LECISLATURE OF ONTARIO. FrIiDAy, Dec. 24. The third session of the Ontario Legisla-- f ture was brought to a closs yesterday, His Exceliency the Lieutenant--Governor pro--. roguing the House with the customary for-- | malities, The event did not create any con-- siderable degree of interest, and scarcely twenty persons assembled outside the Par-- Kament buildings awaiting the Lieut. Gov-- ernor's arrival. A detachment of the GOth Rides was drawn up before the House ; and Inside the general galleries were well filled ;. and among those on the floor of the House ; were Vice Chancellor Mowat, Judge Galt, | Judge Haggerty, Rev. Dr. Rgerson, Bighop | Bethune, and others, and also several ladios., | Some thirty members were presont in their | seats, the majority having previously left by | trmn. i Precisely at three o'clock His Excellency drove up in his carriage, the band of the GOth R:iles playing the National Anthem ; ard shortly after he entered the Chamber snd tock his seat on the Throne, thoss pres-- ent rising and paying obcisance. An Act to amenod the Ast passed in the Session held in the thirty--second year of the reign of Her Msjesty, intituled '"An Act re-- apecting elections of Members of the Legis-- lative Assembly." An Act to amensd an Act paseed in the Session beld in the thirty--second year of the reign of Her Majasty, intituled "An Act to amend chapter fifteen of the Consolidated Statutes of Upper Canads, intituled an Act respecting County Courts " An Act further to extend the tims for the Registration of Conveyances to Religious Institntions in Ontario. Hlis Excellency then was pleased, in Her Majesty's nams, to sssent to the following Bills:-- An Act to amend the Act Incorporat-- ing the Wesleyan Female Collage of Hamil-- tor. An Act to enable the Corporation of the Town of Chatbam to dispose of cartain lands. An Act to exempt, from Municipal Taxa-- tion, for a certain period therein meationed, a Sugar Refinery proposed to be erected in the City of Toronto. An Act respecting the Fair Ground of the County of Oxford. An Act to remunerate cortain members of the Court of Error and Appeal. An Act to authorizs the Trustees of the Presbyterian Church, in the Township of Finch, in the County of Stormont, in conuec-- tion with the Church of Scotland, to sell Lot numrer fourteen, in the Fifth Concession of the said Township. An Act to legalizo, confirm and establish the re survey of the Town of Chatham, in the Provizce of Ontario. An Act to make farther provisionsfor car-- rying out the Act, intituled the Law Reform Act of 1868, and to regulate proceedings on W rit of Error and Certiorari. An Act to provide for the conveyance of lard sold by the late Zephaniah Swift More Hersey, and to authorizs the sale of certain Village Lots belonging to his estate. An Act to amend the Act Incorporating the President, Directors and Company of the Port Credit Harbour, . An Act respecting Law Fees and Trust Fucds. An Act respecting the Appointment of Notaries Pablic. blic An Act to authorize the aavance of Pu Money to & limited amount, to promots the improvement of Lands in Ontario by works of Drainage, An Act to Incorporate the Toronto, Sim-- coe and Muskoka Railway Company. An Act to amend the Law relating to Bills of Lading, * An Act respecting proceedings in Judges' Chambers at Common Law. An Act to legalize and confirm the survey made by F. F,. Passmore, HKsq., Provincial Land Surveyor, of the first, second, third and fourth Concessions (old survey) of the Town-- ship of Melancthon, in the County of Grey, An Act to confirm certain side Roads in the Township of Tilbury East, and to pro-- vide for the defining of other road allow. ances and lines in the said Township. An Act respecting the Primitive Methodist Connsxion. An Act to Incorporate the Kingston and Madoc Railway Company. An Act to amend 'an Act passed in the Seesion held in the twoenty--fourth year of Her Majesty's Reign, intituled * Au Act to consolidate the debt of the Town of Peter-- borough, and to authorize the issue of de-- bentures on the security of Town Proporty, and for other purposes." An Act to Incorporate the Toronto House Building Association. An Aoct to amend the Act passed in the Session held in the thirty--first year of Her Majesty's Reign, chaptered forty, intituied an Act to Incorporate the Toronto, Grey anq Bruce Railway Company, and the Act pase. ed in the Session held ,ln the thirty--sscoond year of Her Majesty's Reign, chaptered sighty --wo, amonding the same," _ PROROGATION. An Act to avuthorize the Trusteos of the McNab Street Wesleyan M«thodist Church, in the City of Hamilton. to sell and convey certain