The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 Feb 1871, p. 3

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' . . r 'li'), should be aided by the "up," money, but 5' potn on 'tl,'.:",'.'",.',',??' was M , r: , y- 8) i/'e,1i",)'hi".,,1,1l, pins .mt were llkely to f i; he denied that Witty bound to 'j", meat in g r resolutions had not gone far ii?, 1'9"" d ti, 1311'." yet, the narrow policy , I 5.3 consider this question in the light in enough. e (trio Speaker) must say that o- piopdie L 4313" " would it established 1'3- y, ". which he put it, as if the surplus was a the titatiimituwllio of the hon. member for Il-"", iardt 6 I"'?'-'""'" l" public Tlpr0iu'mptps , ' v/ windfall. As the people had paid this a" South Bruce Was of a very tstrange char. Win an. 3"""""'.'s ol We P'tlv.ineP. In Ill" l, _ large sum into the Treasury let it be given ' actet whenhe pr0posed to take away_tlle l l interests cl inn (pantry he feit called "PM! . 5 _ them back. and the Question could not bel _ very functions of gavernment from the i' to vote for the rt'sr:tlution.s introduced bv) ' dealt with in part. Holding the view that!' ristist.h.ll allitborities and detonate them to ' ' the Attylws/ienertn, and 'ue was yiiilic,r, the surplus Was the Produce of the taxes ot! "llungzlpa 1fi') He was assured that the f. to r'iodmi,1)'i l: ('OiiFiiiuents and tel) them L the people and to which all had contributedl foueeawgu never consent to SUCll'a that". y tinl'nll;_1li confidcneo in on- in proportion to their means, it ought 1"dG'1 Ill say m effect that the people F "my?! " Pot' "m oi the y1rr.u.ys.Ponoy to . _ to be disposed of as nearly " may be in the .8 ouf e coerced to have the money taken _ the - 'Ti,','."),",,'",' io den] with it, "s Ihr'y sameinanner asit wculd have been had that out o fe? pocket and put it In the other. - proposed " the 1'emlurimos. taxes not been paid, namely by restoring it / Mr. CRAftT ((ilengarrv) referred to the Mr. "LIVER Spoko against the WM," V to the .peop.le of the country, but. at the fact that when he had a resolution before tions, which he did not think would HiliRiv same time, in so far a, it was possible, its the House in principle somewhat similar to f tl e country gennally. . ' restoration should be accompanied with as , the amendment proposed now by the hon. f Mr. RYKERT could not altoocilzcr "mom much benefit to new nuderraki1ugs of linember for Bruce, not one single member T l with the position taken by iii/hoc; ' public enterprise which were worthy of ofthe Opposition opened his lips in favour ' in the prespnt qupstion M L, co 33;"Ff"; PncourtUdftment., He agreed with the Jet It, and what support he. received l that it Was unwiée ii liiin "di"ds"f, an. q s. . . ' k , k ' Aitoinc)'-henci-al that the Municipal Loan lives from hon. gentlemen on the plus scheme on the eve C) 'l", em Hail" m . . . l o . . v - ' ' -- am 'tu.. Fund wuss quest" a difficult of solution, (Ministerial ride of the House. New , lion He could notsu ioritlifamml Cl6't and be (the speakm) proposed no general "hat the Attorney-General