_ _ Mr. Hodgins--From the Township Coun:-- ; cll of Bertie, for certain ameniments to the The SPEAKER took the chair at three o' clock, PETITIONS PRESENTED. Tuzespiy, Jav. 30. Registry Act. Mr. Fairbairn--From James Coyle Brown and others, of Peterborough, that the Da-- partment of Education may be directed to furnish maps, &c., to certain schools. Mr, Dawson--From the County Council of the county of Kent, for an appropriation to dredge the River Thames. Also--From the Council of the town of Chatham, for an appropriation to dredge the mouth of the River Thames. Mr. Wilson--From the County Council of Elgin, praying that the Act before the House for the relief of the bondholders of the Lon-- don and Port Stanley Railway may not pass. «Mr.. Williams (Hamilton)--From the Pab. 'ic School Board of the City of Torontc, for the passing of an Act to extend the powers iinven to Pablic School Boards in relation to dustrial Schools. Mr. Calvin--From Schuyler Shibley and others, of Frontenac, that the Department of Education may be dirested to furnish maps,° &c., to certain schools, °_ ___ BILLS INTRODUCED, ' Mr. Bethuae--To authorise the Courts of , Queen's Bench and of Common Pleas, Ontario, _ to admit James Fleming to prastise. § mmmme? <x6 W > ookt Mivendieivardains «ondinncir ts tak Mr. Mackerzie--From M. Mclnnes and others, of West Williams, that no Act may pass to separate the county of Middlesex. _ Also--From John Dingham and others, of East Williams, to tho same eftect. Also--From James Cuddy aud othors, of FEast Williams, to the same eflest. Also--From A. Seabrook and othors, of Delaware, that the township of Delaware may be attached to the East Riding of the county of Middlesex,. Mr. Ardagh--From the Township Council of King, that the Bill for the constraction of a railway from Hamilton to Hogg's Bay may pass. _ Also --From the Town Council of Barrie, to the same effect Mr. Barber--From the Town Council of Milton, that the Bill for the construction of a railway from Hamilton to Hogg's Bay may pags. _ Atso--From the County Counsilof Hal to the sama effect. Mr. McDonald (Leeds)--From Richard Preaton and others, of Leeds, that the Ds-- mtment of Education may be directed to ish maps, &o , to certain schools. Mr. Ardsgh--'['o incorporate the Parry Sound Railway Company. Mr. Christie--To authorise the corporation of Dundas to exempt Young,. Law & Cs. from taxation for a certain period. Mr. Christie--To enclose Rosina street, in the town of Dandzs, and invest the same in the town. $ Mr. Carling--From the Sandwich Gravel Road Company, that the Bill now bo. fore the House forthe construction of a street railway from Sandwich to Windsor do not pats. i Mr. Monteith--To enable the Council of the town of Logan to pass a bye.--law repealing certain bye--laws, and for other purposes, Kifx, Springer---- LOBUuWVI®-- 20 " irtcasm ol tion of a line of railway from the village of Dooen to the town of Galt. Dr. Clacke--To amond the Act respesting the property of bonevolent institations in Upper Canada&. _ Mr. Ar:'!gsh--To enable the Corporation of Orillia (Simcoe) to dispose of certain lanads. Mr. Willlams (Hamilton)--To incorporate the Canada Petroleum Railway Company. Mr. Williams (Hamilton)--To iacorporate the Pacific Junction Railway of Canada. Mr. Ardagh--Au Act respecting the Geor-- gian Bay Lumber Company. VMr. fiobinuon--'l'o'_lncorporate the Kinge: ton Board of Trade. -- e aW POSpCUs* in MI';'nb}lalitg?ggels'.r go+ en Aaolanl Mr. CAMERON said that did not exactly € chis p d the Taw respect: represent what he had said, which was taat ons s s. the Prerosss! w *4 '; there was one other member of the Govern-- tng the Issae of the Prerogative W3 °C ment that ho bad some information againes, Mandamus. is $hg's but be was not prepared to name him, J KARVVS NEwEsk J (0 WTERE Cw RERR C C C CaP CCC cad well, do compose the gommittee to consider the resolution adopted by this House, as fol-- lows : Resolved, ThattheHon. M C. Cameron, _'a member of this House, having stated in his _ place that a corrupt inducement or offer was 'made to the Hon, E B, Wood, a member of this House, to induce him to resign his post-- tlon as Treasurer of the Province of Ontario, f ::Ltho Hon. E. Blake, while a member of t Opposition in the Legislative Assembly, _ 'a select committee be appointed to enquire an opportunity of clearing themselves from the charges made against thom. Hs, therefore, moved : That Messrs, Ardagh, +Boultbeo, Boulter, Fitzsimmons, Pardes, Princeo, Clark (Weliington), Perry and Fare: well, do compose the committee_to consider \the resolution adopted by this House, as fol-- AInwae+ Resolned. Thstthe{ion. M C. Cameron, Mr Carling--An Act respecting don, Huron and Bruce Railway Cc Mr. -- Carling--Respecting the Company of the City of London, Mr. Blake--Au Act to make further pro-- visions touching the election of members 0 the Legislative Assembly. Mr, Biake--To provide for the institutlo of suits agaiost the Crown, by pelition to the Crown upon petition of right, and re specting petitions in Crown suits. ';tlr Erzyoks--'['o amend the Act relatin to the registration of co--partuerships. eo LV it c (nuimekQas NOE C C eitee erm s 00e teo 0 Mr. Crooks--To ezable matters to Db Hon. Mr. BLAKE rose to propote & me¥ proved under orth for the purposes of th:| sure which involved the general principle of Legisiative Arsembly. Parliamentary management, for which his Mr. Crooks--To make provision for th: friends and himself bad contended for four pay ment of law fess in territorial and othei| Y°¥"5S upon which they weant to the country districts, by meauns of law stamps. ard which was a chief cause, they believed, for the change which had taken place