lad nd ht. to M1 lte IS. rte ht er MI at In tl to is 18 o . ition Manta r. M oWell,aman inapos of the highest (responsibility, wlup' "0;: no man could doubt, much less his swab Itatemcm, awcars most posithCIY thalt 8 mm Lewis appeared at several meennitlzs and stated to tne people that he bed t e authority ot the Government for taking the course he ttid: and further, that he warned the people 'G the _ same authomy against supporting Mr. Bender. ll": (hlr. Lauder) had the original athdams there in his desk. N owrit must be, remem- bered that he, with several other members of the late Legislature, had been instru- mental in having an Act passed prOVIdlng for the re-valuation of the public lands, and that he introduced resolutions into that Chamber on different occasions bring- ing under the notice of the House the ne- cessity of rc-vnluing those lands. As soon as that Act was passed gentlemen were appointed to inspect, those lands; and they did so under the authority of that Act, and the result of their inspection was that re- ports were duly sent in to the Crown Lands Ollice. During his (Mr. Inuder's) ..7, .4 "an", mum uxzuua Uwvb. y..-...° 7 , canvass in those townships he stated to the peeple that he had been instrumental in bringing about the passage of that Act; and he mentioned the name of Mr. Lewis in the presence of the Commissioner of Crown Lands and the President of thel Council at several meetings where those' two gentlemen were present, and his name Was necessarily introduced on ac. eountof his having previously been in that neighborhood. Questions. were put to him ( Mr. Lauder) irequcntl,y at those meet- ings to know whether the Bill was a mere cicrctionttring Jodge, whether anything "as to be done under it, and in order to answer these questions he was obliged to give particulars as to what had been done. So the President of the Council as well as the Commissioner of Public Works were, A? . a_.l.1-_,.___'3 wants. it. 'iirafirwl " PY of the highest "r'iiiGusiir1itr,: no man could doubt, much F statement, swears most posit man Lewis appeared at ttey and stated to me people that authority ot the Government 3 course he did; and further, th the. people on the _ sam against supporting Mr. rapt] Lauder) had the oririru were in his desk. NOW" mt bercd that he. with seven? It tut; vuun-u...~--_-_ fully aware of what Lewis had done and how he had done it. They heard him (Mr. Lauder) state that those reports had been sent in and were fyled in the Crown hands otlice ; and as he believed that Lewis was fully competent to discharge his. duties,and had discharged them satisfactorily, he had spoken of him to the people in the highest terms, thus creating in their minds an im- pression that Lewis was a man to be trust-! ed, and that what he should say they would he safe in accepting. m merely mentioned these circumstances to show ' how this man came to be mentioned at all. f llc' was satisticd that if he had not men-i tinned Lewis in these townships that he (Lewis) would not have been found alterwmds canvassing the settlers against him. He would now read extracts from the umdavits, and would tirst of all remark that there could be no doubt that this man made the statements detailed in those at1in davns. What led him to do so, to thu misrepresent the Government, if be (It misrepresent them, it was impossible t1 say: but that these statements were mad there could not be a shadow of doubt The tirst he would take was the aflidavi of John McDowcll, Ilsq., J. P, the fiit tic-nod Lewis. in those township? "lie I", be an agent of the Government', and repreo Lewis) would not have Ice? 1ll'let seating that he had the sanction of the tilterwmds canvassing the settlers 'ogams Government for the course he took. The him. lie would now read extracts trom very next morning after that meeting at the affidavits, and would tirst of all remark Bandung, t man came to him Orr. Lauder) that there could be no that this map and told him