SW Mr. BLAKE said that the duty of the auditor would not be to scfutinize accounts that had been paid, but those that remained to be paid. Hon. Mr. WOOD said that the present law, and the law which was proposea,would obviate the necessity of adopting the reso lutions of the hon. member for South Bruce. It now being six o'clock, the House rose for recsss. After recess, Mr. CARBNEGIE moved the second reading of the HEill to amend the Act passed in ths thirty--second year of the reign of Her Majes-- ty, chaptcred 61, and intituled "Aun Acs to incorporate the Peferborongh and Haliburton Railway Company," and the Act amending the same, passed in the tbirt':g-third yoar of the reign ofi Her Majesty. The motion was cartied, asd the Bill ordered for & third reading to morrow H«<n, Mr. McMURRICH said that this Bili was less objectionable than the one of last session. Still he would not fually com mit himself to its provisions. The eleventh clause provided that the meanager of a Mu-- tual Insurance Company should be a direc-- tcr. This was a wiong principle; for it was rots prudent to make a paid servant a direc for® His main objection to the Bill was be: carse it provided for two kinds of business on the same capital, For ivnstance, the Bill provided thas one class of business should be done on premium _ notes, A party's uote being held by the company; and it also pro vided that another class of business should bo dors on cash premiums. To allow the Mutual Insurance Companies to depart from the mutual prinoiple, and to do busine:s on tke stock sompany principle, was wrong. He maintaized that these companios, as a guaramtee for the public, ought to have a subscrived capital. Ho held that it was not equitable or fair that premiam notes should be used to make up any deficiencies in the cash department. (Hear, hear.) The true Brinciplc was--if the two branches were to e carried on--that each should be kFept dis-- tinct. Let the premium notes be liable for thit department, and let the cash dopart: ment answer for itseli. (Hear, hear.) Let there also be a cash capital, for without that the public would bave no sufficlent gecurity. It was unjust to the stock companies to give power to the mutual companies to do with. out capital the same business for which the stock companies had to provide capital. (Hear, bear.) { The Bill was read a second time, and or-- dered to be referred to a selest committee. sSALE OF POISONS BILL, Dr. MOCGILL moved the second readiug of the Bill to regulate the sale of poisons, and respecting chemists, druggists, and apothe-- caries. He explained the objects of the Bill, which was, he srid, someowkat similar to the one introduced by him last geasion. Mr. BLAK E said there could be no objec-- tion to the Eill going to a select committee. Tho principle of it, gowever, being to extend restriction of trado, unless there were strong public reasons for it, was one he immust oppose. The idea was not a novel one, but was that o! the ancient guilds of the middle ages. Mr, McKELLAR--And of the MsGills of the present day, (Laughter.) -- + Mr. BLAKE thoucht that the evil results fliowed from the want of knowledge on the part of men who were engaged in drug stores; snd if the principle of the Bill was just, there was much greater force in its application to such men as engine--drivers, The real object of the Bill was to create m c' se corporation, and shut up another of the trades ot the country from free rivalry. Hon. Mr, CAMERON thought there should be an amendment of the Bill to pr>-- vide that the notary--public taking the ox-- | amination should not be interested in the conveyance, With regard to documents witnersed abroad, fraud might occur; bit in the comity of nations they were required to | glve credit that the notaries:--public of all rations were men of honesty and goodi | standing. Mr MATCHETT, as an apothecary, said the object cf the Bill was not to establish a close corporation. The protection of the perple was the object of the Bill, which only provided that druggists should know th«ir business. Mr. EOYD thought that the Bill dealt «ith trade and commerce, sznd did not come wiitlin the purview of the House, and that it was a private Bill. Hon. Mr. CAMERON said the Dentist B l1, the Medical Bill, and the Law Socte Bill }ad been considered public Bills, ai this was of a cognate character. The Bill was then read a--second time, and ; riferred to a select committee, consisting of | Messrs. Wood, Boulter, Baxter, Rykert, ; Pardee, Matchett, Blake and the mover. COnVEYANCIES BY MARRIED | WOouEN. \Ur. LYON moved the second reading of the Bill to amend chapter 85 of the Consoli«. dated Statutes of U%per Canada, intituled ""An Act respecting the Conveyance of Real E:tate by Married Women," and the,Act passed in the thirty--second year of the reign of Her Majesty, chaptered 9, and intituled " An Act to amend the Registry Act, and to furtbher provide as to the Certificates of Mar-- ried Wo..en, touching their consent as to the execution of Deeds of Conveyance." He explained that great inconvenience was ex-- perienced by the present law, and the object of the Bill was to empower notaries--public to administer the oath which now could only be admiristered by magistrates, The Bill would also legalise certain aflidavits of discharges ot mo'tgages which had taken place before the passage of the present Act,. He would pro pose in committee the extension of the regu-- lati n to commissioners--of.oaths. There was no case before the courts which would be af. fected by the Bill that he was aware of, Mr, LAUTDER