. _ " ' cdthc facts Je-tor/err', n he y, - - " . . . '.. V ' tt miii,rr,ttw . - _ WOO ~-. 7 ""'. , B, V " . ' as: 3mm were HAY gm} 931123 Sufi)" i?a a the hon. member for South Victoria, and functions. he hon. Commissioner for [ve 2unqre . ousan ao a", a usurp» alll . _ f oveiiimcnt in]? were ii1i1Tlic'ihtl'priii-. had appealed to the cupidity of thusL Crown Lands had asked him to prodoet non fraught with danger to public liberty "'i'NlEl" ' ' - '4 I . . c, . . . ' , 1 '3' qN2 ll leaf: tht," an}. (7:031:31);th thought um if whom they represented to be entitled to precedents of details of estimates being re. and c0nstitutional government. " y . sail they (guild 1231?: I've: over here now they that m.oney. Mr. Cumberland continued quired to be p.rodyeef.betort Parliament, ATTL'GEN' MACDONALD in rising fu T. I Ci] :? 'Nl' f',,tti.R 4- would be allies to maintain their It renew of the political career ot the and he would refer him to the estimates to Speak. tsaid that he regretted that his s" , " Ir)":'.", [365". " position . Mir ' they would be ilon. member for South Bryce, but brought down by Lord Palmerston in re- VOICc was not strong enough to make him. Ft _ . . -' .1" (ea, ': H. 71:42! , 'liiG"ijiiiiin'ted The [Huge power so near no. BLAKE rose to order. ference to the fortitieationa of sell as d'srinctly heard as he would like. "is; .,er,!rrsaiii't't,o'" , f _ , (st'i,i)',,i,: - their grim} {.an SUI" from them, and he Ttge SPEAKER thought that it Was not Great Britain. m was surprised He would say at the outset that he did not 1ul _ _:4V~;.3.";,3_.,»1,s..;3 f" _rt,:r_i'l:iii',t'_'i, had ttO doubt that the majority of the nTetisary.to. go Pto these matters. at the 0ripia banquet to tind that object tto tree tone and manner in "Inch t:kiii'ii/1if'srtrRr,?trt, ' 3 r." 2" . it so It the p'rincipie were adopted that a the usual recess. to introduce politics, and he had promised House, nor did he complain much of the . , t .5 F _ iii7erniriiii," Wis not to be entrusted with ATTER REG" " to answer in his proper place the questions "Fume" in yhi.c.lt his own name had been 7 ii l '.. tht, ampusul of the public money, how Was ~s . there introduced. lie maintained that the referred to by him.. If the debates of the "tEl , . k the public scrvices of the country to bcl Mr. CUMBERLAND resptned,and duo Aft of 1319 did not involve any principle House were always carried Ot1 by every- . 1,'a' l i Carried on? How were school and other, ted some of the Globe's former opinions ot the kind now brought forward by the body ClieVin the same mtutin.er.tur.e would ----asitesv.:,.a,ars,retiis,,iidil Ii l appropriations to be carried out? The re- l about Mr. Barber. Governme.nt, and claiined that that act beless bickering and "termination than . -'.F '"1iii,j"C,'j"g.-ltlllll l solution as it had been advanced by the Mr. MACKENZIE raised a point of F?? more m 'yyo.rdane..e.wit,1,1 the principle had been Show on this occasron. Oi f A (r':.. rr'iii'iii',e's'?J,, i . hon member for South Victoria(Woods) order. Iteadimr newspapers in the House laid down in his hon. friend's amendment. course he dill. trot admit .th.at the _.rf, -rir.c.f.C' '2'- l was. in the opinion of the Government, no was not "cording: to Parliamentary rule He had pointed out many times that under range of snbiccts to which the 'V V ' _ _ , _ l better than tho resolution of the member The SPEAKER said lt was ttist .ln.ord' the Llovernment 501191113 it would be in hon. gentleman Lad r slurred had . . . for Drum (Blake) andthcreforo they would in" to rule but usage. '" . "V their power to exercise influence over hon. been a proper one, nor did he . _ . .. . C ,.'..