MONDAY, Jan, 22, 1872. The SPEAKER took the Chair at 3:20. NEW MEMBER. Mr. G. Hamilton having taken the oaths, was presented by Messrs. Scott. and Unm- bcrland, and took his seat for Prescott. PETITIONS. The foilowing were presented '.---, By Mr. CROOKS-13mm Albert Furniss, of Montreal, an Act to enable him to carry on the Toronto Water Works under the provisions of the original act of incorpora- tion. By Mr. CMiER0N--1from James H. Wilson and others, praying that no alter- ation be made in thelaw respecting the 8qpcr1r)npateAf1lee.l1erts1Ptmd: _ By Mr. L'hlfIERON-Prom J M. Mickie and others, of Toronto, for the passing of an Act to incorporate them under the name ot_tVTotty1to_INit,t Company. - -, - -- tl, present Government, seeing that he had _ always been so bitter against Coalitions. If he thought the present Government was a Coalition, he would not support it for one hour. The late Crovcrnmcnt was formed without any policy. He, would like to know if that was the case with this Gov- 7 eminent? He thought. there was not the slightest resemblance between this and the last Government. The Hon. C,ommis. 7 sioner of Crown Lands had said himself l o,.",-:, rj,jirl' Zip (ric",:et,ty!)rir.c,'i'/,irf; that the present Government was not a p, V "i, 'w ' " -, " 'r: " Coalition Government; to prove'which he :,"'""'M':,:_"_:::_"'__ --r-t--- read at; extract from his explanation on rT'"ptr. '.' r "" - PM- r 0., tPe Friday est. tis well-known that before ""0" o, TUE,b' (LIV, JAN s"D, is. the Hon. President of Council had formed ------- -'_----.-------..---------------r---- the IlI'BSEilt Goa'ernment he had consulted 1 it l , his frient s, an he had then formed the (',?:lrmu'iiti) 1Itmlmlllili. Government independant of any intl 1011068 m------------------ from outside sources. "It had been the' Second 1'arliaittont--litat Scales. constant cry that if the hon. member for1 --------_--------- South Bruce were to be called upon to M , , J oo 1872 form a Government he would form a ONDAY, an, '"? ia. sectional Government. The Hon. Com- T'crt bl'llAliEli [00k the Chair at J.20. missioncr of Crown Lands had funv ex. NEW MEMBER. plained his pollev, and it was desirable to Mr. G. Hamilton having taken the oaths, have a gtntlyuat1. in that office who vas presented by Messrs. Scott antluum- eould meet the Views of the prplt :crluncl, and took his seat for Prescott. in tlst eastern country, and Mr. f'ieott PETITIONS. was just the man who cou.ld do "it i1oiiuwirtp,' were pro 'ented .--. if) a", hat harm f (13111:? there b," (:n Mr. ' "',', . I',' '"sN . ' f, i . co Jenningin Wit re present, 'overn- flay 311-. CROOIICri-t-Eton'l Wilfrid: {22:8, ment seeing that the Conservative party actress. 1i(r.l1t'erl',)r1h,lls' 'ldui.Ti,y, is... thatthere were GO F Feelings; erovislons tithe original act of incorpora- burelyno one 0091'} say "fit , man dill lion. A - SERVER: 1/,Lci1','//iii,,e? toi"dr1rid,1 s, , a, . - . " . r. 3 - z ' t l By Mr. 1/'SlE.y?yc,-i1ltoit, James H. liberal as the Reformers were 25 years Wilson and others, praying that no alter.. a L (r, . M M Caitum fourd ation be made in the law respecting the 360' ( waster) . r. e do f -d Supernmmated Teachers' Fund. that we ban a Gwemme?' to. if, oame By Mr. UhMER0N--lhom Jas. Miehie of four Grits. and oe.Tory. ( Ir, ""3, and others, of Toronto, for the passing of 1,10 (119901" [fe Poaé'tiogirgogfgi g $111er an Act toineorporatethem under the name me New" loving: Goverumgnt but of the Toronto Dairy Company. latter' against f a e d t fth . ' Ihr Mr. wooD--jhoma,1itorftmaRai1. now my He", condemyet. IP, o e1r wavy Company. to revive their cuarter. own mouths. Ile wa? deetdedly asparty Ly Mr. Li1hyER-Frou, the Wesleyan man. Mr. 1'3"?" said T that, gable 5'at,tl Church in Canada, in connection With the seemed to feel. rather :1me I', b lifor a English Conference, to extend their trusts. he had found it neceesy7 to go 11310 eliti- ny Mr. noemson- From the City greatmany rcygy.y)1)it,?,rib'iige stl1/,pl'f/1/li Council of Kingston, to consolidate the cal history, all few 'A, liti Govern- citv debt. speech In detence o 0a 1 1011 f t the By Mr. L'0ULTBEE-hom John B. merits. He had not tr,ndf.eftg2ft of Kitten and others, of Toronto, to incor- "ii,iyiixgeyefti2rtttld1f'n,ri1tif regard to: porate the Superior Silver Mining Com- tltifiTlf)ellgirlife House,and taking the l may Mr. GIBSON-l mm M. C. Cameron oath that he had been ttfeynaicete2,11tei1t and others. of Goderich, to unite the oath that he had ll our in the day County of Huron for registration purposes. ling to take every ken the oath of By Mr. McLEOD-From Christopher he had merely a President ot the Chuttick and others, of Manver, to 'meor- allegiance. ' The 11',rlisf,' for himself by porate the Bowrmpwi11e, Lindsay and Bob- Council hae taken an 1ffl's'li' by the re. caygeon Railway