what had taken place, and made the statements detailed in these ath-t he Was perfectly amazed to hear wnat had dut'llS. What led him to do so, to thu been said. Was it likely that Lewis would misrepresent the Government, if he did go there on his own account, that misrepresent them, it was imposmble tt he would go all that way withouti say: but that these statements were mad somebody sending . him. up therp?, tLere could not be, a shadow of doubt Nobody could make him believe that. He The tirst he would take was the Midavi (Mr. Lauder) could prove that Lewis spoke of John McDowcll, list, J. P., the fift to two reeves and three councillors so late paragraph of which was as follows p---" A as last September; .that lewis told them the the meeting, held in the village o if there wasamtm In Ontario whom they Dandalk two nights before the election ghould choose to represent them he (Mr. illessrs. Lewis and Nixon were both pre Lauder) was.the man. Lewis had told sent and both made speeches. Mr. Lewis them at that time that Y! Orr. Lauder: Bag in the course of his Speech, stated that be a claim "DOE them Which ,afnee.s- wtts a fore leaving St. Catharines he had received and they ought to tsyyrort Aitn. What instruction: to meet Mr. Nixon, and both made Pt? changgq 1"? {)ptmons so "tt hurry on together, so as to work in con Egg ed gull": a "u". do "99135:". e trr He also stated that on his arrival . g S.'] some Ill ucemen e1ng cert. . t t", th Gre h eld outto him; few sensible men would Toronto, on his way 0 "ll E 'y , elieve that. He purpoeed to show how called at the resuicnce of r. wart t was that Lewis came to changehis opin- Blake toget tyrtl1eritP.trueW1si and state on. Tho hon. President ot the Councit that Mr. Bulge gave him (Lewis) a special: nd the hon. Commissioner or pledge that it the voters or Iroton would: ublic Works had strong motives vote against Mr. Lauder they should have. o use every means in their power the full benefit of the low estimate which 0 defeat him. They went up into the had been made (if the value of their lands riding themselves; though the Hon. Presi- but not otherwise. That Lewis mad dent soon found he was not doing any those statements he could not. have the sna- good, and told the hon. member for Brant dew ot a doubt; there was his hon. friend that it was a bad {their and he was sick of from North Grey, who knew Mr. it. (iuciJowellto be a man ot his y.ord. The' Hon. Mr. hIcKELLhIlasked if the hon. {way that Lewis went about it, as far eel gentleman referred to him? could be seen from the alhdavits, was this Mr. L AUDER would refer to him by-. ---Lewis had the valuation book there and stated at May's Hotel that he had it with him, and May says in his taffidavit that he knew it to be the same that Lewis had had there in the summer. The paragraph in which Mr. May speaks of the book runs thus " Having free access from time to time to the GoVernmcnt book above referred to, I readily recognized the one used in the election Citlupztlgll to be the same one as was used in August and September. Mr. May was not the man to put his name to a statement that was false; he was a man [ well known in those townships and is looked open as a leads ing man in the section." Those l attidavits having been made lately, Ius(hir. l Lauder) knew nothing about their beings, drawn up: they were sent to him voluntar- [ ily from those townships, and no doubt they Were made by those individuals with. out coercion. How they were procured he did Itat know: he was not a party to their drai ting nor to their preparation. The " tidavit of Mr. Hughes also made astate- ment which seemed. to charge certain mem- bers of the Council with complicity in that matter. in the second paragraph Y, his. athdayit that gentleman tsaid:--. u "Oa the evening of The 27th day of December last,1 saw Mr. Lewis at Pate'g gate], in_ thelvilgagc 9f Dynihtlrr, a; a pub- W - . - -"_--He .--<.