The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 Feb 1871, p. 4

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:"y'i!l, o. mt the smdto be "1-7. . 0 ' Itailway Conyoany, comin) 311'?! to an RWE, "HI-95" " "t the classes hereinhefom the (I,',-,,'? any (,t, . I'.I 'authorized by order of ll'mlliifined and f'-." " 1 Governor in Council, to he emfIlIellU'llan: n i ) ceive the same, shall um ber IIIlIiIied to tt. C ' L . dollars or more tioiriii,r','0, 41111 ' . (f. That,beture anyhrirtot ij'rhllle. l" wnrh"u11dsha_ paid bn III"? smiling}: the Conlniisi-ioner than "a,Lg'SfW'mll'dh'v. ' formation of His 1i,wii'/"'i')'/ei',,t'i/ ii, "" 1Imtguch company haw "ciubfyvar'i: I road, in ueenizhzncc 11111131,:with; . and ITqriirerrrvrc, (witttzineil l" J,'fh','j,i'1ic", ~ ceding resolution. 'r. till' ch if" "He said that before he my": " ' Speaker leave the chair, he ic,',:',)).',",,"',; :1... t 110111100 to tint house tint "fl-2.7151" '11:; , the I.u,iieiit.-,fiisiirr,ircri,): "cri'l,/ii'C'r"i',t.s' ' say that he (fonwtn'iwl l! tint Cpl-31.0 ', and JiC'fr1lli'nt'i.i,i': tin i: twin-.4; _'. the lion-4:2 The 1.1;}. 123111.751 :12 ' had 1:11:1'watlu'i ".191 " a'-.rys:e tuI, i,", I"? , downtown hi: ir, . 31:21»; / I; 1,"..1'" sclf,l:nt thrw, Yr,! 135-; film 1 tom, and i2- 3sz in"; "we"; ' "f l occasion, to with 1,1. rrni/,i:'i,./f,s','r_ . have lo vefrsi.', :sz on 11511113 in i, if "l"', '5 'tt " , u Br, . , "I'd-12.1111 171111101 l It): l. i-iI'~"i.l' W:'.:,' 9311.". 'e" ' 11011110311 111' 2:.~'.1;:1.r;~ 111" mu _)rri,ir'i th I' r . The posil.ln (am-HMS} hr "I" (i"',,', III " ment in l'rI'l.;'si'-:1 in 'ds m ,51,',,1..I}WI 'IP'II" l he s:1id,I:I1'1:7:;'1.l:1;'r>11.: it 1;11:,:(.;I'H,;., Ct, l . e . . ' r, my» l for "It" JI,")", illilt' iir, ll!" lil'iOH' pf III A ('Otllhi'y I: 'ii'rl I" iV,,1, lli'h :1. and." I There Jr/ls, iron: 'i'l:-tw'trs:rr,i;r,:,"i',,,-"i,/;" . ," I . Tr. "rt1.'t:' -. trczifury (.in I4)1I11:.1;-, '21:»; favor:) _ I . t dealing _Iv'v, t_l 'Cer, I. 1.711%: '/:r/i.r.,1, ',, / was to .fhri. \-r;.j+ .211 l m (in; 'v"i, "It: .IJI'T, " (le')CII1{lltlli"' «twirl l {51-15111 p':'r'rr (a l, terprjlii'rur-r-iiy. .-,:3 wi, g, '. W; 111: " III ':", l rcquirrd, 1."? I "if: :12 m.- ">'L!'1'.l;: , "I; ' i the GUVL'l'lliJ :11 11:10: .. "h my}; " :1 I :ti'ItiL'iltttili'.» "('11 iv 'i,,, i .'vj'qI 'i. ' 1101150 WHEN i', C.,, I,', 1 g' 1.19.?"- r' l __ 1 iiiffllt l: sl,",' 1.11 11: :11'1":I1'-:I it? l' incywc. . if: -ci"l'tin' {1'1 1"'i. 1H2; .III country ',', la,, "rr, a" 'i,, I,-,,'.-,, to: ' its plug" '-t'/," I; ,'rr. t' -71""l'1'ifll i't'l;i C, The (in-1'11 _,'v' ': , Ir: :21 't my. 11.1.1 c:uir'-'nc' ( II , rr' "d i "r; ("this _ {19111 'l'l'l' l" 'l _," l" _ ' l.'. aiming] I 1lurs, i': . _- Hr ' :2 "'"1"it 'm vc-,i, "fur i;',' '-, I: 1 1"] 1"lll":1'-'I, ' the pctrplc, 'rr:.: re '1 I It': through chrcurl, ' W'iiii'il Ul'l lift! .11: _ _s" i.,,- 14:..llul'1. In. ! - 1hi"1'urh i': I V ',-. 'i,', Minnie. , , 15'.\'tii1t'fl::", ., 1; . j.»;"» _ 1.: '. l ' Pin" him". l. :"1 ' i; 'r, "ir:.', 11""; si,. :1 t, ' tll' IT/i) " r'-'.'"," '1 l' l "1?: .1 Luv '; If " il'HVt-l jj'mjw i"\' _'. 1' ----1s j'.)",")',.) ',utcr' _ l - in 11651 t; _'". _'r.,.1, l.:.