C i i ie LEGISLATORE 9F ONTARiIO, _ _ _ ' @ 7 : mm n o dlfprrmem mm emmmmms & a » * * ' 8 Second Partiament--First Session. | 89! mm ie n l teen itc finey f ' Frinay, 22nd De At one o'clock His Ex i Lieut.--Governor (Ll;roclelécslcdhi\ Cellcncy fhe & ber, and the usual ceremony Of the ('h'?m' of the selection of Speu{u»(:- :'[;r:rovmg ; ' through, and Mr. Curric took the chair. _-- PETITIONS. Beveral petitions were presented. y BILLS INTRODUCKD. * Mr. Rykert--Bi me EyA P | ture and Arts e O hi ho Agiofh | r. Williams--Bill to incorpor: j orporate the ; E gg;le"lz'li;;é. Bobcaygeon and Peterboro' Mr. Prince--Bill to ; h | date the laws for thtz gxf&(}lfifl%tc 028011' angI furgealring animals. o ol r. Carling--Bi Sonsnlid; deDLof ths Cit{:v Olanm}gonum;oud.\tve the ~ Mr. Craig (Russell)--Bill to amend the ggflgflofi)&l;ittl;f tue County of Carleton | POLICY OF THE NEW MINISTRY. \ _ _ Mr. BLAKE moved the is !writs for South Wellin;;l:gnh;gg gitfv(;: j and in so doing gave | an expla | _ ~ | nation as to what would be tb policy of the new _ administrati i The first point he would refer tohw:sl{)l?' P re]atjops of t'he Province. His hon. friend: had joined with him in the complaint that the late Government was formed on th it)udcgsganding that the Provineet ai)g th:fI omimion should work together as allies. | But the present Gover Femie is nmentthought it was }nJurlol}s to the well--being of ?he Con--| * ederation, and _ caused difficulties which might be avoided, that there should exis any other relation to the Gover meat of ]t.he Dominion than that of n:utr;:if_\,?ntb(:t 'lifi\,nng.t{:at they should not assume a ,pnsi. 1 either of alliance or hostility to the Ottawa administration. As representing j gl(evmterests of the people of Ontario the ! tjlrléiremment were called upon to name r own policy and to conduct their own | affairs; they protested against any inter | ference of any Government with th 'ir D ; . | fect freedom of action, (hear, hearL ff'(?zl;; Hon. Mr. Macdonald) and equally protest-- ed ngainst their own interference with the Goyemment of any other Province Oc casions might occur when Provincial 'rirrhtq might be infringed, and upon those occa sions of course it would bzzcome t'he du?y > of the Provxr}ce to act. But upon ques-- tions not coming within that limited line the Government contended fll]l::' | the position they proposed _ to tak(; | was the true 'one, and not that : which the late administration had acted upon. The policy of the administration | © | was that there should be the utmost party ' control over the appropriation of the|-- - public money. For the last four years he had contended against what he believed to be an un}varrantable encroachment on the lpub]_lc rights; and had insisted that the public control over the public funds was an essential element of constitutional gov-- 3 ernment; und that to hand over that con-- trol to the executive was to surrender the most importaut right of Parliament. There : fore they insisted that the government of the day should give to the House full in-- formation with reference to the appropria-- tion of the funds, leaving the House to po'écd"{o'g(«){gjxleflts. Tlle government pro-- the late vote of the' MbRQLY indicated by j care that Parliament should moyld take portunity of passing its judagment on in y omppmmuny appropriations to rail ways before such were finally made. And with reference to pub lic institutions it would be the policy of the Government to ohtain the approval of the House to the sites selected, and to place the management of such institucions more [ directly under the control of the House.The | Government would also take the neces-- : | sary steps for preserving the independence of %arliament in order to avoid those eva-- ; | sions of the law which had occurred, and to , | maintain the freedom and independence of representation. The Government proposed | -- to introduce & measute for the ex-- teasion -- of the suffrage, though : they were _ not certain how i far the measure could be carried this session. They also proposed to introduce certain amendments in the Copyright Act, which they believel was susceptibie of improvements in certain points. It would be the policy of the Government to carry out the general scope of the resolutions which he (Mr. Blake) had had the honour to introduce last session with regard to the fusion of the courts of law and equity, and under which a commission had been ap pointed to enquire into the subject. He thought that wWas as important _ & subject _ as could be brought be-- fore the Legislature ;. _ . tho. eXxpento and delay now incurred were a dis-- f grace to the country. The Government would use redoubled and vigorous exer-- tions in the cause of immigration with the -- view of securing a supply of agr}cultural laborers, believing that by so doing they | . s would be taking the most efficient mode to * induce the settlement of the country. With | regard to the Ciown lands the Government w ould take the earliest possible moment to settle the prices of lands under the Act of last session, and would endeavour to m ture a scheme for inducing the, settlers on the Crown lands to close their accounts with the Government. The difficulties arising out of the policy of the late Gov-- ernment with respect to the timber dues would also be dealt with. wWith reference to the surplus, the opinion of his friends had been that the wholo subject, including | . the municipal loan questi0n, should be dealt with by one cg)prehenswe mcasure ; but the House had ought otherwise, and a large sum had been set apart for & 'a']{i way aid fund--a purpos© which he ha always approved of. It would be the 5? licy of the Government to carry out, in LDC R spirit and the letter, all the_obhgati&fls 4 which Parliament had entered into in at § matter. The only alteration betwCcn ie _A new administration and the last O tmg ~ _ ] subject would b¢ that they wou! _ | submit _ to__ the _ House,.... 19 ,g"""?. n o