? " ",2, l., .25 lg "we" . . I ment ot - d oouhl .. "rattlre- rc,viii'i"tr,,t"._,i'rj'i',i, A ."a' *qu ' _', t " "4 '.i'r17i' 'airatrs'i 2 '.ibal; ___ -II 64 'th., t"iliill 72w?

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