The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Dec 1871, p. 2

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mt = _ 00 0. xr. BLAKE again explained that ; _ country would have to take the COMse-- |his intention to hgave E:g 11?;:?11 that it wi ' quences. He was anxious that the Holuse | men's as heretofore,and in a lds" of Depal | should give him a fair opportunity of form-- | should himself be a'memba Eind "}atl J ing an Administration and of expressing |tive Council without an 3r of the Exeof| their policy. He would ask that ithe | not the intention to incr Apsuepony | question be put that the writ issue. _ the Executive case the po wers q J iloa. Mr. MACDONALD said he wished |_ Mr. SEXTON said F | to move an amendment. ' ing _ of the %l that _his read Mr. BLAKE rose to order; the hop. | was th Confederation _ A,| j } at there should in the f gentleman had spoken. be five Minist h e first placd : Hon. Mr. MACDONALD moved | an | that there mi lftrsl;; eads of department|-- amendincut, seconded by Hon. Mr. Rich--|} Mr C'r ARE!'E e more but not less. C ards, curred t(;h- iz (Grenvllle).sald it had o.| That the said motion be amended | by | ment of y ;m that there might be an el:| adding the following words after the Worq ihe m"xln un (.fxrnegs in the present motion (|-- " province" : © but while this House Cheer-- | to thr;) 'oer or L()rntyall.. He did not wis | {ully agrees to the motion for the is3Uie of formqt'w anyf obstruction in the way of tt |-- a writ for the election of a member to, ro-- | rathep 19n of a new Cabinct, but wou! present the riding of West Middlese*, it | nou»y &N?;.t till the hon. gentleman a) cannot but regard the appoiantment 0f | the | yote cg _his policy. He would therefo: 1 hou. member for South Bruce to a seat in ",,at'QmSt the amendment. I the Executive Council of this Provinct;, as | 1. |., '[A.CDOL\AI_'D (Leeds) expresse ! aunounced by himself in his place in [,;,; | "V. '"WNC ViCws and intention, C House, without a portfolio, thereby increas-- | ,. Hon. 'Mr RICHARDS said that he b /1 ing the number of the said Council bey ond lieved the hon. member for South Bru that prescribed by the 63rd section of {me | W3S_YL0!@tin« the spirit of the Confede . C Act of Confederation, and before such in. | %"°" Act. He did not mean to say th © creass is sanctioned by legislative author. | !hSF¢ wight not be a necessity or adv ;' ity, as an infraction of the constitution and ability of increasing the number of Min 1 a violation of the rights of the people of ters, but the sanction of the House m t this Province." | first be obtaincd. He was free to adn ; Hon. Mr. MACDONALD admitted that | \DAt numerically the old Government w | $ some of the observations made by the hon. wesk, but the law of the country must |" member for South Bruce were to a certain | SUDPO"t@d. He should have thought th | T extent cogent and reasonable. He wished | '"* R02. member should_ have tou [( to ask the House what excuse the hon. gen-- t easy to form oa Ministry ~c o tlemin could offer ; if the hon. gentleman of his party. He was willing to all¢] P desired to change the constitution, why did him _ to adjourn the House for £ he not come down to the House and ask for | ©C380n@b'!e time, but he obected to the v] M the necessary authority. . But the hon. | ©%®Ci@s in the Ministry being left open, a1 t geatieman, instead of doing so, came and the clectioas being hurried on in the meaf 4 asked for a vote of credit before making | UMC. a L. 4 I those aprointments. _ He (Mr. Macdorald)|, _ Mr..DEROCHE expressed his intentic) P would be the last person to oppose such a | Of yoting with the hon. member for Brus 1 vote under proper circumstances. It was| 4 N¢ wished to give him fair play. t not for the hon. gentleman to attempt to| -- Mtr. BLAKE contended that both p | U steal a march upon the House in that way. | Cedent and law were in favor of the po| P No cise had been quoted by the hon. gea-- | lion which he assumed on this occasi R tieman which was at all to the point; the He did not believe that the affairs of t s Nova Scotinn Constitution was different;| House could be carried on properly [ 8 and he said it was a most dangerous p)tin-- S:?