- ".. , y' i frcrn 1N _ . ',; Ari: g 1;... l li'. "Vii '~'.' 's,., : ' "":,::' .' "XII; ', ' (thrill ix 1 'L'.' if .X. .12' 71.1' T, other min": 't "\ A I, j' .e» , 1' 'ir, ", l the DUN I 1:1. ', ',r,-,, _' " mi: l. ' _ , . .. - i iirr, l ' . _ I _"' ,.l crinn i:, ' .1 Ic-.', :19: 1 "li,' 1.: Vi uni": _ _-" 1'1,r"rir::_:rsr-,r,, .l the 1:31; H ' :'f' ' ". ., /) F _ __ :.l certain; 1.15 1: ', _ '-. r1115; y' / 7'" I r 0119 Vi,--,, i' _ . I." _ _ 1V:yi,y, "(3:12 i, the 801' '.".'"I'- n? A' 'r-". ; :u'. Unit-1' 3112': latisl-wzu '1: . l . V .' I, vii-.13 illt ff ii;' ltr Hutu" .' i. ' . ' hr'y'ruic._ _ _ _ iinprn-l ii' ', . t '. _ ti11V 91411;: I . ' l" (l" (if thr :.~'a .' I T , '."Ir"ri, , ser' s.,,"'-, r 1,T/" £59 tp)..trtAFA this je-';-, T, . t ':/"r/irr" r-',."' frric', h 'irrs,irti51,-r's's'ti'iij'i1' froni 11. 'ic, .1. ' . 's-, :1l1:1lf(f i, '_. , -- y; j ___ __ -"r/-lLrrrr_r_T'CUrr.I_T, _ il: use" _ 1' _ , '1':)§u,.~r:'r:1, 11111111323111: 131:1: 113:1. IIIIIIIiIiItnII y, . _ I if: rf '7 ___ -- '7 ":4: - d.-.,Ir,' withiv, :I 1' "11' , ,". 1- 1 , oi to 1:53" A. Sign if t'"c'r'ryr,':,t.,!,, £5; 'ir':':,:',:;'.,','::)', TI!'""),"':.': iII .I" _ l , VII/Se). L: _ .f 'itrirr,'t',," .'sxrvzcr't' "1:11: mat-r t'sjucrit"yi' .' II I l / 7! ---F- "r.. - --- 511111513 T,'., I', if ' , ' .' J' / I . w..-. " . M t1,w,viv:rii,;r .._ I? _ -, i r, I #3211171 1:e, :":_=;-"*j:il'£n Pa: lir.rrcerit. ennui). 3.: I; , T, t .. id . - _ A "_".- H the '"r't'ira'rsr.i". V ' ' . it HUS/Ti: All) it P itilLWAYr'. Ci,rvyv,rni,; ." 1 _ 1.. . lion. Attrir'nr'JJ{11191111 ?rrACl)()NALI) _ tl'),.",'":",.,':',',",",'-,,"':",":" /",, ' _ . race to More 111511 tin-11111330 go into Cont" I?!" ","rl', , .' I inittrcon the followingresolutions ".---- 12"".1 "r"., J, 'I l. T!::d tiiH aid urnntcd in the past by "full: "".'-' l j _ ' i the late i'ro.'ince of Canada to ruilrmd "d)r)f". I"! 'i, .', _ , _ ('-'nitsi'prrusi,t'()nnrusninic: with each of tl1-. t1':jJr,r",'.t.j,i; ' Cl I' .'I 1 1::1'. I-yi:.:, " ptinilntion and trade, hr t ""' -'"'.I",I 'jr.,', ',' I - lit-1111 l 'g'i'ir iv::?1'111:'.~11tnl in increasing: tin (it?! ,la,ij'ti'.r'i.:,r, .. "_' " . 1 development c! tlnngenlth and resources of i1'iia'j.,i,i,,r,."/'fr,' 'I . :3. 3 t' r,i-csviist-rt,. ' 1" _,"' rd .:'. , [ I '3. '! hat, looking r) (hol,twneticild results ( the "X; ,' '/, . l tr.v,v/iv,csr,v,t of that ]l()l!(':1'. the Itcccssit} {111110 "A"; , ',' I.' r'r . 5 int-onus xiii-treat sr,'.' no lonfrcr denying oi '(jC,/'/,' m'",.-,', ', . l rl,, i il in: the like unis; mm to similar Tsul "il(lel".tl {fl-.1." f?" _ , . II 'et, '. ,. I Founder: :l ;.l;'l /, rr-', 1k}?! enlarprises that mull," '3 i,","',",-,,:," _ " l ii'"syl1l'ti!('rv"rrsisii'sn/ouuisccti'oiis",rif th :,l1,1i,s,,s",.j,ii')/'x,rs,"cir . tr .g t (minim mote icon to from exirtiny ""731; ',',,t," I?.', _ _ ' I 1iutyivrri.oiurcss, pro-i;;:,- through thinly set- 1'iii',1ir.r"iv,.'r, ' v' ", tliil ")rt':t"cc,strlxisiic;' [Hour Free Grant Ill" f," s',,' _ _ I '. , 'i'crritorr, or to our 1ru1n;l1v:iters, this 'f'li'i9'I"'I' ', 'l"", . (.'jyt,!i,rif"i-'i:rrs'-r.rrvilr'iii'/ys'12 of real I" " I', r,"' l roads, lrirryely contributing to fl more ex- _ C'"))", " , ' . ' tended si-ttli'nient of our domain br a "It {Ir-.1 I,.. l / 1 V I hardy 211211 industrious population, 31nd Wilt-11 1....w- l / . _ I ere-til}; fr. 