The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 Feb 1871, p. 1

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. "v,,or'rt, C _ ' .3ttcr,, 'f q l ' tsce CT Inf-puff: tftyd, by Joint! Moelr I l l . . w ".1". er' y in "(Mm that some provi June I mittee. n'Variriiii J., N surh '.r I 'am' . w event of the m 1 ye be I the second rendi erstoo.d that" trv, _ 1y " . l o" _ 3, Ituuur8 tti 50 910V o.' I " .- . ngthe "on" ' voting uaor, tl _tt . M be, ta Mum, extent i .' 1113"}? WIMP Its Hu "In!" "13'3"". umd""' 2 .r'v_-tvithttvfew ' I ' I ,7 U ermuons be hsd uno B , a"-ytllinm. ' ot "iordin 3 "(Creme made IO lav: " , " " F " 'tle delhlblo thnt Inch 't,','gi'c', Putnam]. I L'is vicMs asto maul? "Mitten ot tgd 051"?!" , _ _ ', , him tftttith'),2': Proving" haunts? {"15" ' 1luntcrcd. m, ',.er"utiyffertiie,td of it 'tll 5523"" _ _ ___', n Minion " ' I h . wchubli d 'r.' II: intui, .r, .n . and be of "wine , . y A ,, ge to Itict , . _iy.trtyn u - 1.1, tlf" Korma: oompanies. ml tteiriritita All}! acted. L from (Mme will wlmm Lilli; . our! on. Mr. Mmmm . ', A w I on t " MUNICIPAL 11151111an3 had been invested in l P, d 1arcts sums of mo C . m' Mr, nYKIRT m B, U. C 'ororto and by priest this Comp/my " tlle . , Y. . {rt Asrriorinttte 31's? "33 1:115:31!» eo t mittee-- I)?" Min TFoula (g; 23:50"? "my the ["33" ", , c "I .- e to s ixvenm. r ' Yicxress 1 ' :-"r', C W'P'Ictlns lumclpsl Isutitatiog" 11"11,lle "as trilhis b331th (U'2; 'te?:.,',',,',""; :51: (16' 3:31:33! - Ina Tttere .0 I eeeive betr f: "r .. - d,retlh committee rose and reported . otthe t'l,ttJtg,tit1t, be'tomethlngz bard In I; ;10 th: menu, "I. Bill with Iyrtrtost'd p 0 (.arnck, but notl . t . sthtt ca" Mr. LOUNT .113ng that (we of te,ioT; and nothing so '/,yi,t'y,1,C,rtt'dl, V Dex-tang one, ma mandala", " the Bill was In lat. deprived of :91" towtuhips tei.- II Bu , '.' tlie the Bill lhould be reprinted 5 had been made to It had tgleo beenallway t'ife"/;il'iioir/yii 321311 a" b Mr. BYKERT ' Id . , crvnty bonus 5:0le!" to con/v"; "Fwd: , "tion are" on lt It was unnecessary. Aconv ship in com J,2 oi t not see any 'g'l'nttc to tn undecided, 0 point, but me Enter w" 't',1 Winding aura: i,',t)iit1ti'e,,"i'1ti't,ltCs?,i,'i,!, 'ig/te' 0) would the t 0 up . ' ' _ 'NV'YANC' " an mm BY mum l Tth', te-III?