harter, bUt 5o thouche r--, 1. . "" T wAWT casion. 1bere Wwas no necessity for this hurr "~" "}:U;":t \"v(fstc:guI%?itl that the charter of | ;:lthe part of the G, W. Rsilway Compp,n§ ':,,,-:s:% ned ho t'f.»"y was a matter of | to depriy®e Mr. Thomson of the time to | ~--\k 0 Suerefore gave it his sup-- | | elapse till pext 1?huch, for they had two | * "@-- PAXTER o irs in which to organize their Compaay. i cons"tumi'y"mdh:'::mentednnorth- l ]';;eu.trit was .t"d ;ha:h.l atnatmmorganiz!:tlos; E grn con 8«\ , &n no ; !| w~isht be got up by the 1st of March; and he supporting the Bill that was m:'::f?;:nti: | fblf'uabh having regard to the Wondatock & | C Hou,e.H its Fort Erig Company clnixd the old Southern z-'l' Nr. HAYS was perfect! railway Company, and having regard to the this matter, and hepwu lnflngi.dh::r::nd tlixn fla:t thayt no substantial prograss had been | T position he now maintained with respect t; made by this Company, there might be some | ¥ ibese Bills solely from the reasons x:xl-"ed pe || force in the remark, were it not that his &1 the promoters of Bill No. 43. Last fe"ioz hon friend proposed, on behalf of the Com-- | 1¢ they opposed this Canada Air Line Rail pany, to embrace in their organization a 4s Cempsay b F PLAUWSY || May:e providing that the sum of $300,000 | t (ompany because it was calculated to injure || ©}#%*° P"° onl j patioek ' the Great Western Railway; but this session || 840014 * deposited with the Provincial _ t! they opposed it because Mr. -- Thomson || Treasu"" not to be removed before the 1st | C m'cht not be able to build it, -- The truth || of October, in case they should have ex-- | t was that the Great Western Railway wished pended $1,000,000 on t.ho.road, and in the C | to crush their poorer rival out of existence. || case Of 29 such expenditure, the deposit | Y | He hoped the House would do justice to Mr. || #heuld P# forfeited to the Province,. . He t | Thompson, and give him, at least, till the ex-- || thought that that made it _ungosuble that | P | viration of his charter to organize and com. || there should be a sham orgarization, because | * mence his line. The (ireat Western Rail-- || they could rot suppose that that these capl-- | © way never proposed to construct a line along || talists would place their money in the hauds the North Shorse of ~Lake Erie till Mr. || of the Treasurer unless they had the means | t Thomson asked for a charter. _ They then || and intended to go on, . He believed, there-- | I came forward and said-- * We will || fore, that a sham organization was out of | t --et a_ charter ourselves, and crush || the question. _ But, with regard to the main cuy Mr. Thomson." _ And the ream-- || question, the reason on account of which it | ; »on they allege was, that Mr. Thomson had || was desired to throw out this rider was un-- | mot ccmmenced work on his line yet. Hon. || doubtedly because _ the Great Western members would remember that the Great || felt that it would giv'e Mr, Thom-- Westera Railway Company did not com--|| son a charce of completing the scheme. | ; | wence their road till fifteen years after their || This was the conclusion at which he was charter was granted. The Great Westorn compolled to arrive, and that being so, he ; Eailsay Company had thrown every ob-- || felt compelied to vote in favour of the cl?use i | atacle they could in the way of Mr. Thom-- || which is hon. friend had introduced in Corma-- | sen, they had never lost an opportunity to || mittee. g | do s'l in their power to prevent him from Mr. McKELLAR said he had written the 'i | croanizingc and commencing the construction proposition that Mr. Thomson was prepared to | of his road, Now, finding that all they had || make on behalf of the Southern Air Line y don bad not succeeded in preventing him || Company and it was to the effect that on an-- 2 fror: securizg theragsurancs of support from | extension of the charter to the lst of May, An. rican capitalists, they came forward and | a clause should be inserted in the Bill pro-- ind endeavourcd to crush him by asking for viding that the sum of $200,000 should be t a chorter fora rival '"'line over the sams ' placed in the bhands of the Provincial Treas-- | «4 row's," The request of Mr, Thomson was & || urer to remain there until $500,000 was ex-- 1 rea nnasble one, and he hoped the House || pended in iron or steel on the construction of would not refuse it. | the railway, and if the said $500,000 was not | & Mir, PARDEE said if this second section || expended before the 1st day of Octol?er, then | % sere passed without amendment, it would || thesum of $200,000 should be a forfeit to the kave the effect of granting charters to two Province,--any charter now gmtegl to the I Companies for the parpose of building rail-- | Great Western (McMaster, Joy & On.) to be ways over the same route. Such a thing ! voided provided the Erie Company did not P was unprecedested. Surely the House | fail in the $200,000 on the 1st of May. This would not refuse to allow Mr. Thomson | was but two montbs beyond the limit of 3 the two months remaining to complete the | their charter as now fixed, and he could not | | 'ims of his chaiter. If, after that tims, he | conceive that any reasonable psrson would , bad pot commenced work, then let Mr. Mc-- | refuse to extend the tims on these condi-- | Varter step in and build the line if be |, tions. wiched, Mr. RYKERT said that he was fully par-- | | Hon. Mr. CAMERON said that the whole || suaded that this offer had been made without | f tha aid promised by the Michigan Air || reazonable consideration. It was said that | ins was a contribution of $200,000 to enable || the present position was unparalloled, but tr Thomson to organize,. He (Mr. C.) did || was the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway, : know what the exponses of the organiza-- || nowthe same route as when Mr. Thomson car-- | -- tion were, but if the money was intended to || ried his charter two years &ago. The same nay for the expenses incurred in promotiag || argrments wou'ld equally apply to that case | -- tbe charter in this legislature, ho thought it || which they havs now brought forward as in immoral transaction. argumenrts against the House granting his Dr. McGILL, Mr. OLIVER, aad Mr. 