. """-"""Tv!r"" Tu"".""."'""'" W . , his lmusefnlmsmbsrlol society. It ii I ' l uneasihess remit G to whether are ". , .' _ tYP." I , t A "] . "melon, considered dam that all 1'dt: . 1 holding cel'Eificstes l the present tints might , t l ttyy be. m . potsition to tsoyoliat.tt the Ivm, I dren 01 school age should. lore cored" not be injuriously affected by this measure.' lWhlch it Watt " Present impossible to do 2 l porthnoi they", awaited. in oedie _ Now. of course, tho object ot any change in, ; With thet observations, he megl' the ' ' that they might derive the 5005" following . the law was that the law itself might be im. l second reading ot the Bill pr " Pa _ "Ch "ttdye... M m he thong _ proved, so that the intention of the Usgisla. ' Mr. PERRY said he doubted wheIher the _ . ll , I about MM tltr: d school age b ture, in passing an Aetsuehaathis, mightbe people themselves were calling for any t' , . . atterdhg any cliched, inthe Provin carried into eifeet- that was. that the public t . will" in the "hool Iaea. There hid Men 1 . ' In cities, to _ ed. incorporated Villas. generally might derive greater btsnetit from l no petitions on the subject, and ns B9phreat ' l .4: ,', the ie'fta,'jlllet/l'l'lltin'; from a large nun. . the amendment than they ware deriving l desire for change. He questioned very much l. IS [ tser of can not bells employed. and tth from the law " it existed. It was not ii. _ the ttlt of making theschools of the c -uu- " l ' I'll . ', leer dist-ulna was found to be very eon. tended to deal unfairly with those holding ', l try "s. for the people themael lei were doing ': g ill l adorable, and ded, no doubt, very materi- certircatea, but it was very necessary that l . what the Bill was going to ccznpel them to , q #13; ' ally to the else of the criminal calendar" persons who were to perform the duties of I do. As to the compulsory clause, hethought a 17::- the crusty. The second tthat that iii] teachers should be qualitied, and that means , it Would be most dieiealt to enforce it He /, , 3,}; . lutror'ucedwas that all pu he schools should should exist by which it might be ascertained must not be understood to be aminit the , T 3's; be in e. Of the 1600 schools that are new I whether such qualifications were possessed cause of education in our cities iii he ba. ', p is i), al in or eration, only about 300 ere not oath-ell , by them. As the law now stood there was lievcd it would be very ird2iii,' and cxpc ;- , 1 ri); . .- free. These few have rate Mia end it w no oertiiieate, not granted tur life, which Was live to work the compulsory clause ia (we, , . ti; l ' considered desirable--" it h been for a . absolutely permanent in its character, be- i and towns. The Billpropozeda chance .49, , «l _ Tg number of years the principle to allow sxhool - it might _be recalled by the County 1 regard to the appointment of county? "It": if Cal, "ir, sections to have if" schools or not " they l Boards at any time. Any change that might I iuterdeut8. lie propcsed an ace: " m [it 1 b, l" 5 "Yi might think tit, and as every year the m. now be made would give no greater power. . _ last session withrapitttttttte Jllit'r'liliGif. ' . ',1" i4l' schools hum immraiutg--ttt make the therefore, then exists at the present time, I outs; it was to the effect that such ap- b," ' .5 whole Will." to one control, and to be trae. but it would encourage those who now held' polotments should be for a certain period, ' E , These two principles were the ones intro. the inferior certlbcete to strive to obtain the T V tttt to be negatived for misconduct or ", -, C _ ,i I ductd Into the Bill which might be consider. _ permanent eartificata. . he eiency. This amendment had been cur. J i' __'. ed new. The Bill also proposed toiutroduca Mr BLAKE-DO I understand the hon. ried, but the Government had not iuoorpr = JI into the Common Schools subjects of oduca- gentleman. to say that county cartiticaoa Wlll rated it in the Bill. He would bring the ,. ih t tion which had not yet been taught in those q remain mid until revoked by the County T matter up satin. for the people of the coah. . t i. CP, '. f' tl",?,',;':',', tttt elements ot pictural his. Council? try weae not in favour ]of these sapisrintead- '., L, "i tor , trt. culture 0 emistry, mec anion. end . . , " _ . . . . entsh ding tyt'iett for lie. As to the can- _ " C, _ at agriculture. It was considered that the Coat. . ,£3,223,333,$133,333,133:Eff, calling ot certitieates, it wa8 very unjust and ", 7 . . , ' men Schools might do a very useful work in _ provisions iiTiii, Act revoke it * ' unfair to the teachers, and they had protest- , _ giving the youngen ides of those branches , . . , _ ed against it. As to the fund, he was of , .', which , would in necessary tor than . It BLAKE-N hat will be the Prons' opinion that the contributims ofthe barber: . j . '. to enter upon to earn a