The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 11 Dec 1871, p. 9

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t | ® 'tpigy ,] OAtDY to--night, Hs was in the "pity the sorrows of the poor old man " mood, (Roars of laughter,) -- Hp had seen the Attorney Genera) resign with-- out a direct vote, Mr, Mc., in doscrlbing the event, said that it reminded himn of a man who had brought meat to a market for sale. Themmlaidthatphelnlmdhad not! died, . nor _ been killed, -- bug had gi'n out. (Loud _ applause.) Such was | the present condition of this Goveram nt, No amount of trickery op poltroonery on the part of the Attorney CGeneral would saye him from defeat, Ha (Mr, McKenzio) hope. ed the House would see th_l'ot.xgh the Art.l on. J. 8, MAUDONALD-L will relieve you of that, Mr, McKENzIP said that the Attorney CGeneral was full of sympathy to--night, Hs was in the "pity the BOrrows of the nonr old man " mang ",3, °C #0rror Mr. MACKENZIE--The hon. gentleman :an best get rid of the difficulty by voting the amendment down. We are quite ready for that. (Cheers and laughter. ) Hon. J.S. MACDONALD having changed the amendment of the member for South ,| Norfolk, handed it to the Speaker, | Mr. MaCKEN ZIE--I suppose the hon. gentlemen bhas a power of attorney from the hon. member for South Norfolk to act for him. (Cheers and laughter. ) Hom. J. S. MACDON ALD said that Mr. Blake would not have the ghost of a chance in & full house, Mr, MeKENZIER KEHL Fhuak Tz amau i. l ces . Cevegll Forte op iy °1 i'tiol toa fsir and flnm vote on the Address, (Cheers.) The ouse and country had no confidence in the bor. gentleman and his Government F-- they be'ie:hed thatlhe had betrayed the confi. dence of the people, and they were reetred to prove it to--night, (Cheers ) Thl: ttor-- ney--General desired an adjourrment in order that during the interval he might manipulate the Bill to suit his own purposes,. He had the power to do 80, I Hon. J. 8, MAUDONALD~1 i senBinl. von af th.ii ter should be pr on the Address, General to shoy Government obj vote on the AAid. _ ouy O Norre AC Wt no' surprised at the tactics of the gentleman op. posite. Four yearg experience had shown his trickery and want of statesmanship, He had asked for a fair stand up fight. The Opposition had cha'llenged him to snat fight. If ever there was an occasion when a minis. ter should be prepared to do battle, it was on the Address, He defied the Attorney-- CGenersl to show p;,, L ~" Eo Adubbi gw # »ao vuBsucTaLon of the Address, Mr. Graham--From John J ohnston and The SPEAKER said the amendment, if |Others, of Kastings, for the repeal of cert in carried, would have to be incorporated in |@lauses of the School Act. $ the original resolution. Mr. Wood (Victoria)--From Charles R». Hon. Mr, CAMERON said the object of 'gr. of Ottawa, respecting his imprisonmen§ the mover of the second amendment was to for debt. $ take the sense of tho IInnm--n401tn whathuuns _ %L f(__t_ _ m C Cenei' -- mamcels tion. Mr, CAMERON argued that if the . Mr. Mackenzie--Fror second amendment carried the first would bouse, of Strathroy, for fall to the ground, and they would proceed A¢t to admit him to the to the consideration of the Address, i ME EPFRDNANE--_ Elnkam . : Mr, BLAKE pointed out that if the amendmeat of the member for South Norfolk was carried, it would have to be added to the first paragraph of the address, and that would make nonsense. amendment, but merely sos'tnon. e its con sideration for a future time, That b in, the case they must also postpore tie con sideration of the Address to which his motion was an amendment. Hon, J. 8. MACDONALD said the hor. gentleman could bring up his proposition as a substantive motion. in t Cns M .1 _ o H re fairly defeated he would not imurderere sbould be brought £0 ) WhoBLcou+ Sbject to vacate his sent. considered it was shamefual b'&na'esty shoul Dr. CLARKE expressed his sorrow that that a representative of Hel{, g.kinghand Mr. McCall should misrepresent "glorious disgrace the position he held ysf the bloo1 0 1(11'.Norfolk " and soil his hands by doing with the man who was EMHY 0 000 op ay