'ilitsiting the trinsport of tho 'r'ljc-,"f',1'r,"t,' j ' T product: of our i's'rii:ul!nvr, and of Oll, WW") 'r".,",,)),'..'.'".,.' _ . minesnml forests, to mark-sis eagerly scck 'r?f: Ilfl'l"I':I'I' '._' __ r. l ', , ingthe some. 'ji',',.":','",",",.",'-',', _,'; 9- l C, N . ;S. '/ic.i.t,.tisw:i'/dsi.rvliving 1hcse,"tririoie \Yhic'n :1.I\ /l,1,"(" -I . I» l , ' (srtoircts, it is expedient that the sum of _",i,l,f,','fi.,'y'/ly,'_r 'i' ' . . . 1 . ----------dolh.cs,l)ip, st't apart from and out ly,,',',".":).,?,,'),,','.,' '1. ' .' . l . 3 , of rho ('onmlirlated Fund in this Province htm ',1',,/,",i1r.r, , t , . :1 l ".rr _ _ and he tlc:isnv.tord the. " Railway Fund.." _ m at 111$ l" film}: 1. . :' T- l l That in) r'siilvoy ('Uliipziiv shall br micro, "xiii" / i,,,. l ' . ',, T I' . . trittirlrilto:vch :1i1l,11ntilthcy shall furniii, oftay's,11 I' _ y, ',,.'," , _ " ', l proof 10th!" siutisfur'iion of the Limiter)» fur ",iicy'i'jy,ir,,r:',f.,,,,l_ c' 1; 1. F - l, ", unt-Govcrnor in Council :--- mg tli ,liu '."1",',I ,t ir 'r', "l .1 ' I I" . _. _-_ 7 . hear.) lH' 5:11" t'tlt_'r , " ,,,-' . l', 1. That 1hriirrstrlsvs'iy c.Mrterauthorizes oldencuvr'n 1.1111111 Tn? '.' .1 . -.. II I II t'no C(mSii'llCtiOn of " I"ni'cl,in the direction he 1,.ltil";lii:1:li-'?_ Err? ill "tl " , t'"", C, Of our Free Grant Territory, or pointiny i71;),,;.(§].iij..1,i my; ,vir:,/_,-, ' , "' ,l'. _' . ' to our inhourlwuters. iii',)':').',:)),,':,,.",.',)',.',,',,,':,)':,'-', 'r' v.':, u it" _',', I _,' l V 2. That the baizztjia'e subscribed capital. 1 midi.) 'to'pi'mi'i" s", / tn. li' .1' .. I x (",' together with any bonuses OI' loans in / 1a'ii2'trl1l,i'/'dr', mixing 1 ' .r " '_,.',,", Municipal Corporations, and the proc) I itnim tlil ("mm (my; " _'.""" : 'r" _ III II .ofbonds to be issued or authorized by s1 th 'Il'crinir wit to 1131. mm '-; "",1" ' III lr 'IIgII k , charter, leave no reasonable doubt that Fax 1a'r'iiiJriiivsur. , : -'",l"I"'I "ff: ','_' such road shall be commenced andcomplet- (his hill "mm rr! 0'11 Ir.." '_"",).',"', I , '_"',', _ , ed, including sidings and station houses, t'lined bv the Nor-:1- o.,'" it»; ILL-1:1,: _,.1r,.rr".,,1 . ' at least so as to be ready for the rolling , lie dcariv"edrne the ("'ll.\".l'l'1'Iixx"il "r'i I'i".'|- ',.i. . stock, within the period mentioned in such ' " tiii," iii) 11it'2insoi' <1;\:-1_1::I.,:' if" 'x,,,)', I' l a} V l charter: provided that no Railway Com- 1 blade. of the Prvvinrw, Tl: _ "'s's','" l", '_,'!,.'.',",) (i; 'i: .-',, 1131115: shall be held to be entitled to such , not for thc lmylllt'iii of " limp; Ij/ls",.:',,,.,')."',:',:' '1, ' :1, and forany rsot'lion of their road, for the g wa s but for1lw s:iis:rtTtniiiv'ryri.1 _ I",. "i,'," II .i rrt ,', construction of which a contract has been it obi-invite)" Am the" 00111112"?! _ i)'))"'.'" c", _ i.'.'-, entered into prior to the day of F sinkii J' yfundwtlse 111,11;ny ff..'rrh., tt i) 5, 18t0. b In . ' T the ('11::1711.>»11) s? _ _ e paid on

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