\ 'h CUMBEL SOND . . members. With regard to the sites select- admit that the duties which devolved . i. _ oppose it. ( he fol. r. L _ continued reading . t bl ild , hint . nd hir, Ct'll m Ti n - .., l i t . -.. _ .. h II this extracts, which accused Mr Birbu ed by the Governmcnt or pit to buildings, noon 1 fl". no) ' ya: Its as metnoer80 , . _ "q i l . Mr. .r's.0BrNt??i,, said thatdst tt 1 on. I of being shuffling and incoin ictc , he censured the policy they had adopted, the. Dominion Pyliauur?t were, propel "e V 'v,' '. '. a Cd Fl g r Commissioner ot brown Lan . tlg to the lastdrgrec without inde mile 11 and the action of the Government with subjefhe-'tlebateintvts.tlyntyer. (Hear, "? y peated what he had before said, til o tmddesizmatGe him "a den (1.110588 " It'. respect to the promises they had held yy hear.) He was 1.'espoi1sil.ole for what he I wich he had replied to. fhe member (C) Fii'f'iiiii bilievc that hon ends t to the electors of particular districts. he did atOttawa to the co isiiutcnts he reprc- if ' for Lincoln had once attended a Reform ".61"; Lti(i' with the side of iiie ff '/fimfe accused the hon. leader of the Government sented there, and be c add any that they . . caucus and told them all that_.h0 had pro-y wh'chi: was now sittin w, O11,'e on of hotding cities by the support of the who had known him from his youth had , ' riously heard ttttt Conservative caucus? " Il V'VIOO') Yi t . §'.1 t1 t f 1 Ottawa Government, and on the condition never deserted him. (Cheers) After four r I lie (Robinson) then proceeded, In the, ' r. . / ( ' Quay-Nib ta titers: of implicit obedience totheir will; and of years of laborious efforts to carry on the f . i ' same violt:ritrntM1rler, to reply lo the Ittaci.cs, ' 2ynueel1fdyfftt'ro11wpodA"k"r11ti'i'eercl I: mairtthininghia1sey.ir) power by supporting; Government of his native Province, with . ill , . which had been made i1ponhirn. Ile tsaid 1 n exp t , . . er ' his supporters. It' the real policy of the all his sins that had been chrrged against _ "t ' ' , that he had hcurd tho Minister of Justice YP?? the suhject. Uonsidering the recriin- Government had been shown to the him by liberal members, and by the ' , i , o's"n 1:iviiw:tvuKute,'st.orl, 1naprivatp conversit- tnation that had been thrown aCtOSs country, ministers would have anathemas of gentlemen opposed to him inhibit he Dam just returned from To- the House from one side to the other tend been left scarcely half a dozen and who were here present, he had been ll 1' T ' ronto where he bad beca selling the the repetitions of private fiol1Jlirll'lr"tt supporters. It was not so much on the |elected by acclamation, and he desired no . . . . , . l ta. . i, elections (Cries of "slrvme" and that hrtd becnmade, he wou ""le, o railway aid question, but on the general i,better certificate of character against these l, l i" l _iri'r'i"v'tre..11' - _ _ be careful to whom he 9903?, 63')?"an th' pailicy of the Govermncnt that this issue liniiammatory appeals of the hon. gontlc- . . " _ T I .... _ i , - v 0",, .sw h to IP, 1'ce a protelr members on tue Oppos8tto? SI e o l [18" been raised in order tn Flinn! flint" tly' man than that those who knew him beet _ ' ii _ J. - Mr. LL" LTb'EE /1"r.(1j,,l1f/'/',"i'viiii'i' had House. He was much pained to see tyy gjmttit 1-. ..'. c.t'wciy rtpudintcd inc Lrsjs" had sent him here. (cheering) m, felt . , I i :l'Ttlil'lSE tho unseeiill.1 ""53 Aly.'-' . the ret?, cot due to old age and long politi "f. .) t n.."";"_ TiicOiyposit1t?n had been. if h m lsi h "a: l ' in " , ; s _ 1l inthe cot-sic (o, the debate. and sp. ' a rd d to the Quint/ll» h." J, C. i, J.' the character-401' bount romt cranbi. w it, mt. ion.gen- _ f, , ' j lyecun 9"".th 11. in} 1,an non. member for "111 qervioe had nor, 1"? "e.o ue o versa-' animal '.1, _r'r1'iii.i-/1,l1,le',, tri,,'",,';,,"..; MA mat-x tlcman had taken in regard tithe cheatw . - ' . , i. , i Pr. "his not: [ri).;;' responsible. He Attorney-General in 'ifl,"1'lie,'u'j"ll,r21'i tho o'd ll-fuu','d'a'r' It', f," I I. ills/ici,,','..:) ",1. stances to which he referred to follow his . ' _ all l v _ '.