gpig Old HOHOWr #D¢ A falling administration an innocent man. He ;ns of O\I!;lhnilch $o "bils t%; £ Ox::y) f over p ace In * i s this matter up, and _if the Ottaws GOY=DJ ""yr. BOUTTBEE said he would give the ent did not do its duty that wou to th,] Government a fair trial He was in favour ?:lmlt of this Howe. With r;ga:;ioalg ap) of deferrin%uthe debate until the. vacant t before the House, he seats were filled. :glzeeni(i:n::d support the policy of the G > The hout > beidg m dn(llght, Hon% Jf E < a NALD moved adjournment of the veg:) ixil(t«.CALL (-\'fmth\, *\'t"l:foigli.zl~:eg:lf§;t1'l' (ll'ofiowhioh h: hoped] would finish to. ber, for mou a o 4 § _ encies were unrepresente dment tol should now be decided. There was evi-- He would therefore move an amen 5 ied to adioars, dently a se purpose to adjourn the amendment _ i 14 AF MR BE 3 »aur nt'e Aetoorvre i"24.,> uC eAREDCGHERCCRERCCCECC ©"That inasmuch as one--tenth of the con stituencies of this Province remain at thi time unrepresented in this House b reason of six of the members elestedA at the lass election _ having _ had their elections declared void, and a seventh having become vacant by reason of a double rcturn, and an eighth by reason of the resig-- nation of a mermber elected thereto, it is ia-- expedient further to consider the qusstion involved in the said amendment till the said constituercies are duly represented on the floor of this Hoase." Mr. BLAK® said this was not an amsid. ment to the amondment. It was in fact a proposal to ajourn the debate upou tha smerdment ard upou the address." It ls it the amendment jast where it was. Hon. J. 8. MACDONALD coatend :i that the ameondmenat of the member for South Norfolk was quiteo informal If it wes cgarried tbe amesdment of --the The SPEAKER said it was quite comps-- tent for any member to move an amendment to an amendment, and if it was ca--ried, then the amendment as amended becams a part o' the eriginal resolution. He considered the spirit of the amendment to the amend-- wment was quire in order, but it should be changed in form by introducing it into the amendment or adding it thereto. But the amendment should have some connection with the original resolution. sal opinion in this count*") | " murderers should be brought to considered it was shamefual an that a representative o{ gfi Ma' adLE, AkMa NC CCC 000 replicd to some remarks North Norfolk, and the Toronto. He they pr0¢® Scott murder, and rejoic 'nuniunN/ALIL said that he was not ed at the tactics of the gentlemanr op. l'Four years' experience had shown MBR SWA wuss L . mt o 0. im a case in which ted toama fair and s ss. (Cheers) The P emarks of the mem oot +V' and the member for Wes un proceedcd to speak of th« d rejoiced that the univer his country WA# that th - a Ks Cw £I. »Vunoui.VOld § »1. : p ge--** did you do for vern: ;'e'loflll-fi':n.uvmv yPe qgLVQUNLY PAH"AM:" r."F'RQI 8£38|0~ :::gg;" (I:Y:lga]:ter )y uHe c(:)ndteh:;nGeg ettx:e pointed out that if the --------Ggm----. ~_--_ poverty of the Speech from the Throne, and member forKSonth Norfolk The SPEAKER took the chair at 3:30, ::' gom:?'oieon;r:;?:hm.i::i::.;mnm ;2;: :':)lfd tfi:v:dzel:i :';geghr: * ons the Government distinctly pledged them (RIS, * PETITION3 PRESENTED. selves 'h:fa :h:hri:xlway. Bl.ltlhwss nplfloxt') dis. ERON argued that if the | Mr. Mackenzie--From Edward Stone. ::-:lz'::ro eomprehe:;?vl:n schgn:ouAt hss t carried the first would house, of Strathroy, for the passing of an time he brought forward the claims of Galt and they would proceed Aet to admit him to the degree of B A., | his constituency, and argued that its claims n of the Address, Mr. Graham--From John Johnston and were of the very strongest, to a fair pro-- said the amendment, if |Others, of Kastings, for the repeal of cert in mon of the distribution of the Municipal ive to be incorporated in |@lauses of the School Act. t Fund. (Hear, hear.) But yet not a ion. Mr. Wood (Victoria)--From Charles R». single word in the spesch about the disposi-- 2RON said the object of &¢r, of Ottawa, respecting his imprisonment tion of the surplus, It was not charged that second