Parliament of Ont irio. SECOND PARLIAMENT------FIRST SESSICH The House re.opened yesterday afterncoon at 3 o'clock, Hon. J. . Curris, Speaker, in the chair. PETITIONS PRE3SENTED, . Mr. Graham--From the St. Androw' Church of Belleville, for the passing of & Act appointing certain trustees. Mr. Willlams (DPD@=**--*> A--as--s tha. T'rm tcow of the Port Hops Presbyterian Ohnrs'fi of Canada in connection with the Church » Santland. for an Act to enable them to seli of Canada in Scotland, for certain bonds. Mr. McCall (Norfolk)--From James Car-- son and others, for an Act to incorporate & certain mining company. P l < ux % Bs ome . Mr. Derochs--From others, for an Act to bt certsin damy. Hon. Mr. Scott--From tho ULVWIAWA U"" Council, for an Act to enable them to mort gage the By Ward Market property, &c. Mr. Calvin--From the County Council 0 Frontenac, for certain amendments to th Assessment Act. Mr. Wilson--From S. Maudlebaun an others, for an Aoct to incorporate a certa'! mining company. t d _ . *R_--_._ . Anksx ¥aa TORONTO, FIKIDAY, JAN. 19. Ageessment AVV. Mr. Wilson--From S. Maudlebaun and The SPEAKER t others, for an Act to incorporate a certain and sunounced tha mining company. turo of Mr. Bethu: Mr. Williams (Darham) --From the Port _ Mr. B«thune Y Hope Trinity College School for an Aot of Blake and Mr. A incorporation it. zreat. s + Uio| Picuctemwe ama M p Mf'.('fif'if", flf incorporation it 'RWATTT Mr. Coyne--From James Carson and _ Mr MaCuric, of Prince FAaward, Y others, for anjAct to incorporate a certain introduced, and took his seat. imleing company PE MTIONS PRESENTED. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS. _ yf, Seott--From the City Counc The SPEAKER announced that he had tawa for an Act to enable them {:lcel:vo:l q;e:t';'ma of th)o &lection ofMHon, E money for the construction of Wate? Blake (South Bruca,) HD% A _ Mackenzie _ Mr. Rykert--From Thomss F. N a*"~ in:iiAlasax \ Hon. &A McKellar (Both» others, os; Oitawa, for an Act to gel The SPEAKEKL announceu @MA® --"" * .. received returns of the election of Hon. E Blake (South Bruce,) Hon. A Mackenzie (West Middlesex,) Hon. A McKellar (Both» well,) Hon. R. W Soott (Ustawas,) Hon P. (Gow (South Wellington,) Captain Gifford W est Northumberland,) W, G Moack arleton,) A. W. Lauger (South Grey,) w. _ Ardagh (North 3imooe,) Mr_ MoCusig _ . k sk.rLad4 (Want Paor. the memoor 10L VVUWW®M" .. -- e af tive, and because the President of the Coun-- gil had always been opposed to coalitions. Hon. Mr. BLAKE said that the Govern-- ment was always ready to rep!ly to argament. He would now say that he had stated the policy of the Government before recess; he had stated it fully and fairly. It gentlemen _opposite wished to raise any farther debate, they would find the Government quite pre-- pared to answer them. Hon. Mr. CAMERON said he understood, before adjournment. . Ehe Plobe. 'Act to build up and maintain Trom the County Council of Y / certain amendnfents to the POBONTO, SATUBDAY, JAN. ©o. * Fripay, Jan. 19. --From S. Maudlebaun and The SPEAKER t--ok the chair ay 3 o'celock, Aot to incorporate a certain and snunounced that he had received the re-- | C turoa of Mr. Bethune for Stormont., | ; (Durham)--From the Port Mr. Be--thune was introduced by Nr. ' m Mss E+ 25 ond bir. Mackeniie, and took his : R. Rathbun and jicenses. the Ottawa City Mr. Rykert--Bill for the prevention of corrupt practices at municipal elections. 