had declared aiidlie musi so ' that It 'ei,iii)i b, f" (ll', Ill, scheme lor ill sezilrmirni. There was no (that he was willing to deal with the Mani , . ' . l . ' ' " l" IIC,',-. .. . . . . . , . L ' ' b antly give his vote in favour oftheresoiv, reason tor declining to do Justice in the F cipal oan Fund and that that fund would tions since he thou ht tl t tl ii, .' caseol certain municipalities against which be distributed equally over tho province, tr iUi seen fit to lei. " . " as" 10 ' "PS-l there were no claims We ought to eon. . the opposition were found antagonistic to shyould have devel "Dd-id" , "his?" l9") l ' . . . . a . " t a . r l . _ rider what in he improvements in the the very prineiple they had previonsly If the hon me DOPEf li1/,1 tll' lilrelll'ldl- remote sections of the country it would he affirnrd. He had been told he dare not b 1urht in. hi l? "d" ' "11tlt huce 13"" lit to expend the public money upon, but at' vote with the Government on their rail- tliit "TL," "(jgfigglpnf T191131, to st)e' TTI . . . A v . . . ' c , E 3.: .' ,the same "me do 5'" Justice to the! way resolutions, bat he represented apeo- 'i. lus 8;; uld he 1 l $11339: If. the moi-i "rrintry, 1'rmitrplwpiv,rr that the ple of common sense and would vote Bil Pl , "ii l ' fe ap" ". R 59"" 0" surplus was produced m" ot tii, [inciicis up against the amendment, with the full con- anti 8 for t we P, iciions, when it couid be., the province. The [louw might aitcrwnrilsl :viction that his action. would bo cordially ttel/tri,,', Id')'."',',", 'rt).tislac1or'jly. He thought it it saw fit supplement thr Jiranrtel dist ri-l endorsed by his constituents. imlt 1:10;: tlf/itil),')",:,,',.", the (pantry which . , . . . . . . l i ' _ n . 5 billion by the required sum necessary in l Mr. 1feliELLAft spoke in favor of the nu Ci,' gm lyll' 0.0;" It "Ill filled" )4ng l the case of public impmvcnu-'vis roquhiv.s (amendment and said that they were in sum" 811"?!) In? and!) 1 F" '1ee"///.7Jr,r" t siwucial aid. He tlicugli that population the shape ot a premium offered to the '93" Iii 1 u i tl ',/")1/ I?, 0 he} ""1 ""le should be icken into acrobat in dealing: poepleio support the Government,in order ("build "" for C' It "wannmn' )ut El"? l with the sueplus----rhn th, re should be at that. they might obtain railway grants. H Oii'atiiiii bit d ea d.mttl Oil the basis 'd) 'rr' ' up; " ir,: 'rl,'on,, .~. , - _ 0) l l ccor in 0 ie tiIllottr,t o l l '-',",n'tt,l 'I((|l»tllll)llt]'l': iii iv". lul'llip" iii 4l all Mr. McCAl(Norfolrs)folt, called upon. g I madert kit Ft] ft 'd If t ' . 1 I'; l :lil and iiiui um 't'Wui':i.c','it might in ';upple-ii' . the interests of tho PO in alon the ile a Tng -l y lar os PuT"fl. F ciircdln' wlrc.-w G., J, , ol,,'.. ' ti.., ll! _ F , . p p F . g ' Mr TROlV I oke .r,t., til , ' 'l l ' 1"/,c.'f., *1" ' "' _ , i".'.'..'] 1" ""2 l" it,' ban of the (ircat Wvstern railway, to; . ' hi l h P 'ypyt 1'- r..""." l}-' C"",',,,'":?)).,";",',:"'.),.,'),'.