real estate vested in them, and to ap-- ,pLy tl!;e proceeds in payment for another church, o ns emerget 1 3 /) & 7 Act for the relief of the representatives of the An Act to authorize the closing of cortain streets in Elors, in conformity with a By-- law of said Village. An Act to legalize the Amaigamation of the Cobourg and Peterborough Railway Com-- pany, and the Marmora Iron Company, and for other purposes, An Act to Incorporate the Ontario Peat Company. l Aun the T An Act Lo LRCOEpgUEPRIEC --ZIRVU , yFodmn'de AAdnensie College. An Act concerning Sheriffs' sales for taxes. An Act to Incorporate the Weston Church School. An Aoct to confirm and legalize a sale and conveyance by the Church Society of the Diocese cf Auron, of c ertain premises in the Town of Galt, to the Roeverond Michael Boomer, D. D. An Act to empower the Ottawa Mechanics' Institute and Athernsam, and the Ottawa Natural HiutorgoSooiety, to amailgamate into one corporate body under the nams of the Ottawa Literary and Scientific Society. An Act to facilitate the withdrawal of the town of Perth, in the County of Lanark,from the jurisdiction of the Council of the County Lanark, and to provide for the liability of the town for its share of the county debt. An Act to amend an Act passed in the Session, held in the twenty--sixth year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Viotoria, and chaptered forty. An Act to amend the Act passed in the thirty--first year of the reign of Her Majosty, chaptered forty--one, intituled an Act to In-- corporate the Toronto and Nipissing Rail way Company, and the Act amending the same, passed in the thirty--second year of the reign of Her Majesty, chaptared cighty--three. An Act relating to the Indemnity of Mem-- bers, and the salary of the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly. An Act to Incorporate tha Nazrey Insti-- tute. An Act to divide the Township of Marys-- burgh into two muntcipalities. An Act to authorize the Corporation of the Township of Collingwood, in the County of Grey, to construct certain works, and 2o-- quire certain lands at the mouth of Beaver River, in the said township. An Act to appoint Trustees for certain lands belongisg to the Presbyterian Church, in connection with the Church of Scotland, in the townships of Dummer and Asphodel, in the County of Peterborough. An Act to authorize the Church Society of the Diocese of Huron to sell certain Church Lands in the Township of Goderich, An Act amonding the Acts relaking to the Port Whitby jand Port Perry Railway Com-- pany) An Act to Incorporate certain persons under ths name of the Toronto Wharf and Ware: housing Company. An Act to amond sub--section two and three of section nine of the Law Reform Act of 1868, and to appesl section two of chapter one hundred and twenty--eight of the Con solidated Statutes of Upper Canada (now Ontario). Reglistration of Co--Partnership Aot, 1869. An Act to amend the Asssssment Law. An Act respecting Municipal Institutions of Upper Canada. An Act to enable Donald Alexander Mac-- donald to construct a Canal in the Township of Kenyon. An Act to authorizs the construction of a railway from some point in the City of Ham-- ilton to Caledonia. An Act to Incorporate the Inland W ateor Transportation Company. An Act to lncorporate the M isslesippi Navigation Company, An Act to amend the Law respecting theo powers of Executors and Administrators. An Act to amerd the Aot, intituled * An Act respecting Tavern and Shop Licenses,. To amend the Act of Incorporation of the Cobourg Cemetery Company, and to extend to said Company the provisions of chaptsr aeixty--seven of the Consolidated Statutes for Upper Canada, and for other purposes. An Act to amend the Law of Evidence in Civil Causes. An Act to amend the Act to Incorporate the Peterborough and Haliburton Rail way Company. An Act to amend Chapter thirty--one of the Consolidated Statutes of Upper Canada. An Act to'permit solemn Declarations to be substituted for Oaths in certain oases. An Act to repeal sub--section one of section one bundred and fifty--five, of Chapter thirty--one, Consolidated Statutes of Uppor Cansda, respecting Jurors and J uries, and to make other provisions in lisu thereof. An Act to authorize the Port Hope say and Beaverton Kailway Comp:q change thq name of the Company, extend their line of Railway, and for purpoges. An Act to amend the Act incorporating the Erie and Niagara Extension Rail way, and to change its name, An Act to establish Municipal Institutions in the District of Algomas, An Act to revive, for a limit 3d purpose, the Charter of the Hamilton and Port Dover Railway Company, mm un