ONTARIO STREET RALWAYy cou. PANY, (LIMITED.) Hon, Mr. CAMERON introduced a Bill to incorporate the Ontario Street Railway . _ Company, (Limited ) | f TREE PLANTINXG. Mr. SCOTT (Hastings) introduced a Bil} to encourage the planting of trees on th« ; highways of the Province. PUBLIC FAIRS. Mr. SCOTT (Grey) introduced a Bill to facilitate the eltabhl{nn' ent of public fairs, SIDE LINES IN HUNTLEY,. ; Mr. LYON introduced a Bill to declars | the mode in which the side lines of lots in the township of Huntley, county of Carle-- | . tor, shall. he defined. | TERRITORIAL DISTRICT OF THUN.| f DER BAY. ; Hon. J. S. MACDONALD introjuced a | Bill to provide for the organization of the | Territorial District of Thunder Bay. He ex-- plained that there was a necessity for organ-- izing a more eflicient mode of protectinz { those who might emigrate to Manitobs, 1: | was proposed by the Bill to separate this dictrict from the judiclal district of Algoms for the more effectual protection of those who might desire to proceed to Fort Garry, The Bill was then read a first time; sscond , _ reading ordered for to--morrow. BROCKVILLE AND WESTPORT RATL. WAY. Hon. Mr. RICHARDS introduced a Bi! to incorporate the Brockville and Westpor; Railway Company. CANANOQUE AND RIDEAU RAIL | WAY. 'i Hon. Mr. RICHARDS introduced a Bill | te incorporate the Gananogue and Ridean Railway Company. Mr, BLAKE--Hear, hear. CHANGING THE NAMES OF COURTS, Hon, J. S. MACDONALD introduced a TUrEsPAY, Jan,. 17. | (B,'(')n :0 a}ger thle_ n:lmes of the Superior i ies . urte. e explained that the object w The SPEAKER took the chair at 3 07 ' bo aiter the names of the Courtsoof'z?ae:n&t: p. m. x Bench, Upper Cansda, and call them the PETITIONS, Courts of Queer's Bench, Ontario. Mr. Trow--From Henry Schreid , PA V YX ty -- \ etbere of Perth, praying that a c:n(;re:l ;?: RAI?".A.\ 1X WELLAND: ' ;n(nr.Jn.zy be eatabllsbed iz the town of Strat-- ChMrl.e.BgA("l T3 lnt;o%uced a Bill to enable ra, avies U. (rrove and Nicholas Croglehart to C lra!-' ?H»:Ie--- From '[' Thornton acnd others wonsirudt a'railway in Wellsud. »1 Wandasor, praying for certai in SC k to the proposed School IEJL O Ma kh Mese The Hous thCHU"LtBILL' {cLl.e & r e lHouse then went into Comui f mgfr'-'fi\':f.un'l--'?rom Rober.'.\. Waddell | 'the Whole on the S.:;:ool ml'?l'»LJLnll-m':{??'f(;? tra others, of Cobourg, praving that the {Norfolk) in the chai N e e se ! bill prayed for by the Midiand Railway On the fi f C x (;:})lny mssy not pass. | Sch:olu vv]lllirsltl cfll.llllseil tha}. "l;All Common 5. Clemegk=--P y f | 10, oh saall hereafter be designated others .of Galp p?:'\'l?:lg'](:;:(t P:rb:n: and and known as Public Schools, shatll ge frie pase 10 IHCOFpOTRLSthe Credit \nl. ct may »chools; and the trustees of echool sections way, and two others to the:a'm- e:'elf'cy hal: :'?l(lla:gl;: :xlxl(linti,dp'l hc'oum")f 0f Sitios, to .\'ns, e effect, ownshi II. in the 4 'Mr. Baxter-- F--om Ronald McKinnor, of rnow provided b lap\sv' ? ks lc o m'z:\ner Caledonia, praying that the bill prayei' for rate upon all ghi t"\,'#'oleew e peinn the r.;: the town of Bradford for the sale of cer-- schoo! division or munici; all)irtop(e:t';fif ,the tain works may not paes,. may be), to defray the i'l"i)','we: o}e :_A?'? Mr, Murray--From D. L. Montsomery s2eic,E) "* determined by the trustecs and ;)thel:s& otf the ?lounty of Renfrew, pray-- thereof," ¢ ihetiage ing for aid towards the construction of a Mr, PERRY moved an ame: t | lI\)r:ltgg,:} acroes the Ottawa River at Portage clauge as follows 0;); l:cli]d:?i e;gnéinet ;'?'lxt 3 s ©'Provided always, that the trustecs in h:'-"' Barber--From the Streetaville Me-- -- cities, towns and incorporated Vili:-?'zztxi1~.tfl :h Aca Institete, for the amendment of notwithstanding anything in the Act, impose tnfe ct for the encouragement of agricul-- axlonthly f:el, :ot exceeding 25 cents utp--»-} e e parents, to--cover the cost of pa: §r Mr, McKim--From the township C s stationery, and contingencies for t}? a es of Arthur, that the Bill to sep{&&m?g | O}flthe puplle" _ He was not an °ppon:n;'6? county of Wellington may not pass, t ef prtln'fiple qb ies sehools, but would Also, from the townskip council of Luther g';feero]:u::" the . matter to the people to the game effect, s hoped would :o::mléotl .l:rlefmptory, and he j n & PRESENTING REPORTS. ; :t:f, ad been proved in sereral fowns, oo in yap elev i ; ' ® VM1,. HYKERT presented the tenth report rinciel mf ?he oity of Hamilton, that the | of the C 3 s + P pig 0o .lllomng the trust \ of the Committee on Standing Orders. a rate ustces to impose 1 'has} upon parents for the purpose of pur-- ST. CATHARINE3. | ¥e::'?§u§,t$té§"é'y;&°" was correct, and had 3 s a ~WOr & r & Mr, RYEERT introduced a Bill to enable that the bOOkl' fiaé:elifi slcvhwals sBould ue tho town of St. Catharines to take certain uniform. | It might be said th (lofi should be _ _ bighweaya for the purpose of making a pub. | had the power, under: the l "C4, brnstons lic avenue. | parents to do what 'wu ie t? compel | proposed by hp ALEERT COLLEGHEK. | :l':;etnt'h?etx;fx'st:int:'thw"'persgum"lv }.-m-:--: | A % s | o CR 7 town of 0 ||_Mr. GREGY (Hastings) introduced a Bill | ford did not wish bub:l;m}.ucz?'to"zl f U | 'c%llll:;nd the Act incorporating the Albart ftlon. The principle propoged l;gdtl;;a;xl led s or years, and worked unifor s "<hy TORONTO UNION srATION Passiy. people being sntisfied with it, and (eey son GER AND DOCK COMPANY, _ fiipedfiébg,}".';':;?" should be added. Ho honom M:." ?hAMTERON introduced & Bill to the proviso, ment would not object to rpora! e Toronto Union Station Pag. Hon. Mr, CAMERONXr senger and Dock Company, | the proviso; proviqcg' h8 40 Objection to -h_"l"" on | . h COd the representatives