amendment was to for debt. _ the Onvanmnmiantkt wiinh cA hl _ s ag oo 1 will relieve e s e ol STANDING COMMITTEE3, 7 Hon. J. S. MACDONALD moved that a Zf,','ieg" l,i,:;;: Special Committee of eleven members be appointed to strike the Standing Committess k th for the session, the Committee to consist of &o 3 m,(:i the Attorney--Cieneral, Hon. Mr. Carling. or, and 8A10 Mogsry McKellar, Blake, Crooks, Wood, so as to be (Victoria,) Rykert, Galbraith, Pardee, Mc-- \Call and Dr. Boulter. L bonnoMal | Hr. BLAKE celled attention to the fact ,tfn?t';'rm" hat notice should be given of this motion 1 * | Hon. J. S. MACDONALD said he was fol. . owing a constant practice. vin® chanood member for Attor. be faith t _tvh_"'TN " / ~YYVMNIUQ D8 & Dreach of k . '% wed himself to o the railways expecting aid to repeal haq | be said }hf.?ebl:nzdh:u:'g"'d that he was the Railway Aid Act, _ H., thought it would C '-'d;fi'dol.;: the course hs had taken. He be better to leare the matter in the hands ) nt, _ Just ered that the question involved in the of the Government as at present, as if it was the . eonside t of the member for South Bruceleft in the hands of the Legisiature thers ave a-endmenh:; rtant that it should notwould be no en to log rolling. Ha Was in pe-- || was _ #o .5: till all the constituencies favou_r of postconing the c. vsiderstion of the for '':pmt mnted in the House. Rofel'!'i::g question till tho yaoin: sea's were fi'lid. B .fiumg remarks of the m»mber for No not inds . f.--.....'.hw u; u.a impression s om the di. in the minds o some that the Grand Trunk faot that his name was fimltt:glf;:m She di went through the county of Essex, whereas vision list last night. t:;oth ym eyr' k to in. it did not go within sixty miles of it, + 7 0 * Mr. SEEAI,(,:;&:,::::'. name on the list, _ Mr. SCOTT said the Great Western ran sert the hon. 5 _ y, through that county, and it received aid.' DEBATE ON THE ADDRESS COXN. Besides, that conntg received aid from the TINUED, MnnlcipslthLoan und, and should not d the object to the new countics receiving some Dr. MoCAlT;L !(Sionth Norlf'!'lk)r:;::gut?d the public aid. With.reference to the gmsnd- Midiinie o o the tt: debate had taken. Itmight ment, he thought it wonrld be a breach of cer.l t;:: th. h:d allowed himself to be faith to the rallways expecting aid to repsal -a:l.ekz :ool.of ebut he argued that he was the Railway Aid Aa+ Cr i6 94 . Mr, FAREWELL called attention to the fact that his name was omitted from the di-- vision list last night. Ho voted nay. _ Mr. SPEAKER aaid it was unusual to in-- trzduoo bills before tha Address was disposed o Mr. BLAKE said that if the motion was merely to strike the standing committees, he would not offer further objection, The motion then passed. Mr, CLARKE (Grenville) rose to intro. duce a bill, when dress passed ; and invariably notice was given of the names to be proposed. Hon J. S MACDONALD said he made the motion in order to facilitate business. Hon. J. S. MACDONALD said it was the first time we hai ever heard an objection made to the sclection of names. It was simply his intention to call a meeting of the members mentioned in his motion, in order to select the standing committee. Mr, MACKENZIE said he did not know the practice in this House, but in the old Parliament and in the Dominion Legislature, such a motion was never made until the ad Mr. BLAKE said that if the motion was pressed there would be no opportunity of considering the names. It would be boetter to let the matter stand over till to--morrow. CORRECTION OF DIVI3ION LI3T. noey VUCuurmn CC s 410 0_ _ s ar 6 yxp_____ "" uqy o 7 Te EC oLE SH the issue fairly. He hoped the House would . Slected 'as an inde respect itself when it saw that Hor #O0% to give the é-o;'me;?am M.lj):-ty'l Minister did not know how | gition, to respect his (L;m: chsers.). Dr. CLARKE--Hear, hear, _ Hon. Mr. WOOD sai at if the G>vern. _ Mr. MACKENZIE--It ; 4 men: were fairly defeated he would not. ment that is factious. 