The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 11 Dec 1871, p. 3

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|| C hib e 3 . i4~ We L. )! Py\ s i $0 04 e P¥ ©>, iB tXE . h R t ® 7 4 . % YR I_' [ 76 ment said, not being able to taKke LDAL VIUW of the subject that it would be surrender-- ing the conscience of the Government-- that they were not in a position to do so, but would dea' with the surplus at another time. Did the hon. gentleman mean to tell them that at that time the Goverament proposed io deal with the surplus until the question was fina'ly settled? If he did so understand it, he ( Mr: Cameroun) could only say that the hon. gent.'ema.n had misunder-- stood th<m it bad not been the intention of the Government to deal-- with that ques-- tion until they knew what money they had gentleman had ventured on that s;ii;"~1;r v'\'; o fikt P OPDOSit--ion---s.K:;ul&' "Wring without knowing anything about the facts down a policy. That was not th bring A e d (Hieag,r, bear.) From the haod of the aq :_gek?f position whose province was ll'l:tyh:: miaistration nothing more than justic. p °L Whtchful supervision o could be exnerted i1 arag laft 6. .1 J PUIC)5 acts Of thG OGovern.,. .. 4 ""/@°VH~ OVEL the oa1 to i3 it to the d electi 8UL fully 8A8U1 anyra idere tion a dist t w ma(i'.k' apprd pudia i th in anj prov and n are if positic & put cals nad passed--and Quebec's exchoquer came to the House to obtain its edml';?'i%" ¥va.s deplelt)ed. It thi:? Governm nt.e(l had how much time would be i)ccupl,h uld pef ROt procrastinated this cifficulty woald consideration of which rei wayi rigw n have been avoided. His opposition to thr: entitled to it, and when a solution ('1"'9 i% Government was based upon the belief rived at would it be any better a t"gf [Q] that it bad not in it the clements which a iban that which the Governmen "% (Government ought to possess. It had not have come to? When the Governmen : initiated any valuable measures, but had done a wrong thing it would be ','":g pe} merély carried out the hints of the Oppo-- complain of it. _ If the question lg!ge p | Sition. The Nova Scotia resolutions wero settied in Parliament there wou bold a specimen of this. _ J udging the Govern stituencies bringiog their i"fl"'?fi.c" t 5EA mnong by its acts he believed be would upon the Government from di l:'l' Cu D 207| never have any doubis as to his correctness tions of the country; that is the way in| ; having voted for the motion of the hov. | which it would be done. Hon. gentleme M momhon Pn Dhose -- (Cth namsy id that the Government has bronght fors, . Mr, CUMBERLAND said he begred to ¥% h )licy, but it did not appear that tender a welcome to the Chamber to the (4e. lwdg(rs of the Opposition had any | 109. member for West Toronto in however (htl', eflto place before the House;| questionable compary he might find bim, poiICY it was obvious that thej ind to gympathme wich l'}(n in the labor therefore i 1 f a factious| pa, terrible labor, he had Jist usdergone (Opposition was entirely o Neflning Lis Doritio At the chiset be 'mre (Hear, here.) -- There was not &) in defining his position. P n cred :um»m in that House who did m}t fetisl hi hat| is mligl(llt n:wg oc}:e(x; oflh:;[;f-l} h':lrméslf:;h the Government would deal justly with tue| 1ig leader, the n Acelicih aidy uns + se the individuals| 3ruce, and then ht'. e O oA se of inodiguse weseioe h io |rupport ,-- of 12. "Go "Yar o + 4 s hon. gentléemen| oywards _ which, _ an( ( bet nud guaiglixdforwlgd':id if t.lgs Govern--! 1e has peculiar associations. It was i :ll:en(x);::\ll.r'es 3ere good, and that if the | mly natural that the pr(ssu'ne! leader of g'fvernmrm went astray, those who sup-- the Government th;u 1.-: ts:' (.;.s.f"z]s:g»\'vxhlb ;fin ported it would soon cease to do80, and the | 'mive the praise of t nos 'lwiz o onl first act of injustice on the part of the GOYV-- RMiyoryg to come, esp: Clally feupawell exoite erament woulid be meitlzy :;sbgr::gs:ttgg 're prgmxsgds us'?" s3 |('p'tll'; o srenbooe ug Mo well as its 0 ponenm_ 19 ne nralso 0 ; in g * 4 that at the operimegof the seasion we are to gor Werk Toronto. . And 9 mitl, Te 1 in A $ : ie me;:i(;hslvlb?cllex lg:smge:n brought against ','j,fdg,'mfino couiu wouuer thai the bon. u'x»f}osl revious se sions, instead of there b6--| nomner for West Toronto shou'd have a :x:uu; %:wrn'i""'i m on their part to aid the) good word to say for ii hav ng rufere%ce