'ers, relying upon that practioe, had not yet arrived, and he would therefore move the adjournment of the House. Mr. Merrick--That the House resolve it self into a committee to consider the follow-- ing resolution :--** That this House is of opinion that inasmuch as the old Parliament of Canada and the present Dominion Parlia-- ment have furnished their respective statutes to qualified Justices of the Peace free of cost, this House should also furnish the On. tario Statutes upon the same terms." The motion of Mr. Blake was carried. "EPORT OFCHIEF SUPERINTENDEX P oF EDUCATION. Hon. Mr. GOW laid on the table the re. port on the Normal, Grammar and Common ~chools of Ontario for the year 1870 by the bief Superintendent of Education. ADJOURNMENT. Hon. Mr. BLAXE said it had always been neual to do nothing more than routine on th tirst day of the session _A number of mem--« After some remarks from Hon. Mr. Cam-- cron the motion was agreed to, and the House adjourned at 3:30. Mr. Sexton--Bill to amand the Joint Stock Road Companies Act. legislation, being careful, however, to wat :h their proceedings. He would take the op-- portunrity when the House was fuli to ven tilate the arrangements that had been made in the forming of the Administration, for it cad been formed on terms utterly at vari nce w :h the declarations made on the floor f the House by gentlemen opposite. tions had been mae with reference to an honourable member of the Administration, and that when that gentleman took his place in the House be would make some explana-- tions, He (Mr. Cameron) was not aware that the President of the Council had an-- nounced the nature of the negotiations that had passed between him and the member for Ottawa, and which had induced the latter to join the Administration. Hon. Mr. SCOTT said he would have great Eeasure in laying full explanations before the ouse when the benches on the Opposition side were ooccupied. There was one gentle. man opposite whom he would like to see in bis place,--(Hon. J. 8. Macdonald ) It would not be right to enter into explana-- tions as to his (Mr. Scott's) assumption of cffice until the member for Cornwall was in his place, (hear, hear,) and he understood that that gentleman would be here to--mor row. He would not now trouble the House with personal explanations, but he would give at the proper time the explanations due to she House ; and would avail himselt of the very earliest opportunity of doing so. (Applause ) Hon. Mr. CAMERON said he did uot rise to oppose the motion, as it was only right the Administration should have the pre ponderance in the members of the committce already struck. The Commissioner of Grown Lands bad said he would be prepared to make explanations when another gentlema» was present ; aud he (Mr. Cameron) admistei that there was a degree of reasonablensss in thiscourse,and would offerno objection. It was not bis intention to offer auything like un necessary hostility to the proceedings of gen-- ilemen opporite. He would be quite pre-- pared to aid them in all just and proper lepinlatinnn ' Ihninas nnvaint Innaksimalme «n mecE L MeEXK, es £ * °C oo s § tawam for an Act to enavle them to ram© money for the construction of Water Works Mr. Rykert--From Thomas F. Nellis and others, of Oitawa, for an Act to gell certain lands. °* Nr. Williams ('(:Iamilbon)---Fro';n the Ham-- " a m' t 1is ts utcls Mr. Rykert--From AAOPP®® "*~/ ir nertaD T: 'vthers, of Oitawa, for an Act to gell certain | woeuv.~ " _ ___ _ C _ ~*~ inter * andte _ .. s | terest--an Interess usop»» interested in the _ Mr. Williams (Hamglton)----th)m the Ham-- | honest paymert of the timber dues » ¥Mr¥. Iton Agricultural Society, for aid. | Cameron bad made assertions to & stmilar Mr. McLeod--From the Township Council effect, Now he (Mr, Scatt) emphatically of Manvers,for an Act of Incorporation for the and distinctly said that the charge was no* Bowmanville, Lindsay, and Bobcaygeon Rail-- true. (Cheers ) He repeated again that tho way Company ; also from Thos. Fowk® ang | charge that he was the paid advocate others, of Darling; from George Wo kmao | of the lumbermen was not true. (Hear, and others, of Cartwright; and from Robt. ! hear.) He had had ocossion in the lata McCilland and others, 'of 'Manvers, to the Parliament of Canads, 28 weil as here, to szame effect. speak vefiy fully in reference to the iumbe" Mr, Wood (Victoria)--From the Town | trade. , He lost no opportunity of dsing #0 Gouncil of Lindsay, and