teriot reporting fudiieiafjroeeedim,ts. _By Mr. RYKERT --lhym J. , Rotrertson, for an Act to incorporate this "DAILY TELEGRAPH Printing and Pub 1ielfingfuppyt"- - - By Mr. hfcCALL-rrom Frederick La I!'ontaine, that no further land be granted tolhe Long. 1't8ntflorrtpany. __ - By Mr. "0R0oKts--I?roii, the Orphan's Home and Female Aid Society ot Toronto, to amend their Act of incorporation. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Mr. IlYKERp laid on the table the re- port of the Committee on Sanding Ur. Liege, w_hic_h Prfls ylppted. l, Mr. 1tYKERT--Bill to incorporate the chncral Trust Company of Ontario. Ite '. ferret] to Private Bills Committee. I Mr. RYKEitT--Bill to amend the Aer relating to the Toronto,Grey and Bruce Railway. Referred to the Railway Com mince. Mr. GALBRAII'H presented the report of the Standing Committee on Printing, which was adopted after some discussion as to the supply of copies of the statutes to the Judges, and referred to the Standing Committee on Private Bills. 110n.Mr. MACKENZIE presented the seconq Report of the Standing Committee on Railways Mr. MoNTEiTH-Bill to incorporate the Trustees of the First Evangelical Lr tueran St. John's Uongxegation of the Township of Ellice in the County of Perth. Mr. PRINCE-Bill to incorporate the Dominion Bil Works Association. Refer- red to Cmmnitta-e on Briyate Bills. . "Mr. iiririiikgL-thn to amend the charter of the Harbors Oil Company of Hamilton. d - m A. Ar-o, is 'Bill to enable the Corporation of Hamilton to close certain streets in that city. ILL-trod to Committee on Private Bins W Bul's. COMMITTEE OF WAYS AND MEANS. On motion of Mr. Mackenzie it was agreed to receive the report cf the Com- mutce on Ways and Means on Tuesda next. y THE AGRICULTURAL AND ARTS ACT. Mr. RYKERT. in moving the second reading of the Bill to amend the Act M the Province of Ontario, entitled " An Act to amund the Agricultural and Arts Act;" brieily explained, the objects of the Bill. It had been the rule, he said, for {our mem bers to retire from the managing Board of the Agricultural Society each year; last l year that custom was superseded, but he hoped it would be renewed, as he believed it was in accordance with the wishes of the people. Hon. Mr. 1yyIy,,,t,1.eyi1/,ts1,te?eect,tif r" of tbo oar ec ly, (ttr-,?",'?))'.'),')?,),; could then be called to , accmint if thptthil.ef to do their duty. Hon. Mr. MCKELL Mt thought it impor- tant that some at least of the old members should go back each year, as they under. stood better the working of the Society than new members were likely to do. Mon. Mr. CARLING maintained that it would be better for each member to be elected every year, as they were holding large amounts of money in their hands, and they were equally responsible in that re- spect with the municipal candidates who 1 were elected annually. The B]! was then read a second time and referred to a select committee. THE GAME LAWS. Mr. PRINCE moved the second reading of a Bill to consolidate and amend the laws for the protection of game and fur- hearing animals in Ontario, and made a few remarks no explanation of the Bill. There were several descriptions of game for the protection of which legislation was much required. The subject had attracted much attention lately, and he had received letters from all parts of the Pin-Vince on the subject since introducing this Bill. Of course the chief point to sportsmen was what time should be made the legal period for killing game. The difficulty hereto- ft re had been that the period during which game was fit to kill; vat-led considerably in the eastern and western sections of the Province. Hon. Mr. BLAKE thought it would be advisable to give a. fair trial to an Act of this kind, to see how it would work, before arrlendipCit. - - Mr. SCOTT (Grey) trusted the Bull to be brought ly, fore the Committee would be of a nature to settle the question of the game laws for some time. Mr. H. B. MACDONALD thought the hon. member for Essex deserved a. great deal of praise for introducing that Bill, and hoped some special clause wouldbe introduced with regard to the protection of deer. Mr. BEACON said that in Item frew and that ntighborhood, hunting parties hum the States were in the habit of killing large quantities of deer and send- iry,theni ofl JIT, salsa The! preservation of oCdcer was of the highest importance to the people of that diztrict, who were to a very great extent dependent upon that for their meat supp'y; but they were at present. in a treat measure deprived of it by in. traders The Bill was mad a second time and _,,',',',,',':',"-",'::.?.,..?;:,],;) Committee. -____ BILLS INTRODUCED Jtrlsy.1n.g for a. letter sysl' In reply to Mr. CROSBY, Mr. BLAKE said it was not the intern tinnof the Government to bring down during the present session a Bill to regu- ' 1attut1derrdrfiping in_lbis Province, The remaining'business on the list hav- ' inc been disposed of the Home, on motion of Mr. Blake, adjourned at 4.30. NOVICE! OF MOTION. Mr. Baxter-On Monday, enquiry of 1 Ministry, whether they intend, during the present session, to propose any amendment , to the Grammar School Law. In rep];I to Mr. SCOTT, (Grey), Hon. r. BLAKE said the subject of immigration was under the cunsideration of the Government; but they were not in a position to name a day when they would bring down a measule on that subject. UNDER-DRMNiNU, Mr. Wood (Victoria)-On Monday, Cir. quiry of Ministry, whether it is their