The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 31 Jan 1871, p. 2

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* the control"of the Dominion Governmeat, | . but the expense was borne by the | Province of Ontario, and amounted to | _ more than all the other asylums put together. | For this reason it was desirable tfi:t the > Rockwood Asylum should pass under the | -- control of the Government of Ontario. Ho had reason to believe that the Dominion Goav-- | . ernment would be very glad to get rid of the Rockwood Asylum, and in case it were ohb-- s tained by Ontario, it would prove of great | utility to the eastern section 0r the Proviaca, for it wou'd save the soveral localitios tPig the exnange of removing lunatics so far wost $ as London. Mr. BLAKE said he was sorry §he ;&t]t:»r' expens T30 0. td ddrctnis 4B d ud ofi thntrmininnt. AB «eantntiiiintns uis bretadicines. dian building and the grounds to favour a wholo-- gale purcbaser, Ifthe Atty..Gen, had von. tured to propose this ccurse withont supoly-- Ing more information, he (M». Blake) wou'ld have opposed the motion, He apprchended that withont further action there would ho no trouble for the Atty..Gen. to enter into pegotiations with the Doininton Government to ascertain on what terms it wou'd be w.ll-- irg to dispose ol the Rock wood Asylam; and then lsy the taorms before this Pavrliamont, Attorney--Gereral MACDON ALD said the Government were notk prepared t> take any legsors from the hon. gont'emau, Thse thas a groal reaucion in expcas3 por pasiolu would be made. The Prison Inspoctor was worthy of great praise, for he did a vast quantity of work--more than the thrce commissioners who formedy fulflilled the dutics of the office hai done, (Hear.) Ths hon. gentleman taunted him with his (Sand. field's) previous votes, but is somchow al. ways happercd that vhen he fell he always, l!mlti.ko tke Lon,. gentlsmen, felil upon his €6 Mr, BL and a l:\u; Alty.Cicneral MACDONALD proceeds' to defend the resolations, and said the poli ; shadowed forth in therr was in accordanc with the conduct of thoe (CGoverment in th past. Any arrengement which the Govern ment might make would be open to the con s'deration of the House, which would not 4 pledged to anything. He could not sit dow: without bearing testimony to the willingnss with which the Dominion CGovernment con sidered any »equest which the Ontarlo Gow ersment micht make to them, Mr. BOYD suggested that the Governms :t might take into consideration the quostlon whother the Inspector of Prisons might not have his attention Jdirected to ascertain to what caus6 the increase of lunscy in the Province was owing. (Hear) I% was owing to this increase thas greater expondi-- ture _ was nuecessitated _ With regard to the attacks of the Attorney--Gonoral On the hon. member for Sonth Brase, for copticusness in his opposition to ths measures ol the Government, he would like to remind the hou. Attormoy--Genseral that tho Opposition had only taken the hon cons kleman's for a model, belisving that o AKBE--I nevor fall at all, (Hcoar youe as a principle, that beforo & i@gIsi@UuIy0 DV Y was called upon to pass An opinion upon the merits of the scheme, or to vote any sums of money, it was in the interests of the people that overy possible information should be given to the House, on which to rightly predicate its jadgment. Atty, General MACDONALD.----Bat that was under another Government. (Laugh-- ter.) Mr. BOYD.--Yes, and consequently what was right at one time is wrong now. The Opposition felt deeply that tho prssent course of the hon. gentieman was not in sc cordance with his antecedents, and would leave him to the country, (Hear.) RAILWAY POLIOY OF THE GOVERN. MENT. Mr. BLAKTE called attention to the fast that an irregular motion had been put on the paper lastgnight. The attorney--General had a motion on the pager with referencs to the railway policy of the Government, but had not stated on what day he would bring down his motion. Hop. J. 8. MACDONALD said he wou'd bring down his motion on Tharsday, aad ths debate would t:i:s p'ace on Friday, P1 °V READINGS. The foUle «i As were read a third tims Tha folos! and passed:-- ']'0 ,'.\!H!unil,t, t1 lonsins te tn= / mecticn wi' town of ( trusices to «CHergarqy To ensble the trustees of the Stamford Preshyres:an Church to ge'll lands held by them for the use of the congregation, and for other purposes. --Mr. Beatty. To empower the West Middlesox Agricn tural Society to sell cortain lands. --M Currie. To amend the Acts incor; sumers' Cas Compiny of Mr. Camercon. To incorporate the St. George Lonéca.