Parliament of Ontario. TORONTO. THURSD4¥LJAN. SEEM!) P! Tran)", Jun. 2.r The Speaker tack the chair at 3 o'etosk. PETI ll to X S. The petition presented by Mr. Thwoehe "and" from Jun a Wood and 1,020 other ntepayeu of the County ot Frontenac, was "gamut tlie, liv,r,1t'.rd"-o, t l 111* 3 1-591 {3-} -:1':- ing a bonnl of $150,000 to the liingaton k Pembroke Railway, rot [or it; Hon. Mr camorort---From George Thomas lain), of Toronto, for on Attt to onthorize the Law Sockets! to es1.1 him to the bar. Hon. Mr. Carling-Prom the London City puroheee lease or o aaiiil, """7' w " Gan Works, for no Act to authorize them to "in lend; or ',',tgiteg,It', is fj,'S'fl '36:. extend their line ot piping, ke, , to the northerly of Block: Nos 15 and is in If": , Asylum. Also, from the London, Home, Point; with copies of il letters n'nd 003:2 and Bruce lzeizwey Company, for an Ac: to erndence between the said. (:0um at; enteind tl"'.,,),",:.','",' the beginning and cm- t tt Government relative thereto. y .to c Prem P e n "Fa U. _ q _ Pr RESIGNATION Ol? HON. MR. WOOD." Mr. "mums (Darisa)--Nors1 John Sut- Mr. M. C. CAMERO'I Ybtt t f ton and others, public school tea-chars of Om Select thnnrnitte t t,' It o move or a , . " , , u s I. e oenquh-e whether any and "no, praying tnet_nc alteration be male in what corrupt inducement or offer was made aye luv, "iii-eating the &qywatinua'scJ. to the Hon E B. Wood, a member M. this _ :gghere Fem. House, to induce him to resign his position Mr. Me,Leod-.r'rorn the ibm, Council of " Treasurer of the Province of Oatirio, by Bowmanvilie, for an Ant to incorporate the the ITon. E. Blake or any other member of Bowmanviiie, Lindsay and To'o'rcsyiieonRal the prelent Administration, while membara way Company. of the Qppoaition in the Legislative Assem- Mr. Oliver-From Deni e1 Freeman and My; eucn committee to have power to lend other-I. of Norfolk, for an Act to Incorporate for persons end papers. He said that when the Port Iharwell and Ingeraoll Railway the resignation by the late Treasurer took Company. tte'i,efE,n,',1tt?tlaT state: ghagihe had not w t ; ___~, ' . a o e a re m""r.txept 0 " Rykert. D333: 1',itii'; Eli"? elle, Tom, COP???" But thelother evening the late Treasurer It , li or tan Act to enablz them to" Class went further, and said that he had rpaken to creme! rec . - __ ___ -- Mr. Blake on the subject of his resignation. Mr. Clemens-From the Grand Tm: Railway Company, for a similar Act. Mr. 8itut1air--E'rom the Township Council of Amabel, praying that the Indian lands in Ontario may be unicr the control of the Crown Lands Department. Mr. Coyne--- From John Huggert and others, of Brampton. for an het to Ines-gar- ate the Bramptord Water Works. MrnrcCall--From Thos. Fry and otherapf Norfolk, praying that no farther acquisition of territory he granted to the Lang Point Company. Mr. Oliver ~From Daniel Freeman and others, of Norfolk, for an Act to Incorporate the Port Barwe11 and Ingeraoll Itairsoy Company. Mr. Springer-From the Village Conn}?! ot Waterloo, for an Aet empowering them to extend the Grand Trunk Railway from Ber. lin to Waterloo. Also, from the Tom; Council of Guilt, for an Act to tron6rat an agreement with the Grand Trunk Railway tary and to extend the line from Doon to alt. Mr. Clarke (Norfollr)--f'rorn the County Council of Norfolk, for amendments to tho Drainage Act. Mr. Ardsgh--rrom the Village Council of Grillia, for an Act to sell certain lands kao wn an the Mmket Block. Mr. Tooler-Fttm the County Cauncil of Middlesex, praying that the Township of Delaware may be annexed to the lint Riding of the County. of Middlesex. BILLS