°.:':L°:¥::,Wmexf'I'f-i'ii'i' Tll). OMEN, I rho; td " tsilouge id t, ' rtf 2 l.' thgllgikYON moved the Home into C I. ping the r033 'g1t,1gotyl'h"' Use ut,',','?,",)',), r ' Statute to amend Chapter 85 of G WWW" on ' 8dy tAst) had been late ' Furris) 5cm :,?? / "'-' E ("as ot Upper Canada Intital do Sons "Mn d In Ibo tafgltsat Blulh'l up on account, of iV 'd, I) _r "g"e,etetrl'l7rll1 of Real Estate an?" its» z out by ttm bill betoh tll,',', Wag 1'10lech u?" H ' e ' ti " pulsed I A" on ' Mr. RY 011-0. A-ts' . n t Kl. {"335 i.l"i,rffl', ot Her heaiestr, "cul'l,2f'it"d cffllljng [11:25 tf he I" entirely oppm i tumu- prov! thh nt,,").', the Registry tit' J), It ghhutld wage "3536225) (Hid not thhk gli/out-d.' ' Tuen, tuir.hiutr their O certttYatea " i'G'riri Ay lrf 8 acuon ot th n ll this 0.50 bo 9:. ' I; I ' ' co , wo Bill . 9 House . we tre l dud"; 00m'emnco " mom " to the taocution ot t"riyi'id1rguif, In" " 'tu/kt) if?" to I up? 1 e ' . ' n, l -' _ , "311332010": "M M then wu at we t my", pm'meOWLzhlp ot 'cl'iril"i',"i's' 1:1 'dld J' _ or Ia purp"sf o . . Ian 31.. I on Mr. " g or undue 1nhuence of 'iu0,,u'Jtt"dvt,il"', any c-werch, Wigwam" Egg" tsalf there must n "ss . a]??? my]: "water of within" Jllvf'i in tV, shits m m "s2i'stt,Q.'eiitf,'t, derived by ',',r"iy,r,ei'f,r, 1,t ' " UCC , hm: ma . . 'his mu C.' mg was: '- " tsgouetal "1"" 9WIt- the New t law ' tot the purpt'tbe {Pas , OCOgnhed by th ' . 9 principle of H" IO "' more etfe ti _ ol {911%an "Unplug tow tsexiWusgrawo; T l n 11.. I, some of its "on C Va 110 on mm mm: tuttipa Into 0 ' "4""1'4m trum "Me A 810", and quoted t J at bt weplts lpvliedm ountu", and th i mutt rom a 1 __. "J Li . non tn 6 " "3 "We month.' 'tl?,',,')."" of 1Jttatra. He monfttbt; ) tvgiy,,.tri,tg.i2t1isui,1 to [31.5352 "ir/tei',,', fortr.o, l Mr LYON d I mama n ,euntentting that Iii; 'tsuppottieuf-!' . wl ich clouded the rovid l b 'c, orttht to come a townsmp.,t c, - iiGiii 2ll'd 'i,t1/g,"l; There UI' idg,"cf, the Bill 0; 33?; egdlfmm Obumtlountg); $6 Hon." Lad Isak?) Ho Bill in thei orm, Imend' . '." I ewuntyh d ' ""3 Wane err . Mr BLAKE ma Mloet Committee p1iuciple otgrc tb entered mto . I"5r- I T the Bill . In: r trpisug mi t c"Wm: Ttue _ sow. etnttr n t. c gil be d . l 13 l to gg1tfghtt?//ltt','g t1/,'t1r'tt1riTifetiii',ll'a' [t'clUsrtf,'fdl' bet," them t1he/h'i','IW,,1s" 'TY d. I be much bett ' ould be thrown 0} C' pirMrr Hon M "thwwi I " hole ortotetittto to the Conn .1 3 it .V mld hut i . ' r. CAMERON ref , . n . €500 erred "on Mr WOO "we ot the gamma" 'gd',':,,"',?, matter, ind E35115 [SKIlht'nn ct won"; are to (eth1 "QM tootlmony ot mam l :23?! the maxi" Sign soapy]! $393343: tl, . a notariety . en. aattte Bill _ ' h- I ll "moon cat the ho . . "21-; T I lt' public it wo 1 prupuss' _ tr; v tsaidntrod 'Ott meml ' ' take u ' u d be uncle "'- I 1wtut11 rot . 