i S "sto l 1 " ... nopCINS said the Act of 1954 was || settled after the passage of the A**-- the P# || the Act appropriating these revenues to the | . fore if a settler who settled befor® ",, _ ),, t picipalities, 89 he bad no objections to | | «agey of the Aot was in actual 009°P"""p,,;, ' fpbu the return from 1854 down., He sup | | 'Olfid be entitled to his patent lnemhip' , ?l'r"d the House could have a return of the remark applied -- to the fifty ivo :o'he Pro-- | "uonn: placed to the credit of that fand | forming the free--grant territory °" 1 naq | | *00, that time by Upper and Lower Canada . vince. So far as regards thost the p2® o <vcd, and then a detailed statement since | settled on their lots antecedent t0 858 p1q | | OPMUEU® T oL uso of the Free (irant Act, .'nd w':h. in-- Cogieugr®viol paid one or more instalments, it ©*5 " ;. | | Hor Mr. SCOTT agreed to the moation | tetll:ilon o(fi the G:;ernmont t«f) giv:p*o: their | | with this smendment, ard it then passed. balance due to the Crown iree q it ri »rx. d complying with the conditions of *,h"hf;f;ii \R, LAUDER'S3 COMMITTEE OF EN. (irant Act, and the Order in Council lied QUIRY. | e ";,"i itfilntog"fon'.b;eéowz?;;: ?;;:pt'gfiice, ' ' One of the orders of the day was Mr. | w -'?b tfe :O{-enfmw and Minto. (Cheers.) | | Lauder's motion for a committee of enquiry | Eo e 4' A p3 \| into the election for South Grey-- | DLVISION COURT FEES. | ' On the order boiniec:llod, howevor, the \r. MACDONALD (Leeds) lx;guiro'f)l d:" mover was tourd to be absent and the mo-- t» Ministry whether they intend t?'m 16 | | tion dropped. - down, during the Present £9050%v stampe || SPEEDY TRIAL OF FELONIES, EIC. l")q"'*':"'t ) paymen ( o on merwh o y' tees to the fee fund in sults Mr. McMANUS moved an address for a F m.[.erWiSO, 0 o. % Court f On « o eroceedings in the Division CourSA 0 return in respect to cases under the Act 32 or proceedings$ lerks and « x taric. loaving the feos payable to clerks a and 33 Vic,, cap. 35, for the more spsedy | sailiifs as at present srial o! felonies and misdemeanours, from the | b: 1\'1'; '}"L AKE sald it was not the intention | | several counties in Ontario for the year 1872, Ir, DL& a BE , 7 M Eusme ' the Government to bring down ANY MOX® | shewing in tabular form the following, viz : ~e upon the subject at present. The es 1. The number of grlsonars brought before : mont copsidered that the whole ques iC || the county judge under the second section of "te costs of litigation might form :';': su _ || the Act. t of leglelative aCtion'fZ'?.?:;:;on of gthe 2. The number of priscrers consenting to 1 scheme | f'n t'?fa:o; '»But unless there || be tried by the judge without a jury. c "ee U c0 onlal grievance they woulr 2. The nature of the offences in cases tried *# SW° 0 --"cter untouched till then. by th: jadge without a jury. **"*** 000 an t OOLILNT. ' 4. The number of convictions in cases so (HE S fl" y L_ ho Mintetry tried by the judge. i | Mr. BAXTER enquired 0'1 ,'2" vesont ! 5. The number of prizoners demanding a | chether they intended, during e | trlal by jut whether 8557 "%o any amendment to the || «UA DY JUTY. Se .z'i,.f»,n E, (?:;);fi;ir aghooi Law. | 6 Tho nature of the offences in cases TeX a1 \KE --That subject is under the | where prizoners demand to be bried by 'onsideration of the Covernment. f J"'.: 'The ntmher of tations bef t rsvteT2U TING THE STATUTES. . A; ie ntmnorol convictions belore the [ISTRI 8\ [ING i1 C ue "T'}; courts in csses where the p.'ici,.x Y it» WOOD (Victoria) enr;u'a.'ed (2! fi:e '-":'\'1'-*='l1'?""' e tried by s jary. . Ministry whether o o on th?r finten;fiog)fi ~ir. BETHUNE moved an addrens for : irnish the stntu*te'% 1(3f' Sf:}?r :n dw&;fks of | | copics of allregulations issued by the Coun-- to Reeves, F'-?','f'-;:f .cc yuny \ | cil of Public Instruction, respecting public \funictpal Counciis. misst ts alo unter I schoolr, and copies of the programme of Mr. BLA KE.