in the COSZ we s _ _# ahle --anmmbue d whether any, and, if any, what corrupt in-- amend the law respect-- Compzny. *A 10 s0n '" ever been aware that those accused of cor-- ruption or other misconduct were at liberty d ~to decide on the manner in which the acca-- 't sation should be framed against them, and L1 on the tribunal by which they should be tried. Considering the act of the Govern:-- d ment an interference with the rights of that y House, and designed for the purpose of stifling enquiry, he declined to proceed with of the matter in any shape or way. Hon. Mr. MACKENZIE pointed out that of the enguiry was made as broad as possible, but it was made specific. That _f Which the hon, gentleman had tried to avold ... in making his accusations--namely, to make but be was not prepared to name him, 33* _ The motion was carried. Gas _ TBE MUNICIPAL LOAX FUXD. Hon. \ir. MACKENZIE presented a re-- pro| tarn on the subjsct of the Municipal Loas 3 o' Furd, which had been prepared by the Hon, Mr. Wocd. ducement or oifer was made bo the Hon. EK B. Wood, a member of this House, to induca hira to resign his position as Treasurer of the Province of Ontario, by the Hon. E. Blake, while amember of the Opposition in the Legislative Assembly; such scommiltse to have the power to send for persons, papars and documents, and to report therson to this House, and that it be an instruction to such committee to return the evidence taken be. fore it to this House." Hon. Mr. CAMERON protested against the proceedings of hon. gentlemen oppo. site in this matter, In the first place, that resolution was not the resolution he intro duced to the Houss; it contained astatement different to the statement he made; it limit-- ed the source of en(f]uiry, and the committes struck was one in favour of those who wers charged. This was the first time that he had them specific--the Government had done. The enquiry would be made as full as possible into the questions raised by the hon. gentle: man in that extraordinary manner, whereby he sought to insinuate charges against those gentlemen which he declined to put upon the r. _ The enquiry would be conducted as mley, but as rigidly, as it was possible for Parliamentary proceedings to be. (Hsar, hear.) Hon. Mr. MACDONALD had not wished to take any 'g.rt in this discussion until he found that the enquiry was to be limited, in the face of the declaration of 'his hon. friend. who first moved in the matter, which in-- cluded the suspiclon shat other inflaences had been at work,and other parties involved, in the arrangements which he had charged the Government with having brought about. When the member for East Toronto stated that he was not prepared to confine the charge, it was right that he should be al-- lowed proper scope for the enquiry. Why did not the Government allow all parties to be brought into the enquiry? He did no* believe they would refure to accede to his hon. friend's desire that it should go further. Mr. MACKENZIE asked how far the hon-- ourable gentleman wished it to go? What rnames did ho wish to be included? If hs would mention them they could yet be ia:-- sertsd in the resolution. 'I RATILWAY for Cornwall would have hesrd him, had he been present, ask the hon. member for East Toronto whether he charged any other member of the Administration, and he would find, on reference to the two mornlns ptnn. that the hon. msmber was reporte to have said, as he did say, that he did not charge any other member of the AAministra:-- tlen. He was invited to charge any or all the members of the Government, and was told that if he did they would be put into the motion. _ He was also told that if he was not Rrepared to make the charge, the moment he was the names should be included in the motion. Mr. CAMERON said that did not exactly represent what he had said, which was taat there was one other member of the Govern-- Mr. MACDONALD sald thoss of other members of the Administration. Mr. MACKENZIE remarked that the member for East Toronto had been invited to name them, that they might be included in the, enquiry. Mr. CAMERON--Bat they want me to epecify tbem. Mr. MACDONALD--That is very faic. My honourable friend has the opportanity. Hon. \ir. MACKENZIH also presented two reports of the Committee on Ways and Means. <tn t wWould BOL SLALUu in *< ) o 00 _ _ T he Government woald bave desired had hey been copstructing the original measure. But they bhad considered it desirable tast they should, as far as possible, preserve the :ubstance of. the existing law, under which various acts had been done avud certain intor-- eats created; that they should yather amen } than repeal, and should furnish the 1aw with those safeguards necessATY 4o the mainte nance of the people's rights. They, there fore, proposed to the House to P283 vhis Biil. p, prop®8s®8 V ®"" /1 do what B3 f.rlenldz varicus acts uau PC ***""~ _ , cats created; that they should rather amsn * than repeal, and should furnish the law with those safeguards necess8TY to the maintoe: nance of the people's rights. They, there: fore, proposed to the House to P2S® this Bill. which, if passed, would do whas his friends and hirogelf proposed should be dong 14 the Jast session of the last Parliament, and whas they bad obtained the agsent of the Housse to in the debate URON the _ Address. In the spirit in which the Bill hadi besD framed, it was proposed not to interfere with the logal effect of the orders in Council pass ta by the late Government under the As ks Mr. ELAKE said the bon. mem'be: WAYS AND MEANS, FUNXD APPROPRIATION. had taken place in the ffairs of the country jority of 48 to 28, had laration as to its opinion <ha mails b¥ whichk tbesn with pass A at,