, A PoINT OF QRDER. "| | Atty--Gen. MACDONALD rose to mO?D !héflr{t(}gfidgfg of the Bill usually intro-- duced at the beginning of the scss:onf--Vlflf. that respecting the taking of oaths 0 Omfie. ; int ~of order r r. BLAKE rase 10. &4 POIML 4* *' a. 'He considered it the duty of the Atty.--CGC2* t'lll'ai next to move the motion 1101(368533;.387.10 the issuing of writs for the new electons.., fztttv.-(};;e:n. MACDONALD said that his objéct was to havean assertion of the in-- dependence of the House, 33 W$ usual at the opening of each . session. His moving the first reading of this Bill at this time only delayed the motion respecung new writy by a few momenrts. ; # Mr. BKAKTE satd it must be doune at once Nothing intervening. A ; The SPEAKER said the motions for the few writs would naturally follow --im-- mediately after the reports of the jadges being entered upon the journals of the House. # Atty..Gen. MACDONALD.said that if it would gratify the hon. member for Bruce, be would make the motions now. Hon. Mr. WUOOD said ke did not know that the motion was necessary. He thought that the Statute implied that the writs shoull issue without avy motion being made. Mr. BLAKE insisted that the Slatutes said the House must order it. Mr. MACKENZIE jestingly said he was sorry to see that there was a difference of opinion already displaying itself in the Cabinet. (Laughter.) Atty.--Csn. MACDONALD sai that the question was something new in Canadian parliamentary practice, and differences of opinion were apt to arise among Ministers, as none of them were made of putty. (Laughter.) The motions for the issue of new writs were then made and carried. OaATHS OF OFFICK, Attv.--Gen. MACDONALD imoved the lirst reading of a Bill respecting the admin-- 'i,tration of oaths of office. Read first time, and second reading ordered for this ' day two weeks. | LIEUT.--GOVERNORS SPEECH The SPEAKER said that to preven any mistake he bad beeu furnished with copy of Ilis Exeellency's Speech, which h proceeded to read uniil stopped by cries 0 "dispense." . Atty.--Gen, MACDONALD then meve« that His Excellency's Speech be taken int consideration on Mondsay. Carried. VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS. Atty.--Gen. MACDONALD then moved the usual formal notice respecting the printing ol the votes and proceedings of | the Assembly which was carried. | .ETANDING COMMITTEEsS. Atty..Gen. MACDONALD moved that the usual Select Standing Commiittees on Privileges and Elections, Railways, Private Bills, Standing Orders, Public Accounts, Printing, &c., be appointed for the session, Carried. CORrRUPT PRACTICES3 |_ Auy.--Gen. MACDONALD made a for mal motion respecting the bribery of mem t bers, &c., &c., which was also carried. wWEST DURHANM. | __The SPEAKER then read aletter from | Mr. EdAward Biake resigning his seat for |\ West Durham and electing to retain that | for South Bruce. 1 The House adjourned at 4£.30 until Mon ; day at 3 o'clock. ' dn en ns mm mm mt m m _ t ue eEA .n cecngntiemmgene '