a: 'tt end he understood that Rodriguez " propane-'1 l? be wide in the a',',,'",),',?,.,'] ml l _ .r,t"" 'Graff/tll',,',', of the Ottawa. deputation they "3 Were not ch were o tll, unportan cf erecte'rr l f' ' , ' = t i"r;9'e'g'd ooh tse matter m hand, inezenvl _ The? were ' not .19? t P Puri? PAt 9 PM!" 1", "r "t . "3ng ({H'IVBte benevolence. He doting the 'hhluloul of the 'mllalllpll low. Y en mite "gage that if an application hath. ., " it new , In? ' But there might hemmed- I _ " 0031?: ttt its individual liberalit¥ their. . . ." mertu t e"' A "'T, to make the jy,ueieiel law -, " tmffi "hon to the fund for the re ist of work L"r'lr . ', and these would bs /efereed . ' deed Tt Would have been considerable to l c.'.',':) " ' ' . . ere was no need for a tolerance , . lt L .. Ctr (a? TNSEl . °the matter in the address. m thought _ Rr IF an," :1 ' " L19 , ' . lfeeent case worded l t p' " "u, l (grey) asked whether any or the charge sometime: 31113:: mtg! "he "" n ' ' " berutt msde with the Dominion' emment'of bribing 'i'l,di'i2,12are 'll Com: mm for the inane of, by the Lisa- . y 1ndl'ielded to the wish of leash} . bmaut Gonznor for Ontario, and the " , .310" fsoin the Ottawa Ewan? tte' oirtue t lr, him of the Issuers of Marriage d have granted the aid desired at 'JJ),',','. licenses for said. Province, and whether the ha, were actuated by a higher sense 'h _ "Venue dorivcd Ite, 11tsl.iit nee belongs . . n Y-mmel t . . to the Province or t e Jomiaion? Enchilada te 25ml? $331032 il,",', l Ben. J. tn'. MtCD:)y,'tLD soidthxtthe' , _ of the peoplc'a risprtstusntativoe., prerogative to issue marriage licenses was . , . . claimed by the Domiu'on Government. It "W . _ motion was then withdrawn. are: amoot question juet now, bat he had no ' "a ' , t F . doubt that the Dominion Government would _ L. M XOTE OF CleDIT. yield at last toOntario in this matter. The V r. VOUD moved th . proceeds o' marriage licenses were now oaid _ lmttth Several stag", "ttttt ot Sum; i Into the Treianry of Ortario, and the Tres. ' , House adjourned st 6:10 p. m.. I surer was taking one of them. . ' r----.-- ,HAPHFIUR JI'RIsnerOV. I u ' ' Mr SCOT"? also nur/rl whether harbours _ , s T "T'.'"') Dec. 22. made, lr: dredging or otherwise, in the riv.a, 1 rq 'I . , k the choir at 11:10 a m. T ere. bays and, was within the Province of ' 113;; PI t'ION:g . Ontario. belong to this Province, or to whom , II ., "Mr , " . I the jurisdiction of such harbours belongs. - " 4.. H I' l' ' -Fhotn the corporation: Hon. J. S. MAGDFA'ALD said if the gen- i l " , _ . A ' .mtford, respecting try-laws, tleman looked at the Dominion Act he would -. 'fS e . Ice tut the 1tr1r1?"rtitt to the Domain- I'" , I c, com Edward Bunion-d and } ion. He(Fion J. S. M -zlonald) was glad ' ', . "pr " ' l r an Act to "tide them to to see that the Dominion Government were . l u .. ', '.r rolling spirituous liquors now improving the harbours in the section of tl; r OtV-w le,', Grand Trunk Railiny, . 'country from which the member for Grey .1 I' 3' .: . ugusto. (me. '- t ' . _ .reyl-Fl'flm McLean and; REHDTRK .OtFICES. . 1; tat , 'r, truth"). of St Vinoemt, Buy. In "ply to Mr. Carrie, 'a" Roi .'. ","' " _""3°"Po?ote the horth' Hon, J. S MACDONALD said it was the , IB . l. "',,""1 be pused. _ intention of the Government to bring in a 'dt Bo, -r F mm the Royal College ot bill to empower them, i.n one. .ot urgent ne- r ' A tt _ , tici,. praying tor "gamma. , eymiye'o establish registry ofhoesm separ- , "r ot e'a Vodia ry Act.' , ole tidings. . l e 1'3" Wm: 2", rm Henry Tay. LUNATIC ASYLUMS. . ' " at: V "y "c,ey,f,t,.t,.f/r, an Act to in Mr WIGLE moved for returns referring at? l M , Ill; 50°19? ot Lonioa. to Lunatic Asylums. Carried. 