this eUeon K' hive-id more" m m" tra. Mr. iiitiihiiiitm4 orpeid to t b _ ment. this Bill in into. bl! Salt war-$03 ld that the amend- toullliquorl t 'r.' tttt tttten' ,,,gheh"e,1S",ut with the " as did take out iiiii1G like other liquor dealers. the Bill, therefore, it the House admitted, " Hon. Mr. WOOD objected to the also". it hnd done, the t to M with wills, . for it would allow druggiats to sell opiate, then there was ground for "with: and might therefore mam with the rev- m-ww iiieiretd"cratl,'lt 'rate. ttd amt-room- . " Mr. GALBRAIrn said he was oppos under ait1vstion, than hare it nnder_lltiga- to tile principle of the clause, and hoped it tion. would not be passed. Mr. LOUNT "Page; and after . few Mr. MATCHETT said he never hand of a ' ' itt2ttlttle; $ ' immature." -- . g n on VII . - l q . meat. with the following result - ' dt,hdtiJlhe, ' Lthrit't" viewing mm, Boyd, Christie, Clemens. g o .. ' . rook. mm" "Jayson ntzsimmonh Fraser, (low. t Th. clause was expunged. . ' . -' , all JiiSit,ii2Po' Home. Paxton, Wil- f l "in. 2'Ith ouaso was expunged in an. , A d ' Barber, Baxter, may. 2 We _ Pi, .. ntifét'c'lfn'ifin,iiuiiiiibgogz-gkg-mng(33:33). , The other clauses of the Bulge" harried; ii2.ti'gfgt?ir,filr'llit, Grahame (#33)? mpg: - j with verbal amendments. , f ' ., harder Lo..nt. [raisin 11g'tylri, 5.01333 all: a The commit". thenrose hid Itgtl,tt i, ' p e C ' ' _ . . y/il/rf)',','),',',,"')",',,',',';'.',' Burgh, (liddiesex', Strange, I Pill, the "Wink" of tht rePat M Springer, Pt'."""' mt, Tron. Wallis. Wish. Mr. ; for tomorrow. .. u ' ' i T 4 . s F 'ill. "MUN (amid a", ot "Order") GRAND JUNCTION runway. .. moved the three inontha' hottt. Mr. GRAHAM (Hagan-What te . Lost. Yeas, 17 , rays. 40. but to enable the Inn t . along e l The Bill was then readathird time and bras of the Orartd June" P1hhttt 1 paased. 1et2ur.t?,', t,t,g,'gtM'fLthe,e l, REPORT or THE COMMII'TEE ON eertam 3" "" 1T2'Pdtll'h Ihr, . ' mitten on Railways. CM: . , Hon. J. S. MACDONALD moved the oon- NM, , q e . i . sideration of concurrence in the eleventh re- . sisTEItS 0F ha, JOMP% meON' port of thel'ommitteoon Bolivar-I. . Hon. Mr. CARLUWF moved the third . Mr. BL3KE said he had an amendment 'ft ading of the Bill to "moi-ate the Slsters to propose, and it TSl', tt St tt til. ct St. Joseph, London. Carded teport be not now v t t t e , _ ., rt ' A , in s ...l'le of the Bill concerning the Toronto. FEI'EL03 FALLS, 1ltANWAh" Cw: ant Bruce Le'tut"tl he referred I COMPANY, i but to the committee tructlons to i r . . l further consider the preamble. m said that I IT.tyr Mr. CSMPRON moved the third 1 n he w" lnteres:ed in this Bill, tttt would l Nailing c! the lull incorporating the Fenelon ', take occasion to tee} IeL'l" question of i Falits hanway companys i sectional bonuses. " 0 er evening, the I N , ' F question had been brought in on the Bill 3 liRIE? DS SEMI) All . ' concerning the Peterboro' an: 8.11an '; Mr, FRASER moved the second reading ' Railway, and a vote had been taken in favour of she Bill to ineorpotatt til. WW" Of the of the groupingoi townships. m "tmitted Frienda' Seminary, ot the ptrht)utts of On? that there ihould beno grouping of town- tatitr, Carried. -,t /r. ships, ard t at a majority should not We r . , F . a ninority. He would therefore propose his SECOND REAP?" amendment, which was seconded by Mr. The following Bills were to!!! a second Mckelur. time c- , _Attorney-General MACDCNALD said the t To incorpc rate the Sisters at Oar Lady d principle of grouping townships had been Charity and lie'uge of Ottawa. Mr. Scott rimmed by the Legislature this Ttet and t0btawa), ._. 