-.,"": ""fl"""" . lu i?". "if"! vote against the rvsyriutionia, which did Q tio.n.1, TI HClt P, did not think. Welt fair T o. ':iln/h"1' Iiimr "min-ii w: in: ow"!!! I ',I, i,not do justice to a large portion of thel 'spiritto tho older sections of the country. 1lrll'r, ' ' irt 1V! "I": . ru 'tr: . . _ _ "' . {up}: 'l,. hoiililb on. 1.7 in" 5 'ij,",')",",') , inhabitants oi the country, I . Mr. MO) TEl I II cordially supported the t).'i, 'll 5 V I l!' s'illt'rltu,'" ill iiii'lli'il n . . F , . l l l . i . - . . s 7 e . ' ' I tla,riv;iiivvmu.y,vs. lie thspi.rrwo, [on called Mr. flow spoke stroogl.s against in." Goieinin at plan lot f?':)"',,',":':,",',",,',','.,, tlu n. on lo nod; sicnii(',vrl bv Mi. "(NJ-m" resolutions and saw no icasoii why the live! opening up and Ptt amen of the DON-JUN .. 's"),., all ' l I . . , . ." . ' . ',"," I 'i,rentlertwtt composing tl,urCovvrnmrmt had , pert .ol the provmce and would thereiorc N i in". all itp wtolild' alm- inai IH' not devised "(mm scheme for the Rom" give his vote in favour ot the resolutions. i_i;l:4-' p In , l -. . ('- ol . . . " . . o q 3'; ' i,',', WT, . l H f "l)',',?,,':,,,'.,"),"," "mm meat ot the Municipal Loan li and. The A division was then taken on Mr. Blake ti "r- 'i---' l til.; t8* ... _ T . . 1')"; its Brt All l"! " Cs N "'llWl to "l (jowrnment should go further than their arnetothnrnt, which "as lost on ilio follow. ', l')'n,":i gilt-lid): '1';)]""l",', H"? tc"'l_""'.l' """ll resolutiiiis indicated and allow all the 'ing division _ l" Jlls' .. f tvis """ilm '5 'tt'tttttt 1ltr:f"tis ieo ole who had contributed to the sur duel ' " Home plan is adoimd wlici'obv. while iiiak 1 Pl - l l ' lit ftl ' li tril . I l Y.EA.s. - Messrs. Baxter, Blake, r'r1rd, . . 7 . . . . . wen-lo} tie )cnci so it tllit ii union. l Christie Ch n P q C k '., "1 P P, "lu all Just and necessary lil'OVlSIOIi'l mind ll" CU1fllF,h'l INIts id tl t tl ti 'g ' ' - l ns, foot. , C.7ri; lv, l, 'tilo.vrum, oi. railways and oiliorpiiblii- improvvmru1ru,, l l" i "A i Ci, l xvii: a]: is JP"' Fraser, Gnu, McDongall, Mclxelliir, llc, mi provincial inimegi in the thinlr sonic-"ii W not l on] P? tiPt I I. n I I 'y"ty",e .Khn, 'lcLcstui, McMurrick, Oliver, J'ordiuo, lm'l tho unproviilod dis!rivl-:, a lai'ze boil had dual!" 1hat New 00" " )o no Paxton, l"l".V. Fixloo, Sinclair. Siiiiiii, Wyn". avlizplpp' Surplus should bo "mum; surplus; but not, that tlioie uas-itud a (1li'hllesos), Springer, Trill" and ll "HM?" t ttt. ,1, 'rr t" l ' i I . _ '.' . largo one at that-and a "real scheme was - 05 -- ' I l"" ' ttt HAL": it) l"Tulutvm, Kill] kalel I .', 1 li ' "I . f I'D] I . .- ' Hi lil such tV/tV 331 "(it'll II" tho Iu)rjtii.; , (_I' "in tn I '8", mte It Ol P" 'len"ra ll 'l sNArs.--Mess,t, 1ndersrv, 1lratt . p, l I. iss I o,,', "ttrn "ttcr " ' . ', rare, tlicv saw fit to attribute unworiliv V , . , . " _ 2", ' l 'l, "HI,'- ii l N am srpamu ion)». "in! Pn in in: . . . " , ' ter, Calvin Cttmrron Carlin u- l Ina" "ll,o, le . . . ,- ' ' . _ _,'; nioiiwsio the bh live nun, as the Ctovvrn- [ , n'. , _ g PPI i "l" 'ni), l on " " .ineiii l (\lgnill". in aid oi rnilwarsi' I _ . . 