livelihood in we Mtrut'. f . shouldbe free, and left to the actions or the , .. of future, The "big". that would be taught Mr. CAMERO'A -_They will be the regu- teachers themselws With regardto the miz- , " would not be move the comprehension of the . laticns of the Council of Public Instruction. tor of trustees, he did not believe it would , ' ' ' young, and yet might tend very materially to, (".oy 1 ) The County 'Couucil would up- be fm the interests of our echo DIS that true- _ . l , ',t' _ bone it the country by developing knowledge. l point a Blard of Examiners, which would tees should be done away with, and that I ' ' _ l and .1111 which would be found "Wiggly, conslst of the l'ounty Inspectors and two or affairs new managed by them be handed over q . p . ugh] in the future. There '. an amen F more other. quallrted persons. These were to five persons. He was opposed to the Con. . e i'u.e,i,1ii, went proposed airo note the manner inwhidi?' the most important changes which were struction of the Board of Trustees of (iram- ' 1irft't't., school sites were tobeootaiued. At presen . to be made with regard to the Common ' mar Schools, " proposed, by the Bill. it u ',lEib't'r' . school trustees could only obtain a site when 8ehtrrls, "ctrlt, one Change, which was in would have been a great drsl mole dcrirsela ', "r,, . , the person wno was owner Wm to sell or ' furtherance or the compulsory system; name- that the whole thing should have been left I .. '," C "5, grant it, andinooeeuenotit was frequently 6 ly., Industrial Schools, asthey were called, '. alone until the consolidation of the School . _ a ,5 found that an moat eligible sites could not might be established in cities, towas and in. Acts had been aeearnplUhed The Govern , _ a be obtained, the trustees not having the . corporst villages. It was not intended al ment should have taken up the question of z " )1 . " right of sedation. it was proposesdto, gisrs l thityyt.tIhoulti, be established in township consolidation instead of merely proposing, i 's, .3' them this power, and to decide the price by i municipalities ..With regard tothe Grammar amendments. (dear, hear.) l _ V c.8,' arbitration Then provision had been made l School system, it was .ooetytp1sted to bring Mr. M AGlLL said that this was one of the .. , for what was supposed to be an improve- t that y,nder the "we kind of management a" most important Bills of the session. Bel © ' f ment in the inspection of schools, by the ep- , the Common Schools. The naate ot the thought the opinion of the country was that ll r . ' pointmcnt ot county inspectors in the places Pgoet it was Ir,r,oIet.1. to .ohange to that. of the School laws should be amended and than ' g . I of the local superintendents Provision was High &shools, and ttrtrtsia of them,_hav1ng _ consolidated. He regarded this Bill " a F I . made as to the manner in which the county the 'MY'."?"' number of thlls' might be great improvement on the Bill of last year, l y [r , inspector was to be paid, and quahfiaatiou, created i,eto. sthyt, " termed oo1legiste In. especially in respect to the Common Seized . / E, . _ , necessary, tobe determined by the Council fittity. In high schools there w" alao to Bill. With regard to the Grammar School 7 l g ' of Public Instruction, which had also to do. be introduced . more extended system of Bill, there were some things he did not us- ' l F ,- termine the manner and time of the ex- '. tet',f,ht Provision would be made thet derstand, but he hoped the Government ' l , eminations. la the counties provision was "do 'fill', r1ty1eetitc?Crg,1,',r, and Ii'remeh--in would explain them. He thought all the ' ",, " also made that the County Councils should a d gum-h Jtlit,-it',t,e, be taught,'snd schools should be made free. Re saw one I ' '. appoint the inspector, and in cities they :hatt MStt oudno't ll" compulsory. home little word in the Bill, winch had given a _ ' " . would be appointed by the Board of School ears Tc"ertti"rf,ilr,t the provision that - cod deal of troubhr--the word " pupils." ' r' . Trustees; in bounties, tho inspector wouldbe, 's'll, m1: e Mfr, th rprspecting Grammar This little word, he thought, should be di. " , l r paid partly by the Govu'nment and partly by f tho "will eve e: ect of t."ttt,Tt vided, atnpWed, or changed into boys and ' '2' T the county, and in citics the some regulations 'l e ema (at ff, I',"),' or schools. .( ."r'l girls. Be thought there should be a change a ' -" 't I an new in force would continue. 