'l' charter. } SCOTT (Gray), spoke in support of the || Mr. BLAKE said that the Buffalo and | Bill. H Lake Huron did not oppose Mr. Thomson's \ir. CARLING desired to state his reasons || BilL _ _ _ __, f for te vote be intended to give on this |} Mr, RY KERF--fThey d'd oppose it. | measure. -- On a former occasion he voted for || Mr. McKELLAR--Mr. Brydges did not the charter of Mr. Thomson but he would || oppose it. row vole for the rival Bill, This seemed || _ wr, ryrERT said it was because that scmewhat inconsistant. hfl?l had 115~9§*;'}115° | gentleman did not believe the line would be | all the BPQj'l'?'sh duufng the 52.0"'0' !m tey built, and preferred to see the charter in were, most of them, from sections 0f COUBSY || gne hands of Mr. Thomson than in the pos-- | interested in the-- matter. is kn fr'o.n session of a Company wh> would be able what {'e h"l'" th"""é W;"tgh"a Mr. TV%':[;:;T:; and willing to construct the road. The man-- oply doureo P0 PE U cole and clanel ner in which Mr. Thomson had gone first to Railway as long as possible, and deprive the one and then to suother with bis chart people of a road. He would therefore vote oo ~*matst? « is ; caktFOls io the Bill as it stood ) proved his inability to obtain the requisite * , * . funds for the constructicn of the line, and | _ Mr. SCOTT (Ottawa,) considered that the || toth the West Shore Hudson River Company | Thomson Charter partook of the character of ard the M1chlgan Air Line .« Company | veated rights, and that 1}nt11 the two months || were not in a position to afford | yet unexpircd under its provisions have || hir, any assistance. The witness representing | elapred, that it] was not right that another || 10 former Company met the Committss | charter should be granted over the same || wi<th an offer {that the Uhartor shall be route. co-- veyed to that Company forsver on condi-- Hon. Mr. RICHARDS said it wasadmitted || tia of their finding $200,000 to float the that thore was a charter already existing || scueme, Thore are overone hundrad petitions over the line proposed by the Canada Air || is favour of the Great Westorn line, and Line Company,. The House would find that || to interests of the country demanded & parties would not apply for Charters when || | ue of communication, and the Canada Air they found that no respect was paid to their | '.ing Biil was the only probable means of rights obtained under them. It was conced-- | -- ed that a road was required, and the question || their attaining !t; he hopad the Committee was who should make the read? Who ever || would treat the matter upon its merit:s, heard of a rival line being constructed by a || -- Mr. OLIVER and Mr. McCALL (Norfolk) Company who, for eighteen years had op-- || made some few;observations, In the course posed the line. There could be no doubt || of the remarks of the latter four o'clock ar-- that the proposed line would cut off alarge || rived, and the Committee rose, without amount of traffic from the Great Western, | comir'xg to any decision on the amendment, | and it was almost absurd to think that they || sver would construct it. It had been argued COMMITTEES, by the hon, member for Hamilton, that the Reports were presented from ths Com nit-- line was overatocked, but why was it that | tee on Standing Orders and othe: Commit-- | ;m argumentkhad rever been used blefore. | _ tees.' | |\ He aid notthink that there was any likelihood yoge at 4 af | of the proprietors of the Greaz Western The House tss al 40. ws, Hi Mond4s$» } e Railway carrying out the project. Mr. CHRISTIE said the whole question i J resolved itself into the respective value of the Thomson line and of the Great Western Railway Company's line. That the Chartor of Mr. Thomson was a valuable one, the _ very -- fact that such _ efforts were being made to deprive him of it was svfficient evidence. Now, he had no objec-- | ticns to the Great Western Railway Com-- | pasy obtaining a charter if Mr. Taomson | should rot be able to construct the line, but | until his charter should expire it would be | unfair to deprive him of his vested rights-- | of rights which had been proved to be most | valuable. He hoped the House would not | be guilty of such an act of injustice as the | passage of the measure before the House | weuld certainly be to Mr. Thomson,. Hon. Mr. CAMERON spoke at some lergtb, and a long discussion ensued, in the | ccurse of which, | j Mr. BLAKE said the charter of the Erie I and Nisgara Railway Company did not ex. § pire until the lst March, and the course which kad been taken in proposing to give . the Great Western Company power to build a line over the same courtry whilse the other charters were yet in force was unprecedent. | ed ; at least it struck him as very extraordi-- | vary ; but to propose that the Company should | go into operation anterior to the period at | which the former Company had been given, | in which to organ12e, lgemed to him to be sx. | tl'cmf}y unjust. He fuled to age &ny reason A \ why this courseshould be adopted on this oc