Mr. Smith orrihiletrexr-Frie the town. ' my ('buncil ot Biddulph, praying who Ch" empt from tunic 1 in magnet. to the. gravel- }LLg, of public highways. Mr. Lauder-- From the township Council of Proton, praylug for the sale m contain lands in that township. Hon. Mr. Cst1'utg---Frotn David Me1lwon and otherr. oi London, praying that an Act may we to incorporate the London, Huron and Bruce Railway Company; mud 19 others: to the some elIect. _ l'liESlZNTlNCr 112902113. Non. J. S. MACI'AONALD'preIented the ' eighth report of the liiilway Committee. Ho 3190 presented the tiith report of the o Committed on Private Bills. THE COURT ""F CIIANUERY. Hon. J. S. MACDONALD (who was al. most inaudible in the gellery) introduced a l Bill respecting the Court of Chancery. He , said that the Bill referred to the internal 2 menu ement of the CAnttii--s matter of which _ he dig not know much personally. He was , sure the Bill would be ntisfuotory to the profession as a whole, for some pain: had 1 been taken in its preparation. The Bill pro- i poled to create the other; ot referee-an 01503 which would facilitate the business before the Court. The hon. member for South Bruce, at thtrooatmenastaent of the lession, had spoken to the etfect that the newer: ot theJudgce kliouid notbo delegated to the Secret"? He (the Attorney-General) Y, replied t mt he knew nothing' of the mutt 'e' except throhgh reports. __Sinoe_ tlet time,_ he wee in e position to say that the J udgos had come to the conclusion that the Le islsturu should declare the Rest decisions ogthe " ordary to be vsli . The Bill, therefore, would propose that all the decisions of the Secretery since the 10th of November, 1866, the date of his s pointment, should be de- olsred to to as valid and effectual as those of the Judges. t proceedings of 'the Scanning ; who 8rl, Flake) was he that the opi one lithe gutormrrG'otterrs on that matter had mille- ly chenged. At en earlier period of the nee- sion the Atty-Genera wee not willing to do anything in this matter or the Secretary: proceedings, but now he nixed the Home to meat to legalize them. Mr. BLAKE said that with regard to the explanation just given, he would cell the at. tention ot the House to what took place at en early stage of the session. At that etege he took the opportunity of inquiring if the AttornerGeniial propeled to take any etcps as to the Judges' Secretery. The At. torney-General replied, " No, that it was not hie intention to do tro." Ben. J. & MACDONALD--mar, hear. Mr. BLAK E-At the some time, however, the Attorney-General admitted the pro- oeerdirge- ot the Searetery were not legal He (Mr. Blake) put two resolutions on the peper, the fir-t of which was-that the duties of the Secretary being of e judicial character, they could not be performed by him. Thin ulcxtion of his (Mr. Blake's) war new admitted by the Bill introduced by the Attornerdhrmrral to be correct. The eecond resolution was to the effect that the mode of administering justice in the Chancery Cum. her was unsatisfactory, and on ht to be changed. That proposition was also admit. tiir.-tt he understood tho oxplartstiomt given by the AtrcrnttGenil-iri the new Bill i fer .it. the Judgel were enabled to give their Judicial powere to the Secretary, they would also oonler on him the powers to give_'udiciel opinions. The Biiliopoerd to legeiizeihe The Rouse opened at 3:15. The SPEAKER in the chair. PETITIONS. Fun". Jan. 20. "17'" -'h" - - L." - '-'W' IT' ;-: .. ... _ ! Hon. J. & MACDONALD said that the Judges themselves had askedto have this . matter settled, while the hon, member for South Bruce had no evidence in lupport oi T his application except his own stetement. The opinion of the Judges w" paramount ta Ithat ot the hon. member for South Bruce. _ Judges still Wished the Secretuy had a F 'rlgtit" to act on he dld; but u tome objection . rind been mind an to the question of validity, in the decision, of the Sendai; the Judges nuggeeted that there would be ghlaticn on Shot point. The Bill we: iead s first time. RETURN. Hon. Mr. CAMERON presented return to Iddreu for a statement of the number of persons who have "ttled on the free grant territory. , The matter then dropped. l LAND ARBE ARAGE 3. , Hon. Mr. RICHARDS moved concurrence [In molntiom r.esetlng abnement of arrear- 'EI on Crown; clerir, and Grammar School .0 ' Mr. BLAKE said he had made merely a customary etquiry. It was of itu. portance to the Home to know, and if the -Goverrtrnent could give it any idea of the time when their whemee could be broigtht "lower, and he regretted that these simple questions should lave excited the ire of the hen. gentleman. (Been) Bat, in both lessen, the hon. gentlemen had filled t) {newer hie simple enquiries. m would re. pest his question as to the estimates. . lowing "tsolutions-Mr. Buy- in the ouir t k ' l. The expenlel attending the hitting- of the J udgee of the Superior Courts when try. ing election petitions. under the authority of any Act to be Pete.d during the present us- Pion oi the Logaletlve Assembly. f On the orders of the (by being called, K Mr. Bi.AKli)u.aNot paramount; but the same War. (Rear, lieu.) Mr. BL ARE-Cm you give at any ides of the time when it will be brought down '. Mr. BLAKlil--.At the and of it, I suppose. Atty-Hen. MACDONALD-I don't Karr; they will come down in good time. Atty.-Gen. MACDONALD Illd he was of opinion that the Government Were quite CON. Eetent judges " to the proper time when to ring down the scheme. The Home might have patienye and welt for it, Mr. BLAEE-mar, hear. Atty.-Gen. MhCD0NALD-.-1 wish the hon. gentleman to underetend that the Gov. emment will do " they please in the mat. ter. If he does not like it, let him bring the question before the Home, and I believe he will be tsatisfied with its enswer. Let him hing his eohortg to bear vpon In to compel ts to bring down the Icheme if he likes ; it will not matter to an. Atty-Gen. MACDONALD said the hon. Treuurer wu not in his place; but they 'tteil be brought down next week, he be. IOVC o Mr. BLAKE-yon: men: there is ' good time coming. (Luigi!er Mr. BLAKE. add he should move some Amendmente in its detail when the Bill w" before the Home. t The motion we: then agreed to. TRIAL OF ELECTION PETITIONS. Mrdun, MACDONALD tut the Home go into Committee of the Whole on the fol. referring to aid to be given to railways would be submitted. Atty.-Gen. MACDONALD ssid the Intro. duction at the menus. respecting aid to rail. wnys was necessorily postponed. The; had railwsys still before tltarootitrnittoo whi had not yet come hetero the Government. It was accessory to know to who's extent these applications would reach before the Govern. ment could bring down any scheme for deal. ing with the surplus. Mr. BLAKE ' the Government " what time it wee intended to make the linen- olel "amt; and eleo when the measure yltrryg. to tid to be given to railways would 2. The tuvolling and other expenses of my such Judges, and All expenses properly incurred by a Sheriff in sttendtnce on him, and providing a Court under any Act " don-said. 3. The mm of . dollars per unnum to the Clerk of the Court of Queen's Bench for services to be performed by him in connec- tion with tho aid Act. 4. The tunable expanses of my wit. nouu called and Quaint-d by the Judge " "t.PA.teial a! atoms-id. » Hon. J. S. MACDONALD aid that the THE SURPLUS BILL.