1t is e 0 object to vacate his seat,. I Ds MERNTY q t r d fan sc ns is sn ts en .. dRA Dr. CLARKE expressed his sorrow that Mr. McCall should misrepresent "glorlous old Norfolk," and soil his hands by doing the dirty work of a falling administration, (Cheers.) Mr. BOULTBEE said he would give the Government a fair trial He was in favour of deferringuthe debate until the vacant seats were filled. 4 The hour being midnight, Hon. J. S. MACDONALD moved adjournment of the debate, which he hoped would finish to-- morrow. j dently a settled purpose to adjourn. _ ,, Mr. GOW ridiculed the argument of the dently a settled purpose to ad]ounf. t Government that the House S':uld do noth. Mr. BOULTE@ moved the "'10"""""1': ing until the vacant seats were filled. If of the House, _ The motion was seconded by they could not deal with the amendment of Mr. Graham, West Hastings. Mr. Blake, it would be better for them to The motion wis then gut to the House ': home. (Hear, hear.) The arfiument of and lost. Yeas 33, nays 35. the Government was a most absurd proposi-- Mr. CUMBERLAND movel the adjourn.-- tion; it declared their weakness and showed t {iinne Ee uect Mr. BLAKE said after the vote that had Pirotesy 4. o [ whottant. o MMerdthcag just been taken, if the Government mu to The country had complained not only to adjourn the debate, it would be as we ef the block sum n:g a million and adjourn the House _ tooq ®:Balf of dollars placed at the disposal of the Mr. McKELLAR said he had '""";' pat, Dovernment, but had also complained of the the Attorney--General to say that the °u t fact that the Government had been given would close to--morrow. It would be well t: discretionary tllgwer over every public work settle that question nowi},ON saldawhst ith ]c'xocnot;go:xfi tbi pa.s:h four years. (Cheers ) C. CAME what th! The ition, when they protested against At%)ortey%enenl said was,that he hopod th this state of things, were voted down ; but debats would close to--morrow. when th'ey. went to the country the Ministry SECOND PARLIAMNT----FiR;T Ssss103 # derstood 2 N* 7+ YVH@IS p'aced at the disposal of the Mr, McKELLAR said he had un °;' pat, Dovernment, but had alzo complained of the the Attorney--General to say that the o ;. lact that the Government had been given would close to--morrow. It would be well t: discretionary mgmer over every public work settle that question nowi},ON seidsirirat ith ?momuo tbia1 pas:h four years. (Cheers ) M. C. CAME what to! The ition, when ey protested against Ag::,'ey.General said was,that he hopod th this state of things, were voted down ; but debate would close to--morrow. when they went to the country the Ministt&y Mr. BLAKE said it might be understoo were voted down. (Applause.) The amend-- that 'u far as the{Government could do t ment of Mr. Bl;kg was to the effect that no io.s the dobate, it would close to--morrow. money shouldbegivenaway without thesans-- close SAC EilL AND did not wish an; tion of the House. 'The house had no right to Mr. ou ABER * abdicate its duties in that respect, and hand pledge to be ma.~"* _ 12415 them over to the Government. The Govern-- The House then adjo mrned at 12:15, ment had no right to usurp power as they c se had usurped it in respect to the distribution k ns MOTIO N of the public fands, He was not afraid of NOTICES OF *" a vote of the House on this subject. If th P osesbai it is es House took ths question of distribution of Mr. Blake--Resolution--"That iggr the funds into its own haunds, it would effec-- pedient to provide that no nOW Y°E!!!T 4) q prevent log rolling. But even log-- office shall be established under the Acs 1« rolling was a lesser evil than the system specting the establishment of Registry OM# adopted bfilthe Government. which was this in Ridings, unless a majority of the Reeve _--* wo w help them that help us." (Ap-- af tha inninr ennntso Ar riding AFa malinrit cw.__0 w o arlaai«to x+ t ereof."" 