j "Ip:he clause was allowed to stand over, 4 . BLAKE took exception to clause four on':ll;'o greund that it would have the eff= :; of creating a close corporation of apothecs. ries, The House should not mako a trade ciose which had hitherto been free. Dr. BOULTER defended the clause on the ground that it would prevent accident in the sale of drugs. Hcn. Mr. McMURRICH asked whether this Bill did or did not create a monopoly. Mr, LAUDER replied that it required a certain amount of qualification from youn;y men before allowing them to dispense drass, Hon, Mr., McMURRICA said thas if tais clause passed it would take away one--half of the business from every chemist and drug-- , | gist in the country unless he joinsd t1 apothecaries' association. Mr, CO¥NE said the clause was necessary in erder to protect the public from ignorant drug--sellers, Mr. BLAKE said he aad fourd thas the ' real object of this Biil--as he had ascertained | by discussion--was to prevent competition, | coupled with a desire, no doubt, to benefi; the public,-- Ose would think that the mem-- ber for Peel (Mr. Coyne) bad besn seeing a frneral pass by his door every day for the st eix mopths--the funerals being caused g; drupgists--so pathetle was that gentleman on this subject. (Laughter.) This clause made it pemal tosell drugs unlees the seller belonged to the society of chemists and drag. gists. Accidents in the drug trade had not been go frequent as to render it necessary that the House should violate a sounrd pria-- [ ciple. He would oppose the clause. I Trurspay, Jan. 26. Mr. ?'It:hcnfi:L ';Q'g g!l'! BE:V 'i" f'(}:}"m : | rAr anairy copy of the English Bill n a force. . The SPEAKER took the chair as 3:15 aigilar Pill, but more stringent in some of p . @ ite provisions, had been passed in the Pro. PETITIONS, vince of Quebec, and in some of the State: ¥+ Pake--From the Town.}fip Coun :il of in the Union. What was atked for _WlJ.": Kincardine, praying that the propased what bad been g:anted to °th°"' P"Ofe"f!%h amendment to the Wellington, Grey & Bruce and there was ro reason why the provision Sompany's charier may not pass. skould no't be n..pph'ed to druggists. n Mr, Qrabham (Hastings)--Freom J B. Ash-- Mr. PERRY said that <l.lough 3'7"'"1" ley and others, of Belleville, nray ing for cer measures bad been asked for in other coup-- taim amendments to the Tavern and Shop tries, he was not aware that the presont Bill Loenee Act. . hud been g::d for by the people of this es 4 Province. re was a great difference be-- Mr. Sinclair--From \Wim Brown and others, tween the granting of such a Bill to doctors, of Eruce, praying for certain amendments to and to druggists. -- He was decidedly oppos. the Act incorporating the Toronto, Grey, and ed to the formation of anything like the close Bruce Rallway Company. corporation proposed to be established by | -- * RETUrRY, the Bill. ho Mtr, CMEROY rromtaa men [ . 45 BERIPR i iatte potinia rhowing the minutes of the imsesmice of) the but the licensed druggists selling any medi-- vounc:l of Rublic Instruction for 1870. cines at all. 'The Act might apply with ad. EEPORTS OF COMMITTEES, nn'tage tio citil:l and tlov(vlnl, but it would do ¢ an injustice when applied to rural distri Bon. J S, MACDONALO presented the Powe]xEl was given tsgl;ugght'mto prelcrlcbt:. eleverth report of the Comumiitee on Rait-- and thus assume a responsibility which hé ways kWelieved would do more injury than was Mr. BLAKE desired the Attorney--General \~ _ done under the system at present in force. _ Kot to move concurrence till to morrow, &« he Mr. BOULTER --Is there any clause to | (Mr. BJake) intended to move an amend glve a druggist the power to prescribe ? ment. s , , Mr. BAXTER--T § MUXICIPAL INSTITUTIONS. ventrthem. fere is ndffing so qpre ¥r, GRAHAME (York) introduced a B 1! Mr, CARNEGIE said the people in his : to amend the act relating to municipal in-- district desired the passage of the Biil. ' etitutions After some further discussion, the clause REPORT OF COMMITTER ON RaAIL was put to a vote and defeated. WaAYysS. l.:lr. ELAKE moved that the comumittse A |--Geue CDONxAL rise. The clause which had just been defeat-- the co¥egerence ip the tenth ragal) an To [ en rentsined the whole principle of the Biil, Comumittee on Railways, haviug reference to and therefore it conl.d not be proceeded with the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Bill. --Car-- | Mr,.BOULTER said that they would move ried, | in a full House for a reversion of the vots. @TE Ad aAxNa | Mr, LOUNT said the majority had been SALE OF PoIS a jority e SALE OF PoISOXNS$, | gained in consequence of the empty benches The House then weat into Committee of on his side of the House. The decision wou!1 the Whole in a K:ll to regulate the sale of be reversed in a full Houte. poisons, and rempecting chomists, draggists, Mr, BOYD pointed out that the clauses and apothecaries (Mr. McGill), Mr. Eyre in succeeding the one now struck out were a the chair, the natural 'sequence of it, It was absu.} Some amusement was causod by the ex-- to proceed with them after the defeat of the planat_mps of the hon, promoter of the Bili | chief clause. lt yie Torspeut? on the first clause, [ ) s The motion that the committee rise was en iyse sustaingd, then put and lost. 'The consideration of the , ___On the third clause, Mr _ BOYD raised the Bill was then'resumed. question that the point afected trade and A discussion ensued on the filth clause, _ Dmeri® and was consequently without which was nltimately adopted, the puorview of the House. The sixtb, seventh, and eighth cls 3 CV t * & a us Mr, BLAKE said that --this third clause . were passed without ('fiscuuslon.g The uis on provided tbut' certain poitous should not be clause was amended at the instance of M -- sold, by wholesale or retail, except under Blake, The tenth clause was amended ve:. certain conditions. This was interfering with | baily, and adopted. The eleventh clauge wais trade and comimerce,--matter which came | assed. The twelfth and other chuserwere | vnctlhmi thle power of the Dominion Parlia nent | slscussed and adopted, with some slight 1 exclusively. | + y gt Hon J. S. MACDONALD said there was | 2t wonts» Some of the clauses were neld | something in the objection, and he would | 4 e yst A suggest that this clause should stand 01'"01', Theul;our of six o'clock having arrived,. the Stiil if there were anything in which this cominlfee +ose, & Honse cught to stretch its power, it would After recess the House proceeded to deal be in a matter like this, which affested the with the following Billy :-- lives of the community. a }