-' - .. . . . - ' ',.,i,. 'A..-...-. 'ti, :"_ A',rit.is'd. -~"~ . .- ' It " I ' . I . j'i"t,uilu",)r had mr,v/iirttril ina Legislative tiotis. (than hear.)f mt; motion oi, the', i. r.'. _ .la...'..:.'lil'l' I., my Il.,' l., whammy example. the hon. . gentltman had . C' t , " wt if) . 11ir ot'i'tfl' place more oilm- with the first part 0 . 11 th Lar 'vol? , -. 51' ": 5""; of. _ , 3.: c':, " h. was not only brought an indictment against ' a . . .Asscmb y or a J iiri (tom the member member for Bit.1ce, but not Wit . c a p 'lr')'. H: '.ss. .. '/ 1"r .. 1,." "f Ihi. him for acts which he Was there . 123W: 1,y.,1,r,'--t1ee,',iht?crcd n) (Hear hear.) touching the fund under conSideratttgn-3 =..-.l wr,rrlr'y l ', owl?" ' ,". "ir,) 'ii/j.'-', to account for since he had formed the ' . . " ... ' . o _ ' - ' . _ ~I-ir-I' t '3 "1:3. l 13- 1 ik. ' . . . . " , ' , .'lL Kingston t x) if timemen allow their l'Le hon. member had spoken as h IS'; i) 'V,".". .'.. ..t Erwin} , "l), '., .,.-,;', .2 Ile. in administration In 18(17, but he had gODQ 'j l He. had never heard geil their "dummy, amendment had been brought forwart tlt; my". yi'; '. ','iis.-, 51 Ir"!")" ,,1'i'Ci"'/,i",.iis,' g; back to much older Parliamentary history. , f '] r 'itccilcnuy to carry away isii'Cr, that "10 instance of ttm Goverrnnen at. .' _. ri't_,"', i) ii'r' 4"?" aa" t., f CC,, lic(th Attorney-chiral) would not no a " 3 l I ' w." ld t sit in the House this. Li. C ' ' Ile, 11inistry clearly, -', _ . , . .. . 31,-. Uit.ilrr"..ru' l'i:\'is:-'n.u ,~ , _ t o 4 it ll I , - . Hewoul no s other loot: "was but the. action of t b - _- il t .. 1: NW" \--»-~" '_rr. ts'.-r, wiii,rth rcirictr,'tuu back farther than ()7,except to refer to . l t la _ _ i "Mi hummer, 015 any at iiilii with a Silver Showttl that, such le,. not t te. cas f l tit-cf; iiyii'iri.1'1t' l :2", 3:923; digits no one or two matters alluded to. It was not " G I i i l ' the tloot' " we . ouso ' I' "that by every Mr. FOltlihl' said that it the n1.otlon e, f in: ,vciryryrl, in (/"y11l,"'.'ri?j,.','li, the (I "my. the first time that he had been accused of i . . il . - ; oii leis iill'C. which was L9G", side froth the "on member for Bruce Was intended l unmixlafirc, an... ci/net',';'.).'),,,),.?..",,',,)" of ii having formed the Government or Ontario f, I , , " s in» "Vrkih'ka. .~ -i t.l,,,to',rtt. , tom .. s: Jr, . . - V _ -m.;-mp:r oy. me" _")'ili't,1 w, did not il',Tr/diircttrclttstrl.a.rlilt?er,1 or tld mo (t1n.1.t.tl'-r', ..i.»t.i oi it", 'tIii],).'..",).),' vi." a on the understanding that he should have . F . _ tho icnt'u'l' "WW" .. f 'iiq' indopmdon lion «1 wantof oouiidence. he wou fl' iiiiiiirr,i' unit a 32".? tf,"',-'.',),)":,,),,.,,-,.',),"; the in the Government persons representing q 'l, l .. titlit'VL' ms. ":91." w" it ilio House! time it ntnst decidedly and strenuous y. proper 9111'; a". (Nifty; in. i,. /,.'"1,,'-1'i",lil,,irrti both of the great parties which existed at . 'ii , ,so,irur11)r'i' ".2. "m iifiilwr for ilolln'lcllr lintil the large number of .vacnnt songs t-'sx'rr't'mt-'r"-,. Il), '1 ',1"_:1.'f..'5 c"/i"i'i,rirrsri tno,ttirne. He said that those who knew ' l "ghee". . inc 11011.. ...-l n older politician "we filled it would not be fair .to try the 3.3,] .r . WV ':'i.icr11r,'-r.irr.1. s,," l,' "i,l',"'ii'J'i'-,iu",'i,'i tho him best, and the hon. gentleman himself , . , . I undid thin}; ti.tat he 'tVite"stt A- but: "emsth of the Housmas was evident yt cl drug-ion or. ma; lions. ' ', '/'.,' _':' "i, had known him for years, knew thathe was - , ll _ 1 q. - ' tan than he tDoultbee); fr.ih', 5. b icrBruce . l rerr. .,ttoet' it pt't'ttrri'rr',' l" ',' "i tr')tttll) . . . v , ' and all orcser m: i.