4 o for th Parliament of Ontaricisy, * 1 410VuUBU0 LVOVUKL LHS UGL 1 1 i wiae 2 wecity that ay mow regisw Phe funds into its own hands, it would ofso pedient to pr 1 t 19 ) k revent 1 ing, L office shall be established under the Acs _1 rolling l:," 2 le:ige:()lelglg th?x';tthe:en ll °§n specting the establishment of Registry Of® adopted by the Government, which was this in Ridings, unless a majority of the Reev© _® w wil help them that help us." (Ap-- of the junior county or riding, oOr & majorit plauge ) N pthing -- could be more Cofrant of the '('1""&'"" of ;h'.' C'm;"'l of :l;:ii:ll:y !! than that principle; yet it was one on wh.igh terested therein desire the esta ®8 the Government -- had thereof." Sor the last faur voara * 'l"l::ow\.?(.ialy.._fi.(it_id ~ that policy, He was satisfied that upon that 410, as be had declared himself in favour of solicy the Government had lost thg or;::g'g the Government railway golicy. That t dence of the courtry and of the House too S¢Btléeman he thought should not complain With regard to the amendment of the mom; of friends of the Government attempting to . ber for South Norfolk. he believed the effect POF84@de him to support them, because of it would be to stifle discussion and pre| that gentleman bad stated that the Opposi-- , yent legislation. He hoped the discussior' 102 would give him as much as the Govern-- ; would not be continued long. He wa; M®Dt. , anxious for the division to take plazo, an Mr, ROBINSGN denied the statement, _ the result was not doubtful. and demanded the proof. a Mr. WOOD (South Victoria) said tha{ , Mr. PEACON said that hon. gentleman ; when the Government brou ght their Addraea| 224 told him that he had received as liberal ; before the House they must have done so i Eromises in favour of the railway from the , order to obtain not only the opinion but th POP. _ member for West Middlesex as from decizsion of the House upor it. (Hear, hear,| the Government. Theredore, it was certainly competent forthe -- Mr. MACKENZIE remarked that as his , House to declare their decision in the form name had been mentioned he would say that l ef any amendment of the Address that they in the speech he had made at Kingston last ehose to pass. He would, therefore, oppose spring, the hon. gentloman would find a de-- the amerdment of the member for South cfaration in favour of aid to railways by Norfolk. (Hear, hear.) vote}a(l of public money. '.I'hof honh member Mr. SCOTT (North Grey) tho & for Kingston had no promise from him more to himself to define his pozi)tion :ng l:lgelfp(li:: ob o d on imiscogus eiv is Aubing kion before the House. _ He was of opinion , Mr. PEACON said the hon. gentleman that the amendment of the member for South »24 gutlcnlarly referred to the Kingston Bruce was out of order. _ It in reality pro. 204 Pembroke Railway as specially desery. posed to repeal the act of last session, and 1P€ Of #id. therefore should have been introduced in the Mr. MACKENZIE--And I say so still. :grm of a bill. _ He referred to the aid that Mr, ROBINSON said that when gentle-- e country had.qwex_xto the Grand Truck, men on the Government side had button-- ;:d he thqngll:lt in view of fhat it was not holed him for his vote hehad told them he was '. s ?m:;t .Br member for E--sex %o oppose not afraid but that gentlemen on the Oppo-- | (Ounties y8 running north into the new sition side would do as much for railways as | U Pi{INC 'the RG:;fernment.h ,fic&?é)h'fi::um:?b:; ' & s E wished to corr 5 for rew wis to ; im o | impression that some members eiee:::gozg trouble by getting him into trouble. That | have. There seemed to be an impreuioo gentleman was an Independent member of | in the minds of some that the Grand Irau the House till he got his brother appointed | xe:_g thrfngh the county of Essex, whey,.,, Police Magistrate of Brockville. | wisd --.-vvvv"' CV GICB for the last fou:!ears. They bhad unblash-- lnfily proclaimed that they were there to h %'thoae that helped thero. (Hear, hear.) Me had only lately seen the illustration of this princ':l%l&in tAhg remarks of a certain per-- anmarin__ 6t uks ALEB wuses ! Mhe Lo c ns Abiae & in W pPedntet ~Aptrainbabtracdilis. a a..