E On clause 6, that "Elch city or town the" be a county for the purpoul of this A at, and the inspector shell be celled the city or town inspector, and shell pone" all the meme! . county inspector in such city or n except Incline relate to hsvetsb'g,Ultrg and (leading on school trustee election com. pleintn, which now by law devolve on tae county judges" Mr. BEATTY nuggelted that towns mould be hit out. There were mmy whim _ had but one or two schools, and it would be 1 . great hardship in ouch town to compel l,',t,'t, tttttfe, on inspector. He would move that e word "toirn" he etruck oat Hon. Mr. 7i"iEiii'iii Odd he would ae. cept the euggution that the number of schools ehoum be 120, and not Ine. than 60. He would she accept the gf,gt',, made before recon by the hon. mm at foe South Bruce, that the last sentence of the clause tre read, "Provided dry: that It not! not to eppoin more then one Inspector in ugh riding or county." Mr. FERGUSON noted If my ineteuoe could be inn of en megawat- having charge of 120 lo oola, The et Superintendent thought that ixtr we: "ifieUnt. It? BLAKE mm». would harm 1'eti l lity or Muslim an In?» I I on have theme! 120 schoola . the county i council though that number too new for one man. 'lhey could appoint an addl onal Inspector. Mr. CARNEGIE suggested that, in the case of a county having 120 schools, it might be very inconvenient to divide them equally. It would be preferable to fix the minimum at tiltn which would allow some latitude. A .. . ""firGutourtion wu generally tgrood to and the dtention made In the clause. , Mr. BAXTER 1m in favour of . con- tinuance of the mount Iyltcm. The town- ship inspectors were an" st bind when wanted, which very probably would not be tho can If county inspectors were appolntod, m van in favour of tthe", annotat- ot tho schools by bong-lug t ' qelifhttitn, of WI. niacin whom" rether' than upon the Ila-pector- the responsibility rented. Mr. CROSBY-dd the local superintendents of the Wet were, u . rule, very tsffi oient men. After some diamldon, the clause wen adopted a mended. It In 3118ng that town: in such cues would appoint the "me in spactor an the 0011an which it was situate. which would obviate this Insane. The amendment was withdrum, tn the chusa carried " itltooi. On chose 7, which provlded that the quatiiieatlops of county, city, or town In. upectors should from tlme to time be pre- scribed by the Council of Public Instruction, whiohshell determine the time and msnner off exsninstlon ot candldstes 1ut,i't',"g 0 ME cation, on grant 00 fitt.tes of quali(hsqtltms sud no one not holding such artitieate at riualiiication shell be eligible to be oppointed an Inspector. Mr. BLAKE sold that with regard to the oxmlnotion of teaehorr, there were no PT: villonl in the chow. Ho thought It would be well to indicate thot on onmiutlon should tako pioco in the county towns, "d that there should also he . renomhlo fre. uency of examination. He would ask the 1'll',"iUlh Sacrotory would it not be well to modify the chute, whlch required that por- lonl having . first-clu- oertuicnto to pass o second exiininauon. Hon. Mr. CAMERON aid that it we! the duke of the Chief Superintendent not to du. qualify thou pence: who were county Sa- iiertn6endenU heretofore. Mr. BLAK p, laid the chute should soy that thou who were discharging the duties of county tsuperinttytdtrtU Ihould be digible to appointment without an amnion. Hon. Mr. CAMERON aid he would con- sent that "be: the word "determine" should to intertcd the words, "the qtts1iilettioty. and fix the time and manner of enmination " Mr. BLAKE uld the unggation would namely meet the diftfeultr, but the tirst line of the clause dealt with this very matter of qualiticaeon. Mr. SINCLAIR thought it would be bet- ' ter to state in the clause those who were qvalitied, There was nothing that ap. proached nearer to .mrrsoertitmtUto continual l examinations He thought it would be well . to admit graduates of the University, Mar