--That subj00® 18 *8o : | studies prescribed for publis schools and the consideration of the GCovernment. ' kigh schools. MUXICIPAL LOAN FUND, \| | Mr, SINCLAIR suggested an amendment BEL 1X ~folk) enquired whothor | to the effect that the return should comprise Mr. CLARKE (Norfo E' :he' Government, || the numbers of teachers that had presented It was the '"""fl'é"(.f'l' n. to introduse || themselves, those that had passed, and those aring the 1b,~1"ed iu'any way to seb ;? that bad been refused. re gnt ,"am'm:."g ;g'legiahte upon the poat. | | The motion as amended was adopted. '{!(n\".x the various municipalities indf:';GedM ;}" HOSPITALS, POOR.HOUSES, ETC. the Municipal Loan Funtt:,l:';-"n,o;' vi@W to \\ _ Dr. CLARKE (Norfolk) moved for a se-- their commutation or entire T0 104 _ | . _ {} Jeot committes t*o inquiro into and repoart Mr. BLAKE said this was the tnm} time '; upon the condition of poor--houses and houses he had been called on to answer that q@0s || of eorrection and refuge. CUartied, tton, _It was not the intention of the Gover | DENTISTRY i on ct i is matiter this gession. & * j pment .t" ses dn ue n®veL 1/ 19 l Dr. ROULTER moved the second reading Lauguter.} ___.. '| of the Bill to amend the Ast 31 Vic., cap. | THE SEXATE OF THE UNIVERSITY. i 37, entitled, An Act reapect.mgl Detx;n:try.h | 17 PL ANI v f kir. DEACON complaine at _ the | Mr. CUMBERLAND mo'gdr;?,l:';};::e:? | Bill asked for toop many . privileges | {for a return of tb'c c cg C d the University ' for dentists, and asked that it be allowed t» | xhc:r mem*ber: °Fnt":h2°?i;?sofs.;7 13693, 1869 | stand over for the further consideration of of Toronto during s * ¢ " 1 1870 and 1871, I'CSPQCtively;. of nu'm&)eél ';)(l] % the,Houw.\ KT aam--urred in the opilaion of the meetings of the sald Senate called & Mr BLAKE consurred in §ne Opi O | actually held during the said years respoct \ the last speaker. § t * ..t-- and of the number of the said mest | _ p, BoULTER agreed to let the Biil stand ivos in each of the years aforenamed at' over,. shich each of the members of the aald' Mir BLAKE moved the adjournment of Senate respectively a;.:,ended.. A'.so% afl:'etu:g the HIIouse. of the minutes of the meetings of the sa ha MA nmea aXs 4.3 | f Senate, held in the yoars I18(37311'565, ilb.tlj'.), ' The House adjourned at 4:30. i 1$70 and 1871, respectively. o, similar yArli e 'p TIOX. returns of the meef,ings l'nd minutes of the | * t) ILLF'.'()._ MOo eLB Att "th ] Council of University College for the years \Ur. Fairbairn--Bill to amen o moo! 1867, 1869, 1869, 1870 and 1871. His reason | improve the Common and Grammar Schoot for making the motion was that the Act 1 Ontario ¥ placed the minimum number of the membersa Mr. McLeod-- Bill to incorporate the ?m of the Senate at ten. Now, there were 80M0 | py}taral Society of Ontario with the Agrical-- forty--three member#, and l:e'must ny,.wi'tb tural, Horticultural and Arts Arsociation. all respect for the numoer of distin--« Dr. Clarke--That any petitions from th+ suished men who appcared on the 1st | noatees of the Toronto General Hospital t thazt thers were 'als) on that lis be Lieatenant.Governor be laid before th persons whose avocations, resxden.cel, and Hlouts tastes NHL 's'ca.z":'legun;tx:lo.wa tn:?;lmlt: \ir Hodgins -- Enquiries of the Ministry . cnn Gran '.'.\":L;mf the T/ of -pf:,'x'- i| | whether they intend to introduce any mea to "' f r'x.{mu; Ol P efrn : uky ed :gxs was | »ure this sersion to increase the represent& w 7 ane t') oo ;-5:';";?}'.}.'1"3. would be | 'ion of the people in this Legislature usade T "."'fi}y'n'? 