1 . "a." -""'"Tr"'- -- J,aTiiria'T.l'ATAl, _ "ji',iijgtag1") the (£017.31an- granted 'st',':' ' ' _. ' wart"??? " f _ ,'" q "t h.- 'C, .00 . he'll . Hon. J. fi. trr-l"?:',')';").':?",'?]""";)'...'."','; voted 1n a , . l favour of Montreal, , Mr. WOOD did not consider that this l I F, " . 1 Mine! OTT Then you voted against the W could be q11.ot.ed, as I precedent. t, 0." Queen ts decision. ' was rendered in the case of the Irish Pm"". ' , . , . on i "on. J. s. MA, '1). GA r I) said he had The most Important duty devo rung .. , been accused by Peeksnitfs and smell (rg of nernbers of this House was to watch t e ex. , 55311338 votes/ 1111511.; did not do " iii, that penditures of the Government. The loaders , or 3121011 , for ii; Il/i, "iiii)ii/ti to hi3 opinion of the Government could not even make a , Nor dkl'he tnrer 5111 1. 1 v, f, on "pregwtp. . loan to the sufferers, and there was never - ., 1 . {A 1 , l , ' a. to" by population The lllmse should he MW proposal, as alleged, to lend the mopey 3 ' J ji "rl., l . _ ',' (,, .- atSpercent. At the time of the applica- "NC 11 in estavojishinir a resonant ill median . 1 l . l" h p T tion the wealthy corporation of Ottawa hit of this kind: but he had been told by one of . f Carle. ' " members tl . ' if ; . d h not subscribed a cent; the County o r , ,m a, 1.1.1 1 this, motrn passe , e . . h nial V -ould =l- . " . _ 'notlrevl: ton in which were spent theperen 1110.11 3111) to: Dimm- aid tor mower o- a , . . " f the _ _a.iity. _ ever inc-rearing expenditivces o "1 LYN" N Dominion, had not contributed a cent. The l _ .H ', 1 - , . , , . . _ ' h - ttme. _ . , l effect ot the fiovermneat making a giant ' lion. .5. 5. M:'iUl):1.\Al.ll sanl as was would be to close up the springs of private , not in the.Aahit of repeating p11vate convex" benevolence. Having heard the views of the tr'sicte. The than") Wag trow before the House, the Government would consider the 1 House; but helm-e Sitting; down he would , matter, and he hoped the motion would De -* T a . . x - 1 e a. l". , . . . f , .1439?" that in order to asuertajn Tmethitog; l withdrawn, and no abstract prmcrple be ; '. 3"?" as. t? the losses s!1stsiued L37. lu l affnmed which might cause difficulty 1n the . T W148 of Cat'ieton county, we mm" 0: tijt: future. The Present was a case of great l, nuprzetors or real estate should be mime calamity, and he was willing to be taxed fy,' "'"Mm the relief ot the sufferers. But to speak Of yr. c/oy said that a tabular statement tsurh sums as $50,000 or $100,000 was ah. , i ti e particulars required would be supplied and, He understood from a gentleman well , '1 y ti; central comtin3tec, if they were neces- ' 1 aware of the facts that there was no 113333 ear; before any'grant couldhe made. The Com. city for the money being granted mung. 1 1.»:tee had a list of every article given ty diaielv. I . 15011. and oth y .arti'ulars. He - . " m)" In?! . . h [, 1- '. l _ p s eh P ' I Mr, BLAKE sail after the remarks of the, (51111111., tent t e Justilication 01 t e remier 1 r . h hat 1: :1 .Etm _ . . ' i,,, J (hom Treasurer, although t ey somew a» 11.1. Iail short or vHoat was required. he , l ,1 _ - Att . 