-, i it: to him until he intention of the hon. mom or .. f mum... ld . C, l" .i l ) ' .. _i,-'. them to not in the habit of obeying the behest o. I I a l i l his stit'i'r came badl.t 10n ot independent lie hadno fault to 1iad with the measures in}; kit'gii'vr'hi" oi 13'1"")an if... {1,.,.$.'..i.5 others, but rather that he must haw: his ",', I l , / lhad Show." that he was 11rs'tu/tiCt"iiiir"iiir'eiiiijie,ty, in the Speech from the cc'"""' 'i/l'"":,',)').)'" iii" i," _ iel': " own way or else stand alone as he had i i Bt - de, called upon /r1.j,""iei'1.u"i'/d" rues as, 11111011! Throne. The paragraph respecting odiica- I p.on 34:11.. . v.1. i /,C'ji',.rr/i,'/,'. t.isVli. u often done oniormer OCCdSIOHS- (Hear. . - , l " , " this tlilng, to ours I if"; ' £31113ng uponi tion was worthy of allapproval,ns Was also action. in tin, H??? l iii b Vm'-im._.,',.;{ heat). It must bebornc in mind that both t . I. r I l as possiblu,ilnli no clutkg-lr ition to re-l lli'll which related to the drainage assist- an amen3:n9m1\:'".c..x..,im.."(l""""'1"":""i' parties went into the question of Confed- i "A MI l the [ton. 1eau'ou' of.thc p post "nu hblisei anot- He believed that the {match of the by the Home. l L at "39%" .3 /ii 3.1 my» oration for the purpose of settling all those i .il.,i' ' ' . . , " t I . . "i rw, i 'Iu' ". _ C'.",! ir N "'l' Ad, LI. . o , o . '., it . ' strain his following 1min. lflif'r-roo'ni courts of law would be a great boon to the oi o..iii;.t.o,_' 'i',j".',i11',j,l,ili/','i t'w. mono of sectional difficulties and disputes which A»... V ,. l l i which would notbo proper m a 'll,',f,1),' iii? 4mm? lie would ask the hon. member "an." o: total 'i":':.")':',';:,.",', It'l'iit {without uaddistut'bed the country tor a number tcriil't '. 'll (Cheers). non. metnhcT? were the? . h (f l- =4 with Bruce to dehno the object ot his cn:n.icyiuy' in: J,ti,fe1.'s1','iy R 31'" h ii the of years. He had not been a party to that . wt-tri',' , - liberate 0'1 matters \\'lthl1 JTr'e "u too. ",1, L iiimcnl' did it merely point onta rail- int tho? jr:) in: if? " {f fix", 55.4,". Coalition. He saw opposite, him an_ h0n_ _ V l gravi) and irnpottd" tn by starred m er, 10 1,v,i',c)L',ll',ifi'ls', 'or was it intended to Convey it "NH" it)..."""' "11"" _)",-,',]"',,,,.',: A: {to . A... gentleman who had opposed the policy oi . f i, l , have (or: cast upon them. PM to It 1'lrr, oll'e'3'hri"pi'sriiis' JttheGoverrunentt mi. Ritz-'1; _,"?.-","",',",',.",'",),,"',",",-),",;':, Cil (.11, that Government as strongly as he Bl dragged through mutt and nlu'c', 11,e,yi)/2.)n1uJli')u'l',1i'ti1'iii1'. he thoughtthe hon. 'vtur.sets'rr,rcttri:,:?/.j.t./',1"',, ((,t'rhutl'il/'nt't,rrti had done, and who hid taken the " and tw trusted Cuey woald so deport tltent- it mik-lv-'r do no rec-Sire alarge amount o! o p'ctce t'tam'tttc1 if?!" 'l.,",",","' r'2'ii'l,,,,'.f,.',.'/ same groui1d,pyr1cly, that the abandon- I , a wives. The hon. iiicuiher then mint on tot ue111 LEM" * - turf/113.1. bot ll chant-nit iii) '61}, ("om ment of the old constitution to tot-mla new I 3. lj . T/ - ,1_, " . _ . . ment 0 supp" . . -. f .. 'edit Hist'tui'c of orrt'uptov1 ftil ', l ' U "1 t oatmeal to the people wa I , . express lilo approv..l oi the Imc"" . '. i TT. a 1' his mot on morass. is t _-__' . t one "111011 a. pl . . i ' . i L' I ' , tho lion. member for Victoria, wie'? he thI-'A'itllmd 3 l t c,osirnment,butthat he Ttee? '),tee1/lti unjust and unconstitutional. However ' "i ' i ' intended. to support. The , come or 2ior'tly my} ($153)."q amendment was then put to to do; lit: was now tutti tyne. ill: 1'}th that Confederation had been forced upon them. " ' _ York Were, tfur 'rlcarr.eev1ed tr) "WWW? .m , Jr1 a The "beaker ghvc his,dctusion tyslicv,yt' in: fl,ri,r,h"d,'lr, "indent-n in It had been charged against him 'h'lt he . . G' , , "'0 ly-r.,"..' 