"-__. ._..._ "was". - ' ' - " " -""" , " ". "ttrt Hoofsncdto I" 3ND " . t'l-M s Styx " -' trEg ' my in if: fairly. alloyed "can would I ikoteit " "I iniutmtiiGi Reformer. and Cam most. (the We Governlggutlm Ll?,,', 'rirr,',rst3.,MWilllllI ' '8 'v, . Ln " . L P. tthe "lamb" for the m itself when " I"? that Her , .0. to 81'. the amummt ' factions oPPo' it,) an tt (on p-Imsuttd the late IJoatudn,ioa,,t. (itiiil' 'i'i'rit':i'ift'IM, ' E 2 I" a. . e remarks o r for Was ttnet inilter did not know bowl Muon. on Crown ha, ctt n 'tt laid aelusiuitstrwirn of i, ' 3'34: t a. replkd to trom d the mambo tthe Majelty'l ll . . l P . . l " North Norfolk, an ceeilcd to speak o] r. to respect his Whom (Loud thaera.)( Dr. tlromir--mar, hear. . that drpavhnmt ue but"! the frieads of " - . r're e " Toronto. It":":',',','.?.',!,',",:':.'); thatthe 1'l"d El n. Mr WOOD said that it the Gwerm' In. #ApreNimisLrt is the Govern. theGomnmm mum lady to that sup- _ l . Scott Pye, ","li,r/1Cfi,eltlry' w." that H out) were. fairly defeated he would not, least that is factions. Tmet, , ', . sal opinion tn id be brought to Waldo" eon "boot to vacate his seat. f Dr. HOCALL went on to lay that be w" Mr. Cl HELIX of South Iraron, said that I . I murderers to','/1 shameful HY1. outage" o J CLARKE earpretmsd his Sorrow that not "aptrtnan. "a to 'peak of the evils What the late us mUrtor that constituency __ . _ I , oonsiderod legt'inivo of Her Mtjef.r shawl Dr. cCall should mph..." '!giorloms af ism. m milled the Government came back, he was kind how it came that . l lil), that . reproo tionhe held by shaking lo Mr. M 1k n d soil his hands by doing to: ttt conduct in the matter of he voted to place a large sum of money at A, - _ it ( diyptty"ht?ot.1,.' was guilty t.rt.t1u' bloc hi old Eo.rfo , an! fallin administration the mrard between Ontario and Quebec the disposal of the Executive. m replied -' ls, 5 "gift l with the Y,',ld.i"liv, WIS of Opinion "18:35.; the dirty work Ot . g . ht condemned the working of the iiiiiiiil that he voted just what ho thought was "l t it; o' . an innOcentm hm place, in which to (Cheers) . . Bill. m said that the Provincial Board of right. But the people were not ayautitsd.,. r t . I j, l House wturaprl d if the Ottawa Govern Mr. BOULTBEE said he would give the hblicInst ct' tsid th of they did not wish to see monev placed a' _ . . , this matter up, a.? t that would be u G vernmentafair trial He wasln favour "1 Ion W" on . 0 'tpower ' the'dis osal ofthe Ex tiv - d " _ . te, . did not do its du 3,. d to th o . b t til the "out the Government and of Parliament, and was .?P 4Nttt s, att no 00' . , . ment hi Home. With regar 1 d of deferrmgnthe de a ' un . 'callyan lr l naibls body m "at how tt was to be expended. So the late l b _, fault of t {isbefore' the House, he won f?,' seat! were ed. E favour of making the Educational Depart. member 'yfreleetesd to 'star at home. ( u. , , _ V amendmend suprort the Policy ofthe J The hour being midnight, Hon. J. S. meat a dspartment of the Government "d please.) Beorr. Gibbon ), wouldliketosay ' . ' .' Pose it, at!) L tte MACDONALD moved adjournment of the of ha I a Minister to take charge (if it. a word respecting that great corporation, the a vornmen- ALT (south Norfolk) regre 1fi: debate which he hoped would finish to. new ton toar sin favour of the ttatatr Grand Trunk, ard the way m Which it 1 IV hr C T f. South Bra2e shoa ' on go f had treated him. The Commissioner of ' b that the mam?" 3r ' bile eight tronguta monow. ' Hshment ot an agricultural college. and. o P bliss Worke--whot, br th h M Gib l have taken this "anon wled in the Home. Mr. BLAKE yg.ed, that the matter assimilation of the courts of law and equity. 