Wmmmmv. Dec. 14 The SPEAKER took the chair 11:21:13 pun. . PETITION'S. The following petitions were sresmtcd P"- Mr. W. Cra'.g--f?rons the Truscces of the Canada Presbyterian Church proyorty in tls. gncde, praying; that an Act m jg pm to tr:- lee them to sell Certain of 211-er lauds.- Mr. As1dirnirotr--'v'voiu W. r'. Cu : others, of Flown. praying that i'..t an to Incorporate the (ham "mi l mpmy. Mr. Lount -From the Iowa Council oi Collingwood. praying that 3.1 Act, "my p v.33 to legalize certain maps of tin. t' 21.5. m» vn as the Huroutario estate, in L'oliiugwooj. Mr. 8winarton-Frorn the township Coun- ci1ofAlbion,oraahw, that" dst may p m; w Mr. 8winarton-F cilof Albion, pra' hog establish ti,.r, Dalila, as we puma: hic'uv King. . Mr EROSIW-Frv C Nonfolk, pray. Em: th: tie diatritoutcd gut tits. Mr. tlow-From the Mechanics' Institut: ot Guelph, praying and. Hon. Mr. Carling-From the Sisters of St Joseph, of the diocese of Lamina, praying that an Act may pass to incorporate them 3 also. from the same praying aid. Mr. Baxter-Address for copies of Engin- eer's: Bogart, and all correapurvlcnce "uh the Hamilton and Port Dover flank lull Co. since July lat, 1807. COURTS Oli' AUDITOhS'. Mr. CAR X31113 intrulucml P. Bill to ale:- the tunes cf "aiding the CI mi. of. Auiiwra for auditing: t'i)'re1. y accounts. Iteeoived-t. That junino tequila that every unbject should contribute in due pro- portion to his means to the expenses of that N unicipal Government of Which he receives the beiiotit. 2 That the Assessment A " should be tbrcended by "rikirsgrout the "eruptions fron taxation therein contained in favour of cer- tain classes ot subjects. Carried. The House adjourned at four o'clock. will, on Thursday next, resolve itself into a Can mittee of the Whole House to consider the following retoiutiomc--. as?" Mr. BOYD e1 that J. B. Mel: the Aim"): y the (mice of the Page: of ' Dundas and I Bethune, [in sum in the J of the Comm Atty-Gen. MAC'ntrh'ALD mid that it did not fall within the province of the Pro. xineial Government to do the work referred to. Tho hon. member would see, however, what was the intention of the 1overnmatti. when tho eatimtes were brought down. Mr. BLAK E enquired whether Lt is intend. ed to make any char go in the "Amber License .ystcm during this. Sear-inn. Atty-Gen. MitooN: LD-Th w i, such intention. l my t Mr. MACDOUGALL moved that Mr. Speakerbe requested to L',','",','), the sale at spirituous liquors in t e House. Ho end that he heard remarks made by members at the close ot last session, that they found it extremely annoy'ng to be pressed to drink by persons who had mens- ures they wanted to have passed. There was no gentlemen in the House who would be "octet! by pg'Ohibiting the sale of liquors ; and their prohi ition would tend to the dig. nity ot the House. ' Mr. BLAKR.---mar, hear. I Mr. MArlp9v9.h,raie progeeded to say th tt ill read ' in] read L I 3 SINCLAIR LIQUOR IN TUE HOUSE, ite, hi cuivay botwécn 1110 5? EGIE introduced a Bill to star llulaling the CH)". of Aulitul'a canny aousun'a. nun time; sec 1l11trl hut the Ontario ataitomsly to m ll {DICE COM y INI introduced a Bili to can- d the laws nanny refer. but: t in tho f0 J Lucu'u'uud I'Jéumtury th UV mut?, ar,, In) pl Improve m ut (Ll 1111 C3110? tov '18 Line ot I) a aa1 Janos Mon tut,c, ttf meat "Ice. and it in ali. " 96, at IO the 7rtiiliiii.Gi or the aloof i'plmuous . liquors in the House would promote the cause of temperance in the ProVince. (atrur, ' hear.) The people looked very much at the i, example set by the House l and he hoped, for i this reason the motion would pass. Then" motion was not intended in any shape'to cash rethsctions on my lemon in the House. l (How, hear.) I - ,-\ .1 "JL " Inn rnmem- l Hon. J. S. M A could be no ohjncti motion. He did habits were more c; Hon. J. S. MACDONALD said that hon. gentleman who made the motion ha right to ask for any memorials cancer the appointment. of Mr. Greeley. Mr, BLAKE-tnor, hear. Hon. I. S. MACDONALD reputed the hon. gentleman bad no right. to ael any memorials, " to question the preroqa as exercised in the apyoinunat ot Greeley. Why did not the hon. gentle bring in a motion to condemn the Go: meat for making tho appointment? As "he (Hon. J. S. Maudonald) w'asconzem tliore had been no correspondence betv tho Government and the parties , represented the difterent nominees for appointment. Mr. WILSON said he sincerely hoped the House would set its face against drinking. (Hcar, hear ) The SPEAKER put the motion, "as adopted. Mr. BLAKE moved an address for copies of all correspondence and memorials as to the filling of the vacancy in the shrievalLy of Prince Edward, to which Mr. Greeley, their member for that county, was uppointe" He said it would he in the recollection of all t' at during the last session a vscsmsy was consul in tho shrim alty of Prince Edward by the death of the titsriif. That vacancy "as not filled for some months; bat at the end of these months his hon. friend opp ositc wasenabled to find a person riualiriet1 to til the office in the person of the moniker for the comstituctrcy, Mr. Greeley. Solong