-:..,v v- "cr""'"'", an a P""- lie meeting held in Mr. Dickcy's interest, and addressing me he said ' You're all right now it you vote for Picker' and passing through the crowd he made similar speeches to a. member of voters, and I Eula IteRte yps.rsttm.1 that his valuations .1c meetin h s"."" w "um-""9 "f " PM" m "w "WW-- .._._--_-,,, . 1nd "(his-:3; $31111; 18):ng 8' intercsl, of the Commissioner. of .Public Works) right now it Sun "we fbr o2'e:1, r,e ml was mentioned. heme did not merely passing through the cr d whey, and mention his authority; he gave particulars. atmiiar Spcechcs to a numbOW he, made He mid he went down to Toronto to obtain gave them to tltg derstendthgigg voters, 31nd authority from the Govern ment; that he had not been allowed b iavaluations wentto the American Hotel and found Macdonald G Maximum l the 8andfield that the hon. Commissioner of Pubic Gevernment Wont (1 gi've 131mm Blake's \Vorks.was in bed. (Laughter) But being such valuation to such vote 0 benefit of determined to have an interview with him, 1);? thleir ft'fitati.,' 'lij"sT.o1hd, sap-v, 'lh he had been sent for gent! s ireasot at hebtf ' .' ug ea 1 not wish to 'o to re voters were il'iilaigtllagjei Iii? without seeing him, the hon. gentlt: statement. These ttffid Py that man (Mr. McKelhtr) was prevailed upon to were . tn1fricient to u1l1tis, alone admit these intimidators ot the people into inhtulking. the course he 1Uef1,,ly, him his bedroom. (Laughter.) Hon. gentle- st tue the settlers of we foe", The. men on the Treasury benches might laugh, it)" was: St had d1'ipl"ttlT,.i,1,i'h,i,?,1/ but they could not laugh away the facts be prep and; Jfit,i, against hi Ilium autuwhich he was piacm before them. statements 2ta'f'lyt'sf? tite truth, Wfonmt These men, Levis and gluon, declared than ttys previous Utit "9811- £13.65 thnt.tgalit1, had an ri,a,t,r,regg,r.litu,,1 tine W... ttMt 'ttr, i,iiili'lS'2t mitt ot .1223 methane?" "nineteen; . " a t ' ',,l',tlruoiiii Py.1ld tttstuseepted, and that Ame); were - -. . . A"; A n Ohuv be no diifldaltyin getting dozens of affida. c vits to prove that this man, In conjunction j with Nixon, went through the township 1 making that statement; so that the proof t that this man did represent himself to be 1 an agent ot the Government, and was au- 1 thorized to acs for them, could easily l be obtained. This man, thus l acting in the capacity of an agent of the l Government for along time, going into the houses of the people, talking to them about their land, contrived to secure their confidence, and was just the man to use them as he did. He (Mr. Lauder,) did Dot think there was a single member of that House, certainly not a member of it outside the Administration,who would dare to stand up and justify the statements made by that man, or say that he (Mr. Lauder) was not right in bringing the mat. i ter before the House. The hon. Commis- sioner of Public Works had accused him during his canvass ot using an improper argument in telling the people that it was to their interest to support the then Gov- ernment; bat was there any gentleman, there asupporter of the Government who . had not sought 1election on Simi--) lar grounds? He could see nothing! extraordinary in that argument. IIe '; (er. Lauder) had a right to say so ' bxause he had brought about legislation in the interests of that section of that country, such as the railway measureI Which he had supported; and he had a perfect right to tell them that the Govern- ment of John Bandtield Macdonsld was friendly to them and they ought to stand by it, and he believed the feeling of the riding was to stand by that Government. People had heard a great deal about the impropriety of public companies or their servants interfering as canvassers in elections; and no man had talked more on I that subject than the hon. Commissioner; ot Public Works, who had also maintained that it was wrong tor the servants of t'ic Government to interfere in elections ' because he said it looked like Government l interference. But