s®*7 to the Assessnient Law, 2o § "Mr, Williams (Hamiific'xg--'f'rom Thomas B. Conley ard others, of amiltor, prow'ag for certain amondments to the Ii"" ar T 2o _ Mr. Clarke, the hon, > Grenville, on taking * . ] timo this seesion, + . "4" chesring. 'Tke*_ _ *** re1w sent on accgr _, RPR., 86b Mr, Carnegie--From the Co..nty Courcil of Peterborough, praying for certain amend-- Mr. BLAKE said ho was sorry the Attor. | ney--GCeneral's interest with the Federal Gov-- | ernment did not go so far as to limit the ex-- penditure of the institaution at Brockville, : Hehad boasted of his own economy, but } could not pursusde the Dominion Govern-- | ment to be economical, The Atty.--Gen. had [ stated that the expense of each lunatic per head would be from $100 to $110 per year. | The House did not I:mow what the expeanse | might be in London, but it know what the expense was in Tororto. From statsments | before him he (Mr. Blake) saw that this year, | under the economical system of the Atty.-- | Gen., the exponse in the Toroato Asylam was estimated at a little over $129 per patient, The expenses at Rockwood were $i143. Buat sgainst this difference was to be set the expense or the price or rent of the | Rock wood Asylum, avd the cost of its main. | tenmance, It would be quite out of the que:. tion for the House, without more information | as to the probable exgense of the purchase of Rockwood, the rental, the suitability of the building and the grounds to favour a whole. I sale purohaser, 1lf the Atty..Ger. had ven. | tured to propose this course without supply. | ing more information, be (Mr. Blake) would have opposed ithe motion. Ho spprehendsi that withovut further aciion thoro would bs ro tronble for the Atty..Cien. to enter into negotiations with ths Dominion Government to ascertain on what terms it would be w.ll-- . irg to dispore o! the Rockwood Asylum; and then lay the torms before this Parliament, Attorney--Gereral MACDONALD said the Government wore not prepared to take any lat, That the occupation of the Rockword Asylum for the use of an aversge number of thee hundred of vhe insane cf tais Provincs, permitted by tho Dominion Goverament, renders it expedient sbhat the control of that trtitution should, if on no other than econs-- mical and administrative reasons, be vested in the Provincial Government. 2od. That with that view, it is expedient that anthority be granted to the Commi:-- zioner of Puvblic Works to negotiate for the purchase or the leasing of the said institu-- tion, and the land pertaining thereto, 1pon such terms as mxy be agreed upon. ¥.sP°ORTS OF COMMITTEES, Attorney General MACDON ALD P sont. ted the cleventh report of tho COMST"[;thes on Standing Orders, reporting the BS", respe ting the Brantford by --laws relatin® to the Grand River Navigation Compary and the Quesa City Fire Insuraznce Company. 3rd. That any asresment for the purchase thereof shall be subject to the ratification of the Legislative Assembly. He said that he regretted to say that the number of Iunatics for the vpast. year had been on the incrosso, and it was the duty of the Houss to see that projer accom-- modation was provided for theso unfor. bunates. The Rockwood Asylum was under the control of the Dominion Goverament, but the expense was borne by the Prevince of Ontario, and amountsi to more than all the other asylums put together. For this reason it was desirabls that the Rockwood Asylum should pass under the controlof the Government of Ontario. He had reason to believe that the Dominion CGov-- erniment would be very glad to get rid of the Rockwood Asylum, and in case it were ob-- tained by Ontario, it would prove of greas untility to the eastern section of the Provincse, for it would save the several localities there the expense of removing lunatios so far west as Lordon. ROCKWOON ASYLUM, Hon. J. S. MACBONALD moved that on to morrow the House go into committes of the whole to consider the following resolu-- tionsg :---- Aitormey.General MACDONALD prazont. ed tho thirtsenth report of the Standing Committee on Railways, reporting the Biils réferring to the Brockvillie and Westpors Rsailway Company, Credit Valley Railway Company, Bill amending the Toronto and Nipissing Railway Compsany, Norfolk Rail. way Company, ard the railwey in the town-- ship of Bertie, county We'lland. