. Th. hon. gamma oxphimd that the 1geoeataatt-tNtventor hing oogniunt ot the etdrNnM of the reohttiong had given hiv- _ asnotion to their Introduction. o. iiritition of Attornarthysora1 M MN DONALD the blah wan filled up with the mm ot 81,000. The committee then use and reported. l Concurrent). on Tuesdey. i THUNDER BAY. ' ftg,'erdtr,tl, MACDONALD moved ' the gelg of the Bill to provide for l ttarty"." o the mam-n dietriot of Th er Bar. m expldned that the object of the manure wan to secure to uttlen in the dimict thoee glegt end rights which they enjoyed In ot or parts of the country. The Bill was red . second time, and or- dered to be referred to the committee of the whole on Monday. CHURCH SOCIETY OF HURON. Eon. Mr. CAMERON, in the sheence oi Hon. Ma Wood, moved the secontl reading a', the Bi to enable the Church Society of tise diocese of Baron to eell or exchange oer- tain Church land in the township ot Brant. h mi, in the county of Brant. Corded. . k cmmittee of the whole on Monday. SIETLKS cr' ST. JOSEPH, LONDON. Urn. Mr. (.ARLING moved the second The Home went into committee on the School hm, Mr. Williams (Dun-hurl) in the chair. Four clan-u have been passed, ant {he committee resumed on clan-0 5, u fol. 'twot- _ mac basaltic provision. of this Bill, mac butmnkme provision! or tun ISO, sad other, of a unnu- ohunctcr, which hail been paid by the Ham on tgt: session. The principle introducod are, " permitting corporate bodies to hold ml an uu inmortmun perpetuity. m century to thepollcy of the House a attinnod " its first lesbion, in the case of the Bill Income:- ating tho Young Men's Christian Anoin- tion. There was this difference, which he felt bound to object to. " In on nt county or union of connt'w there mu u one or more school officers, to be called County In actors, who mu have charge of not mom gun one quulrw/ schools enoh; provided dwnyn that than and! not be more than one such ofiioer.in each riding of . county." I" Hon. W. CAMERON, ht movi the adoption ofthe chino, 0:ng 'll2lt won poniiiUrtd by tho Chin! tumrintontunt to The Bill was rad a mound time and pe. gened to ccmmittee of the whole on Mon. a c y ' THE EDUCATION BILL to deal with the (mention of procedure in all civil mum. The power now posse-led by the Province of "youth com- miaolonerl in Greet Britain an the 'al',','.,",,", wee by the Bill extended to the appoirttateat of them in the United Stet". be one of o meagre-tut otuuactor. He understood that or the present To: my council: had the power of appo ting county qttptrrinttsniirt%, and' tint tho lye- tem worked well. " won [onenlly approved of; and the experience ot other commie: whero the Iysteln of county Inperintendento had been tried proved that It won much more successful than that a! township in- _'_"__ " - A"; . .. Hon. Mr. CAMERON moved the eecond tending of the Bill reseting nifidavita, dec. laration, and aifirrnationq, made out of the Province fer use therein. He ex killed that the Act was rendered neoeenry gy the union of the Provinoee. and properly came within chest-evince of thin 1Agilatitm, which had _to gal _Iyith the question of procedure ST. GEORGES SOCIETY, LON DON. On the motion of Hon. Mr. CARLING the Billineczporatin the St George's sway of London [a tends a "ttond tint. AFFIDAVITSI AND DECLARATIONS. After a few remarks from Hon. Mr. Cune- rcn, In support of the Bill, it was road ' second the. that the clause W hen. magma; we: Atty.tenqal MACDONALD aid the clan " referred to had emped the attention of the "handing Committee on Private RM», and be wes glad the attention of the Home had teen called to it by the hon. member for South Bruce. She matter could be reotiiied in committee. pr Magma and" moi irl.1Ci" a; "31;th to incorporate the Siam s't./uo:erh, oi the dioccso of London, in LAKE "New! attenti It m- ,"tsaiHiG' -- LrtTiii'ia"ii Id he hope?! tair and pro. the pnctical