it became different l when sides were changed. The 1 man, who he proposed to show had the t sanction of hon. gentlemen opposite for - the course he took, was more than an ordi. Tnary oimmr of the Government; he was t' Placed in the relation of assing iud men it between. the Government: and'tlie piople': I thus gIVng him an Loflaence which no one i) else bad. There could be no doubt that 5 Yswis went there representing himself to a Mr. LAUDER would aet'cr to him by- and-bye. He had the statement of gentle- men opposed to him on the hustings that the two hon. gentlemen said they would spare no means to carry that election. In- formation was constantly supplied to their candidate, and material of a more weighty kind was also forthcoming; in fact, he was charged to beat him (in. Lauder) at all hazards. Wag it likely that the Hon. commissioner for Public Works would spend three weeks in I Grey and travel from settlement to settlement and then come down there to Toronto and take his place without avail- ing himself of it to bring to bear all the influences against him that he could. No doubt the hon. Commissioner kept a good look out and was quite alive to tho neces- sity of doing all he could to defeat him, and he believed that the hon gentleman had an interview with Lewis before he went there. At the very tirst meeting at which Lewis was present, he was asked by a friend of his (Mr. Lauder's) what author- ity he had to appear for the Government. Lewis then stated deliberately that he had had an interview with thtsdltoettyy.nit sioner of Public Works (Mr. McKellar,) and that he then gave him authority to make those statements. When the story was tiret told to him(Mr. Lauder), the President of the Council wasnot nantedsby!.the,r,PP? gold to go iii/jiUw'di gait] for Dickey. He (Mr. Lauder) Was' The hon. member for Bouth Oxford had 53- just as sure as that he stood there that the been one of the very first men the next J, hon. Commissioner of Public Works had morning to .d.ra.w attention to the letter _ that interview with those men, and that havmg Lewis' signature. (Hear, hear.) He those men stated what was true when they had read a good deal and heard a good said he told them to go up and do all they deal about public matters, but he had f could for Dickey. The hon. Commissioner never heard of such an outrage practised of Public Works when in Grey used every upon any people. It it could be shown effort to defeat him (Mr. Lauder.) He even that any member of the Government had left behind him a Gaelic address of. live encouraged .or sanctioned any pages, signed by himself and containing guteh proceeding, then they were more misrepresentation, more misleading not worthy cf, either confidence of the pepple than was ever seen or support. 1(1 tl','; hear.) The hon in one address before, if the trans- President ot t t ounci would find that lation he ou. Lauder) had seen he could .ntt wr!gg.1ts out of thig charge as was at all correct. From the he had trredto do in the case brought up translation of that document, he the day tyefort, by trymgd to tet, tie had ascertained that it was stated that the peoNt tltg the:l ,l1rri'le,11 metn mums cash of the country was kept in a very large Email} P 'dhtl t e originat mo loath t he chest of which the Premirr had the key, (1.8 not 151 'i',1,h',f,"tUfft'd, t? ISeW' , (e, and that all his supporters had small keys thre 9 7dl,Tll1u'htl'fl11l', orig: 8010?; with which they could help themselves to ittedy . ainst the co 1e of this concern; . ' tents (laughter) and that he (Mr, m ag p p . n y. 2, 3331.) had one of these little keys. It lthad been tsufficient to defraud eight con- wane he believed, an adaptation of an an- ",tlttegj,i,ey't?g1s1,ft t1tigrfg,eit"e1vtg cient Gaelic legend. {the log); fitl1eit had, when one tenth of the population of} l Skiing? 