Hona. Mr. BLAKE stated th#! "° °5 // gip that any hon. member held such an oflice with emolument attached to it. s Hon. Mr. RICHARDS explained the circum-- stances under which the hon. member for south (GGirey had been appointed to & trustceship, 1t was the mesest trumpery 10 introduce a measure of this kind to prevent a iovernment from appointing to & paltry office of that kind ; however, in order to re move all sueh groupds of complaint, he was \\.'1l;mg to vote in favor of it. The latter part, referriog. to the appointment of a sixth member of the Counc®, he should oppose, his opinion being the same as formerly. k _ _ cames ---- t shak iF *h mt member 8B ArCGAEI, MME. RERVERAMAMEC C 0 n'lemcn tended to appiy to hon. ge i th= Hou®c, he #should oppose !4 ; , _ ' the Government in Cre@UPS ®7" 0 ayen ta the way they had done lfofore &el' had even taken their scats or given a vote at all. it this poliey was correct, who knew but perhsPs M had another uftice ready to be filled. If one neYW efice coul 1 be created, then any number of »®W oflices could be created, and then the hon. Presidert of the Coun-- cil would say that it was only necesesary 10 live up to the spirit of the law, and not to the letter. The Government seemed to think it mecessary to pass this Bill to keep themselves from falling into corrupt practices ; but if they leff 86 good a record as the late Government they would do well. _ Hon. Mr. RICHARDS said if the Bill was in . Mr. RICHABDP® ©0""°,° on at present in Mr LAUDER said that | the meeting, but he had the as his aulhori:]y. whose vers not bo doubted. ... .. ... u06 00 UOMNACCCE Hon. Mr. MACKENZIE said that there was an-- other szentleman 0n the Opposition side of the House who had been talked of as leader, and he had lately been ; maszing himself --conspicu-- ous in the debates on | this question. . The Lbon. gentleman's insivnations would have no effect in dividing the great Reform party. Hon. gentiemen cpposite might act in @ccordance with the instructions they receired from Ottawa but hy would produce no effect on the Government; he (Mr. Mackenzie) krew all about their little game. The custom of the Bri ish Goveri ment in makin=s a;{puintmcuts bad been reéferred to as an example, but the cireomstances Were different With regard to the appointment which had been referred to, he said tha tthe hon. gentlemen who recived those appointments had been expected to vote against the then wGovernment, but after re ceiviog those app.latments became &u, porters ceivinog thos of it. MNr LAVUZF of the partics late tOppositi ment. Mr. ance w memb Bill. tional the e RRG AELA Mr. MACKENZIE maintained that in sccord-1 ince with British Fartiamentary practice the hon. member for South Grey had rno right to vote on this Bill --In reference to the appoinrtment of arn addi-- tional member of the Conncil, he said that since the Keform Ast of 833 thore wore a number of in -- »t.nces of Mimsters without portfolios being ap-- pointed in the British Cabinet. He thought the debate had been of a satisfact ory nature, Hon. Mr. B AKE sata that sevoral allusions had heon made to the 3rd ctause, which appeared to have been misunderstood; all that that ciause provided for was the vr quirement of re--e'cciion of a mem-- ber of tae Executive Council without portfolio With respect to <ha re"erence which had been made to th? 1}ith clause of the Confederation Kker hn Tur Muak ) as a WYE --Wwis thoncni the overn nebt n2G Peisg"? 10 0J ZTCHITCU «t heing abWe to bring forward this me. sure so early. Mr FIPZSIMMONS said he thought the bill was a step in the right direction, and should there-- {ore sappor t it The SPEAKER then pat the motion that the Bill be read a second time; and declared the motion c«rvried. But hon. members, on the Ministeral side insisting on a division being taken, the members wore called in aud p eparations made for a divi-- won. However, as there appearcd to be no oppo-- «ltion to the RPuW, the Speaker ruled that the yeas and naysa could not be t«aken. _ The House then, on motion of Mr, Biake, ad-- l jmnined at eleven a'clock,. Sotices af HMations, Hon. Attorney--General Crooks--On Thaorsday --Bil! intituled : An Act respecting the Law Society of Ontario. ty us C f cfore he was called upon to advise upon them. The practice of tae Baidwin--Lsfontaiue Govern-- nent had hien referred to by the hon. mamber for South dGrey: but sinse that time the law had been chanced, and it was no longer logal for Crown council to be emploged in sach business He houcht the GQovernment had reason to be gratified it heing abe to bring forward this me sure s0o Mr. Ardagh--On Thur--day--Add: ess for a return of all the surveyed lands in the County of _ Simcoe belonging to this Province, the fee of wh ch is etill in the Crown, showing the township, town or vil. lage, number aod copcession of each lot, or part Also--Sta ing in respect to each lot, or part 1ot, the followias particulara :--If sold, or agreed to be sold, the deed in euch case, the name of the purchaser or tintend'ng purchaser, the date or sale, or agreeraent for sale, the price for which so'd, the amount paid thereon, and the amount remaining due at date of return. Also, the conditions of pay-- mont in cases of sale, and as to settlement, or otherwise, ( f any.) Als=o, the fact of any lot, or part of lot, being occupied or improved within the knowledge of the Crown Lands Department, and the time when such iwprovement made or such oc-- _capancy commenced, so far as known. Also, if any timner license granted for any lot or part lot, and if so, the date and terms of such license. MicK ith Bri or for & In refe yM ferred to. had over acted with the before he recuived that appoint-- distinctly denied that he, as one 7 1 1 au%) x L i--ht direction, and should there-- 16. that he did not kn?\v 1 oob s o exaltobe § .& -- ARWWYCF, wisB tho interpretation clause -- was correct. + auew oice d to