in. tention to furnish the Statutes of Ontarin. free of cost, 10 reeves, depwy I'QCVL'S, and clerks of Municipal Councjls." . Dr. Clark (Nortolk)--On Monday, an quiry of Ministry, whether it is the iuicn tion ot the Government, during the pre sent session, to imrnduce a measum lt commme, or in any way to settle, my i. any way to legislate upon the position 0 the various municipalities indebted to tin Municipal Loan Fund, with a view t: their commutation or entire relief. Mr. Pardee-On Monday, Bill EMEHM'i " An Act to amend the Act respecting the conveyance of Real Estate by Mania? Wo- men, and to facilitate the conveyance of Real Estate by Married yronyy.y" " Mr. Tooleyr-on Monday, Bill to amend the Municipal Act. Mr. Bethune-on Monday, Bill inti1ulcd " An Act to amend thelaw respecting Pub- lic Schools." - - _ - .. also-On Monday, address for copies of all rrgulallons issued by the Council of Public Instruction, 1-rspecuug Public Schools, and copies of the programme of studies prescribed for Public Schools and High chnuls. .. , , n flan. Mr. Bcott-- On Monday, that Means. Ardagh, Bouldwe, Bonner, Fiizsimmons, Pardee, Prince, Clark (Wellington), Perry and Farewed, do compose the commiuec to consider the resolution adopted by this House, yestcrgpy, as fo.yws,i-r, F llwuav. Jeni-Jutv, -...- 7-- H ,, nesorved-Tlrat the Hon. M. C. Cartieron, a member of this House, 11thng stated in his place that a corrupt inducemttit or offer was made to the Hon. E. B. Wood, a mem- ber of this House, to induce him to resign his position as Treasurer of the Province of Ontario, by the Hon. E Blake, while a t member ot the Opposition in the Legis [ latwe Assembly, at select committee be appointed to enquire whether any, and, it any, what corrupt inducement or oll'er was made to the Hon. E. B Wood, a member of this House, to induce him to resign his position as Treasurer of the Province of Ontario, by the lion. Il. Blake, while a mtmbcr of the Opposition in We Legis lative Assembly, such committee to have -- - A,__ A...I "All ' u LLuuv-uv-J , .._-._ -'" power to send for persons, papers and." dopumente, and lo report thereon to this House, and that it be un xngtructinn to such committee to return the crlrdcnuc taken before it to this House. By Mr. Bethune-On Friday,tlmt he will move for leave to introduce a bill intitulcd " An act to amend the law respecting the issue of the prerugmive writ of Mandamus." By Mr. Macdouald (Lecds)---AI)ress tor a. return showing the amount of emolu- ments of omce received during the your 1871 by the several clerks 0}" the pneaee and -- ' -- .."_..-.,. A AL: . .nvhu-p lllclllo UL _Fi9rrrm.r --v-_. - - - 1871 by the several clerks of the peace and county Orowo attorneys of this Province, and showing in tabular form the nature of the scxviccs for which such emoluments were so received and the gross amounts rteeived for such particular kind of ser- Trice. By Mr. Galbraith-On Wednesday, that he will move that an humble address be presented to His Excellency the Lieuten- isnt-Governor, praying that areturn of the numbers of Statutes issued, the names of those to whom issued, a detailed account of the money received and money now due in connection with the sale of statutes trtrp1 gunnery, 1868Lto January, 1872. By Mr. Prince-On Monday, that he will move that an humble address to his Excellency the Governor-General praying that he will be pleased to cause to be ini tinted in the Parliament of Canada a meas- ure tending towards the transfer of th management of the fisheries of Ontario to the Local Government. Dr. Boulter--Enquiry of the Ministry if they intend to grant patents to the original settlers on the free grant territories upon terms as favorable as to the, late settlers under the Free Grant Act. edits. Mr. Blake --On Monday, that he will move for leave to introduce' a Bill inlituled " An Act to provide for the institution of suits against the Crown by pctitinn of right and nspccting procedure in Crown 1111:01' " Dr. Clarke-On Tuesday, that he will move for leave to introduce a Bill to amend the Act respecting the property of religious deypmiytiops in, t ppm Canada. . Mr. Crooks-On Monday, lbathe will move for have to introduce a Bill to amend the Act relating to the registration of part- nersliips. __ 7 Mr. Blake gives notice that he will, on Monday next, move for leave to introduce a bih intituled " An Act to make further provision of members to till vacancies in the ngislmivc Asscqxbly." Alsd, on Monday, an Act to provide for the payment of law fees in territorial and other distr'ltiis by law stamps. Also, on Monthly, an Actho enable mat- ters to be proved undtr oath for purposes of1egitlsttiism . Mr. Patterson-on Tuesday, enquiring of Ministry whether they intend during the present session to introduce measures to rests and aPend,tht -mnpicipal law. - - -V_._ --_'-_-.ier- --N.. """""'U'"* luV'l Mr. Ihsroche--0n Monday, a motion to refer the petition of John Alberson and others of Frontenac, praying for the remo- val of a certain dam on Mud Lake, to the honorable the Commissioner of Public Works for the consideration of his depart- ment. . 7 Mr. Macdnnald (florn1vall)--tht Tues- day, addtess to His Excellency the Lieut- enant Governor for the copy It any _mc- 1sfffitiriu'iitFN. of the 1ylriArfr,iretitrtrirt"r1trtrEr88llMrmrtr the Canada. Central Railway Cumpsz 1n xelation to any claim tor land or otlwr com- pensation for the Construcdon of the sud railway on the subject.