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, Mr. ANDERSCN introduced a Bill for the prevention of corrupt practices at municipal electionu. The SPEAXKER took agislature of Ontario, PARLILA uERT f't:?;?nno?. 'meimber for South t sicn 28 ais seat for the urft | ba * _ 48 received with hearty | ~__ scon. gentleman has besn a0+ | ant of illnexs, I MK, CLARKE PETITIONS. --FOURTHZ ERSSIGK. TUEsDAY, Jan, 31 the chsir at 3 Lor Law. in ay --| _ __ _ "~ "SyrWithdrawa OmR j dourr or OHarnor | _ Hon. J. 8. MACDONA® _ 4RY | receiving c% the re .LD moved the | mittee on resoluat -- yort of the com. Master in Ordiup «28 concerning the | Court of Chance «y and Referes of the lt o. 4: MACDONALD moved the re. eaiving of the report.of the committee on the Bill to amond the law relating to election petitions, and for providing more efectua' y for the prevention of corrupt practices at elections for tho Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Mr, BLAKE moved an amendmont to the effect that the clerk of the court should no . receive $1,000 per year for salary, but the sum of $25 for each conte:ted election Case ; «. uies e 0e e e m e is s Hor. J. 8. MACDON ALD said bad no desire to pre®s the discussion he interded to have the item of rals ed in the estimates, when it could cussed. He woald withdraw nig po. The motion wat .n 1...__ | ste 1G8EVES 1lI100} tnem Government recognizaq no party, but worked for the general welfare of the people. It worked in its own way, as no doubt ths ho. | gentlieman would do when hs got t> the q:l're:;eury berches. 'They found no romon-- strance from the people against the lMgisia-- | tion which they had passed. The Domirion x 4 Y » mahli{;' EGI;:}K --.a said hehad an amendmont to refere® .a reference to the salar{ of the be» _ » but would defer it urtil the Bilt] --_ .ed on those resolutions should bo laid before the House, J Hon. J. S. MACDONALD said he would j LLI1} sarq h Mr., BLAKE moved an ; effect that the clerk of th receive $1,000 per year for sum of $25 for each contes To amend the Actp Incorporat sumers' Cag Compary of Tor Mr. Cameron, L&AW RELATINC TO. ELB{ TITIONS, °) _ _ /PHan Uburch to sgell lands held by them {or the use ofi ihe congregation, and for other purposes. --Mr,. Beatty, To empower tha West Middlesex Aprionl. tural Society to gell certain lands, --Mr, Currie, To enable the truste. Presby.ierian Church to Lity.--General MACDONALD proceeded to defend the resolutions, and said the poli y sbadowed forth in them was in accordance with the conduct of the CGoverment in tho past. Any arrangemont which the Govorn-- ment--might make would be open to the con-- bideration of the House, which would not be pledged to anything. He could nos sicuowa without bearing testimony to the willingness with which the Dominion Government con-- pidered ary request whichthe Ontarlo Gov-- trement might make to them, pinge nnaatvtn "natBraiv®b tm mm Wws is sA town of Cornwall, and authorizing such trustees to sell portions thereof, --Mr, Craig, (Glengary.) Mr, BOYD suggested that the Governmsat might take into consideration the quostion whether the Inspector of Prisons might not have his attertion directed to ascertain to what causoe the increaso of lunxzcy in the Province was owing. (Hear) It was owirg to this increase that greater expondi-- ture _ was necessitated _ With regard to the attacks of the Attorney--General on the hon member for South Brase, for captliousness in his opposition to the measures of the