--Hon. Mr Carlisng. L&AW RELATING TO BELECTION PE TITIONS. Hon J 8. MACDONALD maved She re-- esiving of the repors of the committea on the Bill to amend the law relating to election petitions, and for providing more ofectua 'v for the prevention of corrupt practices at elections for ths Logislative Assembly of Ontario. j Mr. EL AKE moved an amendment to the ef{ect that the clerk of the court should not rcceive $1,000 per year for ralary, bat the sum of $25 {for each conte:ted election case Hop. J. 8. MACDBONALD said that he ad po desire to press the discussion now, as he intended to have the item of salary plac« +d in tho estimates, when :tb could ba dis. cussed. -- He woald withdraw his motion, The wotion was withdrawn,. CoURT OF CHANCERY,. Hon. J. S. MACDONALD moved the receiving of the report of the com-- mittee on _ resolutions concerning the Master in Ordinary and Referes of the Court of Chancery. Mr. BLAKLE said he had an amendmant *o make with reference to the salary of ths refereo, but would defer it uatil the Bil based on those resoletions should be lsil beficre the House, Hop. J. 8. MACDONALD said ho would not press the motion at present. The motion was held over, THUNDERAR BAY. The Rouse then went into committre on the Bill to provide for the organzation of ths tcrritorial district of Thunder Bay,. Mr. Ecatty in the chair, The clauses of the Bill were agreed to, an the committeo rose and reported. SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH, LONDON,. The Bill to incorporate the Sisters of 3t. Jogeph, London (tion, Mr, Carling), passed through committee, Mr, Rykeort in the chair. m ow l T. ---- _ THE EDUCATION BILL On the motion of Hon, Mr. CAMERON that the House go into committoe on the amended clauses of the »chool Biil, Mr. BOYD said that the amendod copy tad only been distributed that afternoon, and it was rather promature to press discus sion, especially as he ohnserved thore were soveral important alterations. § nwal, &And c~~ Aonizldg BUCH sell portions ther.oi, --Mr,. Craig, %te: n" 26 'btain lands be-- 'hureh, in con-- ccotland, in the --*+horiziag such RL #r the Con-- 0 186.y7 Hon. n substantial change in 620 PC Bill, but the language had been f e o bill, VuV TCCCCB C 0. altered. _ If it was the desive of the Hoase Lo postpone consideration ot the clauses, he would pot press the matter, as he desir:d to pass a Bill which would meet the wishes of the House. Mr. BLAKE thought it would be bettor to leave the matéer over for & day, fHe bad rot been able even to look at the amse dod clsuecs. The matter then dropped. LAW SOCIETY. The House then went into Committee on the Eill to make the members o' the Law Scciety elective --Mr, Eyra in the chair, The various clauses were agreed to, and the Committee rose aud reported, Whird reading fixed for to-- morrow. COURT OF CHANCERY. The House then went into Committes on the Bill respecting the Court of Chancerg, --Mr. Paxton in the chair, A long discussion ensued on ecrtain pro-- visions in the Bill having referonce to the interpal arrangements of the Court of Cha~-- cery, Mr. Blake taking exception to the first clause, which was allowed to stand over. NeA eR t YAESRR CCEAAA OA als cog c Oernetcze T Clarse three was' onposed by Mr. Blake, and allowed to stand Oover, &8 WAS also clauge six. Hon, Mr, CAMERON 'The eommiltes °* ie and asked leave to sit again. FENELON FALLS RAILWAY, Hon. Mr. CAMERON moved the House into ecmmitteo, Mr. Graham, of Hastings, in the cha'ir, on the Bill to incorporate the Ferclon Falls Raiiway Company. The commiitee reported the Bill without amendment. -- Third reading to--morrow. .It now being six o'clock, the House rose {for recces, Tion. Mr. WOOD moved that the House co into Committee of" Supply. In maring This motion, he supposed that it would be necessary to follow the usual custom, and make the financial statement. He wou'd Eirst call the attention of the House to the estimates of the receipts and expenditures for the year just closed,. Fortunately, this year the public accounts had been suvstan-- tially brought down to the close of lass year, and the Houge was therefore in a position to know precisely what the ficancial result o the year's transactions was The receip'« for 1S70 footed up $2.495,820 27, and the expenditures zs per ectimates $1,899,593; but the House would porcseive, by relerseace to the public accounts, that it w«s in fay §1,575,787 78. The receipts were short of ti $3,002,185 estimated at last scenion, but to: dircreparcy was easily nccounted for. Ard first he would ca'l the attention of the Hons: to the receipts of subsidy from the Domin | ion Government. Is was estimated tha \ there would be received from this sour> $1,190,872; marrisge licenses $30 000 ;iuteres \ on special funds £199 694; interest on Do on special GnNUS ©100, U , IANWLIDSD minion balances $25,000; aad io be from the Dominion on fali balance o account $104,386. Now, the D urd=r the statute, bad the righs t five per cent npon that portion of th of the debst of 'ntario, and though After reeoss, Yion. Mr. W »lo@UnL reccipts l@llen DOGOW vi0o CGuUS®Q VY -- ©99,020 Then it was estimated thore would bae roseiv» ed from tho Dominion a total of $1,503,935%2; but the actual emount received, as would Do seen by the public accounts for 1870,was only $1,251,080, which would leave non payments in the han«'s of the Dominion to the amount of $254,872. . There was also estimated from the City of Hamilton, interest on deben-- tures, $10,000,. That amount bad not beea paid. It bad been contemplated thas ©200,-- 000 would be realized from the Municips Loan Fund, and bad measures of striagensy been adopted he had no doubs that the in amount would have been obtained. It w# so too with the Crown lands, and ha fally ex-- pected that the revenue from this sour'© _ would be a good Geal less this year, Taceos THE SUPPLY BILL N said there was no the priaciple of the sad been considerabiy 35,000; aad to be recei reported progress, of $1,503,957; 1, as would be 1870, was only non payments the to

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