The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Dec 1871, p. 1

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member wWas deceliving his constituents who had seat him here to Support that|. | policy. Theose who were in favor of aid| _ being given to the railways must see that it | _ was necessary that aid should be giv@n; Bs in the most convenient and ex-- f | peditious manner. It would be yery / > important to &n enterpnje to be enahied o ues memenererrereeeeal , | to make its arrangements just at the time Lgfi'&&"{fié: S? 55@'&5%'&"' when the financial position of_such rail-- | e iY " way was advantageous to it. The railway Setbs h cal companies would_hbave to bring forward Becord _l artiament--Firs® Session, evidence to that House to obtain & charter' @ e oo en rerreay man ie ces iesns and would ask for aid. Then a certain Tagisbar, Déc. 14, 1871, amount would be bromised, and whcthert' The SPEAKERtook tt e chair at 8: the rallwag were constructed or not, that'"" * . P took t e chair at 8:3%0. . sum would be tied up for & length of time.|{ PEBTITIONS. "-- 120 I;xhe scheme lpropuse.;i )131" lgcsx.elonlw;as this,' Es Cfi nasino.seare nresented ' that mo railway should be entitled to re-- | g; oA I"'Ié'l'é';'i'fi :'Gi--els')xg;;%;fi n m ceive aid until it showed itself to be in a'po dn | Rallway . Company . praying that ar; sition with that aid to accomplish the work Xct may prse to conter ad ditigna% CorBor designed ; and then that promise of aid ate powers. PpOr w;';x:lldtfinable-g to x:lmli% a commencemient | . Mr. TOOLEY--From C w e work, an eir energies wens| smy on marennt" d oi oktanes fin ts aoee i en Drainage Act. ;3':)1"1"3)7 compax(xllez. had "zo qmt]il: to thaté . Also--for umenament to . . I se a second time, it might possibly [ -- Also praying for ann;':gr(')agywltl?; of t e mnfiyoighs w ingerests n nnenand the surplus. & PPA HI1SS! 4'1 sfspr;;ng up, wmgh mngiht counteract the ts gKe A P va eeling previously existing in their favor; sTANXDINXG ORDERS COMMITTER!| so that instead of encoura;gzing that kind of ATTY.--GEN. MACDONALD presente enterprise, it would be calculated to retard | the first report of the Special Committe and hinder it. If hon. gentlemen really appointed to choose the Nelect Committees wished to aid railway enterprises he did of the Session. The Reportsnusunced the rot thiak they would raise any absurd cor-- sclection of the Committes on Standing «titutional difficulty. No one could use Orders. that money except for the legitimate pur-- The report was adopted, | posos' ifitended' tlay b;he Lc(:lghlam{c, and not s o : ' one dellar coule so advanced unless in DESBATE ONX THE ADDRESS. --| accordance with the wishes of the people.{$ / = | _ Ion. Mr. CAMERON seid that it was Would any gentleman say that the honefil 9 not the intention of the Government t which the country would derive from these | _/ [ support the proposition of the hon. mem _1 railways V_voulg not beof more consequence ber for south Vietoria, (Mr. 8. 0. Wood)| than 'this $4,000 par mile* . The That resolution would in effect do what most that Any Government could by the resolution of the hon. member for any possibility do would be to favor ""e! South Bruce is intended to do, but it was l y on o 4 i Cl another, but proba-- | . not open to the objec lons taken to it by biy in such & case either enterprise would be | // the hon. gentleman. _ Under that resolu-..wm't'h more to the country than the angunt | tion he bhad ro doubt that legislation udvfm"d' But the péople through thci ' might take place which would offec; us Sonamseniedites would have every saie-- . object of the measure without affecting the guard that was necessary as to the proper interests of the railways alreagy under-- ms;")szj'l.Of the motey, : The HIney was ho 1 ~ 'taken. But the speech of the hon. member i en a L'I'e!y to he 1mpx:operly laid cut in the | for South Bruce furnished as strong argu-- hi ioh maiadnannnd s than in other cases. If a ; ments for the consideration of the House C P e dn fnrv'vargl' with exidento of , as it was possible