4("llln'r (Huron) t 8rr1C"ayie Cr 'l'l l,, I , m . JF" . . _ ' l .imenilimi born somewhat cavalierlv disio I! l 'C, ' - a , ll 1 "lt'll, r oinir r l" "mm or pub I 'mpluri"'trsellti: "' .. h v} CoO Colquhoun Corbv ('mr ' (' .,,', inn-lam iii" Winona or imv'ird" the Ch' I "med L.vouhon.numibit H" history of "li/i'/e"a,.1a,'.',1. i c ." ' LI' ,'m, "in; 'r'nipiioiio nlu,niJiiLi' /ip,i'iii'i'o','f, iii) iri itho. Munic'pal Loun Fund showed on n" 1',i'/.'ilies'." II; , "if; (s'he,si'ul), ( umlwrlaio l, ' ., l . . .i.t . l, , lrccords "onMitutaticirtt that had been rtocli-.." s. . ' Vttt 8, ' on. _I'cr;zii.on, I'll-l". .iiiacii' ioi Fllt vi Jrlll'ptrst'Fi", due pi'H'Hll l 7 Fitzsinutums Galhruin fi m]. l in] i)l'iilir token "if illu lii'nhi'i' apruirati 'iii ietrinstravswant, and there "drlle cxtrava. lines) iiriiiin, (3' k). H"" llltll, ( hui-. ' ' P" . l 'B' t'. , c, , . . . ,. I, _.- , " Ill P, HI" , nut pp ' J,,,, . t,, the Wme and WHY-4"" being mm". grant piople were to rrcelve, incoming: to ? Lrunt 1mm \iard ll li (if , L/yd. I', if, nt W ' il g ' .. . . . '. ilio proposition of the member for Bruce ' ' tr ' . ' d islltt fl, d c "ll, ll'lllfllll. I '3 . " a ifytuleut in an. iiiiiiiicipziliiv Ill, '; Mil-Ill Mail-boil 'donie'i' If J blinded to the Mun' 'ipsil i "'i'l Fund "liiilllfl head for Load and dollar I" dollar, mm liich'ir'i' ll l" i '0 li,,',' l urray, bond, p3 . , ' . _ 2 ' / t s' /' others who wcro not indebted to the Pro- 1' ' y,s, J Y" , "WNW itvl, SW". (C)r l " jlili'llftl on upl.i..lil.- iiiins towards i'il' ivince their share of the surplus 'awn) becord, Smith, (Kent), Smith (pond; llx'iiirlm ion of,.whirt may on, {mud ("a ly ' ; 'i/tYI (iro,nviPe), Strange, Su'iiiar'on Tmt _ id", ')l'yi,cipali'.v. or an :ioiiis'mciit of the Mr. Il01 D argued in favour of 12w iWnllis, Wi,ele, Wolliamsui)uphavl; iv/iii,' l .i:::.ii-ip:il Lnan iridolttv,riss."' amendment, and while admiiting that rail~ {and Woui--i'jt. ' i l 1hnn. Mr. WOOD in r'lliV to the bi'ovioivs: WM" l'll0llld bts. encouraged, b'ttitl that their , The House WCllt into coiiiiii'iirn of ii e \"""" i. 'u ' .'. . , . - . , '." ' r_rr' C , '. i ; pi (do i sud titttt the on} if of tho (minim-z '-"y'h-,trl1cil.."rl should l,"' part ot tyo, l" whole on the rtcolutit)ns--Ifr. Lvon in the ;ll]('i'.f Wlt.q to hold out iudrwccn,meuly "l whole (l1 tho, M'H1erui 'The/ne-popular E chair-w; \er'. 'ldrlll rul . and tho P, ipurtt'".u to hull lint-s oi' i'ailunvs iiiiiiiimri tinn b°lllil the har, " upon which the m'mc.v ludioiirnod itt 1"";0 " in l 'sl INN) :roni north to math, or sum. to ivuuh, wastobe distributed. koscbeinewouldbe :l' . _ .. o. . "inch wsutld ""l as feeders to the Lr1ttt, 'trerptttblss to the county:: which did not "k _ .