11Ce,1 I Bu - "I fre li. Us SX"'AI( tr, J,?ei'ei"rt.A.,),',,,' Feb Shh jtu'p,e tl (In?3%33310'3'29'3n°°""PY"IheT§ZRZTX31"' 1|; ';'ii',stiir'iils,ti'irttis,t1ti','tti1i "Whit; 'iJt1y/,'p,r,, . .. . k ' ,0. It'l'lmir ttt m," . . kprointed 1, in " " or a has"); n . , . f? onu- In th 'sing/fied il ' ttpll i, I I'sl.l'irWl'n' y .i''iii:'.il""'"""i,'iis'eei1i,f .y e Government. It a is m "mo" srttledthe ll tSCtuie, ot the 111m)I sttlraruli, ' ' t/,r ANT,ril', . . l"r'LNl'IiD w I r "MINING noun w oxamiuation Home,» q "mm The r w "non itiiiV,r,/," I , t _ _ _ mm present . Ott " "0 Ho we... . Mor magistrtst hratt.d nott ' p "W18 leusu " , - .I . ' It ; r Fr' _ " edtl ' _ * Bot lie . , oa,thsr thaw Je tttter t . ... e "Hun l." I ' . I '. tumult! )nKr'Ec'lYP" h ".13 W,,hTht, apt-""3 El" I mat-133:0?" luipt. the 'eueinntlttftt/Q; sue" as there we"; 'dt,' encoxpmny 11333;: Liii/i. ttble" il b",', 'I I' l " m' l It] r " at Mutriipal €13r3tl3: ty Wt' ' 1 I _er a". an" by the 'd,",',',','?,,'?:',?"""' a from" " 1LTli//il'ei,t/1l"h)1)toehedd 'ifih'r,i., the Ch I: . I , r, tlt w" t. ithAl.Ltt " _ A. tee " no ' d mil ctira' ' , or k' c ' 'ppert '11 y I ' u.- cn,nrv_it'.tue , "S".U'ICd the elthte _ Willa"; kn tor the three months' I'm I, I",'..,",',',', he done i/v"fttld, notscsre that n E? L siit'ij.,1ipiyi't,ji'rf/ci'//'3.u'" 'rf2..'aelc',hl,,e/i1.',h the Btll if?" the Houso went intohég't "f" ttrm T . I' l'tU WM done by 1110 a? appl "I u": .. PC I, ., CP, ' a J r, - -'_e!tcll In tt 'h mm We 0 oCrgiueB, WAD" C '11 '4 f": Lil "S INN', _ Mr Ill T . an alt, n 0 _ Inks c, -i-r, t' PrN ILL": tqV . . up , vc"' M .~~ . _ Kgs, _ .' .' 13;" t',', ty mm irtr If? Qt/oi',',?,','-')'? 51235513 ty:1regv,', tothe nfteet J1Psi"u'ic'-i tttid ke shottldtsapp tth G l ."- 1crta.ttonttsl J",',: ".rdal',ilitott'ouy, b . t nm.-.n-.- 1C1r'li'i1"C,JrU';',iirrti . _ Jtrcr 58m ', , 1W ', "haul ml '" 3 ' a I-III t'y . ...r "ML F. n ""Ir'r of d "I L" " "I" Mr "If It tad- , ' 1 . ' wk, onotnnur't,etst A." p: ills "I m oms--thoo inuia._f . C, ' sto hire cu Bees I "or '_" s FLAIR?!" that M. i I N' UNTALUJ n'l'A i/ fr, "Who. ' I 1"cf, I: yetrra' "Mani-gt," d be tUI Datum Dar. l 'ifrt,,i?i,1'1i1tiLljill'g Ca-Tice vti'"'/uct.l'/'t1, no irjtstl . I I "r, I ELIIHIEX; tty C, M. . (1mm br:" u f , ' , M ck ' 1M unwed. 