o. :Z::f to Jrovido for the organization of Terriborial District of Parry Sound. A Xct to lncorporate the Ottawa Ladies' Tw > ize the Port Hope, Lind-- n Kailway Company, to 'nthl'x'g Company, and to 4 , and for other hapter thirty, of the Statutes of Ontario, icntit':xled "An Act to provide for the Rogis-- tration of Births, Marriazes and Deaths," An Aoct to amend and extend the provis-- ons of the Act, Chapter thirty, Consolidated Statutes of Upper Canada, respecting Inteor-- pleading. _ s un L g t it o n ~ An Act to remunerate Sheriffs, Clerks of the Peace, and County Attorneys,. _ An Act forgranting to Her Majesty certain saums of money required for defraying the ex perses of Civil Government for the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy, and for making good certain sums expended for the Public Service in the year one thousand eight hurcdred and sixty--eight, and one thousand eight hundred and sixty--nine, and for other purpores. Mr. SPEAKER then said :-- May it please your Excellency : We, Her Majesty's most dutiful and faith-- fal subjects, the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, in Session asssmbled, approach Your Excellency at the close of _ _ our labours with sentiments of unfeigned devotion and loyalty to Her Majesty's person and Government, and hum-- bly beg to present for your Exceliency's ac-- ceptance, a Bill intituled '"An Act for Grant-- ing to Her Majesty certain sums of money required for defraying the expenses of Civil Government for the year 1870, for making good certain sums expended for tha Public Service in 1868 and 1869, and for othor pur-- poses;" thus placing at the disposal of the Crown the means by which the Government may be made effcient for the service and welfare of the Province. To this Bill the Royal Assont was signified in the following words:-- Eis Excellency then rose and loft the Chamber amid cheering, and shortly after-- wards drove off in his carriage, the band again playing part of the National An-- them. The Hon, Mr. Richards, then said :-- Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Legisla-- latiwe Assembly : It is His Excellency the Lieutenan--Gover nor's will and pleasure, that this Legislative Aseembly be prorogued until Thurscfly, the 3rd day of February next, to be then hore holden ; And this Provincial Legislative Agsembly is accordingly %rorogued until Thursday, the 3rd day of February next. I rejoice that you are enabled to return to your respective homes, at a season of the year when it is peculiarly agreeable for friends to be re--united, and relatives to meet in the domestic circle I sincerely wish to each and all of you a happy meeting with your families and constituents, and I prey that the Divine blessing may rest upon the labours which you have now brought t> a happy conclusion. In Her Majesty's name, His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor doth thank Her loyal subjects, accept thair benevolence and assent to this Bill. After which, the Lieutenant-- Governor was pleased to address the Legislative As-- zembly in the following words:-- I have given my ready assent to a variety of measures of public utility, the result of your labours during the present Session, be-- lieving them to be well calculated to further the ends of justice, and to promote the well-- being and prosperity of the Province. I feel persuaded that your respective con-- stituents, and the public at large, will join with me in recognizing the zeal and assiduity with which you have applied yourselves to the performance of your arduous duties during the Session now brought to & close. I thank you for the liberal supply you have granted to Her Majesty for the service of the incoming year, and you may rely on these being administered, as heretofore, with the most vigilant regard to economy in every department of Public Service. The state of the public business now en-- | ables me to releasoe you from furthsr attend-- | ance in this Assembly. | ['!l': h wH W lava x No ts i dlats ant r c lodsy <. {inim 295 y w4' s t 1e #6 & to ME\ x & 4 38 o X¥ HIS EXCELLENCY then procseded to read,in a distinct veice,the following Speech: | Honow able Gent/+men of "the Senate, and Gentlemen of the House of Commons: I recur with contidence to your advice, and have much satisfaction in being able on the present occasion to summon you for the dis-- charge of your public duties at the period of the year most converient to yourselves. The circumetences under which we mset are, in mary respects,auspicious. The bounty of Providerce crowned the harvest with abundance ard made the fisheries unusually productive. In many districts