The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Dec 1869, p. 1

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_ _ °°~ "~WCenp -- iss VAAUG | Committees on Railways and Stand-- ?ptg.n (t)i:gfu, presented Reports, FIRST READINGS, Mr. BEATTY i:trt:;dénged a Bifll to reg'gll Act passed in the 32. year cof Queen Vic-- c';iio re';whng' the Registration of lcurzn:i Marriages and Deaths, °To be read a secan 'time to--morrow, Blicd, Three for, and one : a charter to Vm. M the construction of a to the Niagara River, LEQISLATURE CF ONTARIO. One for the extersion of the Erle ani Niag ara Railway. # One for the appointment cf 1 io aov se M N cortain persons REPORT3 OR CcOMMITTEE®R3, The C :l « ,?:,Ti_t_t:: on several Bills, and the The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock. PETITIONS. The following pctitions were received f Two for the erection of a Schoo! for the ::i on?'tg:inat, the granting of Mc Master andvother;,nfor _a railway from Glencos Moxpay, Dec. 20. COUNTY JUDGES' CRIMINAL COURTS Atiy.--Gen. MACDONALD moved that the House should resolve itself into a Com-- mittee of the Wholo to--morrow to consider a resolution respecting Fees to Sheriffs, Clerks <of the Peace, and County Attorneys in the County Judges' Criminal Courts. Carried. THE AIR LINE RAIL WAY. ¥'r. BOYD proposed the following resolu-- tion:--** That this House do resolva itseif into a Committee of the W hole on to--morro#, #o suthorize Registrars to exact under the Registration of Co--Partnerships Act 1869,the sum «f cents, for filing declarations of Co--Partnership, if the same do not contain more than t xo hundred words, and at the rate of cents paer hundred words for all atkove that number."--Carried. The House resumed in Committse on "Bill {(No. 43) Tre Canada Air Line Company," oz tl]'.sguquastion of the suspensory clause in the e Hon. Mr. RICHARDS was about to speak when cries of * yeas," * nays," stopped him, He, howev::;dper-hted, and said that it must be unders that the clause, if defeated, would interfere with the existing rights of AMir. Thomson. Bill (No. 84,) Amending the Acts relating «to the Port Whitbhy and Port Perry Rail-- way Company. --Mr. Paxton The following Bills were read a second lixl::el and referred to a Committso of the wchole: Bill (No, 63), To authorizs the construc« tion of a Railway from the city of Ham{lton to Caledonia --Mr. Williams (Hamilton ) REGISTRARS, Dr. MoGILL objected to further discus-- sion, and Mr, McKELLAR made a fow remarks. The division was then taken, with 35 sgainst 30 as the result. Bill (No. 104), To amend An Act passed in the session held in the Twenty--sixth year of the reign of Queen Victoria, and chaptered forty. Mr. Paxton. Mr. McKELLAR said that the hon. Com-- muilssioner of Public Works was not ertitled to vote,. Ho was interested in the Great Wlelatern as a stockholder and director. {Oh !) Bill (No. 47), To legalize and confirm the Survey made by F. F. Passmore, E:quirs, Proviucial Land Surveyor, of the first, seo-- ond, third and fourth concessions (old survey) of the Township of Melancthon, in the County of Grey, Mr. Lauder. Bill (No. 83), To lncorsorato the Inland Water Transportation and Navigation Im-- provement Company.--Mr, Paxton 'The clauses 3 and 4 were agreed to, and on clause 5 as follows :--*" From snd after the passing of this Act, the said Honourable William McMaster, James F. Joy, Henry P. Baldwin, Christian H. Buh], Donald Mcinuss, the Honourable John Carling, Aquila Walsh, David Thompson, Joseph A. Wood: uff, Colin Munro, Thomas Arkell, Thomas M. Nairn, James M. Beatty, Gervaiss Goodwin, Aungus P. Macdonald, E. M. Schooley, Jamss M. Williams, John Charles Rykert and George Seffell shall be provisional directors of the said Company." Bill, (No. 66), To incorporate the Nazray Institute, --Mr. Smith (Kent), PRIIVATE BILLS. The following Bills passed throush Com-- mittee and were read a third time. Bill (No. 53), To amend the Act to Incor-- porate the Peterborongh and Halibarton Railway Company, Mr. Carnegie, Mr. HAYS also raised "some objections, but they were overruled, amid crises of *"chair,." and the decision was sustained. Mr. McCALL (Norfo!lk) moved the omis-- sion of several names from the list, but amid some laughter the amondment was lost with-- cut a division, and the clause passed. Clauses up to 13 were sgreed to. Cn clause 14, Mr. COYNE moved an addition to ths clause, requw:ring the deposit of the sh are list, &c , and oth.:r matters in order to secure the bona fides of the undertaking. The object was to make the Company a reality, © His Excellency the Governor General therefore, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, has been pleased to declars the dylsallowmce of the said Act." The announcement was received with {ron-- ical cheers, &¢., on both sides. fes Mr'° RYKRERT suggested that the two years allowed by the clausa for the com-- mencement of the railway should be altsred to one year. He moved an amondment to that effect. The clause, as amended, was thon azresd » to. On clause 17, R Mr. BEATTY moved the rejection of tho olause.. The clauss was not in the original scheme as first introduced. The clauss would place this Company under the control to a very great extent of the Grand Truzk Com pany. It was manifestly unfair to the districs of the country through which the line passed that the charter came into operation thus trammelled, _ It was opposed to the senti-- ments of the promoters of the Bill. brss »ESSAGE FROM THE LIEUTENANT--GoOvErNorp | _ Mr. SCOTT (Ottawa) said the clause had THE PRIVILEGES OF MEMBER3 been accepted in the Committee by the an : porters of the charter, and it was v{ry us jug; ~-- and unfair