a" the present existing rrrtecn of tt.dtniaistetlsg the Government c.otrejttucy1--mraely, that of giving cilicea to friends of memhors for coun- ties, provided members were on the right side of tho musts--it appeared to him ex- tremely obvious that it Was very o'ojoctloa. able that a member should himself be ap- pointed to any vaeanoy in the constituency. (Hear, hear.) The member was considered in some sort as a trustee of the patronsge of the constituency; but the thing should go further, and it should be made known that a member had not only the right to name the gems: who should fill a vacancy, but that a should also have the right to name himself. There might be some overwhelm, lng ireason why it vacancy should be filled by a. member-some overwhelming ex- fresslon .of public opinion in his "our which a Government could not " ford to disregard, But he (Mr, Blake) had heard that petitions were sent in for the 'ap. ttttee, of other candidates besides Mr. reeley; and such being the case,it was riurht the House should know the ohrwiaiifi'ir, necessity for the aiipoitttutent oPMr. srdriis7,' and the. reasons why the other candidate; were rejected. (Hear, hear.) Jid_.r,,miAiiE-s, I und MR. GREELE'Y'S SHRI EVALTY. his, or to question ttirJGiiritiir'i ed in the apwintxnonc ot Mr. Why did not the hon. gentleman man-.. L- -_-, , -. _ m g" bl)! IN ALL) said that the ho made the motion had no any meatorials concerning J kl» ft, , yy_flpty,',sspd 1911 to , reputed that right to ask for repeated that am . " sly that AiiTEve gutting um w» asks for t " Hon. J. B. sihcr)oNaLD--No pondenee. Mr. BLARE--0t cou'rso if there is rcspondence there is no object in the But it there were correspondence 1 have pressed the motion. Hon.' J. S. MAcDolNALIr-Th tpoll' any pawns appointed shoe last semen. ue sid it would. baits the recollection of the House that last tacs.eioo he had called atten- tion to the inefficiency ot a Pale oirreials in the Court of Chm-cewy. On that oaaaitortlir.s felt. it his duty to speak pretty singly, though being scavarrt.'iats to refer to nu Pt tight": 1iitity' or Ccnaztamnt. He. o:'r-eJ. that should my 6mm: t xit,t, as tothe array of his gen-«ml max-men's, to take a at: I mitieo and pram their accuracy. Tim _ _._ a '. 6H4 aurora. 1mm. the puma "newly to that titre, tit,." un the part of the ' Court. With that aerio: nothing whatever to do, ho felt. tint it M83 t in that House he ennui which might in thv hing?» auto 1118 treecom we tiscr ut that that some comm: with the Govern had {Gen that 1rit H mewhcre abet) aithoupls the was clo r-;.-(s tack pic, r,ctit from the, "mixes rufcr dcp:stttnenfs ot the court, cl {AbgCS either as to pc: nude of conducting iny 1' departments. It would these who Were interestui tion of justice, who Ht- it the administration oi just: I', M; the utmost e mummy, that if had Fe1.at made to what had been whether a funp'.a'.ed ing this in ward his I (10v cl". t? ngcs, w ' (knead. A coma-u vate nature, was how the jndgce, whieh comm was a'so Cd a punk tangy, and the hen. memher would not starely de. tire that communications, which must necaso sarily more or 1223 pattalce of a pri.' vate nature and involve the competency nrincompetency'of subordinates should be submitted to the Home. If the hon. gentle- man had any complaint to make of any of the changes," ho might make them; but he (the Att?InerCrtsttoriil) had not heard of any- thing. Mr. A'eAh than wj1ya there was no ctats. ll CODK'S h might in thv big-nos: [ his freedom oi action m but at that Hume. _ F0 '27: " be! Ct s. ;n made to know what tney were t had been done in retctenee It would also be interesting maul of the circr.'ry .., kn any 10 was not. awn.) comtDum 'ti' emu: t it u f the session the raverunrui; atigaw tie maiden via undue. I the public press that "new hat time, some action-, orl; place b of the "Manama o? tie, th that aerion he pal-mm 1y hail utevcr to do, for tho Kai-0.! that It it was dam-:13 to mm; 150 he should an or my moshing t in the allgbtes: tlr:ires JOIIlpl' " adom of action in me matter on t that Homage. tie mam»; tommunizmiou 111.1 taken place rovornment, the result of thcl at T, ithin a aknrb ciistve "e of tints, about tbs lat oi Xovcm'nx', esesmn closed last Dc:cmb.:, k yme in cextgu'. of the depart ' was not swam Whether the r as tyat I' pro mad: to tho "rover-2:3 he iu'iucs referred to any ot/ve 101) of the praoutin that aerton no p crapuhms to'refez' to 110 pm.- " c'cpattatent. He ofTere). doubt. t Xian as to tho azcuraw sritcctttt.m'te, to take a com two their accuracy. The Very proper one uudzr the nam'ly, that the represen- receive' attention, and that, r '. :he session the (im'erungg mum)? 1'My krviw what ci Te ttl 's. in the it there is no car- . ohieet in the mutun. - . , , tecei Id be itttertwtiteg to ted in the admiuCtrad it it a duty to see that asticc was carried on ition and the may»: auch reireaeatatioit. of thi case. lil the mun ommittee. 'l ittto Lor red to any 033:? or suggested any ctort8 or as ta we f the tsubordintst,s ate char No corres- There were mi 1113 h M' did n Are or Eho uld '02 " to n