INTRODVSED. Mr. TTMpints---To amend the Ant tir,:,, Worm-inn the Cradig Valley Railway Cora. Mr. MeLeod-r'rorn the l'own Council of Bowmanville, for an Ant to incorporate the Bowmanville, Lindsay and B0'rcuyspsoalts'l way Compuny. "Hues. Us mans-by ..v-.._--. Mr BLAKE said the question as to tho when h necessity ot legislation was under the can- cUracb nideratlon of the Government, but it Was _ nalsho: not their intention to take action upon either pared b , question this session. . ininUtro RPS-VA LL'ATION OF SCHOOL L ANDS. 3:382 Mr. L AUD'BR asked whether or not it was charge. . the intention of the Government to introduce i Mr. ( during the present session 3 measure author. I solutiox hing the revaluation of that cisss of the M . . nnpatented public lands sold to settlers, d Ir,; q 1 known " School Lands. can: . Mr. SCOTl'Issid thet,to the extentto which ts11 in i this Province was interested, they intended posed.) ; to do so this session. "a, d I' Mr. [AF DER asked whether or not indict: "c' tttttgy, now be issued to settlers in the follow hiiil / "Ships tst.. Melsnothon sad _Protou. Jon 9:99"; Mr.. Ht?dp,ints---"'o amend the A2t "rower 'l'a"4.u"' than than: Valley inlsmy Com- Mr. Pim1tstr--To hreorporatas the 0mm". . 'Mineral Land: Mining 39mpany. \GENERAL RAILWAY LEGISLATION. Mr. OLlV ER asked the Ministry it it was their intention to bring down during the pre. oent session a general Railway Bill, to pro' ivlde for the construction of railroads without applying to the Legidature for special char- tern. "Hon. Mr. BL AXE said. it was not. LAND IMPROVEMENT F UN D. Mr. SCOTT (North Grey) asked It the grammar school lands were included with the common school and Crown lands in making up the Land Improvement Fund from Tyr, June, 1867, and if not, does the Government intend to meke up and distribute the las. provement Fund on these lands sold batwcou the passing of 16 Tie., chap. 159, and the 6th March, 1861, paid into the Treasury since Confederation. Hon. Mr. SCOT? said the Government did intend to do so, and. would phca a 3.1m in tho estimates for that purpose. I TARGET RIFLE l Mr. MCDONALD (Leeds), enquired of the - - ,__-.a 4.... m. Mr. MCDONALD (Leeds), enquired M the Ministry whether they were prepared to re. commend His Excellency to make an tspprtr prfation of a reasoneble amount for tho 'pu r- V chase of target ritio for the use of the I volunteers of Ontario, to be issued in such manner and subject to such Government lien as may be cansidercd aivisabie. Mr. BLAKE Mid the Government, liming nothing to do with Militia matters, did not, intend to mako any lush appropriation. i SOLEMNIZ Erin}? OF MARRIAGE. l, w. MCDONALD (Leeds)), asked the furnish-y whether they intended during this 2 Seseion to initiate legislation in reference to the solemnixation ot marriage in tho Pro. vlnce of Ontario, and the appointment oi" inner: of marriage licenlel. it}: mob; Iitljafli'i-4'r?Sf SEEMS. 25. r5e'r""7"'er"'ry."-" T" I . \ . ' -.'e .',,, . payment of the paces or velustxons un'Ter the report of Messrs Levin and Thorium, ' Rude under the Act cf last session. Mao, whether or not the revaluation of all Ira. t patented lands: add to settlers is to be pro- "seeded with, as directed by this Act. Mr. SCOTT aid, with reference to the first queetion, he had not had opportunity get of examining those reports, and until he did gait would be impouible to answer the queation Ad to the other part ot the question it was the intention of the Government to proceed with those res-valuation; STATU YES TO MAGISTR ATES. Mr. ME BRICK asked the Ministry whether they intended to furnish the