'u uc' ublt ('d,. J, T I J/ .1- .. '_'1\~-I'.n- to $3.1")? £71.11" the 1rohirtirile; Eileen" and irot, "a" C',, Flu-n 'I, no amrttrtmtrt I _ "Wu? £11131 and Mr 90,91 St l __ .1 g. 'uild "in bi "' .. "If" 1).! r' , "I" 1- mt W- "tins:- Loutstrttt s',", l,i "'5 y ti-g in i, y,- ', itch W850; oi/ei . 1urireteii n, . 7 , . . tte .1, "Hum" .. w-' 11 Ln"... 5 .trcotttur . pp ed by u b . Pt up . , v 'r, . ..Mlnu fro, tr', ' le museum." clauses tr." _ . - ey.) -_ r. JC9JYZ'vn" _rr it Ads , s?rAri1 " '("u ' l D . counnittce than rm: and [N . m we! tn I'd th Mr BIA] E 3 . 31 , AvtAiit't.l ...." ' ', l 'll' . . "vult'. ' A AC = . _ i ' , Vt l', 5 I" '1'». '::L to .2: l it " "I rot t' . ATyriss"aihNT L1" . tlyvr.dh'r,fph1fdt/,lfJ/,1, r,oUee hm; rm _. ' ' ,- I l l LN: ct) I i? D , o F. "11:0 House went into c ' N. I leKihg this '1f1.,fd',', Icgiglagp." of ILEEL'SDINV s' l a 1 .\,r 1,1 A h l; h o.Td , 1 'n t):sl'Altio. w A," rerrrectittitthe, nomfnmeft n " it to " m r Inn 1'FAtit'erlL'e (Pu), 'y"c'.y_tt It WNb m yam}? r.,- _ Jfitlltry to "mun l PEI}! ll' toc Nauru ol r m per (mm... vr Cook g"af"Jr2y it ti:, J/r/i, It???" voted rt4t,jdt, ','itili"i'tl the Jo". l 'il." 'i to" Iir I is, ' wr4 Aw " I. I "ro Clivws q ., r t' IMP. _ ' (t _ c "L; ghould - '45: E I cr . ' "II-"Inna. " I. -.u. _ ", ., 4, " wercrttn , g ., Tre, _ HAW" C: 1.: 3.33"" , bpprsitli"t I'Lnlu 1.5"" th "" h.tri nn'. no». oct fu ion, tl "mum Wu 11 tr on , a -da 5*: um LL _ 8. MACDONA k C ., n c I' WW. 'i r m tuzu!at:uut j?, ,, r St. n 9.19 mm the c IU m ' " had "mule": nraice ts a") cmtsndcd tl r? C C', C, ry I'utrvo ltr '0; "'" Vl'h "(ax-7Q; -, , , "n I: UNI-1' ""r peur othttwis ' l ' 7" the alt ' ii , r "-' he ., tt w 12;.- ., I _T to c.", . ' l Yiteil a . ,rcrrir. ' L M "Ma c ~-. empt '8er . . _ :tV-'lauf':ll "ms "ttsitu-d J., ttuty oi l'unu_ hm; 7 {"1111 mcnt'otrs (fa-rm an" trru'led div trr! _ t r J" t2r-t1itabtire 'cy/dei" 129"" the LII F t A _ 'at "incur"- _'r w', _ gluon bcc.U M... h, nm- hymn") tiel"f the tHoe at th ' 111- T, teww. th t and n. on" w " "7""."7 1c..l,'1'li)'/.,' 3"" "\hnlul...: . E t,tro, cam "f C ', te Qiltmtion w ' O bit'ti "new; I .. hersttikett 1 (F, _-- . ', f My I , , .7 V y I then. to maLe 'pl'ir','iil:',' l": bt 1csult "a?" 1t"',t, Thc amm" .1"" "I"! d. Y " tued---l e'JF, 37: [3:53]": tvccttrdcuent Ttht, A . l .