(x}'s(' vernment with less than six me }1( ciple to establish that the hon. gentle man f p f bad power to nominate himgelf %n ou'tside | , Hoa. Mr. MACDONALD said that | 0 member of ths: Government, while his had often stood alone on the floor of P;] f1 friends took charge Of the departm cats. liament within the last thirty years, and h W hy did not the hon. gent'eman tak« one | Was not prepared to abandon his opinio| C of the vacant portfolios and then set forth | NOW. It he was wrong, he was not t| p manfully his reasons for an increase it the | first man who had been. He desired | t« Cabinet. -- It lookesd lito a usurpation of | enter 613 p:ojest on tais the.carhest & n the privileges of the House, and he de-- the proper time. IIe' and his colleazu} t clared that it was an infractiocn of the Con-- | had carried on the Government for t h stitution and a violation of the righ ts of || past four years with only five members. C the people. 555 fear'l s Mr. BL{.\I\I; --To the dissatisfaction :311 on. Mr. CAMERON said he was clesitr-- @ tue couniry. oui»'.lt«)lf;i{illit(i:t)ma formation of the Gov-- [ _ Mr. M 1CDONALD said ho was willis t erament, but he was equally desirous that l to leave the record of his Government sl no violation of the constitution should take || posterity. ' f1 place. There was no reason why the hon. l Phe am 'i.\luz'c:nt was then put to vil . @sentleman should not be able to form & | in l los: --yeas 12, nays 50 ; and Mr. Blak] P Government. --He could see no analogy in | Molion was carried unanimously. _ b the cirecumstances under which the Minis-- | Mr. a@l;:'!\h'lhcn u'lz)vcd for the issc t iry of 1897 was formed. -- No Parliam@nt J NOW writs3 for B )thvu!,'fi['r. Mcl.x»:'l!ar ha] C was then in existence; an entirely new Goy. || ing accepteid Ult?Ufll;'N"(').t Commissioner tfi ernment was being formed. BJit here on ;\':{'l'hflll'tkl.:jc :m'l 'I ablic. Works, and f o every hand the hon, gentleman had zzr')zli'ltl \' u".{ 1 '3'1'9.:@),":1[. Lr;:)i) €] 1',\;.'/111':' a:ce; I)l him thoss reprosentatives of the peopic, ed P Sbbidineicinns of Attorney--General. _ C Ll | and yet said he was nol };"?illg to hug'ry ';""h 3 < . | f f T himseif, and presumed to dictate to tUlL XOTE OF CREDIT. E House as the 1~§1,<§ t )Vt:x-n.anut 'h:ujl...gc': @I Te SPELKEA thea roml a missal y attempted to diciate to 1t . If thehon. from His E«e:tieacsy aszcommmyiaz tfin centlemen was not i1 a position to fom s *' 4/ 2" ne .',7' hiadidieg 1y ndine ie | Simisity noew. 'he pdeht <to" telll His [ Satin: ie of certaia sums required 1] it o ie Sursere L. a*% .\ j| [ the service of the Proviace unf li Esccellen:y $so mJ lsave him free to C1 o txkth s Af IR*I* ans % h unon OthCt hon. Members to form a Gov-- the estimates of 1872 are p 33ed, an l t| n pUl -- t¥ts ' f commeonding them to the House. &A ernment. _ Hse (Mr. UCremzeron,) had not i~. BI *x* P s 1 contendsd that a% &A Matter of law the ._,""!'".1' "\El\h')'l}':'f,"luut.l};' fiist fornl 3 Lieut.--Goveraor a had I.\'-'t l.l'\C ;'r.r"-") :;Ll:))nlhl:)?l(i S}';,'\-?m'\l,cu.:y'd SpJ'JCh for U b to call to hbis council PS3O43| CV J morrow. Carried C e s ce rould. be | morrow. -- Carried, advise him, but tl-l(.) woOWwsh . CC I f different from exccutive .(.' )ll('.