5' Llyt sr..,,;:' " . " . H ' at tr _ 4. do of 'ru.?,,,','?,".,',',',-?)',:, VOTE OF CREDIT. t tr: . _., to "you "'3," to l',,'li "if: The House want into Committee of the rr tit IW?, on the motion of the Ron, Mr. 77 M .. - From" the C. , ll and. '1 o' '. county or Viotoria .112): Mr, WOOD proposed the following resolu- ' ' -.e l n .1 . innate. he . 'iifl'la,l',i ny; t'on t--" That a sum not exceeding C257,022 . ' icies i .uriciilora and (gm-h of Man. '3 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the , u ', a .2177" . ' (xpenscs of the Civil f,'r".2"tT,'tt,' and for " In . '.' W' . , .. ohre purposes mentions m t P statement li , an", _. t ,r:S'iidit,t.l2"'i't,'i pray. actoaiipip.ving the message of the Excellency il ' he... t . ' v., tety to tolh's House fromthe Slat day of Decem- rr p "use an I blmster; also " ' . t . , Ott . " "rsur,iord to the Wht i'. be ,18 o, to the pissingof the Appropriy . ' e . tiou Act for the year 18H, and not erdeed, . .7 ' . -. TM- , ing tl e lat day of Fehruary, 1871; such etc-- l, ' "in" '--.Iroe, th? II igtinsrtou, pandituren to be coafined to the ordinary Pt'" , '1"f, Poil "at, ogrytyr'"or a necessary payments for the dichrent sert'tcet.' I l - V I'., " charter. N " s" to which they rerneetivelyr relate. Aad a: Bll Bis ' - From the Municipnl Coun- detu"el shztezmutof gush expenditures tohell , 'e Ito, to 'rship of Carriok, buying for . laid beforethc iz,Jise,uioretrfesetond re who; ' - ncrrpr t to the Act lnoorporgg'm' the F cf the Apprviria'irn Act of ISH, and the . 'l , lit .', an 1 Bruno Railway. ' details of the several so: vices to be included I " Mr. 'hr-sb-ah-tttt iitriroAtion in the oath ates to be hrmght drrra to this lt tom; of B'xntford, reuniting the Hravo, tboeemc as though this resolution , ll\.'r navigation. _ . l land not paved it it'll g (rr'"tp:s,1i",'hi1,"', it" . .' a , _ _ ex nditure under he em: in I \ r's . tpi',', t,f,t"),'g'aoiTgroog the t1?rpo. l 1i'i'rll'/iltrl'.,,) sbnll in All macs he can inul an 1'1, '12; "ty,'2t'1'2'1gt"tt,n , to lapsed Jiiroivssuorc. fur 1520." . . an "'. . an . f, ,. . sl . _ rm .. n '""l' '. " :ho' Nth, 12th, 1.3th, and Mr. ELAN}; and (t,o,,s.,cr)iseit,1a1,,..,'s,)t,',,e,dv,i,)', Cout-tits!,"" ot the and township. 0 t w, l agar-(5;, Erik can; in" h: ShaidrH " r N 'l ' V " n 11110 V": 1".'~.'-" our.'. D . 1, c.'. b.' u v" yt? READXNUS' to objector. to the tpots'-;'-', or Ii"sv, reishri'? c . ' .. .. "LLI.\B .irt'syltrys) a Bill to ex- The exue ierter. ot' the prcce'ut it". "in". l It, Ctr. l., "" "9 C. Bidduiplt. from tara. allold a guide. to the llcr.rse in 5 unit: wr- " Loyccc"'i"o"""'1't""tc'u'onot gravel outgrew: 23.2: Jurc'i/rr'0'ti,lC, Mr., LY- th' (Clown) introduce! aBill to en ailert penile. (dear 1 , . , ' :41 a». 8.5 rrona?!idauC8ts utes of . Nr. Wooly are. (1 with the hon. memoer i _ k (.1451. Ji, i'h's', ')if, 1'rili,"S,? L331)- f, r South trnwe." m, S..l'l p.5- irvl doat the . ' "r.' 'Net 9 "no o. ' ' LII: nwertmn to: Mimi? it: U" . w" s', ligelllefgrlths' c','.,)',",'":.",','.,,,' on oi the rreeeis'lry '. ' U". _ N t' introduced a Bill to eash! 1,.r ones of the civil Vlovcrnmml. " , e l p . u l,','.?]" ti "we" l',t "w .of the late Jo. f The resolition Was then camel. ml CIW RL'.tct, an tay'! certain lands. ' C." Comnuttee rose and reported- aw.2ttt 'ils Wttre) 5'49"" tigtiw . . THI) mummy". , . " T W Ah ts' AND MEANS. Aity.-Gf 11 Mxctoo's'hLD avrrrl 'il If. but' ' " Mr, WOOD moved thston Wednes- _ ' Its rising do 331mm till A c :u ji' ]loLso on 1 n . tho 4thlo$v.lonnnry, the House go into day, the 43h January. Ulrrkel. _ I... ttee 0 av: and Means. The Home niljonruul a: 11.10. wir." MUVIMPAL 1ye"y1liPU1li0h'4. _ - _--'- Ir. I',AXTEPs asked whether it is the in. _ end tle Government to pass the Act . acting Municipal Institutions during the out session of this House? , on. Mr CAMERON said it was the ia. . 4, ' ion of the Government to have this Bill . P" ' toa special committee. Theobunqes k,-,-.., ' i _