ters of grammar schools not graduates, of three years standing, and firrt-a!atm common school teachers of two ycsrs standing, to the t (lice of inspector, with" examination He moved an amendment to the effect. m did nettle soon his own res oiteN1ity,ba'. at tho, 1 request a the Bond of $11630 IGtruotiortpf i niisountr, Mr. CAMERON thought it would be very undesirable to tsck any such amend went to tbs chum. Those who had chn'ge of educatiopai.tsrutem and had the interests of education st heart, would take care of the interests of the teachers. It would be much hotter to leave the m1alifiestiost in the hands of theOmmcll ofPubllo Instruction. Moditicationtt mlght be necessary in the future, but they should rest with the than. oil. He hope) the chase would not In pressed, thou? he wires to admit that It was very mue In acoordanet ylth_t_ho_vi9ws $S'Jiiilia'u1fs; -acardanee, with the View: of the C of 1'Tt,?tfrl himlelf ' but it was inuhiub o in his (Mr. Cameron's) &Th2vbh'&"é§f3§§£m€hhmelf ; but it was inudviub o in his (Mr. Gutmsron'tsl opinion, to pMI the matter 2t tho Ere-oat - "vi-I - s L- __-_'L .. .41; "-5-.. urn"--. -- ,---- W. time. With neg-mi to exempting gcaaueteu, he did not think that the obtaining . degree was "ttiaUnt to ehow that e graduete was lit for the offioe of public Inspector. Mr. MCGIILuld that he. knew that many of the mperintondentl could not under tt re- ezsminat"ton,for many of the minutiw of Ef,',". tion had paUed from their mama, as not? being nqoegnry." .mpeyrht , Home 'ii,Gliif"iriirGUUdt dit wh3 now held the 01300 of tsuperintendent should be eligible for reappointment? Mr. BEATI'Y laid he thought that grad. uatea should be exempted from examination. The examination could not be a fair text of the adaptation ot candidates. for the qua. than and anawere would be in writing, and would only be a teat of literary ability. He thought there should be an exception in favour of the graduates of our Univer- eitiee. Mr. HAYS mid that name of those gradu- atel could nut take a common school third- claua oHiiicate. H Mr. HATCHETI' an that tka present "potinuartdents would luv. aprcferentisl claim to nae-appointment. Mr. BLAKE agreed that the object of the Home should be to secure the best men for the otficn of inspector. With regard to the exemption; yropmed, the difliettlty that had arisen in his mind on the subject was that whether the requiring all parties to put; an examination would not restrict the are: of selection? Wouhl they be less likely to go: the teat men it every Applicant we: told. no matter what his qualifications might be, that he would have to pass an examination before he wcuhl be eligible for on appointment " inspector'. The exemination es now con. ducted was simply a tent " to knowledge, and had no reference to the special qualities- i'one of the tucher or in tutor. The ex. plenetione of the hon. Surgery with regard to county cupcrintendente had lessened the d'dfimt1ty he ielt in the matter. Mr. CARNEGIE comidered that when the country had to pox a. large sum for superin- tendents. it ehou d procure the beet men, and thou should undergo an ssxatninatioa, I '11, J ,7 y l v LU"-- - _V V eighth dame, Mulch had "lemme to the node ot appointing Wu. Mr. FERGUSON said that the suggestion of the member for South Bruce should not be adopted. Th. nmendment ot Mr. Sinclair was pat "fl; iiGumsnt ot 3nd lost. ---- .. . I110 [Ulla w. BLAKE aid that he would not nuke any amendment just now, but would suggest that some such word: " these should be aided to the clause by the Pnovlnclol Socra- tary, " Provided that Inch ,szamiturtiotw, should be held by the Bond of Exaasiaation to be cutablirhed by the Act." Hon. Mr. CAMERON said that he could not accept the amendment, for it was a rs. ' 5: Hon (n the Bond of Publi , Instruction. Tl F disuse wu then [111. and carried in its mat-11m. some. Th. r; w I' o 5.1.161 to :::".