(i'u' ,'Al:.. FORMINXG A MINISTRY. ® His Exceliency might APPOML S' ) Mr. BLAKE said that if he had err| 3 who would not be re3DONS! have seats -- In judgment it was in communicating || 1 House, and who might nol cvc'n 1',11?:'1;;y' i~n | \)x'.');:r&-;:-; to the House. IIs hyxl bean e| I in that House, but there w)u.stn )b: consider-- | deavoring -- to proceed further duri 8 the cases. | Altmmtr'm:'lgw-.»l(l)enc' bafore | the intervals of the debate. His progri| & ed was this, that His NXDS tS H{l'lst haye | he said, had not been so areat as he cor| I",'\'mimttlflu' any such persons have hoped, as he hadl been detained|] ne comvwat o% hig raily constituted ad--| answer the objections of hon. membi]] vIisT;, lhat was i Ministry having the Thesupply could not be hurried throv| i e oi ee s ie siouso laich were to, its six stages without the unanimous ¢i| e appointed hby {lis Excel'ency wirh the| sent of members that he should get || Vice of his Exeecmive Comwil, That was He had not a confident hope, but sti C y a which he (Mr. Cameron) took _ hope of being able to complete his arran Wwois it ) cousent to un adjuogra-- _ ments for a Cabinet by to--morrow. M louse fur a week or Jonm« r to Mr. MACDONALD said he would o ons .c member to form a Ministry, | very happy to hear that. 1If to morr ® ,' [ LA avoiiw i(ut ho NiLO Woas the hon. gentleman came down with at A d cross over io the Treasury _ tion to suspend the rules of the House Fve sa--l l not be prepared wit« ihe | reference to supply, in order to give 1 xi f dsiry coftid u0t he exX--._ every facility, he would not object. w :0 was prosared 10 give the hon. Mr. RYKERT called the attention ; Ia k Yroso of Cccull, CYel before he _ members to the fact that petitions were EY nixs hes had a right to sit in the _ the clerk's hands waiting for proofs. i20sw--t be had a Minisiry, But the %Mr. CAMERON said he regretted 1 | mnouse wanted to know what policy thes¢e _ the hon. member for Bruce had not in thelr ennertmmente _ 4 capiil_ uie explain to first place told the House that he tucir consulments. A Ministry wasalway8 _ pected to have his Ministry fort founued on some policy. 'The prééeD! . to.--morrow. He would have saved a g Cuurce of ihe hop. gentienmiin was We _ goa} of observation if he had done so, s ii to sliowing hiim to go to differen!t _ cayse the principal objection taken to Sollucucies aud tell them different $L0" _;oourse was that he did not intend to c i~= of whait he intended doing--promis!98 _ plete his Government at this time, buat )}'i: { ).m + \'.4','\ in on« @muniy, and ('uu. ne Wt)llm takc a vote of credit. I demning it in avother. _ The non. gentl¢ Mr. BLAKE said he was proccedin man's course was not maoly nor Straight _-- figy as his sense of duty would permit 1 ' forwand. . § % e repeated that he had not a confi .« uxURRILE said that the hon. 10€M098 _ pops that he woald suce2ed in forming ( uce had not said that he mtcndtfi:l t« Cabinst by to--morrow. ve more than five Ministers in his Cabi The Hoase adjourned at 9 o'clock. gct. (Laushter) The Confederation AC & i t provide, aocornding to bhis readiogd it there should be ouly five members 1 the Cabinet. Drc. s0ULTER did not wish to take ad santaze of the hos. inember for Bruce ba houzht he should hay-- told Lkow man nu=mbers he proposed having in his Cab t ie was departisg from law Aan uszze in having morse than five. If h wished it the Tiouse cocld be zulj\,mm-d 1 allow the hon. gentlesiau time. AFTER RECESS. hMr. McCALL said it was evident tha the member had,without asking the advic} and authority, gone beyond the provisiot of the Confederation Azt respecting t '.mmber of ministers. Te rpgn.uflf'h. \this state of things had occurred. | would like the hon. member for Coraw | to withdraw his motion although the ho member for Bruce had not consulted wi the House in reference to the formation his Cabinet, nor. bad he explained } iOIXCyt g f

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