'l"" morgue policy "f "irid tjyt) Ills l irlc 5.... {inumhncnt was thepolicyinitiatpd by the "11.3"..." as in bad betrayed the Reform pttIrsr.w,uiya)ttt11 I in}: thu' surplus in) .iet UG tun .. T.' -. . " accordrns,rl.y.l?t,t. r. h t h 'TCS ot trudCr.t.1.t.u:'s li-li? t'yy,',1'f1,1vk's' Iihs::urous to given liittitt Character. He denied that ne , Mr. (MAYER spoke of the becrctil) s Mr. coco: 1yf.errc1l tot. t C- axis" who (kittens: of the i'rorincc. 0n the was evertlwlcader ofthe Reform party. Illl . M, . ' _ un,,urctcust'cl "PM!" to Oxford,antl chime undue influence 1eir,e-yistegiitstl.,inwe,'rirft) {iiii-siioii'oi'arc-nioni'; ia the public expert- Ile ital been the leader of a Govern- .: fl, . . 'll! lion? ti:.- Crovttniiwnt hail 1ostthcr'onti JJ.Liitueucie.a.and said t at s; .ii.aii'isTu"irure he accused um 1o.n gentleman of ment as he was now-the leader ' _ , . IE dctiu.ix, "t tho House. position to lying sunilar charges {int the Viliill'r [ritvelyattlrcrlirrli1s'sf in. mid"- of a Government, not of a party. , " .3 lip DE'll)CllE Site; he, rcptcsciitcdal- the Opposition. lie considered l l . i, Jr,i1?ri%sivjouevbi.nrt He would admit, In 136-; he had been scarcely , 'd' N "flinc- More" congtiuucr1Cy in the coun Ontario negula, ure sliotiltlec entirglyhlii nowcver,ruat on several occasions the Dog. 'ld yetpitspait'g'orai,th, most of the mom- ' 5 it, I , li "H . tD ' " ' Ottawa 01190- l _ - te, " , tos notwit - era 0 PM." 'i'hatwus a . . ' I, . . ur, 'or? - .1 on somoulia dependent of the . l, tlenran had gum mono , ' . _ ' _ r. . try, and had littii rettt nec thi II it: Doc" led the a-" L" t ' ... r) f c, . l! " carillon Government as well. y 't ' M, t " ' rt . ' th-' . mvtnltct' to . held that mm oug VP ,.,;,. Lteo,rmoslt'sono-r liistoxgues. c . _ 'V, pr, . t.iy' suu1c' {hm-"mi a? "do." one to fur been iosition towards the Province, that' tttrrlivet'u'e J"-, ' I, ' _ Mr MACKENZLE said he had never. . , Mi ii, 'd liin.ucum,aycl It seertet b tt " "mel ' . . .. h cs ec- C 11rtuRLINC'rtlen1et.lt'ne accusa- . . ,4. n the leader ot . ps. l " ', . . , oils did towarost e r sp Hon. i. J. . _ ithat the Atty. ien.WM ._ ' . le of tho inns and tl.C ot,he the county 0mm . ' . . ted ilu nee statet " l , ont,' "n IT. i" iii, J L £1.s)itic'13 of in tive counties and the legislation of this tlon of lowing ever attcniotct IO In e the Reform party. The hon. gentleiiiau I _ , I) l) lliltlothu.' r: it twill": R my; shouh House S'Iouid'h'wc the welfare of the Pro. the vote of the hon. member for Brant. asked us to form a Government m 18iry, _ J .l k: tlc'ocui'l0nCi.', NO, ' it. b " . k _ . Q t - _ . t srstr" _ . e, r. r i . V zlllf'tl'i'l liltiiscll' to it "my "rl follow it vinci', for its object. lit, thought that (lugs) Hon. Mr. WOOD corroborated the sink he calle.d a meeting of 'the Y), m1. PM?» f ' . Jil mg. . nd up} bit 1., support all tion brought before the House should be ment of his colleague. wr, What right had he?" (all that muting. / l "up?" I; {an}! in. 1,','nr2'ierci' t't be for judged on their merits, and if the Opposi- l'lio Hon. 