1);!) t'iCLC',ll'l"'d gout; Hdroii air d , L moles were ,yyi1't.',,r",2nd"l,, amendment t should now be decided. Share was ov1- Mr. GOW ridiculed the argument of the 1oih,Plt',f. Aspecial train brought the - N l i He would therofore dently a "tthd PtrP0tKr to "an? t Government that the House could do noth. Commissioner on from Stratford to lloue. 1 ' the amenflment h " one.tenth of the 009- Mr. BOULTEK. moved the adjournmsn tpg until the vacant seats were filled. If rich, and he held two meetings there. Dar. . f ' "That. inasml"? Province remain at tit of tthonss. The motion was seconded by they could not deal with the amendment of ing this time the train was left to block up . , 3 . stituencies of to: d in this Home b: Mr. Graham, West Hastlngs. ME Blake, it would bcbetter for them to the mad. His (Mr. Gibbon's) son "a con- 3 f , l = tirco '"),P5,e,t""l,t the members elected The motion was then ut tothe House , home. (Hear, hear.) f1t,,tgr,tge trt doctor, and saw the whole circumstance. b ct reason of 51X o election having had d lost Yeas " nays sit _ t a Government was a most ab pmpw- (Hear, hear ) It was tstated that Mr. ' - at the .last; l Gred void, and a seventh an . ERL AND movei the adjourn. tion; it declared their weakness and showed Brydgee had never tried to influ. . p y h their elections leg," by reason of a double Mr. CUMB t that they were shrinking from defeat. (Ap- once elections. (A laugh.) But what I , . F - _ hating ba-come Pi,' b eason of the rear; . meat of the debs s. ad km.) A most important prt%tip1tririU was the moanin of laoin thi ' ( _ V l _ _ and an eighth, Y r . . , . E id after the vote that h , . . g P g 8 r . - ' "hm" t l eted thereto It 13 '1 Mr. BLAK sax . bed olved in Mr. Blake', amendment. train at the disposal of the Coin urasroner of , l nation of a mandate "(Ladder the, question just been taken, if tht Government unto The country had co lained not only l Public Works? (Applause.) Didtne Com. ' i r 1, rsrtyiicpt. furinf-Igrmnndmcnt till the mil to adjourn the debate, it would be as we of the block sum "3 a million and _ missioner pay the expenses out of his own _ F l 2 insult-id 11:.th'1fl'l'dmyv represented on the adjourn the House . tood a-half of dollars placed at the disposal of the ' pocket? or out of the funds of the Province? .' 3 l i_l I.), Strung; "rise " Mr. MCKELLAR traid he had 'ttttt fhtrerptnent, buf had also complained of the or would the shareholders of the company ' "a f. t I Cris,:' "I this f'/',C,','(, this was not an amen l. the AttomerAhmeral to say that the de fact that the Government had been given have to pay them? (Hear, hear.) His (Mr. .1 ' F l lsr. I in: ' /iirr,iirt". It Wis in fa,:t a, would close to-morrow. It would be W011 tp, 2g,','er,'argg over - public work Gibbon's) son was asked to vote a ainst the . z ' f 'h, ', rt my "C," f" 'i mm the debate up'm the! settle that question now. executedwr the past four you" (9tetrs l Brown candidate. m said he had no vote ; . ' t l '-'"'rf":'ih" -17 r,' .i"m;.~.n the wares; It ic't Hon. M. c. CAMERON said what th The Woodworker: they Newman" and then he was asked to use his itttlassnee , I .f ' -t't,"r ;', '.', y 3,.'