~'.;;- 1hr airiEit5trmikar, amendment to the elrottt tut the W" than not be " pointed tr lih but during pleasure. Hon. Mr. CAMERON defended the clean onthe ground that it was drum up to in- duce prayer re,',',',' to quellfy themselves for the o co It county Inspectors. im. MATCHEI'T inquired of the mm. chl Seonhry what would be tn1hieient to insdlh, the dinnlud 'of one of those of. justify the tieqN t Hon. Mr. CAMERON replied that mio conduct would be e "ftioUnt cause. After some discussion, Qtr. SINCLAIR loved " amendment to the effect that the Government shorld not have the power to sppoint or dismisa these inspectors. Hessidthst if this chose be- come low the appointments would be equal to life tttet'),',':',',',', the inspectors being offitnm o the Government, it would be next to impossible to dismiss them for inefrieuney or miscondnot, end the House would be iloodtd with petitions on the subject. Hon. ME CAMERON eddthnttheHonee, l f it mule my alteration In the clause, would i' have to ammo the responsibility of the act; a for himeelf, he was not - to u ttpt . m would .113th that the elm-e should a F F altered in Inch . manner as to nuke the County potuteil the judge In the matter of Hon. Mr. McMUBBICE sold he thought the Provincial Secretory should accept the amendment. The County Council would not fteptttheir.powt" ' for hill/ills to pny tl" overstep their powers . for having to p. the half of the uhry they, would be meal! in their decision. The amendment of Mr. Sinclair w" put and he. The clause. a amended, Ins curried. 0n clause 9, referring to the powers of In. apectorl, which m to be the "me as those now enjoyed by the Local Superhuman", Mr. SCOTT (Grey) adding to the clause the word! " and to reput on the condition, olaasifieation, und discipline of the aoltoo1, the teaching enmity of the teacher, and the average progress of esch clan of Papo," In reply to Mr. SINCLAIR, Hon. Mr. CAME RON aid that this Board were to be exemlnere, but exemlnen on writ. ten pepeu. The Board we: else to decide as to who should receive oertifieataa, In reply to Mr. BLAKE, Hon. Mr. CAMERON said the cumin.- tions would take plsce in the country, not in tho city of Toronto. The tirat clan oertiti. cotel would be decided in Toronto; the County Boonie wank! decide on tho mood The unendment was lost without eny de. hate, and the chase wee then carried. Chase 10 wood over. Clam ll, relating to the appointment of board of examiners for "when. thenumbere of which is iixtrd not to exceed five, nor be less than three. and third-clan mm Mr. BLAKE aid that the propoccd Inn of examinat ion- wonld be Tr, 2lheU,f,1',.' No nun would compote for y a cocond or third-clu- oorttiioath, but for n fimt.etaes cox- tttkata. In such a can the any" would have to be sent to Toronto for amnion " to n firat.ttiaat, eertifioate, and, In consequence, the decision a to second and third-class cer- tificattrg would also have to be given in " route. After some further discussion, the corn. mittee 'tity, tvtT,',,tT, $312;an the resent, e an . a nu . gestion ot Mr. Blako-thit the: should fi. . change in rrrgart1 to the mono! dtsaling with. third-clung agttfhaaurohould be ia. troduced into the Bill " a future my. The cornmittee proceeded to consider the 12th chase, which has reference to the Council of Public Instruction, providing that the Council shell rucrlbe n uniform ex. amination and tlutd1"tfl,o, of "when. The clause also contains a providon " to first, second, or third clue odrtititmua. A disco-don owed, um! the chase pused, the following provision having been expunged p-- "Provided nevertheless, But no ttertlfiefo of qtu1iiiculon shall be valid my longer than the holder thereof shall ly tour dollars , )ar mnum into the fund or the support of w ennuunted or worn-out teachers, on pro- yiged by law; ,hissh myn _ehellz in all 0.3565,. b35316 in Indvume during the month of January in each you. The committee role, reported progress, on! asked leave to sit again, The Home adjourned " 11.20 pm. Thqunendmont of Mr. Perry WM out and