=7(1' "_.', "r tst.' I tr.o h m 1 n ' HC, the signal for peat I yyru-'ut ct It - u " FAg-5Vscrs In I J , u ' .ilca J, I t 1r.icy::l"f,t..',T"i1 'tl,"ld',' at'mriol' ("nth (Mr pftorF'Ar1'it 1;). sur. vfn,tsnieeon can?" 'n, Dal-hp. fly , ' I {ill-.4". t', il '1 hurl 1t'c1Crl"1rrr,t, trot. 'ds "'13. i Mr. TRG'Vm . I )N OF ll AME. Lanny"! Cart,',','",".'"" (Urero: l, 01"" "f'VAJ'cr' C,1 l Lr,. ' f "run "wash 1" .. "use" us Mum- l Mtitrayl "I\o|'ltlm dune 'r,to C if Q) (r, A". Er 'd? fel.'., C,1a.,"1t, (m; Cit l 'dr.' An]. v. bet "mum lv-v- ") t xlrnnerhmcv tlat tt xv: 1:1?i,lntth1:,c/ilr1i,'rt;te, ur, M'.: to Allnnhftee Mr 1m", EH1"; 1.11;. Fcr.ut n lst I', Craig (1,"; _ -, l' [r, ""ndcclmmr en ttcvitb'rutt iT I. at": , ic' Ailytitrd -.. ., 'tttrat the an .V.clitliar F ' , ti, Lian fi _, 'tii'?', Cus-tr, ' up: ,t .. " it woul ' A "7")". 3,111) tttid l a , y " of ther H ' ' v. M, ', Mc5fu 1.. I a:'.do:usr.d ' ' _ .l 'h1? p533: k Il'.!" It 9:2,:11'9'." tlr, pulm ' " the better f,1Litir/ll "WIN. lntii c'yrit,, "t y 1'ii,1',1, I': SNOW}. £31}; shun" , ri/fit/c."'"-':'.-:'., I , no" It tit a?" trm, "will"! [te',',",',',','),"),',',?,?,' tV (manor L * 'U ot 831110 In ttw nevi-mu U; ii}: VIII htttri1C'e my}: If,'"."',':,?.:":',')','," I? J, c,," 4 i LL! I ' " |~!.1t"(\';.'kv .' ' " re ' ' ill, "MD. IC,,' CC" "Lis,", T: 3"" , /1", I Ill',-.') m m no" t ' l" I put "In: h It a... rl.?, u,itl" ("amnion tnok place 3 Ars-h.' . ,"Wd'J- a tlLu.u t my I ,., ii t _ t I'M mun" mg". , 20 t ty state attcrrrhiulr a bsF 'y, the prorUl m 'lr (I l sun 'f1Th Batty Ill; . ' "a," I LII Mn. tl e' 1 "all" it Ihe hm tuo:aher t r 'll Dccember. - CUT u..;.n. be killed m . ',n ', /l'i, (Crane, TGTG "glue. Flam." li, I l'. ""bL'CY ') k , A - n .'..'x. viii?" t L, . he ch F... I "I ' 'Gr, hfrisil A: I'] ttrrp, '. c., .. .I Lav" wen tln uoiiltrirr'. ""1 _ I II. A - tMH) WM led Lu], rghct s" ' LI t-t tf , l A' _, yn., ti .~ I'repI-rl tr' My . . "IL mom-mt", t l ' tlr/rt. " l' after E01110 c, ., . .. t Eco" (Utmw- . ' 2'1'3'71' 1' .. I 1;: 11:": 'e'. xtutrd, Lad Mg; IIIL..,_ "I." "I" Ix i , 3x11? I It b lsg ' c LAM" l" PVMEI'OKE . u), an" "if, lu' _ I F- I ..." tieut.or: B.tStt' ' "..qu " ' t) siso'aloehthe ITeuser , . ANDOTTA'" Ft ', l l 1m- lir,uxittl't'tlrs 1r'yy.',ly,i',ey,',' . ,anL , RE" Liirs" osator nu". Mr "V"I'H'n w d l . _ Il'-nrr.V l I ', ,o t g; ' [I-n: ... .