Government, he would like to remind the hon. Attorney--Genoral that the Opposition had only taken the hon. gen--» tleman's for a model, belicving that, of course, what he did would be right in his eyes. The kon. gentlieman had laid it dowa as a principle, that before a lesislative body was called upon to pass an opinion upon the merits of the scheme, or to vote any sums of morey, it was in the interests of the pesple that every possible information should be given to the House, on which to righily predicate its judswment, To appoint trustees for certain lands be-- longing to the Prosbyterian Church, in con. rection with the 'Churcb of Scotland, in the Anurrm: mE FAmucllcl.t% n P sn To incorporatas the St Lonéc®.--Hon. Mz €2», Mr. BLAKE--I never fall at all, (Hear and alaugh.) whica would result from the Province o%. taining possession of the Institution, and said the Inspector of Prisons was confident that a great reduction in expense per patient would be made. The Prigon Inspector was worthy of great praise, for he did a vast qvantity of work--more than the three commissioners who formerly falfilied the duties of the office had done. ( Hear.) The hon. gentleman taunted him with his (Sand-- field's) provicus votes, but it somehow al. ways happened that --vhen he fell. he always, urlike the hon, gentlemen, fell upon his feet. Atty. . General MACDONALD.--But that was under another QGoverumnt. (Lau :h« ter.}) RAILWAY POLICY OF Tax govErxy. MENT Mr. BLAKE called attention to the fast that an irregular motion had been put on the psper last@gnicht, The Attorney --General had a motion on the paper with reference to the railway policy of the Government, buat had not stated on what day he would bring down his motion. Hon, J, S, MACDONALD said he would bring down his motion on Thursday, and the debate would take place on Friday. Mr, BOYD.--Yes, and consequ 'ntly what was right at one time is wrong now. The Opposition felt deeply that the present course of the hon. gentlemsn was not in rc cordance with his antecedents, and would leave him to the country. (Hoear. ) THIRD READING 'The following Bills were read and passed :-- mers, and it wouid be gat that the House had sanctic As to the Coversment ha operning negotiations witho ine 2cuse, Ro Rad cnily to opinion of the Covernment i that suchssnction should be reiterated his arguments to v which would result 'rom th. lessors from ; KT «4 lovernm n nece j3 AL ut would no doubt take every sary to mect the Ontario Govern-- it would be satisfactory to know Fuccal M 1 .# ®L w ue & use had sanctioned their action. 'overnment having the power of rotialions without the sanction of he Lad cnly to say that in the he Coveinment it was desirable arguments to prove the saving trustees of the Stamford . George's Sosoty of rling. xporating the Con. of Toronso.--ZHon, i nis mot diu-- n on,. read a third time £d 4 was G°B5lLi39.8 ovtained. e id thas he ion now, as falary pl-- § place, ocf the MuniCipsi ym * U from' which $200,000 was expected |--only $150,000 had besn realised, | Th | Crown lands revenue also, from _ various | causss which ho did not need to xplais, had fallen boicw the estimate by $33,573 Then it was cclimated there would be roseiv« | ed from the Dominion & total of $1,503,952 but the aciual amount received, as would be seer by the public accoun*s for 1870, waes only [ §1,251,080, which would leave non payments I"in the hands of the Domigion to the amount of $254,872, There wat also e:timated from the City of Hamilton, interest on deben-- tures, $10,000. That amouunt bad pol been paid. It had been contemplated that $200,-- 000 would be realized from the Municipal Loan Fund, and had measares of stringoncy been adopted he bad no doubt that the full amount would have been obtained, I5 was so too with the Crown lands, and he fally ex-- _ pected that the revonuo from this ssurce would be a good deal less this year, The os-- thrateqd reverue from woods and forests would be kept up t9 the mark. 