'i11,t,1,r,"ctiinthoe'rth,t,ttgettU", d 0: To incorporate the Church of England tima PM" Lama's School at Ottawa. Mr. Scott (Ot. 'ai- est . Mr. WllLIAMS (Hamilton) said that he To authcrizo the Cor t . of the City 'e1,org't,'d tt I"l't1'i'l,'hr ','utt,e, 2tt they if Ottawa to acqulre cartain lands for the on- after the Comronittee "dh igrll'tt tl 's'gement 1.,tht Brward Market, ttht,', adopted the principle, he had incorporated implant" .3": Corporation [to sell In r, In jun-lice to the Wellington, Gr and 'tc " frame 'll the Crown or the purpose Fruee Railway Company, in their Billy m or n market. r. Scott (Ottawa). ehmld now oppose the amendment proposed Billie vest the property Mrk, to the by the hon. member for South Bruce, which Methodist Episcopal Church in C'aiiada, 9% would have the effect of striking out the Onawa, in the present trustees and their g on ping clause. successors, to be appointed according to the ll . disupline of too said ctturtth,-Mr. Scott on. Mr. CAMERON said if the report manna l was sent back to the Committee it would . . . . have the etreot of declaring that the 1081'!" Bill to incorporate the Georgian Bay Lam. thin of last session should be interfered with, 1xr A"ouiation.--Mr. Lander. 1 and ii: at a company which had acquired our. Bill to revive the Act incorporating " The i my rights ehould not have those rights on Hamilton Masonic Hall Auioiatiom"--Ur. ', 'tl,e'g,"t1"Jiitt,1iltt1 considering " all Williams (Hamilton l l on! erroun tuttuil . . l Mlirmed 'l;h'l"lhfpl', this 'JLlQ"u1hL't 1d',12tpdg,gdlt it"? or: tt to? tst I should reject the amendment. _ a r, pee g e ran ver " aw. Alto s f rth dl th H gation, Mr. Wood. 1 . . r op, n " scussion. o cuse Bill to incorporate the Queen City Fire di,1,d,fuie,,t','xttt','eet1r, result..-- Insurance Compur--Bon. Mr. Cameron, i tie, «them,1W'Sofizhfii'lfl'c'flffi'egfig- 'if/lt on to incorporate the momma and I f.PottrrlctoPr. Currie. tyre. Perrin', iiithai:iiii Wostport Railway cotnpatt--Hon. Mr. r murmur»: I, Fraser, Ga,britttt.antr.Grahtumr It ark S Riel'udi In". hkcDougal,McKesilar,Mchitn, McLeod, GGG' - I '. . . Pumice, rm, Bykvrt, .%nc1dr, smith (huddle: BN to incorporate the Credit Valley Rail. "a,)t5primgar,Trtm, "Him.- 35 way CompartuWitrt. Mr. L'amercu. J2'1,-eyc'hh1"tr ft','.""'),';)',?,,',",' Tgre, Bill to amend the Act passed in the thirty- l ' i',',',': w ' " ' tr "mm. . " that ear of th lgn of Her Ma'est and Rte s, A r y tt " 1 y 'Jdtus'iii;'A'2',"ui,'g"tti, 2tafl3eel,': Jg clraptered forty-one, intituled " An LU' to an"! "whit Gnu, GGii,siGiirciiir'iGiiG'iiii. incur mrUo the Toronto Ind Nipisaing Rail- tAlt:!.?""" 10ttrtutnO WNW (Hamilton). e, way 'l'('2l'a'l',1.""-'h"i'l't Mr. Cameron. 8A1 E " POISON9 Bill uspecting the Norfolk Railway Com. Mr M GIL] ed th II " por-Mr. Wiiscn. ' . C . mov e . . '. t,, mittee-Mr Iiyhert in the 2t1't,',"tt; hhglltoNeaame Charles fa (uoIEeuand Fill to regu'ate the sale of poisons, and to: AC 0 " e t oerto construe . P way spotting chemists dm lata d th in: the twinnhlp of Bertie, county ot Wel- caries. ' " an ill,0 0' 1aud.---M r. Beatty. W. BLAKE took exmpuon to the tttauger MUNICIPAL INSTITUTIONS. , {$05.333 dragging! to sell wine. It in. GRAHAVlFi(Yorh) movedthe second 'te t f d 1,r,'l,t," it wouldhe com. reaming of the Bill to amend the Act re- I dirty: " mag sts to sell wine on Sun- specting municipa: institutions. I ' . (who, and referred to Municipal Inst!"- i "Pt; ciao]: Jrgtf"dgf, hr terupt",'. vichs uarutteu. I gtuton. ' p , r. - q t Thu Ilouee then adjournad at 1tht0 tr m. f ~7-\ 'tith. FPr A -- -.--.=as-s, ', M'_ -- ,7 I