.,t where it was. Att e .General said was,that.he hoped th, this state of things, were voted down l but A. to the action of the Grand Trunk in the _ e 3 ' I at?" (r m x " VI Hf!) n N U. D con-ten1 ', i tra',' goals! close to-morrow. when they mtttd to the country the "mist? town of Godcrich,hc would remark that 6fteen , a I l fill,» 'j.,,,' _?.. Cull Of the member I " KE id It might be tmderatotrt went voted down. (Applause) The amen - of its employees had ptom1%satovoteforhitn, T , l; "'3'" lit; ', is i; -lr, {Dianna if Mr, BLA t'l'lhl'dl,S)'sn'l; could do t mentof Mr. Blake was tothe effect that thtt but only one had the courage to do so. y, , Il t l "f" ,. "t '.', J.- ", tl p, 5 . y', mm". of tin" 'lot, as far bulls it would close tounormm 110110! 1hottl.dtmrivevrar without "1me They said that it was " much " their situa- ' I , .t _, . -,". _ ; ,. I. . , a} fill 'u' ' clots thsde . s id t wish aa,tiondf theHouse. 1r1tt?h.imsmha4norighuo tiond were worth to vote for him (Hear, , ' _ ' , A- v' i ' t Mr. trd?.ftullBJAND di no . abdicatc its duties in that respect, and hand hear.) Still he had 130 of a majority in the r _ ' _ _.' ' l pledge to be mail" tt Movertothe Government. The Govern. , town of Goderich. (Cheers) It would be ' " 3 Th House then adirumril at 12M. must had no right to usurp power " they well that the English shareholders should i y, d t but merely tt its con e had usurped it in respect to the distribution know that coercion was used upon the em- I l . we" meat, future Cl',! Chat b in; ------i----- of the public funds. m was not afraid of plo can of the company. (Hear, hour.) It w I' Bideration this; 'UIQ also postpo " tile can ' NOTICES OF MOTION. a vote of the Home on this subject. If th it"? cost the country sixteen millions, and ,, I . ' tile are fy the Address to which hi. - . House took the question of distribution of uhonldbe kept free from the iathusneet, of ' _ sidt.rat on o amendment. 1 k _-Resolution-Huh it ". " the funds into its own hands, it would eflcc- any party. (Applause) The manner. In , o i motion "a 1'l M)DONALD said the hon. w. :3 ice rovide that no 3°." tNist fully prevent log rolling. But "011 logo which it had Wed: would "mm " Bon. I B. . L hi o mica as pullenh 1t1od2'ltl'oil'i'l under the Aer n rolling was a lesser evil than the system justify the introduction of the baillot gont.lernanyould bring up u prop ' offiety a e bli hment of Registry Offiae adoptid b the Government. which was this He then proceeded to speak of the drainage '. a substanllVO lution: . . Ttttly the 8:12.. : majority of the Bee" _' We % help them that 'help us." (Ap- ' Act. As he understood. it, no work was to " a . ' The SPEAKER said it was quite compa- m Elaine-{0: county or riding, ora majorlt plausc.) Nothing could be more corrupt be done until the tm1nieipt1it.;iy' petitioned f I . , tent for any member to. move an aas.en.daysat of t 0 Jun bars of the Council of the city ll than that principle; yet it was one on which for it. But in the course of his canvass he I . 3 . to an amendment, and if it was crned' then of the mom . desire the establishmel the Government had avowedly acted found the Government had employed sur- ll, ' . _ the amendment " amended beoune a part tp,srttttd,,turein for the last four ears. They had 1tiiiiii) veyors to survey for drains in the townships il - ., , o! the original msaolution. m commend treof. . , . in 1y proclaimed that they were there to, of Hay, Stephens, and he thought 8tanley ' I r - the 3 irit ot the amendment to the amend. h r. ' also althou h those municipalities had ' q . p . . t M' Ci those that helped them. (Hear, ea , , g . u I id, was iiic'i tf In