i o a (Lifer- ex enee'of other comm-lee toheve lone we heist, them. Ju','; ewm "out n: e come pn e mun r of person, township iuperhiundorN, out of employment; but these per-one got very mm 'iaurui--onir " for" each school they inspected. It was propeled to my the county mperintmdente 85 for each iohoo' by the Government, and an equal sum from the county. The effect of thin would be, he believed, to improve the tone and standard of the school; Mr, FERGUSON argued that there was no necessity for a change. The present IMr has worked well, and it wee not for the bene- fit of our school system that it abould be altered. He would move that section five, be omitted, Mr. BLAKE aid that the motion watt not in order. The hon. member could not bring in a motion to motive the clause, but might vote "my" on it. Mr. McDOUGALL aid there was not the Ilightut doubt that an intelligent superin- tendent would give information to one school of any improvement he sow in another. m thought that in the interests ot odncstlon thin olatstte should becomolaw. (Hem) Mr. PERRY would like to ask the Pro. vinciul Secretary how mmy county superin- tendents there were in the Province of o 1- Mr. SCOTT (Grey) uid that in hi: riding there were over a hundred schools, but the clause only made provision for those hevinz one hundred.' m would ask the Provincial Secretsty what he intended to do in cases when there were more than n hundred echooil. ' Hon. Mr. CAMERON replied that " present there were twelve county taperin- tendenu, for Iixtytwo oouutiu. Mr. PERRY said thet the Pravinclel Sec- retuy Inuit ultimo one of two ttsings--. either that the people were not trutUed with the county enperin- tendente, or that the County Councils Were not doing their duty ttttt It wee en -aion on the peep e o the Province when it wee eteted by e member of the Gov- ernment that In countlee whet? there were county euperintendente educe on wee more edvenced than in than conntlee where there Were none. If our echooll were going back- ward, this chuge in the law might, be nought for, but es they Were not, the chenge was unnecessary. Mr, GRAHAM (Hastings) u'd that the experience of his county was decidedly in favour of county 1yporinttmdonU. Mr. MCCOLL (Norfolk) was in favour of the abolition of county superintendent: m had been told by savor-1 teaohem that it would be better to abolish the offioe and Futd their salaries in the Common School no . Mr. FERRIER "id that in his county the labours of the county superintendents hat given great ntisfwtion. Mr. McGll.L aid he would be glad to support the tifth chute, for it had been found that county superintendenoy was preferable to local superintendency. Mr. MCKELL All traid that there wss to cleure in the Bill he could support more' heartily than this one. It was quite netural that county councils which had the appoint. _ ment of these oflicer, should desire stlll to retain that power ', and it was often the case that clergyman and persons not having tsufficient, time at their dleporal received the apprintmenttr. But a trained mstt--like a tiacher---wa, requirel for this Mice ; and no mm could msnege a echool " well as a. gentleman trained to the profession-for tesehirrc, wee now a proks. rion. To secure the highest order ot tnlent it was necesssry to pey a good "lay, and this wss the one no regarded our public schools. He thought that, in order to " are this object, there should be on amendment to the clause. The number of schools, for instance should be raised to HO instead of being left at 100, as by the clvms, la such . one there would not require to be so many superintendents, and the sslariee, therefore, could he tixed at moccte'ule standard. He believed that o . at could over- see 140 schools 3 Inculty; and ex- perience had tam . «misty superinten- dent. oonstitut ' _ "node of managing our schools. After some further discussion, Hon. Mr. CAMERON replied to the ques- tion tttttgit by the member for Grey, as to what the lllproposed to do in cues 'where there were more then s hundred ' schools. He told that, in I subsequent section, It would be seen that county councils had the wet ot dlvidin 5 county theta "hulk than . hundred u -- h . til aw: u Udall m ' etntht: "£2131"!!! mode W2" I sert tome: we the said NOW": or - at [fd,'l,'/. 