Hon. Mr. CAMERON said that in common with bimself no doubt the whole assem-- blage must have been very much delighted | with the very eloquent remarks that had __] been made by the hon. member for South | * \ Bruce in introducing the subject to the con-- | | Hideration of the House. While, howoevezhe | : was willing to give the hon member the {credit which ho always Gsssrved for the ; mapnér in which he placed his motions be-- : fore the House, hs at the same time could | fnot help thinking that he bad taken a _»__| most injudicious course in introducing this | | auestionffor their consideration at this time | .___ (Hear.) Ho wasat a loss to understan«. © | why the motion was introduced, . It "did mot require the action of the ' Legislatzre. 1t the oFence of this man Riel | was one within the jarisdiction and control || _ of the Provines of Ontario--if the hon. gen-- | , |'tloman meant by his resolution to pass a cen« | sure upon the Government of Ontario, be-- : cause it had not taken measures for the ex-- ' tradition of Ric}, it would have been better | _| if he had so framed his resotlations at once . | The offence that bad been committed was an. ; © offenee beyoad the jurisdiction of Ontario. | M And Onta:io had ro power to deal with it. |; '__~| nor was it the duty of Oartario o deal with : it. (Hear, hear ) It wae not the duty of > Ortario to determine whosher is was an of= \| fence of a political character, or was a boM, blood--thirsty, and deliberats marder, . The man -- Riel and his associaie® WeJe DF in arms nmot ogainst the Province | of Ontario, bus against Her Majesty the | Queen. -- The pecpleof Onsario wert 'not ! baok ward in their desive and determination ; to assert the supremacy of the British Cre m | '| over every part of British North Amer ica. | b Meetings were held throughout the ler gth ard breadth of the land. He had the | :on-- | cur uf attending one in the city of Tore ato, | ' whare public expression was glven to the | outraged feelings of the Provizce in c mse i _ _| quence of the course which had been pur sued | in the new province of Manitoba But the | . : hon. gentleman sesmed to thin'k that it was ' > | his special provinee and tazction to C8 isure | the Government at Ottaws on every 006 Asior | _| that was presented to him, and he cou! d not allow any occarion to paS# wishout doin. | __.| so, ~Consequently on the presont 00 Casios | fr? A he had treated the Moase to 2@ --_| review of the legislation in ref erence | .. to Manitoba, begina'ng the review by almost | d justifying the courso-- f * Mr. BLAKXKE--HBear, hesr. | 1 Ron. Mr. CAMERON--Yes of t is man | + Riel, and fhen almost immediatel y after-- | --| wards most inconsisteatly denoun ced (bhe | ~ | man as a murderer of the blackest destrip ----| tion, If the conduct offlIOGOV?fl imea't of | --] Canzeda. had justified the ermin g of the __>| people, then Riel was only defend!? ng his po. __] litical rights ; but he (Mr. Camert n) assum» . l ed that the CGovernment of the, Dominion | .. | acted in this matter, as well as im other mat-- __ | ters, prodently and judicional y--parhsps . | with very much more jadici@Gasznees than _. | the bonourable gentloman &W1 thare as | __ | sociated with fi,m would : have. astad | "\ | if they had been placed it the sam-- To irying circumstances. He had siwems re |-- i | garded the act of Riel as & coki--bicoded ana |-- \. | deliberate murder, 400 he | h ai nover $ | yx4, hesitated so to expres® bimeel'; bat so think-- s3 _ --| t# he'was not cf opibi0? that th_. hon. gan-- |.. . | tleman was Going wel !" now introducing |_ _ | the reubject for the considezagice of the | _ ) House. "Fo what end was the motion ? Had | _ | the hon. gentleman ever takoa 59 trouble | individually to enquire whaetbeor fi;': °nnl