-l . tr its; ' ,l i, e . 'r c '..~ . - "LIV T 1.1"..." a _"/,':'..tjiciiy,t/,"v',c ha I g; "g. to thet After face... ' :V(l>l'»;n1m;uu the s'ril,'r'/' _ l. . I F' , .. I ' V I " n ir':);'",",'.::,;"',",':) I I hinh, AXIS "ity/i, 10pm; Y.",' 11.0 "khan l i "my" load ""1 biting; l t C: .r' '7 U aw re' _ tfrm. io'non" ' rreu'.1i 'L' . q ' u .- Mr ' t "MIA" In. . 'r, ,rtat; ttret 21:23:: 1u),yit"g //,,"r'v'p,i-'t' I Max's?What'sntsszstrde (l tutturrt gm ii'iil,ll IT,' neorrd in rrv-ort. ' . _ ir': Ity. le 12.15 . " '_.' "'I wouirl '.', ' " . "lam '" I'? "WI-I'M"; ir I'd l t, , "ANDRE-,2; '...' I""' 'o r _ . 153'; 1t:v,rn1e/1t",ti.ci1"i'itri n in an"? I "muc- Bet. relating to coutract' "Norm ".1 tux". cltstt,se, to gt:ike "I l,' I: - '. _ . u u ' ' 3 _ "-'Wme rt T. .5" f',CArie ' .1 "that; ruler- ItityHtPoRhT10N or wuxn .. Yrp.g-. Il , {n ttu Meat, Y a¢,1'- n ,, . td1riJiiys,"2,Jir1r1'i,"'id,ti'2Gl gert'eme c/,'vuedn"g'Jced, 'iiUiiho'inT.", -~1)N. t Hum. iyty/'i:fr/1r,"/',',".s"'i,il'- mi l, 3" .ry . I:1,etcit'u,th,'s, vtyiilt,r,tly',t,l',,i.'hl1eiv, 1'h"i'.",1Ull 1'p1i,c',h,n,,2'rt lv,tp,eyt/t'ps,p'i'iitt0wt'/btoo.'r' ; '1";21mm}:h".-'.",'f.";'alibi-ism."I "'. _ T a tl' (m rf thi .l. ., ' . 1yctld he gt . ll" o one oi Cu, w , o o C'l ykert, tic tt . 'lik, Ci a :gdl ., .V . a l )1. _ .' " MY-s _ s . ' Hull sh .1' tosrnl "It fortlw tirst ' " B, and to '. (Ottawa,) s _ . a Ll _ FT' , . ".'. ft "I Hm ' "I not bare we _ Ben eteetior the In no . proril N . ' tncisir.-17 ' mV F '- yt', tl:ts 'd, ' .11: that hm Inc hl stud of theCouncll be tho I 3 mum of It1ortt- A MEL Marx" A _ t. tr lt ici;; _ 1v' ghnttl . may; who mm up. "mummy; hum it {anal-(n. Ig.' l m1rrson,l'at1, I' , r. '.t " , , mu "HUI lit In m 'ttth Vega-3 not he placed The "om a l Ir cle, ("'Clxbmm g.htdosy,1, our"); I ' t r ' h v; _ ' . M ' m," tun. gottt1cr, ' m such doin, ohm t mwmtlun Cummmoe 01 (119.). r _ n. th'rrt to," ' (3m .3 . , i ,1 C. .l t' ('1 "It": si '0 ct 1'l,c"if",, Tho ' ccurtis " um," adopted the" tunendrnents '.2Mo7die'] tho rel, iiG. Ilium Prawn" Gut 'i'rdi"/', . ',ti' 'V ' ,. ', IL'rtt I'M hm v. " 4?. tlf Co '.... o . A A' cpur ed:lst «v ,r, t 'vi'-, 'ou "I - I. _ A A 't I .m .s ... "ml um; 1.3.13 ' J t . Md tu' *' 'l ' "I" tth 'p..",,';',,"' it Ic'tu.ntrt.t Ata",'.", hon. "WW"; RELIEF To TIIE OTT "YA i, , , , Hum: (it:32'5'"d',RI\'III1'.ls,u:oE.:J.o "'.' 