to offer in favor of the mea\ns to accomplish it* work in supa _A ' legislation of last Sersion and against his manner as 10 #4089 556. Plaa in ine aid .. own resolution. The hon. gentleman had Coenn o br% Fould dare to refuse it the aid ° admitted that is was necessarty for the tfi ",'hld' it was entitled? He believed |. Government to recommend to the consid-- ':) e{fi ":fi';l,ld t'hus be more complete checks .. eration of this House aid for any particular nn e disposil of the money than under | --railway, (bear, hear,) therefore t*e initia-- tle oo stemfi)xo? Ose,d by the hon. member 4 ton of the matter must rest with the Gov-- \.cvt;blgg;hl :m,e, wlhhose obje(c s evidently y ernment. A particular point had been, gi4g ; e S,Thn embarass the Government, * made of the liability of the Government ll O(fatb the vores of those who were to be exposed to undue influence; but }()}sd,ge to oppose the railway p>"'cy of the cou'!d not that influence bse brought still fld;lemnfm.éxn hon. membsrad ii form-- nore strongly under the propose d system. st'* em that three of theunrepresented con-- If any Government was in a small majority 1;;161;0{15; 'Z}ew certain to sond up oppou-- in that House, and particular hon. mem-- fin o onl ]3 overnment,and that the other bers were anxious to obtain aid for some ;?.el '.fl.).u "pl;oba}) .ly : do_so, but he did not 1 particular scheme, they would endeavor to s N. ca Lo obtained that information do all that was possible to influence the 1286 LAL Comsion) said it was not #o; that Government in favor of the railway, a SAAAE HTouce. and tnan mmeronimuniiin w course which would be extremely detri-- inBeatatinmnn and that the Opposition wa. mental to the House. Bat it would rot Hamuvthe in PArecmice the peopic believs stop there. _ After the Government had (';..'w'f:.'glz,fr»',}.'crmn(nLhnd not the couflgenc: pronounced upon it, then a secondary Ey n ee He was an advocate for r influerce would be brought to beal {",;f,'.)..'.ff'l"j""l' according i0 population, upon members_ of the House. fol q";--;".?:l. 4 P(../Ons':r\'nt:':":, and thought i: the purpose of geiting their favor ~.:j~~_'att that bon. gentlemen should wish to so that there would be two opportunities Ir-",fc?""i so large a section of the poppnlatio for log --rolling instead of one. He had re d','.',fil n ono peeaname opinion on Thiq cor gretted to hear the narrow views expressec not of fhe fovyeaAimedis _ as to the duties of legislators by ths hon| . Mr. SLAKE rose to orser. | ie though gentleman, (Hear, hear, from Mr. Mac fic lj.n'r')';u'. was speaking to Mr kenzie) Did that hon. gentleman who had ; 'Call's ugncxt'.mnr.*nt, which had been re just checred recollect the course he ha JUC-']("' by the House, . taken before the Confederation Act, when ; ko CAMERON thought he was in order he denounced the policy of appropriation l'n rc;gx'r;x:; }n the '?-';l'u_'t('f. of the unrepre-- to the public works of Lower Canada. H y enani Mpeig en drnanmdnt when a reference to thought this was a very similar case, and i'a them was !"z('f".'t?tl!':\' to the argument. Th« Fhe hon gontlcmnn could seo any difierenc cnm?}lct QL 1the 'h:)n. g(:n'.':c.i.:m was not in the principle he must be more clear-- woriny of the leader of ihe Opposi!ion. sighted than he (}lr. Clameron)} was. He h:}f! referred to the smallness of the Sn MACKERRIR--ENO cosbt of IHCE Uogerninegn, Pat the 12 member_ of (La\mhter). ' lb'e (JL)'\'CI"."HL"I'I{, but the 1'g£x!'t-51f!1:~1{§._,:7; Hon. Mr. CAMERON continued--In th i of st})allVconst.uu::nc:us was entitled to as amendment of the hon. member for Soutlj eine . SS in that Hous«as any other. Victoria, it was stated that the sections of! }\_Ir: McKENZIE explained that he had the country to be chiefly benefitted by the ne: EME PA T TC . ntianed railway legislation of last session, contri M3 OCAMEBOE Cl ie h e $C0 Lo buted very largely to tho revenue of th pyekas the opposite side of the House country, and that if they receirel this su L'l:{lmCd 10 be political purists who desired in its entirety they would not be receivin }JL C nnNomen pemento suppose Thet the more than it bad contributed to the revenu Lon. gentlp men seemed to suppose that the of the country. _ He thought it intolerabl oo e it Wls deatt; Jnt Hit that the principle should be acknowledge (f).n]y o ie o e on o lay in the that counties should oppose grants nlest act that since confederation was brought | they received an cquivalent for every dol about}ney had ende:wnfcd tolose sight of | lar. Yet that must be the natural result 0 the ok} party h:\.