1 1' _ ,l. _ . ' b d clashed with the remarks of the orney l l -'srt not ass lei Inything to 8 one uncon- ' ., l l A ll , ,;, tr, itlvlrawal of "rtrrf'it- 1, . r. l. li t be (icccrai, leuoiu muse uOWl l , '3. yd orcd y, and Lad senor, lor a sum o , p . Th ?Br 1 1oubt ' w. l , v, + Tl t thc motion. here seemer no ( w , p. , bc'., in the estimates. re A torney- . . t ti f , .r-,-n', i1-cdsoivr'tth.atho. WW3 "lad that the that it was the present inlen ion _0 _ '.'/'i1,'/i,'a)'"i"ld1xlonv'it'i bebcause it Dave the chcrnment to submit a proposal1 P ',.r.. 1 F,', A. t 1. , ." h ' 1 'B' Ilu e mor fortitie It2 ' t" ,' zirrnent an opportunity of evpress Itle season. ' "1:713: th: hi l , d the "m ',v.,..- .1 1' " unioh' hut why did not the Gov. . this opinion y 0 ( mg m is an rs (s "I ,1 K . "l u' - ' / _ presentations addressed by the hon. Premier _'C" (lune down and ass the House for t h rileru's in the 8agueww dietriri, . . n . . . _ "N t 4 1 LJh~ V "a ' r 1 '_-f ',", moi. on the ville-52.1021 of granting all: ,2" F It t h _ h duh J ol latruv, . TI 1 . . : ralh d fiith . Inelctter stMedt at a t e leans. V Y, 2 L" ne =)ttorneytie.nera a am at W in s:ssion his COPCSWIleS and 'rriiirt.cit" ' f 'it' resolution "as passed they would "*4"? Ir" _ It'll-r "Li'il':'i, c, 's ' crii's. ( ' "'.Vr . r -. 'o 1, h did t Tll.l..i 1ct hate .11 any v1~,.,ta,1onm a 111 1. 'r, want an assistance, Lot C Ir, no . 1 .. ti ft'cr, '9 l I , - , . . tis! the matter to the contsiderttion o L, 4,1}. tzey uould defy the opinion of the ,o "ira. J , .' I-., _"', "Y '11 J , 1 ' . 1 w i Ijui:,re. It 1113.1, was tneir VlcN Wioit up}. l 1..1;(.tl10 country. It had been earn ' , . '.'.,. thcS ihe h r, 1 od/ll,'.. tt.1.caid _. .1 me" .. Cr, . '. 1 IOIECEHG at; in saguenay e 9.1 11. c. l" . ' l, 1.1,.c M _1antcci to -Nova ticotia was Its1bs t ' WWW li; tIN, 1.4). . _ q ", ' si , - a - l the: the course of the "one. Luck-=4» 1 ,3." .1, but the (mam peeps were pre' a I , , 1, U1 them b i'rhcrtlve. 1311961111: U: 1 'i,.' '1.- cixe rm unty for the right expend:- , (",""'f'f.""'i ls " ,,.ci dl ti Ho t,e."rv/i I , - l 1 1, _ ,.1. b h Hc , (.hoC)r!.uwa puma ,1e.-,1e no ou , - I $111.? or any money Vu.td y t e CvtliV3 l, ,3 " 1. h CH?,Etlt', _ suh'srcrg H1 .! WM- ' desrrcd was rpmhpd to l 51:01.111sem 1119 P't'tq .', 11.3, e I . '.' j Je ' __",'," I :1? 'ft th in" "a; the i helical that tie peoplehad hearts 112311 1 "H." ( "My" ,alive JOLCQO'G -"5 i .--r 1 _ and (no: circus enough to i'erheo,..r.1 1 t_':. r". l; the (-11.1_:-1;111cr1t had 522.4 that V 1 I" _ J'" 'k C." w rt.' t '4 ,.1~ l.-,' 'er 1 , ' 'rl .; f ..- tl 'ct-st 1}. "L../"18.) fl I.' 'ul',: C' 1111 il sum In tve 'h' . 1 1 " 1 mugs, he would have been content;as,h:)w , r, , SCOTT Vila-1'»; mm '" it -._,_ ', L', ' gar, the Attcruey-General had sai1tha e '0 l s'. _1 .1. mould give nothing, he toltitwas¥h1r "5.1; ' t., tf p ., '."""w N ...:,1 ".7 J .41.. art in srpport; the moticnnow bear". "r., 2.] .11. t",",' l . ' It .'s.".r'.iis _ . "," I,").,' l ., _ Olll' tho 'ht that . we Eorai. 