Stetntea ot Ontario free of cost to qualified J netieee of the Peace, " had been hitherto done by the out Parliament of Camila and the present Dominion Parliament. Mr. BL IKE answered in the utrtnarive (Cheers l Mr. MCCALL moved for an address: for no piers of all applications by the Long Point Company for a coMrmatiiry patent, or to purohnee, lease, or otherwise to Icquire Mr. tein lands or morehee outside of Long Point, northerly of Blocks Nos 15 and 16, on Long Point; with copies of il letters and corre- spondence between the said company and the Government relative thereto. - Mr. E. B. WOUD~I aid nothing of the Had. I said, and always said, that I had talc! no one of my resignation until after I had re- signed, with the exception of Mr. Rykert, the member for Lincoln. Al ' oio toreiien. 'glIEULA l?!- CAI Speaking ol fine Lotta? or: in: troor 0: the L031? c'? the 511036: -.indcr discuaaion Tirat he i..itgHtsLqst,.tt'y?, GENE! was 2on4croirnrc, -- U"..- . $1er the his Jrs")7iri/ir.tttirkiys: P,,? c, at Mr. Cameron) "are d/,ri,iii,iri "",/;i,- q he late Treaeurer on nuggi'g (12;: meted wi'h tbs Coritv.nscm!:, r. null , a'irca coma {ring XE; up? 'i',u"iit," (C, I'm CtuT1rer. [row $11.5; C' ""i;';r.~':, .7, tre., tr' C .7, A im. J'glre, "ck.'tr ,1 V? .3?" mhich 'r.r' HM! Tre.arsrirrr Y:'",' :smh rl,: f: _', trd. ty., (Mc. ":'merrmt trecrl L: t sn- , A I that the Tressmer.vsa not mum Um he l (Mt., Cameron) knew it can]: from M r Blake. Ttve, eomcuvvHttlon' nus-Md tta. tween Mr Btalro and Mr. 'ch'i, , v:r "v floor of the Home, alter the rirs,'c.(rcr."ioyr .. Mr. Wood That Mr. Wood, 421"" ' t day on which he res'wvsi. WM tte n tte. , " d times with members of the f)pirrvitimt T .5" after the resignation of Mr. Woot, NL, Blake got up in his seat, and shoved M li, manner tho: something very agree-ah": in" taken plaee. " laugh) That the iaw Treasurer removed trout his urn! sea? and took I seat farther back, which wm a negml. he (Mr. Cameron) said, tut Mr Word "I" --» , _ y La "Mum '1 .mm A'Hi't', m. gr.) Main The mogion -,a seconded by Mr, ING. Mr. BL IRE' ~03 1 no". say that corrupt inducement nude? ' Mr. CAMERON-ro. Mr. BLAKEi-Wl'lat o',". "If. Unluuuv-' _- Mr. BLiiRE---'sTrrat other' mamher! the Administration do you charge? Mr CAME RON .-1 am not fingered say there were other members, tough of the members of the Administration aware of the matter. Mr. BLAKE said it was only reason when Mr. Cameron made a charge ot chuacter, that he should we the o: I nals he indicted. If Mr. Cameron were pared to charge all the members of the _ Gintgtrat1onclest; him say so. It was be! that the House should hove the new those whom Mr. Cameron was prepare ) solution remain as it was. Mr. BLAKE aid that Mr. Cameron had declined to partlcnle'rlee any other members of the Administration, while including them all in his indictment. Be tsfr. Blake,) pr' posed to amend the resolution. it Mr. Gem ercn declined to partlcularlee those whom In: indicted. The amendment would read a, followe ..---"Ihat the Hon. M c. Cameron. - -- . '1---' begging mm p1sot LONG POINT COMPANY. ifiiiiiG, of thitrree' 14qu ~13) I nuievs'x corrupt inducements or It mnuuung :12 said it was only reasonable iameron made a charge ot tho Lat he should nuns the crimi- bed. If Mr. Cameron were pro rge all the members of the Ad- ;let him say so. It we: buthir Cones should hove the names of Mr. Cameron was prepared to ERON said he would let his re- vain us it was. ' _ - _. L It- lumen-on had i, gas u: were but} .1180 quuv .. ad would rest a, l L M C. (Dunstan ; F A. 7M2: not" new" to and you b, r oifera were rug; min ion was