- " " lincs on the i'roiiiicr, the weifure oi "pp." .do equal justice to all, Seeing: that every in" oi viral importance to the provii,tw. lone in the province had contributor] to l'he pi'Opcr and only Wuv Wli8 m leave my" lorni tho surplus. thehumat wi - ' . A, , _ " _ . _ . .9 U. ir,c, 1 ill and mnexlnhn' and "HIM Mr. PANTON said that ho rt-plt'u'ntvo Tdr'ttes to Conestruct, "Him puiehc Irltprovr- . F ', _ , ,1 F . . . meme whirl, wh/rid,, l 1 :1 county which "as drip} intrpested in, sci/t and 'Wortliv 'y." to Jf ofgeneral railway enterprises, and tho Government min-ht be aidrd by u: l ;,_f',1d,',1,1j,'e't-y/,',1': ~i'lienio Would certainly not be favouinbiv ll. '". _ _ - "rm" C',; moneys.) thast received there. since it 'prol" sed to do but , Jill ttttte tho. Country would be thoroufrli'v . . . . ' , );, t " ,- , .. ' . a l partial Justice. Whv shouid not thu) liiiicrseciid with lines ot railwrv There I . ' . . . iw T ___ 7 , '.'. i~eciioiis of counirv wliisli F.,nsl carried I as no \iigiieiiess about, tite resolutions. I 1 "i l rr ll ' t ' .' "stu/iv 'ln tluuu was contained the m l . ,- .i'irounu area pu) IC in eipri. es HUI c, 'olc that "use Minot --"'Lnem priuu- laid rnually with those which wvrealrout ' - . T ' I railway, be they I undertake them. The best wav to deal " many or bctlim few which shall lerult ', . . . . . . the hack "with of h ' 's ' . o inlll the surplus was that indicnicd iii the l; frontier lakes "I." eli'ii I" te/dir.' Ir ,1ei' amendment before the Home and allow bd i: ti .. ' . F, a v, 1"de if tiy'lr the municipalities thebrneiit oi tht'sttrphts; ' "ICC I'm "in transverse or obli no tl .. -. shall rem-ins support The ho q c, money which was to be distributed. . , . , ' . i ll. mom bet' _ , . ' ior South Bruce said that he considered Mr. SINi, LAlll also spoke against th N that there was a tr " t in " . l . Govirument resolutions, which he said went, "rm. jrequality in the . . . C, amounts per mile proposed to be graiiiid to so vaguely worded that it was iiiipossdil'? railways. Now "in aim of the Attorney. hu' lion. inrinluus to have, any ",Yaravttotti, Ul'nci'al was easily to be seen. Ho consider. that the nionry would bu prop'uly used. ol that in old settled c uttties where the - nor did he know wliciliv-r or iioi his county Htop!e Were better able to contribute to would be only dealt with nodvr the railways than those in Eteivpr districts and (sci/ii/o. Bofcuv, consenting, to (lily illilil'll therehire, they Would he. emit 0i ii fJiii priationsthe "(MISC ought to iiiiill'lfilllllll pcrmile for the railways passion throutn "ll about them i and if it could be shown them. The hon. member for Siiutli iiiiii'i; that Bruce and other Counties "wild rc. 111ti; also mistaken when he said that the "Pl"? their foir share of "mm." (tl h,wwnrd- luri'crniuent would leave, out of account ing: their railway otorprirma,lueuhl vote many public improvements which were for the srhmne. There should ho no inaugurated bcioro a ri'rtuin date The "log rolling" indulged in, bu: all Will-"1 U . fact was tbat most of tlume came within tho province Slit uld receive rretrhaudsrl ill)" purview and nytaning of the act and . justice. Entertaining these virws he was N .would be. entitled turd. The Rssortion prepared to support the amendment oi the it'nat the surplus should be handed back to member for Bruce. F 1":,:e:i:i,f1.t,iy:', and tlit,str:loutcri among . Mr. Cl'RRIE said that he had never i we It"":,:,',) "ie," ridiculous 