from: M Boyd and | P the late Parliament of Canada _ He did othors, of Veruiam, to the same effect. m--::g he ::uéqtpro;e, xtfithntfl::"por{'gar | a e came--that it was in the int0 c 'Lon::.;,l%:: ?;tR;E;;m:n:gfeT:: ;Ct(;n::fleo'-! people of Ontario and of Canada that his cergtalnb eglaws O P°®" | views were enunciated, for he thorough'!y Y e understood the value of that groat trade Mr. Perry--From Wm. Grey and others, (Applause ) He would not now give afte of Woodstock, for an Act to incorporate s | ance to these views, but the time would ar railway from Port Dover to Lake Haron | rive when bhe would lay them before th« Also, from MoClenaghan and others, 0' geople of Ontario and this House, and h« lenaghan 80 OV """* ) | foped that they would meet the approbation Je C CA ) anuntry _ He hal EAVGeRARMAEIECC CA TW 0 certain by eglaws. Mr. Pe"y_From Wm. G nnder.tooa THLC . CARERED O D n ks 3 of Woodstock, for an Act t!:sl"n?)figp?)t&:;s; (Applause ) He would not now give aster railway from Port Dover to Lake Haron :invo: t:;h:aehvxewa, t{g blthe é'gme would ar ' Also, from MoClena 5 a ' en he would lay them betore th« woedrtack, for an Act T Anthorise thom to peoea that da sogid mosk the approbe on ::;p:r.:n ::d hold real estate for purposes of | of the people of this countty.p' Hea;';:; Me: MA * always urged that we should save and pro other.l, oic%lll:igr%m George Rice and tect our foreats, and he had no doubt bat q gham, praying that no that the people of Ontario would agree wis" |t further territory be granted to the Long him on that subject. (Hear hear ) To®° | Point Company. charge had been made that he 'was the PC _ Mr. McCallaum--From David E. Winslow advocate of the lumber trade. Now, for and others, of Canborough, for °* | the last twenty years of his life whU° gh, for the appoint o 4 ment of commissioners to mak practisin in the city of Ottawa, he bad nover | a a certain gf \survey. drawn fifty dollars 4 year from the P professional busines$ extemded to hi= ustt _ by --those engaged _ in the lambs" B8°D~"" 1. aanld uams 9P _ Mr. Perry--From Wm. t of Woodstock, for an Act railway from Port Dover Also, from McClenaghan Woodstock, for an Act to A! & 7+ 454 Losl ankak Or;ain VJ Vga® °**** Mr. Perry--From Wim. Grey and others, of Woodstock, for an Act to incorporate s railway from Port Dover to Lake Haron Also, from MoClenaghan and others, 0' Woodstock, for an Act to authorize tham to purchase and hold real estate for purposes of ) NOTISES OF MOTION. EThe Olobe. ard, was also o t hake Gerra t elt 'iow hoe ol ht Hgr PA + P _ 20. | Ontario, and it was due to this Hoase and -- ) the people of Ontario that be should answer * succinctly the charges laid at his door ck, | In consequence of the absence of the mom-- xe--\l ber for Cornwall he (Mr. Scott) would be | somewhat guarded in his utterances; but if Mr. | he were present he could lay berore the his | House many things he would now refrain k from saying. But he hoped he would soon also | bhave an opportunity of measuring swords | with the member for Cornwall It had beap charged against him (Mr. Soectt) that he was \ not a fit person to be entrasted with the ; Qp. _ department over which he had bsen placed, raige _ as ho was & paid advocate of the lamber-- orks . men. Mr. Richards had said " that it was s sud | highly improper to appoint a gentleman who $ain *n as the nominee of & particular in-- T Tess * --~*-- interested in the | terest--an Interess geopay -- . y Ham-- | honest paymert of the timber dues Mr. | Cameron bad made assertions to & sl:m\m ouncil | effect. Now he (Mr. Sceatt) emphatically or the | and distinctly said that the charge was no ~nai1. | true. (Cheers ) He repeated again that th h Pm se "_ U tlks" smhnt' "aftoorat HON. MKR. SCOTT -- EXPLANA&TION3 AND DENIALS, | Hon. Mr. SCOTT rose and said he was sorry the member for Cornwall was not to-- day in his place. But he supposed,from the |authoritative manner in which the membsr |for East Toronto addressed the House, that the presence or absence of the member for i Cornwall was not of that importance it had been on the occasion when | the House first mot. He (Mr. Scott) was thoroughly prepared to make the explanations which had been demanded . ef him and which ho had promitsed | -- yesterday. He would prefer, however, thas | the member for Cornwall was present, for be did not like to follow the example that gentleman had set, to attack a man in hi« absence, The member for Cornwall and two or three othsrs had hurled their darts at him | _ {Mr. Scott) when he had no opportunity of l defending himself ; it was an unmauly ast, '\ and he did rot hesitate to say was contrary | to all British practice (Hear, hear) It was dishonourable in those gentlemen to | atrike their blows below the%elt, and gag ° -- the mouths of their opponents at the sam:e : time. (Hear, hear.) The chaerges thoss gentlemen uttered were calculated to defile the character of any man, but they had fall-- en harmless upon the House and the country He(Mr. Scott) had a name before the mem< | ber for Cornwall was called upon to form a government for Ontario; he had besn | elected by acclamation over and over : again by the city which he _ had | the honour to represent. The country knew | that the charges made againat him had ro 1 foundation; and uot only in Ottawa, but in : Prescott and Carleton--the latter au old Conservative county that bad never returaced refubat a Conservative--were those charges gauntiet kad bymg.) _ In Carloton | th« whether the present Ministry ARK& , 88_¢° L ported, and the gentloman at the end 0t these benches (Mr. Monk) said he would | / come to the House aud support the Admin-- | istration. -- (Applause ) 'The response of | these constituencies in the East of Ontarie . ought to be most corroborative evidence of | ' _ his (Mr. Ssott's) perfect freedom from the \-- charges laid at his door. (Hear, hear.) Por-- | sonal explanations were at all times disagres-- | able to the House and the country, but hs | oecupied a position of trust m"tht';: Coun'n'.:x1 . VC & m arl_ TT Z _ u. kleinm naco anfl | Hon. Mr, BLAKE moved the adoption of the report. Hon, Mr. CAMERON said he was not familiar with the names, and would ask that the motion be deferred till the names of the committess were printed. Hon, Mr. BLAKE said of course the motion could not be pressed to dsy if any member objected, but he regretted that the motion could not be passed to.--day so that the committees could get to work. BILLS INTRODUCED. Mr, Prince--To confer faurther corporate powers upon the Canada Southern Railway Company. broke Railway Co. : ?o;_;;:u: eertain bye--laws. Also,from;t of Bobeaygeon, for an Act of Mr. Fairbairne--From Honry Collins and ethers, of Peterborough, for the repsal of certain laws. STANDING COMMITTEES3, Pr, Boulter--From the | Dental Surgeons, for certain the Dentistry Act. Hon, Mr. BLAKE, from the Select Com mittee appointed to strike the standing committees, reported a list of committeea on Railways, Public Accounts, Private Bills and Privileges, and Rlections. Wir. wSonielth--Prom George Ney aud others, for an Act to invest certain progarty in them as trustees for the Luthcran Church af TMitL_ Mr. Fairbairne--From Henry Ludgate and others, of Peterborough, for certain amend-- ments to the Game Law. Mr. Clemens--From the Co--u--n't'y.r of Waterloo, for certain amendments Municipal Law. Mr. McLeod--To incorporate the Bow-- manville, Lindsay and Bobcaygeon Railway Company. of Ellice. \ WOluy a» | terest-- honest i. Camer ' effect. and di true. chargt | ef th ! hear.) _| Parli: speak y trade | | in the gay -- kima Fron.l the Kingston and Pem. ., for an Act to legalize Also,from;Boyd and others Roy&l College of l amendmesats to Incorporation County Counci J I . "F 0 c a year from the extended to hi=m in -- the lumbe" He could weil as here, to | ; to the iumber | ity of doing #o c io Hse aid 1 to the