'Then as to the city of Hamilton deht, it was merely a collection which had 106 , been made, If these facts were con_gia_lerad 16 Wml]d_» be aaa3 that the normal sources of revenve eatimated at ladt session had fally met their expscta» tions, Now,as to the expenditure; it was ox« timated that it would amount in round num» bers to §2,000,000, but it had fallon shorkof that by about balf & million, caused b{ un-- '"fllfing public works upon which all the :i""v 8propriated couldulltwt"b: mdod or. during lasg year. The reS e Hen, Mr. CAMERON moved the House into committes, Mr. Graham, of Hastings, in the chair, on the Bill to incorporate th» Fenelon Falls Raiiway Company, | -- The committee reported the Bill without | amendmert, Third reading to--morrow, | _ It now being six o'clock, the House rome -- for recess. $1,1985,872; marrisge l1cense on special taunds $1909,694; i minion balauces §25,000; an from the Dominion on foll i account $104386. Now, under the statute, bad tho five per cent upon that port of the debs of Untario, and mats was put down for the the subsicy, it would have this $291,€06 bsd been d 'amount, -- The difference bel réceipts and the expendii explained. _ In the first pis cleimed this $291,000; 1 not press th The motio Mr. BLARE ; to leave the matt zot been able eve claunzes. ;3 /. 4800 commin vide fq, the ORAR iz io , ¢ fnd --""'i ';i' }('iristrict of Thnnder Bay, "" *# + + territor in the chaiy F §¢ post'y lanszes of the ol Ts am., Th:n?mittee TOkA a. the c Thke House ¢p, the Bill to provid' territorial disty;, Beatty in the chy tha. B6ill to make the n Rociety e'ective --Mr, E ysar the publc tially brought do and the House w know procisely : the year's trans for 1870 footed expendiiures cs ; the Housg would the publia scco: $1,575,787 78. T $3,002,185 estim: discrepancy was first he would cal to the receipts of ion Goversment. there wouli hbe The variouns clsuses wers aé;e'e;l' the Committee rose and reported, reading fixed for to--morrow, CCURT OF CHAXNCERY, The House then wentinto Con the Rilicespectinc the Canrt af Hon, Mr, WOCD m go into Committse of i this motion, he suppose necessary to follow the make the finascial stat first call the sitention c estimates of the receipt for the year jost closed,. tie miizespecting the Court of Chmcery; --Mr. Paztoz in the chair, A long discussion eusued on cortain pro-- visions tu the Bill having reference to the interna' arrangements of the Court of Char-- cery, Mr. Blake taking exception to the first clauss, which was allowed to stand over. Clause three was opposed by apd allowed to stand over, : elause six. The committes rose, reported progre and asked leave to sit again, ._-- FENELON FALLS§ RAILWAY. O The matter th The HIo After rece would cal ceipts o ersment uli be 72; mam l tfands | L fulusemm UEie then went j THE SUPPLY BILL, ho mU!K 2 at p-re{eat on was helq Over, HUSDER pay 8e then wenl ing, | PrOovide t.. . 7 wAs 6A 5§ then dropped, LAW sociEty 4 teought it gould be atter over {o> § daw ake the E:embpr--s'i ~t.l;e'wL:w vitiee of Supply. In misk ie supposed that it would _ . l Agread 4 T08e anq re;e;eted. J ced Ins, en to loo]{ag 'Exje 1,000 was expec. besn realisel, |' e also, from _ vari rob need to explats, | estimate by $33,0 a there would be roz i a total of $1,505,8 ioa of moved thatt tDe UsU& atmy, 200° Afternoon ature to presy discus Oberved thore wer "tign.. ; _ TB C mr' as he MeSt the yre in the chair, _ werse agreed to, anl * 'Ced4 Constdera Sil'e t the Houg t the clauses, 8, as h° duil'd osed by Mr. Bla} ir.t_o Committeo on and to o8 T princoiol that 1t wouid De susl cestom, and nent,. -- He wou'd the House to the and expendituras Fortazately, this the SCIPiG of Aaawe VA ;) Gad the Domin ighs to re ~ of the ex V AMBROQy itted on th 48 Wishos o C Waq ded copy &8 WAS Aist 12 +A 9 9, and of 3 Anird UFC Fy