to endeavour to effect an altera *' tion in the Bill now., The line of the Grand (~ 'Trunk Railway over this section of country was quite sufficient to carry both traffi»; The c(lauae was fair to both lines, Hon, Mr. WOOD said the Air Line was placed on an «qual footing with the Buffalo 'and Lake Huron Line, by their power of ap pointing arbitrators, &c. Thore was no rea-- #on why a double track could not be laid on the existirg line. It would be hardly fair «pon the municipalities along the line to . place another road along their line, Mr. SECORD did not think that they should place themseives under the control of 'the Grand Trunk Railway, _ Heo wished for an ind:gendent Air Line,and should be sorry . to see the Grand Trunk exercise a monopoly -- over the entire district, | Mr. BLAKE considered that it would be & breach of faith to the parties who passsi the Bill,on the understanding that this <lause should bo inzerted to now up-- set this arrangement, If the clauss had kbeen carried without discussion, he did mot think that it was good faith on the part of the promoters to now oppose it. If it hai been discussed and had been decided adverso-- ly against them, then they might raiss this «discussion. Mr. SCOTT (OAtawa) explained the course taken by the Committes. Hon,. Mr. McMURRICY said, as faith had rot been kept with the House on one clauss, he felt _at liverty {to vote as he pleased on this, He wished to see both Compznies <qually clear of influences. Mr. WILSON said he belisved that the Province would not consent to the road being laced at the morcy of the Grand Truok &hey already had sufficient power. Mtr. COYNE said this qusestion was agzraod #o on all sides. He heard no one object to it. Mr, COYNE exceedingly regretted that this course shou'd have been adoepted. Atty--Gen. MAaCDONALD said thas the raanss had been adopted in Committss, and parzscd without a vote being taken upon it. My. YMcpOUFALL said the hon. msmber Tor Wellant (Vr. Bsatty) had, he romem-- kered, rais=d an objection in Comuities, and €Gid ncot withdraw it Ha should feel at liberty to vote upon this quostion as he Aboughts most correct. Hor. Mr. CAMERON understood that ths hon. gentleman had, after hearlng the ox-- planation given, acquiesced in the clause, _ The arrangement was a compromiss, the in-- terest of the public not being injured by it in the least, The smaller the cost of the rail-- ;vag the greater chances of the rail way bsing --built. _ _ _ Hon Mr, WOOD said that it would bs | disreputable on the promoters of the Bill, if | the cfanse was withdrawn, not to withdraw the Bill entirely. ie believed that there were vested rights in the mattar, aud ' the House bad no right to farther injura the | property on the existing lins, by allo wing a further lino'running parallel, | Mr. HAYS should vote in favour I of the clause, although he thought the junction between the Grand Trunk and Great Mr. SECCRD said that there would be no benefit whatever to the district if this jane-- tion was formed at Canfield, anl thoa to Buffala, The line would be of no bensfit to them. Mr, CALVIN said that he wont in for free trado in railroads. In respect to this arranzgement, he thought they would find that there was " anothsr dog to be huag yet." (Laughter ) Mr, BEATTY raid ho shouldl press it to a vote, for he would consider is an iai-- quitous procceedings. He thought that the Housoe should not be bound by the arrange-- ments come to by lobbyists, With regard to the treach of faitk, the Housa had not always considered that it was incumbent upon them to sustsin the Committes. They hed already expucged ona aidition adoptei by the Committso. Thoe Company would icevitably be brought into an arsangament with the Grazad Trusk Compaay, bust they could not tie the Grazd Trusk, sincs it was pot under their jurisdiction, -- The clauss was placed in by compulsion. Mr. RYEKERT said he should have liked that the B:!i should have passsd without the clause. But he accepted it as the Committeo had carried it He was therefore in duty bound to support the 'clauss, but he shou'ld make an addition to it to the effect that t3 decision of any arbitration should be opan to re--arkbitration and revision during the zrext following five years. Hon. Mr. CAMERON was undaerstord ta say that Mr. Joy had desided in favour the clavuseo. Mr. BEATTY did not thiak that he so urdersteod tho clause, Hs said he had no cbjection to some arrangements boing male, Mr. BLAKE said the question was an im portant ;ore. No far as a Committee was acting in regard to private right, is was act-- ing ir a quasi judicial aspest, and if any mat-- ter was pressed to a decision, then it was to be decided upon by them; the question, how ever, being opon to ravisal by the Honse. But where an agreoment has bsen entered into by both competing parties, and if the clause was not adopted, it must either ba sent back to the Committee, or thrown out altcgother. Of courso, neither the Com-- mittee nor the Houso wore bound by whas was dose outside, but it was ajoptsd by them, and he should vote, therafore, against his own opinion, in favour of the clause, or for anything which would give the Committee ancther opportunity for arriving at & reason-- able, deliberate conclusion. Mr. BE ATTY--I objectadito it. Western Railways which was cropping up was most serious. Mr., WILSON supported the clause. Mr. BAXTER alluded to the differsnce between the gauge, as constituting a diffi-- ing 4 Hop. Mr. WOOD explained that the diffi-- culty was obviated by the arrangements n that he was perfect! . Mr. McMUKRICA said, that noth-- at had been said had changed his vote Fuys

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