(:.% of Reformer and Coa-- 'Lho doctrine now advanced. The hon servative, and t(r)'Judgc measures on prin-- member for Essex would see that bein ciple alonc.m With regard to the appoint-- | chosen by a constituency ho represente\' ments for o..xce.}nc Government had never } not that alone, but also occupied the posi considered whether a man was a Reformer | tion of trustee for the whole Province or a 9)1}&(:!'\'::!1\*0; the omy question was t | That bhon. member had referred to the cir whether"tro--was! M To entitled to it | cumstance , that _ the Great _ Wester 'Hc then prosceded to show | | Railway --had _ received aid; it magd """ tlm' hon. member for Bruce had ob-- [ no: dilfference in he argxxxf\ent tbaj wained (Amscrv:)'.g"e support in Bruce, and l the larger part _ of that _ mone referred to the Giobe of the 8th of February ) had been returned to the treasury. Thehon M d a o is nad appeared a long YOPO | member for South Bruce had shown <f.)f tl.xesp;ccc-.x of .thS}L hon. gentleman in rC-- | great deal of skill in his manipulation 0 erence io tho TAllW 99 policy covering fOUr | the case of the hon. member for Halton; columns, while the speeches of Mr. Wood | the term of politicsl Acrobaiics which ind and himself which followed had been con-- been applied to the hon. pre mier Avas :iensed L:nto a mere statement of their hay-- really more applicable to the hon. gentle-- 'D%fi.p %EXKF id that full EnAE men opposite. _ The Opposition P2d\ neared neXxt la P s ani fuiler ffDOTME 2D; brought out a candidate against the pre-- P e i n ('J}' o sent representative of Halton, but they Mr. CAMERON said that wasn't the now seemed to expect the support of that point. That inade no difference in the waY hon. member in a vote of non-oonfidtncu\ the case went before the County of Druct, in the Ministry®of the day, although the and the rest of the country, the people ; cireumstances remained e same. . :Aue[| of which . were led to believe that the leader of the pposition seldom desce:@-- arguments of the hon. member were UN*|* ed to anything practical, usually taking # answerable. 'Tho different peints of the | high sentimental view of questions. If case were not read side by side, nor alons | hon. gentlemen opposite were willing to with the editorial which appeared on rake the fAigures, they would find that the the subject. 'The paper went in to Win * country Rad not expressed disapprobation for its party--a party which believed and ' of this Government. The hon. mmeimber acted upon the principle that the end jus-- [ for Kingston had pledged himself to sup--( tifies the means. _He would make no cull" ! port the railway policy of the Govern-- plalgt_lfhe found the gentlemen oppos!!® ment, but the first thing they found was | confining themselves to truth and fact, but * that the hon.gentleman for South Bruce,;was| would willingly make way for them, DU! @ attacking that system, and the hon. nem-- there would be no satisfaction under pr°-- o ber from Kingston was approving of that| zz;mt circumstances in allowing these §CH| 'uttack. bust that hon. member appcared to | efi]en }? €oiile Over, mal y bave made a qualification that (hc Govern-- 1| vor r. BLAKE--I will go over by !9¢} Lt ment shoulgi fiot have the rgthht to deter-- l;: 'gA";;Eflouse. mine to which companies tho imoney |. + RON sai g ust what '0'1!@!'!'.?%!6'"_ In doing s that h.O'{ || he desired to ".Y,S?)lltllt u:gt!v;?)ii]flnember 5 ssm t l . is xlfi"e'}rto come over before the Rouse W# |-- \full. 'The Opposition chiefs knew (D4t}

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