said that in foreign coun: 'ries great difficulty sometimes arose from the unwillingness of foreign officials to act in the maenrer referred to, and he would pro-- prse that the Bill should be extended to a; ply to Mayors of foreign cities He had a clavre prepared with this view, which he would cubmit to the committee, lir TROW was afraid that the sugges-- titne* Mr. Lavuder m'ght leoad to frand in szome cases. Some of the provision: of the Hi'] were no doubt required. Mr. SEXTON was of the contrairy noin« icn, and hoped the amendment would te adopted. Mr. BLAKE thought that the magistrates of this country were worthy of being we'gh:d in a different scale than that proposed by the bill, which seemed to think that a nxary-- publjlic was equal to two magistraes. . He believed that the examination, as conduct:d, was a perfect farce, and he thought the whole thing should be blotted out, More misery had been caused by taking advantage of slight errors in the certificate years after its being passed than ever had been averted by it. He thought the Bill should be refer-- red to a select committee, and that the rotary.public making the conveyance should pnot conduct the examination, though he would prefer to see this swept away alto-- gether. Mr. CAMERON said cases had cccurred in which wives had been saved from makiag away with their property by the examina-- tions required by the Act, though they wore generally a mere farce. _ _ Mr. OLIVER would be glad to sea the present Bill defeated, as a previous one, in-- trodused last sersion, had been. Mr. CALVIN said he would support the six months' hoist. The Bill was then read a second time and referred to a select comumittee, consisting of Meorers, Cameron, Blake, Lauder, Rykert, and the mover. The bhour at which the consideration ofi private Bilis terminates--hall--past 6:!g¢i%. o'clock--having arived, Mr. BOYD called the attention of the Government to the fact. Hon. \r. CAMERON eaid that the Gov-- ernmert had no business to bring up t>-- night, and that it would be for the Hoase to take up unopposed 'private Bills. Mr. BOYD stated that the debate on Mr Blake's resolution had to be resumed. Hon. Mr. CAMERON said it would have to stand over until to -- morrow. PRIVATE BILLS. The House then went into committee and passed the following Bills :-- Bill to enable the trustees of the Canada Presbyterian Church in Osgoode to convey part of the church lands to other trustees for a burial ground. --Mr. Craig (Russell). Bill to amend the Act passed in the thirty. third year of Her Majesty's reign, chapter thirty, and intituled An Act to incorgo. rate the Toronto, Sim:os and Muskoka Junction Rail way Company."--Mr. Camber» land. PETEREOROUCH AND HALIBURTON RAILWAY. Mr. CARNECIE moved the second read. ing of the Bill to amend the Act to incorpo-- rate the Peterborough and Haiiburton R«il v;a§ -(--.'Bm--p;il_y_r; and the Act amending the same, passed in the thirty--third year of the reign of Her Majesty. Carried YOTE OF CONCURRENCE, Hop. Mr. WOOD moved the concurrence of the House on the resolution of the Com-- mittee of Ways and Means as to the vote of credit.--Carried, The Hovse then reseived the report of the Committee on Ways and Means, ; THE SUFFERERS BY TBE FIRE3. Hon. J. S. MACDONALD moved that the House receive the report of the Committ : appropriating the sums voted yesterday fo: the sufferers by the Ottawa and Saguenay fires." Hon. J. S. MACDONALD said he cou'd not exactly say. The Government,howover, would exercise some supervision in the mat-- :.(31'. ark 'Q('.e buay uc reue:,:' Was Lalliy Gi1{% tributed. . Mr. SCOTT (Obtawa,) after stating thit all the relicf, so far, had gone through tho bands of the central commitsee in Olta va, procecded to explain the mode in which the committee had worked, After some remarks from Mr. CODE, Mr. BLAKE inquired how the Attorncy-- Gezeral intended to proceed in the districu-- tibn of the relief to the Saguenay sufferers? Hon. J. S. Macdonald replied that he in-- tended to communicate with Mr. Tremb'ay, (the member for Chicutimi), Mr, BLAKE asked how the Atsorney seneral proposed to distribute the moseys, Nr. BLAKE said he was eatisfied with the ; answer. ; | Mr. GALBRAITH expressed a hops that there would be strist impartiality in the Ji# tribution of the moneys. The House then consurred in the report ofi the committee. . _ Mr. BLAKE considered that a great mi:« take was made in the Bill in dividing the B--r into £wo sections, which was calculated *o create dicsatisfaction. Bseing personally with» | in the Bar, while he would fee! bound by his | selection by his fellows within the Bav, he | would feel cqually if not more honoured y | a gclection by the Barof a whole distric . | The persoral attendance required by the \ Bill at the election --~would hbe a groat dissdvantaze, and might be o'sviated by voting papers, or several polling places, The matter was one which would come up in committee. WAYNE COUXTY, MICHIGAN,. Attorney--Gen, MACDONALD moved the second resding of the Bill to authorize tte delivery of certain registry books in t e county of Esgex, to the Registrar of Deeds 4 Wayne county, in the State of Mich'zan, one of the Urited States of America,. Carried, and referred to committea of the whols to--morrow. Aitorncy--General MACDONALD moved the second reading of the Biil to make the members of the Law Society of Ontario ele:-- tive by the Bar thoreof. Attorney--General M ACDON ALDsaid that the arguments of the hon. member would favour the abolition of silk gowns ailto-- see that the relief] was fairly L&AW SOCIETY. ISJ