1- l A, i, \ L jr','.,'"',,'..:',",' justiflml In per 53131.3": gm," . Jd, LYON Med WhtIer'th C..rnmmm. m, wnmin'gffflfi'i'fin'mm5&5}; L"; '. ..\ I l [ ' .. . an. an wlti d Tre . 0 pay OVI-l' th . C irfemim. tr' i tv " . . l 1 cu) Wih, . " -1~. A". l .' MJW \vs . ttTOL In . n "NOW to m _ " The run w ' on ""1 -- _ ' ' d IUD m.» "u. I" Ic8, and It so wh " hirer." C') the-J _ ' " then roadatl . b , I ' l "r I y 2:, "T ov' -.. W, "O'D' II ' I 1sul . billilc'KY Ard time snd . F" , _ tl,, V w'. FF I ' , ll that Alt" . !ott J.R MACEUNIU l _ .. ILLE AND . "h ' T In?" ir '. , . "hilt": tl .1150 I t /'itut.1iry/CT,it,'r1, "I FIVDIITSC P, pay over 'i,),'e'i',i?,. the msrerurnstttw i 1"}.bMI'l n moved u ' sbl?\)l\l HAIL"; l Y . ' k- C, I' ' i,lli,l1us/r'),t,)c9'y'ett I am,- I "ml" he bi'.iciconnuittee ata l " to tho chuinxrm ul ... lriorsp u. c ttrc "all third rea"itre of t' me ' . m; o,,,' ""3" . it M! to ,'.t.,t/c/,el wtthth", TORONTO saw "yuiue. wartoiperrr - 1'dn/?l/iCli"Jii's'lr,'i"/r r' , cl / C,' ly",",:',', ', may s'1l1fi",'ro,i',,': anti P, Mr P'MKF IIIng'l-u & BRIE r, RAILWAY, . T 'i': BLAKE "id he had l L I ... I I 't 1'ui 1""1'9 B'fBrr.* , ON' . to M Q 'e 8Pt?ot' _ 'YrF I _ 'tsr i'eor. tr b Sven , Mr 1,. 'y,' m," 1'] t'.vd " h /, f. Cobff'A','HH tty'i',,',tl1idf,t. 'tS,l,'r"/fi'i"if tri,eh':1o"/1tf,Y "2"- 13' "Wham!I 'drl,iise) 0:311 lt. nus ',lhi,)"if1,yy,ti/y "KL it _ W' I; __.A "an; 'or.getvil ' . . ' y, I " Com l i,1' " 'I n. tly ', "an." _ cc NI int F u , n pg", _ _ ' ' t 'i, Tavr- ill, " fri, . "Ht-to h f'Ta. WW l 10 'N' h . " MIN» . " 11r ' ,- l _ , r,. P, L. durum d 'di,' li, u h! tltc l:kll.u-d' in mun-dance will) Hm SM! "n m' Ti,cf '., *6 ha would an. can: my tm In"?! . I I, , ' ... ',,'is.' 1uu,nu:-- W 01., w nd lt' u. rqmrud tJo, tr W, 4 , "truc:rm, I i'lHttit midst) Ird , "hm-IL _---------------, .. w It"tt. ' AtT 1mm . .s'h my. va'iw c . ' EE'E , ttlcct, Mud trust w owould h. (H. tIto, " I PAb'Y _ RAIL NA" I' r'." 77777,, - mass; , . tis,ioivt1tstt " . ' I", 1llrd m. Mr WH, V . t.- _------.-----, {um l ' Ill,": moved tug tttll wish? h which It W:t, . at mu _.",',,',',),', "'3 (mun11tou) mov 1 . ,. - .c iopertttr m": but. C . 5.0mm fuming. l Knilwv Co oratiug th.. Htwat.lto 6 th rd retprrtsc 'A "In: trroviso It t' "11 ' . -: _ an"! Wrrim1 . n ML! lake Eti b s-----------, - _ .1...' nanE AND G: , it: - 5 {1H '1 - ______fii?hf11r'T Jll'd RULWAY

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