i : .\? t' P ' ("'\ -- w ® # { y n i#o n |UERIAIQUOUT® 6i \ 'D6&AP10. r womnnne n mtz m o FIHSH PARLIARCEXT--NOURTE $E53: | s | | sos s tm .. 38 j [ _ The SPEAERER took the obaim si #40 | [ m f % PETITIGNS. i | ts ,', Mr. Ncott (('Lt.'Wb'} --¥ramy the Ciat: voun | \ jpil of Ottawa, for an Aot to amead the Aso% l}mfl)&nm{j ths Obfbaws Oity Dassseuger | Railway. 3 & | 4 - y |' Mro' l_.lf' From the sroustese: oi tho Pres i ! bytel'l&n t h' N'O"{'QTQEI.'{;',' p" Ayint io | i an Act io enabie thom to gel sur05 io lands | | i _ Mr. Lutoo--From the Town orncl] of S6. | Thomas; praying for an Aoct yo eztend the td mits of §t, Thomas. | | Mr. ]:702?~F'."ca Johr Cald wel! and other | of Huntley, for an Act to delise cerfain bioé | roads.« | | Mr, Wigie-- Frow Peter Mciatyre aso | | Others_, of Point ao Peles, for amepdments f | | the school law. 4 Mr. Smith (Leede and Grenvilie)----fEFron ; Hiram HEastoun and othbers, © Merrickvilis, | for an Act to incorporate tD¢ Morrickeile 1 and Westport Railway. | Mr. Beatsy--From theo clGert ¢ the Stan-- | ford Preabyterian Church, fo:r an Acttconst | them to sell certain lands. 1 COMMITTEES REPORTs, | --Mr. Rykert presented the report ° the | Committeo on Standing Orders. | Attorney--General MACDONA! .D pressnt | ed report of the Railway Committes. | --Mr. SCOTT (Otfawa) prosenrted the tnird | report of the Committee on Printing. h .Q?DON DOK, HURON AND BRUCE KAIL i wayY COMPANY. | _ Mr. EYKERT introduced & Bill to sneor-- porsate the Londos, HBuroun and Bruce Kail-- way Compacy. CREMIT VALLEY RAJLWAY CGOM. PANY. Hon. M. . © &MERON introduced a Bill t\ incorporate 151 Oredit Valley Railway | _ C.mpany. | FRIENDS CEMZTERY COMPANY, t Mr. AJ\H';EE{SON int/rodtlced a Bill to in-- | corporate the Friends' Cemetery Company. | STMP3SON LOOM CcOoOxMPANY,. * (% % k Hon, Mr. CaMERON introduced a Bill |. to incorporate the SPPS°C Loom Company. WELLINGTON, GREY AND BRUCE . L RAILWAY coMPANY. #5 -- Mr. WILLIAMS (Hamilton) introduced a Bil to amend the Act incorporating the {«. Welling on, Grey and Brace Railway Com. | | pary. n ; DEED3 ANP AFFIDAVITS. Mr. CRAIG (Ruuell_) .intrqdncod & Bill to make valid certain provmonl for tak}n%deod. a d affidavits of the Court of Queen's Bench, y ONAL REG RY-- 0