'ririG'rtNn'rGE'NEh'h.L dir lie had submitttd his policy to the [1160? . , ', lie-'miliiiivl'i" but the rolmrv - The "humor dill? tulopted tmy other principle tltey. nied that he had ism-r writtm it letter. to mg and said if the liberal Dirty "You'lodsu t t P l l '\ iiitwliicti tlii- 1ncmlwtt for Kinwsttin had should lot it lyt known. lie was T' It, "0 ho". member for Brant (it tho subject fer him he 1J,og1,1l ig),' tc,reai,ti,.t?teioer'i1l',rlitel ' A . , I I _ _ ." _ _ A: ' I., r - V", ,. i. . t ' 1 voted in favor 0 t e . ulfer himhewoult 110 go . Isa _ . . i" _ t mode his ptirsoiipl _u11ro,'/i/t),rc'm",' i1i'i's.u1t,Jr'.""r1l ri,ijt,',uyondit) in the last sessmniof "1:33 ""l,tfs:crtar, said it would i0 support him except on two questions, utt- * t t _ ttst 'st', tr "I. P, y . .E , b I I . . _ . .4 I " ' . , T I. 0'. . ' 1 , s,,1t:lo.i'.,.'),1i211f"d"d'ioj,i51 Il,')! tll'AL tw, had. i0 gpprcpriule a sum of money m 'I.ittr he recollected that. on? m 1 'l') cept g/'st,'g',e/,12t.""h bi] itriy111't may 1 q" ' - I '" _ " ' . , . . WM not suppor - hi as they were. illllllt t) t U 'Y separate SC oo s. P, ' a CL . . . _ fruit "Y.rs' ntooctuaalttul titanic Was an of railways thatmotlon . . t in... . . - " . " . svt.: I , I . " 1iir,"ii'/d.'i)s,..on"t l tuber of " 31mm) dttferent) ed with iiii'viGir of placing it in the power the Act of Confederation was to t arrlyi out had kept 1i,,t,,t-.ugfl,ci'jll'i-1f/itfteiraat I I . J'." tls.. ' t . - t . oils" . ' a - C- , . - 2 bl l . 't . in": trcrt 'ivou. gentleman. Ile, regret: of the Government to exercls'.t any cor thelnthcrcol'onial11:18.;ay'lsotli'imzarewgg oeAgJ),,.iid5)id1streeeri'i; in the pre- _ I ll i tf i , ' " 'i . a . on . uenCCS. ever t c iovcrnu t m - i -. - e Yirl . r ' c, 2 . . - " r ' ' . ited lil, h cf, liionlof gu 1ilc,mt'ud'/e! maltruilfiake's amondint was then put tionbf Sir G. Cartier had chown to adopt sence of those who knew sGmethingot the " V . tho .t .. '.;:L If .. t le oi person- lil' [louse Onthe Names being taken m expensive and circuitous route, although circumstsnceswl1icl1 had been reierrel.tot ' J, . seemed to amid": l t/f,'. 8 3 g I "Eta, br 0.1, k {momma the numbers to be, i more direct and better line was pointed and he denied that he called that meeting. . 'l alitirc, my hr,d been indulged/im n the C a a m I l , tr ' iluenccdby tut-throat of Sir (Cheers) He had been asked to attend a - . ' I onto to buttoiiholing new 1 winners, he yous 40, hays oo. . _ . . "If, r'ii'fv1i'i"e1rnl b iii. u l the Government meeting in order that he should he," what . ._ ' " ti said that hi', a new' member, vr,vz---MetHrt'. ,,1,i'i1rlt,a.e:,yi'iu'i')hi' /2,1ut 1hta1ti:1,1igdstJJi :10: cr"ri".ie'i'o'ii He the Reform party had to submit to him. . . . Fse ' rqt . , v". t I , h' ' A , h' L . . - , . _ i ' iran Jittdi) mm Wino" hed o): fi,,ljt,iy:pJ,til1,i,t,C,'1)y,ll,1ll'i'ic., 'o"ar'di','n'", Ii'ati!airru, in; Mackenzie) had endeavored to get Mr. tuath'tES2IEsailthttthc' had been t C C Cithiir olde. Ti, tact "lust bo that? (et/i idiii'ct'veil 'iid'irilin, Gnihm}t(h' frii,,ityaflidhod,ri' hat: 'Giiiiii'i' deterred in order to give told that the meeting would be called and _ h , . ' . ' " F 'l Ti .,; A .. "is , . I,", r (10.1 e,Mcu'all. not it i 'l . . l',' . -.' . 'L . . . f , _ _ p. _ ot by; "f "1).. up"; sc,".-," miiniuif else were i1'£i§'éiil:rng2\iblili'infifictitious.onvtr ira'ruGriiiiii/r'. tune for the consideration of thcquostion. had been invited towallczgll-e had also born F t, l R."?,,.').?,':-'.".,'"),?,'.?,? 31.1"." U138 l "ttr) It it... tuition. Perry, Prince, R0"l!l-"°"~ "7d'll'. but was opposed by the leader ot the GOV- Mr. MC ltltlmAi. .a. l - . j, , ll of. swam-r 1'ca'cetciH. . l car, It I " r l sincliiin Smith, springer, Webb, \tiillains,( am- eminent. On the question of the Pern. asked. _ _, . L c'. tlgeit' moral ohr'crtuinatitrn wits tin supPO lots,) wiltral ---40 ke It ilwt too he had b-cn opposed aTIt-Gy,'si. MACDOAALD said that . ' . t , l l ' vliic:! .V P, 10h the M )uld no N .'.