dovernment in carrying on the aftairs of, 0 that fact, and the pecuniary lsg{:'p(p;l;)t"k()sl)' the country until they can develope abeta' which he is indebted to it ponee Anigue ter policy; and when they can do that anis: oasted on his first appe u.t, l;vmch wA show that the welfare of the COllntll'Vb Legisliature on the Sup?l(:r-(". c rogsadl their object, the Government would aad received during his t« eo ufx%t o adror quite prepared to make way for them. partiecs. He forgot to state ;v.u Tor It being 6 o'clock the House rose. <tates, that there wal;s N:- '{' £0' "h :egi";)t Lt)o snemnntammnnecometate@Ggpanem n aieaamanms s 6 ; Dartics ; & & AFTER ®soesg. '.mi:'il'?"?tf;mg: * ,_;..r),_._.-.v.., a _ radical At a quarter to cight the debate was 1 'gl- dctermined | n Grit as | the enmed. railway extension in the same seciion of the couniry it was not possible that buth should receive the aid, and it would be for the Government to decide which was en-- titled to it. -- Only one could could get it, and that was wha .the, law contemplated The Government had very little pow under the Act to deal with the money in any way, its discretion being completel lunited. Suppose that hali--a--dozen raiiy-| ways are seeking aid and that Government| on we are t0| for West Toronto. And so with regard to of factious thgq journal to which reference had been ught a.gamst' urnde. -- Wao coliu wouuer that the Lbon. of there b8--! member for West Toronto shou'd have a art to aid the| good word to say for ii havy ng reference ,',E?;:{*,'j':gf' <o that fact, and the pecuniary support for vuUy U«TCaL Government of Ontai e & tarlo w for Buthwell was unseated in his leader. g)r the unfortunate conseqe;:ngpoarmwbnl: ship to make a change, and may be the from the settlement of the arbitration ques-- | 'US® would soon see that hon. member on. If they had exercised the same dili-- | Z!VP%, YAY 9 the member for Middlesex, gence during the first fow years of their The Opgosition leadership had changed gfe;?; that they had done just before the | "°" sration of language and amiab%lty d uin ins,t & great deal of the subsequent for intellectual arrogance--moderation of Thep Ca ;ont would have been avoideqa.|Speech for the porson balm of conceit. Ontamrio 4 3 the whole diffculty was that Phey had changed the real people's demo-- foars Lad ad a full treasury after the four | 4M sympathy for arrogaut bearing. T ag denlel:agsed--and- Quebec's exchoquer | IP® hon. member for Bothwell had not prdcra.:u. If this Governm nt had |° MB' gud a« . nathnd _ thst NaTS been av 3-?;0(1 this cifficulty wouald conciliated the support of his opponent ; Government ided. His opposition to th. | tie member for Bruce hed a manner and a that it beaog tvqus. based upon the beliet | method that could not fail to reject the i overnmicnt 'oumh" the clemcnts which & | suppurt of anybody. _-- These--were the initiated an vg' t 't? possess. _ It had no; f changes on the otheér side of the House. It: olg VC NuY Fatuable measures, but had had lost a leader who might have led nerely carried out the hints of t} them to victory for one who w sition. The Nova Scotia re: he Oppo-- *3 No o would ever & Specimen of thi ia resolutions wer, | keep them where they were. The ques» w w by) $ ,:,. txg. § Judging the Govern [ 4OR of the surplus had come under the never kA¥6 anv\dfn '? believed be woul; | criticism of the hon. member. . He had in having voted f l:l: as ;0 his correotness 1| condemned the rolling ug of a surplus and mameiin's, ic snrparindho ':"E\A-Dliun of the hop. ;| be condemned the spending of it. What _ Mr. CUMBERLAND said he be under Heaven were these poor Ministers to a 1 geed to A *ender a welcome to the Chamber to the do? They were bound to be condemned 109. member for West Toronto in however no matter what they did, or how they did questionable compacy he might find bim it. In what a nice state would the affairs ~bho, terrible ].n,hur, he had juast i th*rg(mc the a'id to be gmwd to each railway. in defining his position. _ At the outset he How did tne hou. member who proposed is might have Deen expcocled, bespattered the amendment think that the House ris leader, the houn. m«mber for South would _ decide upon such & case Sruce, and then be fell to the as was prosented by taeCity of Boabycageon upport of _ a -- particular. _ journal (iaughter) through which thers were to owards3 which, _ and _ with ° which pass BIX railroads, _ Where Bobcaygeon e has peculiar _ associations. It was | * his geographical knowledge fadled to mly natural that the presumed jeader of remind him. (Laugeter.) No doubt Bob-- the Government that is to he, shoaid re-- caygeon was a most important place, per-- :eive the praise of those who follow him, | heps some of the hon, gentlemen OPK') site Favors to come, esp: clally 1: thew: fayorg | Would swallow Bobcaygeon whole and re promised so soon, inisht well excite | 8!VC ® subsidy to cach of the six lines he nrais> of such youns members s he other hon. members would, no doubt, for West Toronto. _ And so with regard to | desire to subsidise unly one line, Whata the journal to which reference had been field for debats was opened by the con-- unde. -- Wao coliu wouuer thas the bon. sideration of the question as to which one member for West Toronto showd have a [ 9f the six lines should be aided and which good word to say for ii hav ng refereunce five rejected _ Was it not likely that each o that fact, and the pecuniary support for of these six railroads wourd have mombers which he is indebted to it . He (Crooks) [ Of tb House specially interestel in them ? oasted on his first appearence in vae How exiravagant and reckless and wild a Legisliature on the support waich he uystoit of subsidy would & discussion in aad received during his election from all | MB Chamber lead to. An cxamole of partics. He forgot to state what rumor the _evils of the prop sed system <tates, that there was very good reason for have been afford=d in the case of the s{lect this support from al! parties ; he forgot to ing of the site for the Parliamentary bi 'ld. explain kow so-- thorongh a _ radical ings. Montreal, Toronto and yQ ut, . sgo _ determined a Grit as the fought for them, and nothing result ;e C ion meimber should have, us be said he cept the destruction of successive inis-- iad, received suppott from al! pariies; but tration until the matter was p'ac-'*d l ks the fact of this universal support gave a hands of _ tho executive ban:ln n colour an substance to the terrible accu-- compromise arrived _ at d T sations which were made as to the prac-- disadvantageous compromise itan t rices of that election. Hse (Cumberland) sucha system wers to be follnw"('la& o. thought it strango that the hon. member what would the hon. member for Ef ie for Bruce in moving his amendment should say? Would not he tight with / hamllwn have directed his attention solely to one the establishment of public w l,{t Ts w »biject, that of expenditure to ard railways. city he represents. He was m )J"c t: aF ig W hy net lay down the broad principle of say that the hon. members oz; :b' y of which his motion was the exponent; why the House were tree to exercise o fok not alt ick the old British system of execua-- rights, and felt the responsibilit nc tive responsibility; why not introduce the | UPO2 them of criticising alixoy t'tYmCh C o American system where the respon--ibility the Administration and the O Tok * is broadcast; why not attack the whole | YA° MOSt happy to believe {h[:'po o Bwans ystem for which the party he represents of the House, and aunu e "Hioge mad fought and some of them died--of members who had himong i vonl which executive responsibility is the very | ; heir _ support to tt?rw hn toundation? Was our Governmest go-- ing _ administration, thue exist. ing to be degraded into a sys em none who have signed a cast-iu-'e l es which, giving each member executiveres. | DON° whose word : were s > dinm i lige ponubxlxt{'. should send it broadcast over | theYy would not be believed strasied that 'he whole Houso--and what did that ?"xzepted by their party umiFWOul(l not bo mean ? It meant such a distribuiion as | !2 indelible iok and put im')lthw:u written would not make any individual fee} his reg. | POCKet 0f the leader of ThOHTIY ----tchowry pousibility--u system under which the peo-- --put there in order to Whp.tu;)ty l ere) ple cog#ai no: find who was responsible as a reminder to ever'y mfl --put there a system of giving and taking, a gy,,tem' such a pledge that his mi an who signed which is now illustrated at Alb ons do not bel ie ae S Nsaot New York. 1 Albany and Delong to himself--tha; h s . It was so convenient a thing pledged himself to implicit of se forgentlemen who, like the member for without the power of mplicit obedience Ssouth Bruce, so soon anticip-xte& of. | enot word ~that he hnqmmng on asinatt. fice, a