order, but it abound bc. ttMI only lately seen the illustration of steadily refused to petition that the work be I _ l l changed in form. by introducing it into the ----i-----. this Princl la in the remarks of accrtain per- done. Bis opponent. tted. on lu huatr % 4 l I, esdment oraddina it thereto. Bat the u . _ ' ir, hat if the mumcr alitles did not ask ' 3 7 am i . - Bone--- at did you do for the Govern rrgs t p , . . . l . amendment. s.shoyld have some connection SECOND nlltlMriiii-rmT SESSION mentt" (Laughter ) He condemned the for the work to be done they would ', . I ' , I MW the original "tsolution. . - . ---- - poverty of the Speech from the Throne, and have to pay the 0199313" ot the T,',',',") Stl l ' Mr. BLAKE pointed thet,'; it the . . said that ev y one must have remarked that had been made. This was .fat .rd,t'l iii 3 . aniendmcnt of the member for uth Norfolk The SPEAK ER took the chair at 3:30. it 22'llh1Nd great omission. Last year to acute political rt,1'1gtt'h,1, 'll/L' t meats . r was carried, it would have tobe added to ----_--. the Government distinctly pledged them itg object.' It he was 'T',", cted 't the , f ' the first paragraph of the address, and that PE't'ITtoNs P RE 3 ENTED selves when the railway Bill was up for dis he would be glad tu. w 001:0 Y ll f would make nonsense. . _ . cussion, that this session they would bring Commiauonef of Pub 0 or . a , n g hon. Mr. CAMERON argued that if the Mr. Maekenzie--From Edward Stone-u. aGire comprehensive salience. At that Hon, Mr. CARLING said the townships . .1 l p. '. i sec-ml amendment carried the first would house, of 8.ttathreor, for the Pun"! of "time he brought forward the claims of Gplt, of Hay and Stephens had through their i t - . 3 {all to the ground, and they would proceed Aet to Idmit him to the destree" of B A, his constituency, and argued that l.ta. claims Councils asked the Government to make the . , _ ', to the consideration of the Address. Mr. 1irtlyPr-Froy1 John John3toa and were of the very strongest, to I fair po: surveys. , ' , The SPEAKER said the amendment, if (others, of Hastings, for the repeal of cert no man of the distribution of the Municipal Mr. GIBBON said he had been informed l . . . T , . A ' clauses of the School Act. a Fund. (Hear, hear.) But yet not a k ow how It . . carried, would have to be ineorporated 1n . . . . . to the contrary. He wished to n l .h .» the original resolution. Mr. Wood ()Ptori?.)--li'yat Charles Rs, angle word in the speech tho? the ,f,ipiiolii, was that a special train ltd been placed by 3 Hon Mr CAMERON said the Object of It", of Ottawa, respecting his imprisonment tiers of the aurplua. . It was no c urged the Grand Trunk at the disposal of the hou , . _ . fer debt. . the Gavernment ""th to oat the money rntleman under the circumstances he de. ' _ l the mover of the second amendment was to into their pooh ts but it was charged inst g . l take the sense of the House as to whether it Mr. Springer: -From the Tor.onto German than that their bbject in securin 'lllfl'l'lf tailed. , , t was expedient to consider at this time the Benevolent Socnety hr the passingpf an Act trol of .0 large a sum of mono 'IS, to give Mr. DE ACON argued that though he '. a t i subject involved in the amendment of the of incorporation. them tronage was to brim, yrailway men would have opposed placing the control of , I l lumber for South Bruce. It the House de. Mr. Merrick-From John Watts and bungled 1min who Were {gave in politics the railway aid fund m.the