'i,veeyt).'tihi)) 6'31? griscnt and Ontario were unrepresented, bat it was a i , . . , . I l would misrepresent him in that dirty, be- gtluttterflfteotpt/rl r1t..t111, 6132' '1 cause he knew It coulld not'lrepelyt £1,312? members of the Government dare to vote " that had failed,t 6°11: 3; 1:118" hole sntle- this matter down; let them dare to refusal tmidat om and'lto t an ,8 t; giro"; a committee of investigation, and he had l $3286 {123111301 mltuld1lffi'i'f'tt5fL', why 'til no doubt as to how long they would hold I Lewis wo=uld be a strong lever to use it/ati,yittj' 1ent.hed,'ffgrgoir f,'eerncol1tsruJ/.g l against him, and that he was used with v3.22" arid 1'lhseSi1de,1l't"flnted, Council :0 tsetse.°tzssgstegirenttt tr: Chit down; It we firtgu'I/o $113; r . 'd . I,,.,.", ., ofthiscountry, contrary oa . . had published ct,,.,),,",),?';,.,',) tf,er1,ti'[.,, till: [uj7tfioiSy7iro?e'hrfi?n.) and fair play charges mane agu1nst .m' m" " ,l l . Il)'.,'.",.,, and to the interests of this Province, to ttl- read an, extract and o-rp.?, sr'frry'11':,'iyysi';'/.l, low that name to go there. W (Lewis') complicity with the Government. That wasa signed and published false-l hood, and that he was prepared to prove, and the hon. member for South Oxford knew all about the matter, too, and he was a man whom the Administration would say was a man of integrity and veracity. m had in his hand a telegram which would give some light on the subject (Hear, hear.) Men of this kind generaliv left some traces or marks ot their footsteps. behind them. This rascal (for he could call him nothing else) when he was in Grey happened to have some papers with him, and he dropped one ot. them, which him, and he dropped pm? of them, wtiicty Hon. J. B. flAUDONALD said it ham Was a. telegram. T1155 had heen sent to always been a rule of the House in his 'iltr, him, and he thought it only right that he years experience, that when the Speaker), should present It to the House. (Hoar, ruled a motion out of order he gave thcl 1scsar.) The t.e.leg,rtPI had been sent from reasons and authority for doing so, but iii) Ingersoll by the hon. member for South was of course willing to bow to the dtei-l, Oxford to Port Burwell, and addressed to sion of the Speaker. 1 D. Freeman or Alexander McBride. It After some further discussion, the mo- read as follows ..--(Criets ottread, read.) tion was floally ruled out of order. "FROM INGEBSOLL Mr BLAKE explained that there was " l , , ' , ' AA,, h,' 'tcel J no ohieetion to the ori ina motion beio lol), 11062.1sz 0) Ate.tclfcB; ide,1l u c I put 113mm of the one gloved by Mr. L "5 "John Lewis, Government land valuator der. at Houghton cant." find him a.nd 561151 Mr.LAUDER retused,and saidhe would him here; wanted in South Grey Peyyr place his motion on the paper' for to-mor- ately. ADAM OLIVE" row, which was agreed to by Mr. Blake. Hon. Mr. BLhEE---What is the date of JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Ho's. Mr. BLhEE---What is the date of JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. will: LiWDER---1t is dated the 23rd of Mr. FNRBAIRN P.Ytd address December, the day after you formed your {13:1 J, .li,s1tchi';1o1pgtl,i,it1duhiftrt', of li1e Government. The Hon. Commissioner ot c,) . . 't ,4, q mg or CII- . _ titled to act. This was agreed to. Public Works knows LOW, that he knew " very well this mm W .3 going there, and TIMBER LICENSES. the non. member for South Oxford knew lion. J. S MACDONALD moved for an very well all about these things. He had "Address for the names of all parties or, _ been astounded to hear that these men, in firms holding: timber licenses in Ontario, conjunction with the hon. member for on the 1st of January instant, setting forth South Oxford, had sent for this man the localities of the same, the area or num- Lewis, to intimidate the electors of South ber of square miles covered by each li- Grey. They had trade a great mistake in cease, the da'e of each and of any assign- allowing Mr. Lewis to carry this telegrnm ment of such license, the bonus paid for with han to Grey. If he was al- each, and _ also a statement of lowed a Committee on tha matter all sums 111 arrear and unpaid to he would produce plenty of evi.. the Crown by such license, holders up to deuce to substantiate these statements the said date, and the date when such ar- He had the proof that Lewis had taken out rears fell due, together with copies of any his oncii, and said he would write the correspondence between tho autumhand . word, "saiistied" opposite certain names, Department and any license holder 1% Br- [beam hear,] and these things had the .rca?,,dfyyyl.?..:? payment of the 1'.e?,t? and eil'cct that these gentlemen expected they in doing so remarked that he believed tug would. In March last his majority in he hon. Commissioner ot Crown Lands wout ton and the third ward ot Melancthon was have in? olneptitt): t gigging the returns 150 votes and at the last election he, had eopypiet/1,Y? 0 9 S 1 - been it1T'ii' the minority by quite a num- Mr. SCOTT: traid the renaftre'n1'l/ her oi votes. He was also prepared to W01}131be gratified to learn t a ll, a state what had been told him by the people anticipated the motion, and t e re inns in these townships. He had been told that Wcrc already made up to the present t le: ' he had not done all he might have done in The Tlp. was amended 30,33,110 int securing; the passage of that Bill, while in ([1290 all the 110011893 issued "P to 3 fl ' . ' in . 333:1? "ttels/ll,'."' ctrcit/d"r1tle', On motion of Mr. BLAKE the House Hon. Commissioner of Public Works thcn adjourned. to say, where the people had not an op- -------_-='e= . portunity of reading the newspapers, and 90902111 Parliament-First Session. of knowing y thati1 was going on i111 the "-----Ne-'"--- country, an wis to clear their ants, cr. ' a, , whether that is not the most powerful Tl s 'k try?" Jan. 22' If'-'. I agent that could be sent in among them. It? tpca or 00 t e chair at b':15. (dear, hear.) He had not the original copy PETITIONS. of the telegram, bat [yt yyri,i,rae,te,1,, thle The following were, presented Committee, he won ave the original, , .1 " f- , and the person into whose. hands it had SthdHon. 11irt/ri,,Kil1.eoNe-t-li rum G. W. been placed, and the names of those from . e 'le, an. of, Iris, f favor of St1pe1"aranua- whom the suggestions came, and who "of; of???" C, Ct1OO Bill. ' p . knew all about the writing. (Hear, hear.) . , Pi: y1hB2),T?,irrli1tyrt a)? Mum. There had been improper interference on fytl, council of the County of leterbo- the part of this man, and that no person rough, PM) mg for the repeal. of Iutt part would deny. Let hon. gentlemen of lie0. 2 of chap. 48.., of iu,,yhl, whith IT. take the case home to themselves, and 3253.131 a by -law ot the County ot P cter.. they would then see the importance of an , a . , . rr "r, _ _ i investigation, of the case. To say that the by Mr. MON IEl .."r,r.irT,y1i. the . " ar- matter should be overlooked or excused f,te and mime" of the Cowman?" of would be saying what no member of the County of I erth, may"!!! for the diseon. House was prepared to defend, and if the tlnuanee of the Registry Office at St. Mary's. hon. President of the Council refuses P, 514" Ir':!,!)?,.!,-:.-?,':?,?!: Alex 1391211330" lthe investigation he will act contrary to an 2,h1,rs'td,""ll11g "I": n/o.Nit be paesed I his own views as expressed in a speech de. to B "If 1eyfiif11l1lrro, Fleet;',; hi livered in this chamber during the first Y . "f ., 511ml." it/l',' {"7115 ll' Parliament of Ontario, when he moved CUEDCRI" EKhOBEi'i "if," arhprayer. , for a return of a copy ot aletter written by q y . r " IT, {om f" e Courtly , Hon. Mr. Campbell, (s private letter too,) 9ou11.cil of Halton, RN31?" or an altera- tea friend at Sault Ste. Marie. The hon. tion 1n the law for 1niest1t1g the blag! gentleman will remember how strongly "cit',"vyl1s.eyt,. T/OOD-From certain he denounced at thattlme evenahint from . y t 1. i" b' ' h 1 . ve man. one friend it) another in a rfrttto letter, 198989.018 0 lull HO 5'3 oo S, Jer, l', um to we his ini)nentte in an J)rlldt; and if g}11'§?