1.9.0 i; f. I' 111.2; 1",Ci"sr,'1"2'c."y::c ..L. 1.2.11 fir. C: , g "in: sulle' rf the House 's.. ", 1- raid". as . a the 00102:; of itryr-uto iat:is granted a" l, b t' "tm, its action '.'r... H-121 ilu- ryrshcvtsn irks 13136;: t. C "Q"Id be supported y pt "rt " A t l ' e r it. ". v; f, 'C, it-., .r- y 1:o_v/ri:o,tic-. r the earn" a pimc "'1'701)19' S 0 a I v-- _ ' "F .. "e C .._ v k ",/ .-- u -6 .,. y" - , . tr"' I'l , C '. ' '" ',1,_-.,.-:_. ...,, 'i,'ii"rfi1d) will C" T Meat, he was glad to t, .. _' 1.3, .. 'C- up :i 1.4 ft...11.u'-._.- "MW '3'; ff AWE": did not OeJur , f? 7 1 ' 1111.;1'111v l.y Cs anytl mg I: f.' " v'il't' t . , 't, ' .7 , , >1'n-=->'I I F""', NF-re , 1" -i-1' :"l. " A: lorjed the Governm-n. I ll: .213": '-", :...11....1r....1.e1 c. 1'. " "il, 'r' "f) . possible to introduce a gr-n; ( i .. "i,";"' ': 1-". R. ll», 1171111194, we on} 'Y," - [ H" a" £333.: mile-rem. t tt ,,", , ."1:l';. : ml..." ilt flu-r. sign-m. "Lib "I '.s-..., 'PM"". _ '.,.,r'.u, out." .::4 'r-, ", .. Jr ti.,'uis1lR.iEIt thought that any Gpvern- ', . t . .'v 1', 1,: il V; s,' '/i',.1.' (r' . ',-e, " _ A, trtrh could not be trusted Withthe ll v. ,"' "- l, IG ", "". ",. 's. 7 .1" . s . F . ,1 "-wi Ca r1: her' .. In."; "t 1 i Ct.. rm-r, " '11) (if so small i'. "u'." out of 'dri, l ' If . 1 itt, 'ff" /,", s,,,',,',','-'"."?)".,':"-. 1'? w. "t' f "in" surplus in such exceptional erroxvn- , - , a. r." or}, 3.": 3'. 2.1.1-1.: I,p _"' A - I. I ,' -. . 1C A." '7':" " o', I 1'. - 1', r, If, k'i» , wiggleas these of the Ottawa canilaggat m. mi, t l .M - 'f Q' "My" u 1:1", w w'. a ' ' l .a rm. aGo-ce nrment worthytue coufideno,e ' .. :1.) "r, CI J'r, 4";f'"'";'f;;q"'m.' . limit: IC, i,," ', "-'er-vpeople. (ifcar.) H8 ypyld. grip)"; l :mr'lr- r to r 'i/l.',"),),'"'),),",',, (roi'., lie I a voteoi tiM) ooo, or of $103,000'if at; was i. Liv" 2'1"": 15 t' l 11i.rcl': ' n V -aifir..,-',tci'i, l r:- '-rei, withcut interest. ,' ' T . _ / '1": I,':,,," iii,'-)'-".))').,,',,"? _ 'Nitl tl "b E 'r, J, IZTII (1086's? tsupported the ttttlion s'; (.1 v .,s.i/,/,'ir:,,," /,, thin-7:1 fr.," 5hr; T2133"; d) l of 1.1:) cveimtrcmt In th.iy mutton Pte I J." . :31 rs "RH have hem 11.3;1sidern'wp f manner is which the expenditure of 1:110 (io. 311111011 1. _ "we was 1:0 need for a r050! "CL' rhr, 11ml he" being watched natui'mly "in , I, "ire, trt1tcr IT", 'is, waives lle thour/st 1 _ .1 rm , h f rantin the 'rwquestof ' s'f st.'t", --6-VU% L2d .c"ecul.'i -.- . , 3 " " " t?t-snrnt. s y o JI, ,rr» g m - t ', the 11 sent emu allordul a COW: plate 2111-11101" 1 _' "aura depiftation. lie should supper f +0 1'u,, "1,, " C srmretirrvs rm .10 vrainet the p" e . "'1 . . n . .ru ._ no I."." . ".'" 'l"'."- WV , J. V 'ce -or the 11;». of the sutferora. . i "on 1 ument oi bribing constituencies. If , TI; liEA'l'l'Y was in favour tif granting 1 ticr I trd yielded to the wish of pleasing their as? "use co the "HEW" Ill this 2336' and Fin-11mins from the Ottawa dismist, they i dbl y. '3 think thut this 'if?'