hands of the ' it. o r l Adu) it was not expedient, then they would others, of Walford, for the opening of car. as ,rell as ii'iiifiri',' matters. That "a the executive, had he been in the House last al , , f [', gc, on with the Address. ain side lines. object of the Government in ttking onall 0c. session, the was dung? aim A"U2' f , . g Mr. ( "(All AM moved the adjournment of T r . r a oasions ' vote ot la 0 gum. of mane enhloc. pming 0 amen me . . . ' , - t ". theHouee. mm"? C0hrh'iiTa'EH. That 1... or... JK,';;,',','?; co... 'r, ite, tlt1,tihdt,i,ttr,ttg,Tt,t N l The SPEAKER said he was very positive mp.. J. s. MALDONALD moved b'h'tb: Ln,',',',,, by the country. More Govern. (,'l last 'l'ld'f1tna,tl it would not be fair to if ' ' ' that any Irtnrm'unent that was carried mast Special Committee of tlevyt mem a." 'ment supporters Ind lost their seats 'h ad t thi ndment 7 " , . _ e T , appointed to strike the Standmg Committees thro h th t lie Cr, throu oth r these enterprises to op is sure - A, he attached to the address. . . . ' M, P po , " gh any 0 . 'wluch he contended must be followed by a ' rl " t for' the session, tho Committee to consxst o. The ore it was pours? that, when the now1 [ , . . . Hon. J. s. MaCDoNALD took the mo. the Attorney-General Hon. Mr. Carling. 11 th first t it sh aid be repeal of the Act. He was surprised " the r, , , i :ion from the hands of the speaker, and said Messrs McKellar Blake Cranks Wood. "tangent the d ". 9PM); Ill, I, o 0 member for Kingston taking the course he i . Jt'i,1i, , I he lilé'llghc It could be changed " a. to be Wictoris ) iiJiiirr't d-iiiGiui," Patrice, Me. t't',7lo'l'dr. E', 'l1'i"2'ldt'itd tgatgupa:nnt%81 aid, " he had deck"? him'elf 11in .""Tct i ,tal! ll ; t iIItrt er. , ' . 'wa olitt . 'Ail - " J .. " ., Call and Dr. Boulter. tet, the Government had lost the eonfii the Government ran y y . l ar':lt i f Mr. MACE" ENZIE "Th9 hon gentleman Mr. BLAKE called attention to the fact once of the country and of the House too 'tttet: hzhmaughmgzédhtgggogéfig i g 'lil; ' Jan best get, r:d of the difficulty by voting hat notice should be given ,t this motion With regard to the amendment of the mom 0 en I H. e o th 1:, ' l _ Illl it V I ' 'he amndmn: down. We are quite ready . bar for South Norfolk he believed the effect persuade him to Irupport em, sense i ' ' , " l to, that. (Cheers and laughter.) Hon. J. S. MACDONALD said he was fol. f it Id be t iiii di . . d that gentleman had stated that the oppod. l t " . . owing . constant practiea. 0 won . 0 a I a Mc'uimon -m ll" ,tion would give him as much as the Govern. _', Ft r ,. Hon. J. Y. MACDONALD hiaving changed KE . d h t if th tl as vent legislation. He hoped the diaeuiiiio t . '5L.l . pile amendment of the member for South Mr. BLA tutr t a 0 mil"; w ,would not be continued long. He wa ,men . . t (IE; - Norfolk, handed it to the Speaker. pressed there would be no oppor ant y o anxious for the division to take place and Mr. ROBINSON denied the sta.ement, I K' , , s , ' considermg the names. It would be better th it t l btf l , and demandedthe proof. 5 ' r.' l dt M15" ifidei-d suppose fthe lt to let the matter stand over till to-morrow. elm'uwygnno ( l"tl, :7 Mr BEACON said that hon gentleman ( u . g emen at, Bpower O a torus ram t c . . Mr. ) Soot Mori id th . . - . . I' . __ " hon. member for South Norfolky to act for I Pt; J. 8. 