0136', since it been strongly in favour of granting large You ( sen e moniw . l . . . .' - _. " . ' l i d, oiilv at the expense Q it'll'ihemrich man i' l 1?, aid is'rityu'rrifo, yWnho/gsrl//rf El dl Fwd he. no. speaker) he'd "mi 'lf/ people; , " it "Rational mterostts oi tho C'o'oritr'y', ' lulu) drove a plough '.s'/'/oii'silt1i/'/frt'ea'T,1, /y' i')'.)'" member for North Bruce, liricrn or other taxnb'o Ri'tiClCF 13911;] as 's if or! 5.3,] ' had] 1yyt,cau,d. he tcity,-... i?,yy',hinpropytinn to lilo e/uhriiiliiii)i as i 'il,-,ci'/"ii'ii,'1Chui,t",, while m the same . 1 ', t" . . a 3. j,t'uermn member for South Bruce althnnnh nw t Ily,"'? be made a bid fo; his: . liciiiiglii have paid into it thlll'aiidshof f q. n my"?! and "m that if it could he (loll-11's. The Government intended when All)?" "'", It would receive its fair share dealing with the Municipal lloan'Flllid {1 l rumpus money he would vote for tho yhile "rsincrjusticts to those 1nuuicird/tiJs'. /, " in: if"... hie Home Fa) been told by three, mm" d lo that bind, to EN" i,'ii' " x." Dir-115 oi the Government that thud equal justice to all. l he i u 3: '.'T" l ' l f'f'tt Plan by next session to deal a P , . Ion. gentleman t' with the Muni' . l r :mcludedamid loud cherub. " . , , delve Loan Fund, and the) tl . y "letting to 'lo'clrne miuht "ti _ , . l tie proud rank which the connirv would i ll... T Fi ' WI 'lmm he ""hlyml till l ake' before long. and said that if the pm; tPt ly.. .3 "P.? t he did Tot think that, am , Diewere to be educated to selfrniiance rl inmlmm}, should ho relieved of by! i?Iruyry should never bo, iv th - i _ CN. ' lurlocal m . g 011 0m to use .. Mr BFATT , . Mp m' , 11h P0593. He trusted that such a l'n' . i "d 1 said that a great deal of , . 'Vllllldoll (be made oi tho surplus that it /"ll,'"l/,lt',r,1y1iiriy seemed to exist as io Ilic /irrl,,)e,a.J,',',.',l,.,,m,try,r,tr1t hehuid to mark '3 f e It1t.ttntions, of the Government in thr T b II ., . earsin the history oi Ontario, c',',?,":',',',," matter. 'Hpsaw no use in delaying _ "WHOS- Mr. ('AMLRON said that the hon. awe so iltlnie of aidingr railways because there . moist"? for pouih Bruce in his I'PRolutious . " re o or portions of the county would 1:0 ' . tl Popogitiocs---ouo of which Wu tl nerve ashare ot the subsidy, or until tLe lPiuwernmp t l . . 5 tat Munici all . , In . nt,ttit Lu as Itg resolulim ., u, p Joan Fund was srttled. Tlor . "Wives right in tron . . ' . w l'lUlRya matter of . ti . I , i°nterpriq . l inning to aid railway . . W: Jill ice and one which ' . l -, , Vast b "s, which be admitted had been Jr dd do generally asked for. The effect of .'.i,' . ', Md $13393: to tho country during the part _' l Play would be to retard tho progivits m vii, F - . . . t V a prim, of ere was room for more enter- Virilinbhc Works, and aid to railways would *3:- . = . '.aU,ie,,i.le' character The other' 'it 'd ' POItponed at least for another year. in, m; GiitthItit "an... 7MliNi' ___ - =", i it" M N? lithiInea county that had no direct at

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