.,'.',? would IteJctV Would have granted the az-l desired at one. . cciir form a precedent for .he future. Nut the: ware :'qtuatcd by a hi/sw sense of 1 li. MACD'L'UGAi l, bore testimony to their tiv-by---- 11311121], that no 110133121 oi the 5 the ;\terzsi-.'c .Jaar'aster of the oonflagmtlohg Mg," money she-.1111 be spent wjtiiou,'e, the l sri. said': the Chief objection t? granting; aid -'o:=:u1t of the people s represent/drive; ' i ".1; that a scam lad not bren included .11 Elm "a". I l minutes. He agreed that it was a y "ii 'crcirir.t.wsrethen Withdrawn. l rtzler very emeutional eiicupstyyx? .hat . FTN -t h '/t7cr)'rr' '1 the 'ii-ertutrr.ttt should grant aid without _ t .3; E CH (. ..r.p. r. l tho sanetion of Parliament. m. 'te,?).; Hm. 111-. 11111111 moved the vote of CCv. :1; 1; r" _ a ' " " 1. 1,t:/rr,t the menu. 2a8ty was t."P m p. . LINN-Jul! several stanes. ', ";n_"j was no doubt theta strict supfrnsioh '; Tr'" -, .1 a ' 1 _ _ l :'h-,.;.ld be exercisez'. over the txiyuyditure or 1110 1.111139 adr,'curned at b: 0 p. rn. l l 21'; runner; that was granted. but it was not I list the, because- of a fear cf a mzsese .of a 1 L1 .11 ' ortion of the money, the great misery "71:29:55.: from the cem'!agratioh should J.T 1.311343; -nrclievcd. (Hear, near.) hie j '13; ed that something would be done for the fir. s'. 'fy3r:s N did no. believe that the 1 (regent intendedte rcfnse assistance to ', J.'., pyjama. Ho thought that the Govern.- chnt W120 (ustirierd in ranging to. grant as- s':3:an.e our. of the public funds w-thout tne caution cf Parliament. Be advised the v/ithlccva1 of the motion or, the grennd that: . 5113 Government wettid meet the wanes ct the Hose. 1 '11.], :11: W41 W1 maid t'cat i.te.1.tr,aj. pin 1 c; ,Jes titer. covered more than was nemgued { wiren they were laid down m though. . ' tint the Cath" should be decided fn. its own l merits. lie 'ould not call to mind any oc. l casion during the last to years g,hr, Goveriunerit; had come down w:2 a ' grant in aid 01 the sufferers. In the ease of tbw /:e in megec city, the Frovme1al Gov. (11;...11, did not. give a grant P aid of the when", but that set apart a fund for their my" me appeal to sh mpathy, urged on all "its, was not the proper ground on which to tl.'SC'U, 3 the motion now before the chair. to had :10 doubt or" the vast character of the _ Fati'ittsr,ricion;but tho majority of the sat. h-rcrs "eh-e proprxctsrs of the land, which yet remained to keep them from starvation. cu only appeal that cculd be made sucgesg. / fully was on behsl'f of 'suflering. The idea would go abroad if this motion was carried, that the Government was ageneralinsurauci, company. He wished the country to know 7 A " . . .. l that thohox eminent would not render aid t to. parties who were not actu_ally suf- etlrg, from absciute want, He was lirt aware that the Government had Chin 8311: that it would not render _ Th "/ summers such " he had referred to. I a 'f, {-exnrrnment said to the deputation that f , new" it: the grant that it would not make tr t,i " 'fel oi such a large sum as they required ' " Be out "if actual consent of Parliament. ' _ Insular: not aware that the Imperial Govern. of the if granted any asexstance at the tine M "Chester distress. '; i.s,,t. t. "LAKE . . N{aid at the time of tU