'fc)fee,Ph'd2t,1,tgie,,tie when the Governincnt brought thbirliddre: had told hm that with? receiived 't'dh"e . ' _ f l ' him. (Cheers and laughter.) left," thee aislecetigii of names 'li was before the House they must have done soi promises tda1"ts1,,,'i, Idtlll2',', " from . ' I il I s ' ' Hon. J. N. MACDONALD said that Mr. aim 1 his intention to call a meeting of the ordcrto obtain not only the opinion but th upnbmem but". i i f, Blaktc if?" not have the ghost of a chance 2t,'ll,ul, mentioned in his motion, in order tget, of the Hons: uplon it. (Eleat'fholh 'il,' 1vl1"l'lli,1,zn, remarked that a his , ' , m a L mm. . . actors I was cor am ycompe on or . ' " . 'i"' Mr. 3:, K JiN VIE . , to "lect the standing committee: House to declare their decision in the form name had been mentioned he w,oy.1d say that ._ . ".. " 'd .trtil that he wat, not Mr. MACKENZIE said he did not know f dm t fth Addr th t h inthe speech he had made at; Kingston Iaat i , , , urn-r1 in; ut the tactics of the gentleman op- the notice in this House bat in the old . any amen 'll o ll' h ess . t ey . rin the hon antlemm would find a de. - ' , irosrte.. i "l" years' experience had shown J'lr1l'a',,t','n't and in the Domixiion Legislature ehoao to p "t 6 won , t erefom' oppose I 1% . 'lid',',') of aid to railwe by i i '. histncliuy and want of "a!etunarypip. m such a motion was never made until the ad, l1l1tt.attf,, (high; member for South :01]; 'ttn JU,' money. The hon member f Ii ' l had also for atair stand up tight. The dress passed; and invariably notice was . , . for Kingston had no promise from him more . 1 Biliary had challenged him to that ti.gh.t. _ given of the names to be proposed. Mr. SCOTT (North Grey) .thought it due than w" contained in that speech. ' t i _ t if. 13 re "eye 0ccats1on when a.puus Hon. J. s MACDONALD said he made to himself to define ha position on the (New Mr BEACON "is the hon. gentleman r t er s .u (the prepared to do battle, it was . rd tof ilit tebusiness tion before the House. m was of opinion . l 1 f r d to the Kingston - on the Ad (him. He defied the Attorney. the motion m 0 er 'f'". . . that the amendment of the member for South had pardon ar y rt, or e id11 doserv. i c. ' . General to show him a case in which any Mr. BLAKE "id that 1f.the motion was Bruce was out of order. It in reality pro. 'and embroke Rial", " spec: y l Unvgf'blusnt (Lighted to a fair ands uaro merely to strike the standing committees, posed to repeal the act of last session, and mg of aid. . l ' w" cn the Adthests. (Cheers) The Ilouse he would not offer further obicetion. therefore should have been introduced in the Mr. MACKENMB--And I say " "In , . 'tci "gm"?! had duo confidence in The motion then passed. ttst, of a bill]; 1 He referred to the aid that Mr. ROBINSON said ttttf, lt? g'it,1,t l . 5' . . _ , l " : Us emanan his G . - , ' f . scount ai Vivento the G d th Governmen tt "i r. ' they be le "Willem iti'ra,Qrt'ire,h'i.; Mr. 913"" (("xrenvilltr) ro" to intro. and 'll'("ll7dl11/i view of thiilit 2y,ti, 'fo'f,d'lL't'n12v/2, httadtoldthentywar; / .1 I v' den" of, it" people, and they were prepared since a ttill, when . becoming in the member for Essex to oppose not afraid but that gentlemen on ti" oppo. f l a Ilk " . to prove it tonight (Cheers ) The Attor- Mr. SPE "(ER "id " w" ttauemsl to MV aid to railways running north into the new sition side would do as much for railway. " 2 , . i " it" _ . may-General desired an adjournment . d troduoc bills before the Address was disposed counties. the Government. (Cheer-s.) The member . . g 'd ~ : s, that during the interval he might 1'dll all if; u, . '10;- Renfrew wished to got himself out of 3 i ' , the Bill to suit his own par a" "who r iHOR LIST . Mr. PRINCE wished to correct a wrong t blob stting him into trouble. That ; - _ t the power to do so. po . e 't CORRECTION OF DI\ I . _ . mprculon that some members seemed to 2ll'lll',,'l,', Eras an Indgpgndont member of l . 