é,g;:2 ollt'yruQitf1egodntt1 if te/J, etl"gig'ietlt,'M'ge fNrg/tt12eti' and "pparitrP. for certain poor stsl?gel,s; ) we ex t from If?" 't "ld Ill d By Mr. .PyNf,Trcll',ree1, the .r1),r:11.t,tr? l no a",f,l'fi,'d that tlelo1o"d,mhe'der1, 9f the Christian sclsools oi Ontario, pray- [ of Public Works. and also the hon. mem- ih/voit,.nstc/h.1-nfi'prr'i))'hy,s Wilson, I berdfglr Ite Oxford gore insgumenltal in for in Act for the relief of the tint mort. l sen a man o . 0 I the slightest doubtfbut that dt, ate this; (itt2rifol1,tlti1l. ot the London and Port l were posted before being sent to Grey. It p, 51 SCO p"tu-Ftom the Managers ol a was true that Lewis might be brought to the limits College of the city of Ottawa . F h'g,Lat, tegrt te, he" "tte make that the Act of 'incorporation of the gait ' , anum r o use 3 a men 6 same as _ e ed. ', r', he haiggneti: his letter which had been C°%;ge$_a8figuKs-me the Law 3, -i" Hon. Mr. BLMrEy--Does the hon. gen tlepyuUTpt1ge. Ltl1e Aflcsvits? . -----_-v Mr. BAUDER said it was not necessary to produce them now, but at the proper tiny 1o.t.forthe.ornJns'i. .. .. A "e" Hon. MLBLAKE enquired w%gher that was the motion of which notice had been given: _-_-_ _A -- A _ _ Mr. LAUUER replied' that it was the same in effect. Mr. BLAKE maintained that the motion was out of order. - "riGjiiirjiiialt ruled the motion out of order, aslt was not worded exactly the same as the origipg1._ M" - " .. .. * , TIMBER LICENSES. Hon. J. S MACDONALD moved for an "Address for the names of all parties or tirms holding: timber licenses in Ontario} on the lst of January instant, setting forth the localities of the same, the area or num- ber of square miles covered by each li- cense, the da'e of each and of any assign- ment of such license, the bonus paid for each, and also a statement of all sums in arrear and unpaid to the Crown by such license, holders up to l the said date, and the date when such ar- I rears fell due, together with copies of any I correspondence between tho 1fearn.Lssnd Department and any license holder in ar- rear, demanding payment of the same," and in doing so remarked that he believed the hon. C,dinmi.ssiorter of Crown Lands would have no objection to making the returns complete up to the 'lst'inst. H Uleluvv "Y -- -__ ,7 Mr. 500 FT said the hon. gentleman' would be grptified to learn that he had anticipated the motion, and the returns were already made up to the present date. Tue motion was amended so as to in- elude all the licenses issued up to the lst inst. _ -- h' "7" at,,., "M" The following were presented '.-- By Hon. Mr. mcKELLhR---Fron1 G. W. Sheldon and others in favor of superannua- tion clause in School Bill. By Mr. 1?A11tBA1RN---Frorn the Muni. cipal Council of the County of I'eterbo- rough, praying for the repeal of that part of sec. 2 of chap. 48, of 34 Vic., which IT. lates to a by-law of the County of Pcter.. bogougp. -- -____-_-- _ . By Mr. MONra'HTH--hom the War- den and Council of the Corporation of County of Perth, praying for the discon- tinuanqe of thtlitgis.t1y Office at Si. Mary 'ty. By Mr BAKBER-From the County Council of Hanan, praying for an altera- tion in the law for ins csuug the Clergy Reserve money. RV Mr. B. C. T/OOD-From certain Ry Mr. S. C. WOOD-From certain inspectors of public schools, reeves, coun- ' cillors, and other residents of the County , of Vietoria, praying for a grant of maps and apparatus for certain poor schools. By Mr. Plt1NCE--From the "Brothers of the Christian Schools oi Ontario," pray- '1yi/vo,1i an Act of Incorporation. y Mr. SCOTT-worn Thomas Wilson, for an Act for the relief of the tint mort- gage bond holders of the London and Port Stanley Company. By Mr. SCO Nu-From the Managers of the Ladies' College of the city of Ottawa, that the Act of 'incorporation of the Said , college be amended. . 131 jii'i,ri,iI,,tp,yalrfccllig,e, the Law 80-3 El