1;_\'5311'1'101\'5 FROM TAXATION,. | yr. BLA Kl;] moved : That this Houss |_ \ .j), on Thursday nast, resolve itself into a |-- | Angpmittc© of th(i 'hole House to conside: {'.;e {ollowing reso utwfm i~f . R(!('l"ed--l' That justice requires that . ;ubject should contribute in due pro-- o1 to his means to the expenses of that : .'r" CGovernment of which he receives '9 'p(!!fin':'- & that the Aqgeasment Act should be rended bDY striking.out the exemptions from wation therein contained in favour of cer-- t j3 clacees of subjects. s L':..r'_']e\].. ~» House adjourned at four o'clock. -- 4 xoTicEs 0F MOTION, the following notices of motion have been VE "w. Piake--To onquire at what tims the | . nmentinterd introdu: ing the promised '*_arc for aid to certain railway enterprises. | v>, Trow--Bill to amend Chap, 12th, 31st ' ir. Boyd-- Address for a statement of any s--«ncial irregularities that may have takon uce in any of the branches of the public "«, and what steps have been taken to wevent their recurrence. AMr. Lount--Address for copies of all cor-- : ».ondence, reports and papers had with * Nominion Government touching the ap: mintment of the L'anf\l Commissioners, or in i wise affecting suca an appointment. \tr, McLeod--Address for copies of all wrespondencs, survoyors' reports; and al! yher papers tcuching the ascertainment of | +» boundary line between the North-- West I fenitory and this Province, | Also--Address for a statement sho wing the | wount of provircial money on deposit in ny of the Banks (if any), the name of such t.ok or Banks, with the respective amounts so deposited, and how deposited, whether on merest, and if so, at what rate, or subject to call. \ir. Trow--Bill to amend Chap, 29, See. ;1, of 3lst Vict., giving agricultural societies cmanized after the passing of said Act power o sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of lands. #