'fi [ Hon J. S. MACDO'IAI D . . Mr. FAREWELL called attention to tle have. There seemed to be an impression Eh. House till he got his brother appointed !' ' . you of that. ' g ---t W1 ll relieve M that his ntrne m" omitted from the dr in the minds of lame that the Grand trunk Police M im.te of Brookville, t . E , r, . t . . , . tt t f ht. m voted nay. went through the county of Essex, Whereas " to oint ', . _ . Mr. MNNKIE said that th viaion1its " n (l it did not go within sixt miles tit Mr B. s. MACDONALD "e " l . l General was fall of sympath th' Ahttorney Mr. SPEAKER directed the Clerk to'lu- - y o 1 . of order. m wished to know if such low _ ,' 1313s in the "pity the son-g" 38th: "if: sort the hon. gentleman's more on the list. "Mr. 181231? Cid,','",' (are? Western ran 811180 was movable in the House. . . . 0 man" m od. . . was a mun an i received ill Mr q . hon. sn- _ " _ had seen rtiri4iidltptu?diic,i,'iti'i'j, Arts DEBATE ON THEEDéDDRESS CON Besides, that biaii',,riiiiiii! aid from th Mr. Mg??? i',nl2"if,f2t',, he cguld , h ontadirect vote. Mr. Me in?!" with. TINU Municipal Loan and, and should not, "will fll1fd1ut, be taken as"), but h°l . F the event, said that it 'g did oscrlbmg Dr MoCALL (South Norfolk) resumed the obJeot to the new counties receiving some move a bef othermembsr rose. In! _ ' " _ man "mm brought meat to him ot th debate on the Address. He regretted the Public aid. With reference to the amend. must do." . ore anyh would " if it w" ' , . __, .. ttlt. The man mid that the . market for oral tone the debate had taken. It might pet, he thought it would be a breach of o.oeettr1on With this, gaite to detail private . ' . . died: :OI'(LObcen ie',tittpleiiiit Enid that he had allowed ht'tl, to be tlhtp,e, ,rt1'nttxp,e/ii,iii aid to repeal t,t,hd,tee,1g"tc,ht,tt.', (Hear, hear.) V s' l ,. gin on. ad .' id that e was s way 1 Ac . He th ttahtit . _ t ttil I the PM" iiiii'ily2R1ttti.,i, det Watt ttfat/thut',,,,',',': in" taken. m be better to leave the matter on." th, will; Mr. MONTEII'H defended tt gripe, f , " No amount of tricks Yeramsut, I 1 Ived in the of the Government as at scale s tpe Pt policy of the Government, an ' ..',', of u. " or P01hoone considered that the question ttFO p 'l , as L' It " 25, t of the mem. _ illEi part of the Attorney Gut," ry on the ndm t f the member for South Bruce left in the hands of the' Legislators tir r. would " port the amendmen , i a. l" "3 ' him from defeat. m (Mr. Helix?" "ye t ,t'll 'll""'),,',".,','?,',,','; that it should n.ot would be no end to log rolling. He, "has in be: for Nporfolk. ' . ' .irlli' k I ed the House would see through 'le9tott i he dealt with till all the esonatihterufum f,',',vgg lit";,.,,; 11lrg the.2c.u.§i.1;ewiv p, of 7-1... It now being " o'clock, the House to" ' , 45, _ . ' , ' , ' . were represented Inthe House. 'Rcferflggques on 1 he Newt stats Trtt'u", fi'lhz. for recess. ciid . , - ' 1,. r * . , - t lathe remarks oftho "will"! ttr., No - .= _,-' '; . J" ., - . . - = accai., - . Aerigurcrrv. . " _ ' ' . ~ .'.'.: a-.-;- T . . . 2...... ,.ci. .l ', '~j'>~, _" V . - r . '- . . .. - . - J t E is"; r', , y ". r, " T. . t"" rr L____, _r? d2GiEIri ip't7' " -- . ia'", ___ h" h a?