Company. fraud, with a chamber th of the people of By Mr. MCLEOD-Cara, Henry Me- prystiitatWit of one-ten mole of this Pros [ iituiie1tLtyyLety1r/s, of Hemmer the this Proves": ty1ye,,?,t stem m By Mr. L'0ULTBEE--Prom John B. Kilton and others, of Toronto, to incor- pOrate the Superior Silver Mining Com- P393"-. "a"--- .. -. n n By Mr. ateLEoD-Prom (yfristispher Gimmick and others, of Manver, to incor- porate the Bowmanville, Lindsay and Bob- caygeqrz 1uyyeo.rSytptirt Same IitIiiri6igi." By Mi. PRINCE-hom Allister M. Clarke and others, of Toronto, to Incor- porMe them under the name of the Dominion Oil Works Association. By Mr. mil'1'mJNE--1i'rom .James Fleming, of Brampton, to authorize the Law Society to admit him as an attorney and solicitor. By Mr. BINCLAIR--hom the township council of the united townships of Alber- marle and Eastnor, that the control of the Inaian lands may be assummed by the Government of Ontaiin. - By Mr. GIBSON-hom the township council ot Hullett, for afair distribution 1 of the Railway fund to the London, Huron and Bruce Railway Company. I COMMITTEE ON RAILWAYS. '. On motion of Hon. Mr. BLAKE, second- i ed by Hon. Mr. Cameron, the names ot ', Mr. hunter and Mr. Barber were added to I the Committee on Railways. l PRIVATE BILLS. On motion of Hon. Mr. CAMERON, leave was given to introduce a bill for We amalgamation of the Toronto, Simcoe G Muskoka Railway and the North Grey Railway under the name of the Northern Extension Railway. - - -- . mm" . _ h On motion of Mr. fl. S. MACDONALD. seconded by Mr. Merrick, leave was given to introduce a bill for the incorporation of the Shuninh Mining Company. On motion of Mr. SPRINGER, a bill to incorporate the North Shore Mining Coat pany. "Gif motion of Hon. Mr. CAMERON. seconded by Mr. ll. S. Macdonald, a. bill for the consohdating the Toronto City Debt. On motion of Mr. SMITH, seconded by Mr. Fleming, a $3111 enablingr the Low So. ciety of Toronto to admit Mr. Edward Stonehousa a barrister. MR. SCOTT'S EXPLANATION. Hon. Mr. BLAKE suggested that as the hon. member for Cornwall was now in his place, the debate which had arisen on the, explanation of the hon. Commissioner of Crown Lands should take precedence of" the question by members. This was agreed to. Mr. CUMBERAND had understood that the hon. Commissioner for Crown Lands was awaiting the arrival of the hon. mem- ber for Cornwall, m order to add some- thing to his exploration of Friday. Mr. CUMBE1tLhND said that the organ of the Ministerial party had so reported his remarks. He could congratulate the hon. Commissioner of Crown Lands on his discretion in refraining from those addi. tional observations. It was evident that. that hon. number thought discretion the butter part of valor. Mr. Cumberland than Ha. Mr. BLAKE explained-that his hon. friend had not expressed himself in those terms. referred to the circumstances under which his hon. friend from Prescott had been 1n- troduced to that House, and remarked that the position in the House of his hon. friend was similar to that of a majority of the hon. members on that side of the House. He (Mr. Cumberland) repudiated the idea of offering any factions opposition to the " vernment; he would accept their measures on their merits, and should hold himself free to support or oppose them as they commended thre11rsrelvcas to his political judgment. " jih. SEXTON said gentleman who were in the late Government had been taunted in everything that they did, and they seem- ed to wonder how Le could support the ald, present himself again for eleeioa. no (Mr. Lauder) had served a large constitu. ency for the last. four PPP, and during that time he had leer! subjected to the very worst abuse which it Was possible to be heaped upon any man, and even his own private eharacter le,ltt? nganIy Snack. ad. Where were those Nova Scotian resolutions about which they had heard so much ? Mr. Lauder then regd extracts from his original address to his constitu- ency, and claimed that he had u?ed mm. sistcmly, while the 110%, _£renner had svisti"si1t1y, while the hon. _1'remxer had. adopted tU?-t.)W course. With respect tul , the Scott resolution also the hon. Premier Ili, abandoned his previous position; he had now taken up the ground of neutrality towards Ottawa, and it was the same with the Manitoba resolution. The hon. Pre. mier had done all he could in slumping the country to oppose him (Mr. Laude ) in '; Grey, but it would not do, and he now i, charged the h :11. Pre mier with now aban- doning the principles he had then th,'pr'tys- '"ay1N5"o VIII? uuuSU suuulu Kuow ll. . . ME ROBINSON said he could not no- heve t:hat the Administration could have anythmg to do with Mr. Lewis. If they had ,th,e." best thine they could do was to get "if": Yun as 8091} gs possible. __ - It being now 6.5 the usual recess. O tr g: Ji0 pu. the House took