__\103an. Boulter, Boultlieo. Calvin, Canter- bro e U". ay, ' . . ' . '. u ,d he had been . . . . t " _ on y 1 tat Vs, if'i1w1'H')'e'. t., y P m 11 on 1'iiiri"ls'i" "éitrrto, (Grenville) Cod-J. Curvy. by the Home Government. Believing that before t'uey1tet1n4' was" (t o",,':),' bled _ . [i l V be approturucd by Guitar side. alga" t it th FJimi, "an; (Glengarry': Grillllx- S,t.""'ll)taegt more should be an entire severance be. told that the meeting WOU'ld if; 1154:"; idis i H . -. tie. a. i ioi 'ntr union CTA - , ' ' home 0. "amuse , ' BI - . ' ' . 'ttPit -tcnt. et? a ct $f.:3b4'.;.lful;[{victl,l,rf,t{lfvood, rlg,re,fvdl,tiliff,'.ni4'itt'/i',' Harrington, 1rtcttrtlf,: tween the local and general 'Govein. _ and he was asked to at ., Ill _ , . ' Mr '*L\'Cl Illl tho'ii'ht 'lt un hen omin ii'iirii'wiiiij" M11043:'Eleffiilgiiaxlgbl'tngldfsglii': men's. but 1elh11asteaittd1"i1 "h?JItfdd now tilt iseil,ls,-, its ive was in the pint ace 1 . . ..7 " as '3 . , _ . e t v "Nt I 'li ,).-.."qt. '.tmt' ,.'..i\'i ,.'.a' . G,r .. ruc5 to hear li-vturcs from the other side 0-" th (rtrer)jr'i:lte'rt,'1v"i1r,l,i'it's', (Durham) \i'ood. (Brant) 12% Tell 1:350an accepted a seat in that oi ti.t)..:. "by to..." tinny lejTLidi. h.. Te i _ _ llousc, and passed a compliment! on th (i;cilf,Wietdria).--83. 'H ' '." d to"rccord' his Tote a ainst 51131119;- " if, , '13 "333 3 40W . l - ' .. b " s.,', ,,1 ' . . declared thei ouse m or er L . g hours Slim" iiza was; an)! 20.: that . . I conduct or Mr. bpcaxci in the chair. Mr. Speaker therefore - . . l the s Mein of dual renresentation How . , , , _ I . , ' 9 , " ' , tef t i . hen ttt the oriot-l yi'. I _ I', the circuit: Lad been called,} V Mr. CUML'ErltaAND would re amendment carried, an t p a icould that systeu) be destroyed r-xeept by i, . . . ' t .9 i a v V? l . sonic otisoiviiiionzt made last nird1t by tbs . al tion _ . . . 3 1 . d twtbecausc no my» thciectde-rcd tl1e1.lt-iv11l \ "' . " . i. , gum mo . t . di oringtuginto that House men (etermine ' . . ' ' W. .,,lvv..; .. bccc. .:, ' M. f ' tl J A 'v- (hi A ' . . . ' t k 4 at -t ... i . .- st .. , . _ _ hou. nsetnberhji' Kinyr,ton,wuoruhe won ( Mr lIACKERZIE said ite. White to vote against it He believed than was pyty, H ill I ' j.', " i.VS "a may I 9- . i . ( ' l l ' recommend in Wit P., break it .on the flop . a k on this (1106100.! . _ - . . IN 19W"n WUWS- ""3 no" grcptlevem .uttrd l, ", ' I . . - .. l to make some roman 8 agieat uturc before this Province, but -' but Iv,..) lt, lo" M ttv. Ira," " the Reform: ", . c ot his eloquence, and adverted to the.fyn- He was happy to say that there was now, reforms we re yet nee ded. Ho was opposed t a o titti- ct... .uL L' o. le ' 1-. WI "n! . i y duct ot "Will 1tur.nbers ut' tue Oppagitiop . 'd I theral Parliament. He felt great f ' . ' al f party. W hen had he llccn ' we. . it. . Mr SPE! HEP run to order ll auntie. . . ll d to take up a to any system 0 taxation or any such did theyciurse himus such? When ther 'il, ' " L ', T. . ,. V, ., i I? , " l 1 l rcgrctin being ictt',',1,i"t11etfu, Hon Attor timber which would tend to interiors With great leadcrol' tlvell.ef'ortn party thematll, . - i , c _ "-,'v'-'-, JY _,' r's'sirsrit,'isCi,:vsi't.t not ou,' . ._. I . - , . . . ,' . 'LA- " J.', ', " . C " » ', ', iii-1o .1l:" ri. positron m oppesmon f r ood 9f taking up ot land by immigrants. who controlled them now and gave them: . _. . V _ ' . .- - 'r' 'lr' _ . ' iuor-aeneral. It m". necessary 9 g d there wasavast tract of landlyiniz deso. ,,,- t t m, lion Gourde Brown ViliS' . . - " ' _"" wt. .ztzi.iii..\. ti) 5.4.-.. . kill. it l I tthat artters ghoul extanan lat 1 . d v 1 1 0- th ("d-s enter. I,',, '.' . , a y. . T ." 't T ' I r.,,'.', I r Tr " . , . ,, , Gorrermnen p ' . . id t a e am "DOCCUple t tgrit as Dino as c l lefe ted lil TI In Toronto and was 1IH, V. d ._...t "'"rsi"xy'"1'e(o'iti0fiyms)lr.tioea'ttiyr lion. entlemen on the Ministerial 81.60 policy was maintained by ondGvoring int, tl .,',', t Plum what counsel _ 5' ' . ..t_' i,,.","' ,", I' :"i i: -r'r'-:"r's.