22 ; 'r ').'r,;»"c' p;' the pres the late cer sus, or to equalize the represen-- und that the greaier number of t26 piF ent members of the Sepate systematically | ratiO? of the constituencles on the basis of abserted themselves from the meetings o' | POP ation. f i the 1 the coverning body. Hia ultimate object Mr Cumberland--Bill to amend the law: was to see whother some change ought not | relating to the University of Toronto, so fa to he made in the government of that insti-- | as the same affects the appointment of th: tation _ With that end, ho had given notlce | Chancellor, the Vice.Chancellor, and tho | tb day to introduce a Bili to change| enate. ' [ the metrcd of appointment, the num MUr. Cumberland--Address for a return 0 | bers, and the gencral system of_the | the amcunt realized from timber dues, sales government of the University. _ When | of timber limits and licenses, and all othe ; there were men who© had graduated | charges or revenues arising from timber an i | at that University thirty and thirty. one years | umber in the Muskoks, Parry Sound an> | ago, ib was time that the craduates should | Algoma districts respectively, collected an | ; 6 € 7 | nave some say in its government. By the cartriecd to the revenue account of the Pr» | Bill he proposed to introduce, convocation | vince from lst Jan., 1863, to ist Dec., 1872 ; . | wouid be esiablisked, and the graduates in : and derignated the amounts colleoted from { 'i 'j* on ;;'.".Q\_.d h'g: theo t':;'lfi to appr)int the several COWMMPI l ¢ | \,:",(' nauceior. _ He proposed that the | _ Mr Harrington--Bill to amend the Munici-- | | Bisap ;~'x.r;.'.»_ ».:m;xd' still boe elected from | pal Act, amor d tre menate, but ho inte & | the eonstitution of u"'tlb',},'y' Ef"'t';::':g';?: M: Rykert--Bill to amend the Act ro | one '.;.;:-.;_o' the m:embers should be appointe:d | apegtlng land surveyors and the survey of | _# 7 "o3C" fmong the graduates. ied | !*"0-- apou the support of the Mmg;,;ehig | _ Mr.Coyne--Bill to amend the Act respect y P'J(;;-u;; *"rz':-:;: 1, _ progressive, protective | 'ng County Courts. is | influenifqy' .4 ,B--"I06 _ to the graduates, ; \Ir. Pardee-- Bill to provide for the filling | Ipoth ang $1,2000 ,NCCC Ahroughout the | up or otherwise shatting off the water flow. $ in'the ( ~"::":";_:'{':;n";'{"}h'z.(}')'un(.ry. a share | 'DZ into abandoned oil works. i Fento, u:;;'\{ w 0Of She University of To-- : Mir. Macdonald (Leods)--Bill to ameond EC mm ccryezse | (Chap. 52, 34 Vic., and to deciare the true i4i4 CLERGCY REEERYVE L \XD3 meaning of sectlon 16 of said A«st. | _ Alr, HODGINS moved for an x l Mr. Blake--Bill to amend the Act respect-- | : statement showing " rn audregg for ing the establishing of registry offices, and | from timber sold on lands got venue derived ] ro amend the registration o! titles (Ontario) | Reserve Lands Snd }T s s':.,apart as Clergy | Act. | 31'1)!0?'&:?.-;:1_ C T.}'or 0\: t.'t'. s2ame has been enc _ Attrmirrrereeerameeeeeeeeteneenmnemmenmaths + \| under the provisteng of "hor ht beltoved, e \ot, belonged to the ,{x}l':.(z,*e"{!'y'fl-:serm should be diatributed o .-_;:-.pahtv.c:, and as other clergy reaerve m(?l:"c',!-bn?m the same to ascertain if this had poey 4 LLL 901¢ct was to call the attsntion . ,b""n dore, and the"n | % (; ;fr_vemment to the cl:\'fmzh& ktg'lie aud the ] } 1";- 0 municipal. | ca. Mr. SCOTTP T : union of the PYO\'inc::plf"an $48% from + | Canada to Confedeen®. UPDSrand 1.._°° n o Confederation insy' 10 Logp | the two Provinces had n.,«09,"SO0U0 from | It would, therefore Dassed int, one { ad. | separate the amoun4 c"",'i',? great l:s')marn;1 large once--under & ho 0 e e s er $30,0009, S2M Wway not a * 4 e ts 9. o * ies @ * %} n ts Mn en t n n