existisg in-- dustrles have been enlarged and uew eater-- prizes have started into activity, furaishing fresh avenues for commerce and additional employment for our people, whilst every day new sections of the country sre being opened to the labours of the husbandman. The trade and wealth of the Dominion are on the in-- crease, and the cqual administration of the laws maintains, as heretofore, the enjoy-- ment of a general sense of security. I hav@ watched _ with _ much _ auriety the ccurse cf events in the North West Territories, Unforturste misapprehensions of the intentions with which the || ocuntry was sought to be arquired by Canada | have led to complications of a grave charac-- ter, With a view to their removal, I have thcught it desirable to exhaust every means of ccnciliation before adoptiing other meas-- ures, and the latest advices leai mo to ; expect that the groundlss alarms entertained | by a portion of the inhabitants have piven | plece to a desire to listen to the explanatilons which I have caused to be made to them. Efforts made in the spirit which has animated my Government throughout can scarcely fail to accomplish an equitable and peacefual solu-- tion of the existing difficulties, and thereby eecure the speedy incorporation of the North-- West Territories with Canada, an objsct so earnestly desired by the Empiro and the Do-- minion, as the act for the temporary govern-- ment of the Territorles whon united with Canzda will expire at the close of the present Session. A measure providing for their government will be submitted for your consideration. The charters of most | of the Banks of the Dominion were, last sesrion, extended for a limited period, with the view that during the izrterval the quss-- ticns of Banking and Cur:rency should ro-- ceive the consideration which their import-- arce demands. A measuro, interded to | epsure safety to tke community, without | interfering with the legitimate cporations of the Bsnks, will be submitted for | your consideration, and will, I trust, ] be found caloulited to place thase + important interests upon a sousd and stable | bacle, The laws in forcs on the subjact of | the elective franchise and the regulation of | Parliamentary slections in the several Pro-- vinces of the Dominion vary much in thoir operations, and it is importaut that unriform provislons should be made setiling tha fran-- f chise ard regulsting elections. | Gentlemen of the House of Commons : The Governor--General's Speech | our internal commerce, ronder legislation on the eubject desirable, asd a measure with regard to it will be submitted for your con-- iideration. The creation of a Court of Ap-- A measure upon this subject will be sub-- mitted for your conslderation under the operationof an Act of the Imperial Parliament, pessed in the year 1869, to amend the law relating to the coasting trade and merchant thipping in British posscssions, a period of two years is gilven to the Lcgislatures of ths several Colon%es of the Empire to make pro-- vision for the regulation of their coasting trade. In the absence of legislation on the eubject within the period named, the Frovi&ionl of the Imperial law will be n force. The extent ard valuo of BOMINION PARLIAM:NT. The Parliament opened to--day with the customary formalities. The weather was glorious and numerous flags were displayed in the city. The guard of honour consisted of the 60th Rifles. Two hours before the commencement of the ceremony, members had taken their seats in the gallery of the Serate; and from that time a continuous stream of fashionably dressed ladies and gentlemen poured into the Chamber. The gallery became densely crowded; and on the floors were a largs number of representatives of the Clerical and Legal professions, including the Protestant Bishop of Ontario. Shortly before three o'clock the Vice--Regal party entered, the company uprising, andi precisely at the hour appointed, His Excel-- lency, together with his suite, entered and arcended the throne. Immediately after Prince Arthur was conducted by Sir John A. Macdonald to a seat by the sideof the Governor--General,. A salute was fired on the arrival of the Governor-- General and paty. Thke Hon. Mr. CAUC1ON, Speaker of the Sevnate, then commanded the Usher of the Black Rod, Mr. Kimber, juar., to summon the members of the House of Commons Afteran intervalof a quarter of an hour,the Uzsker returned with the Speaker and mem-- bers of the Lower Houss to ths number of sbout one hundred, who crowded behind the bar. PRINCE ARTHUR PRESENT. (By Telegraph from our Own Reporters.) THE DAILY GLOBE OTrawaA, Feb. 15. Wehdd Shl 85 e e Clies.