-'hi nliisgi the ifl'llll were not free from "Killian to raise a httle money from them ill???" tittengnb - hr? (ititv~Ge'i)'5; .1 . 'r"",' P ', i: , , 'i/CC/r', first"... "it half? m" feeling. The leader on the "macs" 'e in tho way ot taxation they would have i, 'de Twp even asked" to? N . v m " (53,"... '/', 'C- a" ti.'ilCl Ctitholis "u" had however. succeeded in brea tug p to put up with a limited immigration. , t :ti 'r " orcthucaudidates were the . _. ', "i' ti . I H, ""53' hi. ll YGW.il it: equall ready l, t as 110th boastitd 0f . " the moe Ing W It U L " » ', . , _ I . I " i 'trl l., (on... gum." . ' . y. - ' the conservative pt1r Y . l t It With regard to the surplus, It trad been l Hon Win. McDouimll and Mr. Poley. .. . 3- , , . 'u, UT. ,5 " C,'.'., m maintain .tlie; having broken tip the Libera par y. maintained that it was a good thing to iii; 1 ' . {nun tlscn on we; gammy, _" I, . . I n- _ 'r' .'0 1 .1 , . it, , illicit. _C't'r7.trtu! ttsu. reerolt1tioti, . l ' . 1 that! the House was W com- 1 " , l . h bl. . y, te, vstt3 t a . " t "h f " . ;.ia',r,udir:vl I".' i..: in" W, M" C. ,, . ', had been Slit . t last have a use surp us in t cpu lC trtasury, terms with the gentlemen. V . art 43 if" I *, ..,...(... in tir, ,.,.,...-, C,','. . " "1"" 1iot' y Jlttl, l potent to condemn the legislation 0 but he was strongly opposed to that policy, Vi MACKE'IZIE tititd l-ehad tritcalled f , ",7 u: ai1ligii, .(.r'..t3i.:£7$ "ui/jf-i'","):,)?'))',';',', as beiugoi i Session. But. what was the objeaof the and charged the Government with carry- their"; 21trn".ii"i,1,Te'ii'i' ot the Reform .. " , ttC i This; i gum 'tr, or tlt: til I "( t lC'rtt beyond the last election? The country had been up IDL' the principle to excess. For those rea. .5 l . .1 '. id i it it had supported # t,., / '.. _._'_ iii T'- I , - i id" "it t Pf] Oll9'. Ir, Ga though I . 1si very question of the mil- a 1ti '11 h 11 1 dd d 1 , b n 'tl . party, bat 1%' Idi .lilv'. It) L I _ V V "I; xal .3 _ ' . Mu" .iiiat inn. non. gentleman ld '- lpcalcd to ont lg h d return- sons w IC' e M a not: le, e tWet ". him and kept liliil inexititet1L'e. , . »- .,V . n t ' 1 brought to the itiil of t: . {won L have: way aid fund, and the country a . was necessary to move a vote of want oi' ATPY Jig-N MAL;1)ONALD said inst l ,c..7'i'sfd ' , g "on" ability and who louse all this ed non. gentlemen on his side as their art; cond dence, and in or der to express that ho W's we triiiis" he got tor giving to the I, .irliral i he , _ I which lit: possessed. but hiiifni " may" Bwcr. Ue referred to the observations; would move that the following words be '. Rtforui "rUrror the only life irr, . 1ij?j'idA, I I pointed in that hope. lie ci'ig12riii',1'1 the hon. member for Algorm1, 1'ieg,'Ste, added to his hon. friend's amendment-- 1 had hail an." the time of Mr i. J 'r-ti/r',';,','-';',, int ' we appeal to Ills supporters . Pf to responsible government. an ht for; " But we inform Your Excellency that: Hincks in 185.1. 'i'iiis was the sort of tala -,,-', , ' .,;;..~ Cl" . hom irt1t1ett,t,,1y had witness 3&3? tttt cd that on the when)" "in: Hons We have no ttonfideaee ina Ministry whicn _ that was sounded from every bar-roomi-i. _.s,ir)ula' iid . as L' . idfln' ac1i,le OppOsition had disre r33 ward by that hon. gentleman ,ais'a ire has attempted to carry out in reference to t. and from every slump in ih3__o9iintry. in tii , Itgt ', Ch ' e " , _yd 'lNhkiaUL., -' _. g " .. I . d be (Milk). ililh I "atlia the control at the said fund of one millioh ' IiliiiiEat , - .' ~ _ 'iittiiiiititlilltiiiiirtiii,ii,i'eig1. r ',