> £) 10 Was in favour of making the Ednoatioiynl Depart. ment a department of the Government, and of having a Minister to take charge of it. He went on to argue in favour of the estab-- lishment of an agricultural college, and of assimilation of the courts of law and equity. the ent Reformer, and th. (?rovom. oppo + It now being six o'cloc's, the House rose for recess. Mr. MONTEITH defended the railway policy of the Government, and said he would support the amendment of the mem» ber for Nporfolk. Mr, MACKENZIE said if the hon. gen-- tleman objected to the language, he could move that the words be taken :i%wn, but he must do so before any other member rose. In connection with this, he would ask if it was right for gentlemen opposite to detail private conversations to the Boule? (Hear, hear.) Mr., H. 8. MACDONALD rose to a point of order, He wished to know if such lan. guage was allowable in the House. : Csclisnl ce oA 00. posing the amendment of the mem 'ber for South Bruce. -- Railway enterprises nad been begun on the strength of the Act of last session, and it would not be fair to these enterprises to adopt this amendment 'which he contended must be followed by a repeal of the Act. He was surprised at the member for Kingston taking the course he aid, as he had declared himself in favour of the Government railway golicy. That gentleman he thought should not complain of friends of the Government attempting to persuade him to support them, because that gentleman bad stated that the Opposi. tion would give him as much as the Govern-- ment. t d c s c 0 OWlfract aff sPm0 -- Wiat ' was the meaning -- of placing -- this | train at the disposal of the Com nissioner of ' Public Works ? (Applause.) Did the Com. | missioner pay the expenses out of his own pocket? or out of the funds of the Province? or wouldthe sharahaliAnven nE kh .. _ _1 _TF*" Hon, Mr. CARLING said the townships of Hay and Stephens had through their Councils asked the Government to make the survey 8. or would the shareholders of the company have to pay them ? (Hear, hear.) His (Mr. Gibbon's) son was asked to vote a ainst the Brown candidate. He said he hag no vote ; and then he was asked to use bis influence As to the action of the Grand Trunk in the town of Goderich, he would remark that fifteen of its employees had promised to votefor him, but only one had the courage to do so, They said that it was as much as their situa-- tions were worth to vote for him (Hear, hear.) Still he had 130 of a majority in the town of Goderich. (Cheers ) It would be well that the English shareholders should knew that coercion was used upon the em-- pltgees of the company. (Hear, hear.) It had cost the country sixteen millions, and should be kept free from the influences of any party. (Applause.) The mananer in which it had acted, would certainly justify -- the introduction of the ballot He then proceeded to speak of the drainage Act. As he understood it, no work was to be done until the municipalities petitioned for it Butin the course of his canvass he found the Government had employed sur-- veyors to survey for drains in the townships of Hay, Stephens, and he thought Stanley also, although those municipalitiee had steadily refused to petition that the work be done. His opponent stated on the hust irgs that if the municipalities did not ask for the work to be done they would have to pay the expenses of the surveys that had been made. This was done, no doubs, to create political influence; but it failed in its object. If he was wrong in his statements he would be glad to be corrected by the Commissioner of Public Works. J Ars s. . 30 _ "o _ bf CCEGHEs S G0EL when the late in mber for that constita=ncy came back, he was asked how it came that he voted to piace a large aum of money at the disposal of the Executive. He replied that he voted ju--t what ho thought was right.. Bat the people were not Satistied ; they did not wish to see money placed a> the disposal of the Executive, and not know how it was to be expended. So the late membor was clecteal in .¥ta« 21 3 ___ _ "BP + Goverrment, {the lae Government he calted it,) an 6 con pumected the late Yoorunis dy aer n C)an m es o pol hla m]u:iuistrg'i,n of that departimect _ He hoped the friends af ikha« r1. Ta "TIa" a y the Governu ut weo uiu 'on') W' 'ppcs;f hin Mr., MBLCON of South Haron, said that 1 oi]y to su * To th e

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