convenient thing that he, and those | C A3S Fives up Lis hi ti? go i blinl--that associated with him, should shirk the res-- --that he f')rci-f"es'all gi'm in.dcpgndm)ce ponsibilitics happily pertaining to the oc. | °TCiS® Of Dersonal jadg M oo oi ie cupants of office now. But who was ' bimuself blindly to ,).,,,-';_'m..:m-nm"t he givea ing to play f:rom the other side the his party. (»'): y and the lexder of iD Uarnmang _5 i3 m . ; in C_ iL " HAXREU HELC Government of Ontario were responsible for the unfortunate consequences arising from the settlement of the arbitration ques-- tion. If they had exercised the same dili-- gence during the first fow years of their power that they had done just before the elections, a great deal of the subsequent complication would have been avoided. The secret of the whole diffculty was that Ontario had a full treasury after the four years 'Paq pagsed;--and Quebec's exchoquer intulitnl duitclicctnrag Arats dut c3 td 4540 14 Cb maAse~ A ' Mr, CUMBERLAND said he begsed to 'tender a welcome to the Cbhamber to the 109. member for West Toronto in however questionable compary he might find bim, ind to sympathise wich him in the l«abor bho, terrible !abor, he had just uscergone in defining his position. _ At the cutset he is might hauve Deen expcociled, bespattered ris leader, the hon. m«mber for South Bruce, and then be fell to the upport of _ _ a particuaular. _ journal owards3 which, and with which 1e has peculiar associations. It was mly natural that the presumed jeader of the Government that is to he, shoaid re-- 'eive the praise of those who follow him. Favors to come, esp: cially as thes: favors »re promised so soon, misht well excite he nrais» of such young members s he believing ;, 1 "% 1MB@mber for South Bruce, believing it to be inconsistent to beg as a | favor that which they should demand as a | right. -- The speech contained felicitation on the past, but little indeed was fore-- shadowed for the future. Hon. Mr. RICHARDg described the cir-- cumstances under which this fund had come into the hands of the Government. |. With regard to the award the remarks which had been m.,3, " "!"4 the remarks Dr. CLARKE, criticized Mr. Cumber-- land's speech in a tone of banter. He was glad to re--echo the allusions in the speech to the prosperity of the country which he attributed to the energy of the people and to Divine providence. There was a time when partiality allied to power im-- peded the progress of the country,a state of things which would even Justify rebellion. What was now wanted was a paternal legislation. The municipal laws were im-- perfect and required revision. At present they were paralyzed by debt. But there was not a word of this in the speech. No-- body could object to the proposal for the extension of our common schools. Another matter which required legislation was not mentioned in thespeech, and that was with relat}op to the power of Assessors in the municipalities of the townships. 'These men bhad great power in their hands, and should be men of honesty and reliability, but legislation was needed to secure this. With regard to the finances, he alluded to the change which had taken place since the time of the Confederation Act. As a man of the people he would support the amend-- fn?pt 9f t'h,e hOn. minmiuur EnwkllL2lll T o 00 0 en 46 TY CIALLb gainst the intersts of his constituents, but o had no fault to find with the other measures of the Government. (Hear, hear ) _ which the country attached more impor. nco than these. OHo was op-- osed to the _ railway policy f the '(}qvemmeng _because it went Mr. PRINCE after some marks ou the way in which the so far been manopolised by the 1 he had found that it was the : House that no . member sho; upor any voie of the House the purpose of moving thet it b but i6 did not appear tha; that been observed. S far he h zood deal of personalities & 20u4 of the House, but there wera 1 d oys U polised by the lawyers «:4 at t was the rale of ins member should reflcct of the House exeoept for ® BC s o m C A O & ing that it be recinded: iss UNaLt rile jpird far hq had heard a 0. _ i1nere was a ed to power im-- country,a state of Justify rebellion. was a paternal arout men? ow mattaw~ 2 matters ta e debate lhad jocular re-- Py 54 couid awar that 1 tion ' lem;i foun of t coul Co cou cip thal \ but Th the of Go ac sti m ci th bl th 0| I'l

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