'te/ttl. ' .. p m mam-1mg 211mm AND GUELPH, iJhtit_A1er, Mr. BARBER moved the second reMing , o! the Bill to t"1"ggtt the Oekville, Mis C ton and Guelph Re hey. --areiod. i, TOWNSHIP OF WOLFORD. The Bone went into comiiuee on In Fitaimmon'g Bill to make valid cartain br. law}! _the Qorpqretign trt the t!ym!hip,ot schools i,aicitrW'iu, nihilism" in_eech. Be thought thst ttttle mlght eanly in. Ipect more than e undred schools. He hoped that in the future eduoeted men would occupy the place of superintendents. Hon. Mr. Om, amid much laughter, rt(gh ed to read: letter he had mean from a lace! superintendent, when nuns and Ioeali. t he did not give. The letter we: read t: a ow the necessity which. the Provincial Secretsry squad, existed for the appoint. meat of educahd men. Mr. BLAKE suggested that tho last ten- tenco of the claw would be Maui as fol. 1os"-."Provlded it shill not he neceaury' to appoint more than one." Mr. I'AMERON added that he knew of szhool'trulteel who could not write their own lumen. "hon. Mr. CAMERON aid u would ac oept the annulment. __ it now being nix ouoek the Home roee for recon. ' After recess, e The Home proceeded to dispcue of the following Bill: _ _ PREse,YTERiAs CHURCH, KENYO), (G LENGAR Y ). Mr. CRAIG moved the second reading of the Bill to authorize the trustees of the Pree- byterien Church in the tg,',eit of Kenyon, county of Glengary, in connect on with the Church of Scotland, to "ll lot two end pert of lot one, in the eeventeeth concession oi the aid township. Carried. BABRISTERS-AT-LAW. Mr. Lount moved the second reading of the Bill to authorize the I new Society of Up. per Canada to admit Daniel Brooke, junior, " a Barritirter.st.Law. Carried. Mr. LOUNT moved the second reading of the Bill to authorize the Luv Souk-1y o: Ontatio to admit "Ilium Henry Steals " a Barrister.at.uw. Carried. MF. LOUNT moved the Iecond reading oi the Bill to empower the trustees made: the Will oi the late Joseph Bitterman Soragge to sell certain lands in the to vns'sip oi Blew help: and County of Oxford. Curried. Mr. (.'AENEGIE moved t's In}! of tl e RM to amend the g for the tmstees of the church number '0! Ichoola "iiri'iiii irirhtt Mr. M cKELLAIt suggested that the num ber of schools in the titth clause should be set down at 120. Mr. BLAKE aid the suggestion of the hon. member for Bothwell was well worthy of attention. In order ts procure od otti. cers there should be fair sulariee. fll',1,tb" tion was whether the 'd"Sag,'W/ be spending! money to secure affi cy If the municipalities were split up to such 5 degree that the saluriee of inspectors should be re- duced. He did not believe tint, having re- guded the expenses of the Inspector, it was possible to procure one under 8800 per an- fliR Hf weak} suggest that the mum Wolford, and oietin by-hwo con . Who some, and n conveyance made thwa- Mr. Grahame (York), in the chair. The committee mo and reported "1. Bill without amendment. STREETSVILLE AND PORT CREDIT? RAILWAY COMPANY. The Home wont into committoo on the Bill to incorporate the t?treetavilu and Port Credit Railway f,t'argic,hdr; Index in the choir. The maven) c amen won posed, with the exception of No. 2, the considera- tion of which was deferred. The committee role and reported third reading for Mondsr. The House resumed the debate on the School Bill. ST. AN IJREW'S CHURCH, BOROUGH. THE LATE J B. SPRACHE. THE SCHOOL BILL. 'I'H'e bl I! he stseoty1re and gléhe may Perer'ooro 1 vi) PETE?