0: s'll'l tgr,) If? lid, "an t1',o".m2',tr"g as to the learning of the classics. He had . l p , Mr. MrKELLAR---Whst about towns? . that when the matter came before _ 53.1226 boyisntznd Igr;eaifrt'tdi,', 1:23:13; ' , _ . . . , . . Mr. CAMERON -... mm. and tamu it,',"' 'r',rg,1,ierg"th"t,'"tet, 'tui" bts "1": their will. The originator at this t , are in the same category. Provision ifteudzde that the ',h,,'l121l'U irl, 'P . Bill had endeavoured to avoid the . vies made that there should be " least _ sisted cues siue , tttl no a on "a. difficulty, but he Wal, only running "7"! _ N," . one inspector appointed in each ooun- ". ' I n. . ' from Scylla and dashing out his brains ' . tr, and it there were more than lifty 1 Ir. le';""-" there any definite pro- agsinat Charybdis. (Laughter ) T schools in the, county it W o tional 1.ota new . Mr. SECORD was in favour of has". I W' _ i , withthe County Council whether it 5'lf'ltl Mr. UAMER0N---TU proposal new WIS our schools " good " the Prussian cchoollsg l 'if, . appoint an additional inspector. Inspectors . that tho minimum tshould be done away The noble band of Prussian, new in , _ - " could be dismissed by the body appointing 4 with altogether Mt ar as existing gehooU are Frshce, were all scholars, from the highest . l: , them, or by the Lient-Governorm Ucun-, concerned, but new 30110013 were notto be to the lowest, and if an oilicer fr "f cu in cases ot misconduct; and provision was i established un1eats they had the requisite were shot down a private could take his U' . made that tho uihoials now discharging the l number. There w" "90 the apprehension place.' (Laughton) Look how deficient We l .. _ duties of local superintendents should be 9 ; that the burden of "Shining these grammar . were in geogrsphy. How many in this , k, continued in their otiice until their succes- I 90110019 would fall entirely "so" the district Bou'se could point out a road in his (Mr. . g F , sore were oppointed; also that the election' l m which they '9" situate . Hts trusted Seoord's) section? (Laughton) Yeta Prus- ' f . '. of trustees should take place in July instead that that apprehension would not be found sien could put his fingtt on any road in it F . ot January. ' to be well founded, and that the people (Renqud laughter.) He was in favour of . it, V . Mr. fopL'AR -Why is the time would be tytite prepared to bear the burden {endless 'well as male education. Lately , _ . _ , chanted ? l 'ttttttut-l, PSOOIS ; tlil l 3?: there was a President of the Upited St stes sv l . ', bl y t - . . "ll , 0 19 1tpertu en en a who could not spell the wor " baker." y cellosirdefed 't1dl'ftifigt1a,t'gz,': l. v, the tstioption 01,"? proposed tnode woal1 daughter.) Bat an educatel lady took him _ . . ' It on give increased tiulitr.to the schools. _He to her tsokm---tioad laughter/r-add lustrnc- 'fi a - _ Mr MIFiLLAR-Then the school year was not personally famil ar with the soiest, ted him. A. to the Bill, he would say , , . will common " in July? . gilt tilef Chief Ihtght':fg'.'t Y, dovpted that he did not believe that its provisions as l j , Mr. cAsib',itoN--Yea. I . "P" or more t "l . quarter 0 h 0011 my to count superintendents were desirable ' 3 . 's vid ed that the "we of tt,o',e,',o,tt'ag,i,',i to it The Government bad not lye.rt called The local superintendents as " present I M should be done away with, and that of upon to contribute '0 much as anthlpa ted to were better than the proposed county ones. " Io' v "i' "Public 8chool" should be substituted. ttet aohooht, the amotutt last year helm The county superintendents would entail 'p' _ , i There seemed to be an opinion prevailing in $ll0,000 loneommon schools. . The opinion Iartys expenses, ittd, when we store opening (A? " the minds of some that it was a sort of ds of the Superintendent was entitled to great the tap for thet Government we were opening on. ' gadation-so to speak-40 send their ohil weight. It was "id. by some that tho Pro- it for ourselves. (Laughter) 1,; 4. , n to a school called a "Common School." sent 1eg,hrt,'goetg Itil; and no change Mr. SINCL MR etuld not see any force in I I "I " I snd the idea w" that by h change of the WERE" ii l It oug itll'? ought to l the cbjectionto the name "common schools '. 1 - F.' , . name, this feeling might be relieved. (A St,', d, 'dll'12'll o t trd'ixrl',rd',','fti" tg, had The chance seemed to rlstlact upon the chop l ' , in: laugh): P Tdt'. Was theni fined; flirt?" g Il',,." Be 69130;; (,"fJ/lltt1Ul'lrf,'l'f. actor of "iur schools. He had other objec- l r _.: ppou. men 0 .uchers, em art tt i er- In." . . . . . e the vi!- ttri, cut kindcfcertifinati-tirst, second andthird "" up on .tty House as a 9ayan.yytt fg'e,t',1t2'tf t,tltiel21 i,,Jgrdttl',2, the I IF,; . _ ot-. 1"", tirat class, to tttt granted by t 'a'l,t,1l'l,'l Sh?,', should be 11ti,ftldi',itot 2ig,'i'Jll,'lll' of common schools was he I Fc, " F the Council ot l'uulld instruction, would 1 :3: trh?1 thetvg,tlg,t2, trd thought, objectionable. It wag well "but: tti'A' bo perueaceut, tw.d ("ammo for life; the _ edthe 1',d'l,'e,rg'l,' of everp m i'd to 'ii. tor the teacherstoheveahnowledge oftheae l * a??? "2,erf "gm" would be granted by l tein this ad. Wear.) {Mg 'IU,' h.ad ' subjects, but it would be batter to drill the