P eA e "any.) A\lso,.the fact of any lot or part lot eB wable of I being_ cccupfed or improved within the | o 0s a not cmpable 9° | £ the Crown Lands D | that the Reform P"ty o at own leader, kr owledge 0 e Crown Lan epartment, governing or appointing t.het; d vested the ar d the time when such improvement made here or elsewhere; and h9 ®*%,"""%q , | or such occupancy commenced, so far as | f leadership in a gentle®*" ':bé country known. Also, if any timber license granted f very distinguished positlon !* ° in control-- || for any lot or part lot, and if so, the date 8 from his ability, from his P"We"unry and | and terms of such Hcense. y ling the chicf newspage" of thelcvier of' tlhg [ n n f C from his former DOBifi"n as 'e;c that Mr Liberal party. _It was quite NJ (s v)Aeu Cameron should endeavour to make 1/ 'fl pth that he was not the mero automaton 0 e cower in Ottawa, and that w2> the reason why he interested himself s0 much about the | leadership of the Reform patty. Bat, wha* kind of aleader of the Conservative party was the member for Kast Toronto? Why. | @ "the other day his leader had come to town to ipstruct him politically how to act. _ (A | langb.) The leader from Ottawa, appre bhending coming destruction in a larger | 4 sphere from the tarn affairs hadi taken io | this amaller body, had come to Toronto to | sive gentlemen opposite a proper drilling (| ' Theo insizuation which Mr. Cameron thre« j ' | across the House would not have the slight | eat tendency to cause avy division in the ranks of the Reform party. The question was, whether it were desirable to remove all | ® %, cause of temptation from membsrs, no mt ter what Government were in power. In reference to the illastration of Mr. Word | ® he (Mr. Mackepzio) might observe that | thoere was a great difference botwaen a Hous: i composed of 82 members and a Houss of 650 o members \ Mr. RICHARDS--What about the =, pointments made by the SBaldwin-- Lafontaia. p oministration ? a }'-f". :.' A CR E':_\. /.lYJ ";q{-'l t!('-.: th"g Gr)',?.g.-u ¢ ' ment was failible, like every other one, hm houn. gentloman thought the Baldwin--Lafo f taine Government did right, because ths; q ippointed lawyers; he (Mr, Mackenzls) di f not be}: that lawyors, as a class, wor more horess than any other class, M Mackenzie then referred to the cases of M: } [".'\""' tn "5;' d .;" ".'\;!i'_g?ii, ot '7"'.'-'.'3--'.4{-3.-;3.;(, 23 in | stances Mustrative of passing 2 measure o | es x\(.' C ~Y-.:'}'-,' prosent one 3 P. L. UER denied that he had ava } promiseato sgpoort t Reform navky. + x 4 MA & 18 a: that he bha'l o dence to the contrary, avd it was over the | || signatures of Mr. Lauder's committee. ; \r. LAUDER again denied the fac'. | Mr. MACKENZE said the statement | | would go to the gentlemen composing \Mlr. | / Lauder's committee. Mr. LAUDER--I rigs to say------ | _ The SPEAKER--Order. : | ir. MACKENZIE--Don't expect ordsr | | from the gentleman. Heis not aware whas | ¢ | Parliamentary order means. \ : Ir. LAUDE& (in a low voloce) --Aa1d | | woun't bo, while-- (The rest of the sentence i | was lost.) | Ur. MACKENZIEC wont on to say that | houn. gentlemen opposite thought the measare unnecessary, though they admitted that the principle was one which had been previously admitted in legislation, only they considered that the Covernment were carrying the prin-- ciple to too groaat an extent, i'n'"y watra.. | however, only carrying it to its legitimate | corclusion. In the English Housa of Com-- | mons every member of a committee on a pri-- | vyato hi bsad ¢ stonmn oa Acolsaration th«* h l | had no isterest whatsver in the bill, _ Hoa | lexr opposite had said the Promis | had no right to advise the Lisut --Gove--e until his Government was formed. Bat the iea on to 1 m an 2080 ".;:t'vi;",.',i.\'] wWA3 G | vise kis Exselieney as to the member | ' ho were to compore it If ho conild giv % 20 V untii '. : ramsat was forms3, | no Government eve \.'b..t'\i. Z',;.f),'l\.f :d th | tDil FAS & ipa'ks armunrd | Since the ; : of the Reform Act of 1832 j Q n had in ten or t welve instances ap-- tadd n tor in the BRritish UaS | inet ithou & poitiolio, and 5% l | Filer & Ag onl y I"'."t'u;v'v' N« | iple of her [ajsssy in th | appoint: ha madle, The Ooposition ha | a right to say, if they pleased, that the stop | ] his k ura frierda the Premier took | | a imental to the public raterest, Dbu | they had no right ay it was uncorstita tional. In referenance to she app rintmeat of | thirteen Mini a at Obtawa, what his hon-- C friend and be were arguing agains! was thoe necessity for t2irteen departments. Ire s:nance Jepartment was aplit into four aa 4i 44 '~."( y CAQ uwo iscretaries Of Sfcr\"'v " bat hnero nel had been no iocrease 'n $ } ( veiny n}t l.'.j-:}; the 1)!,*.8'1 cent ol _ 1 h. icil had no staff, o porlicito0, r ry:; and --therefore Themrap rg Fravig ~am . Abig s 4o > The mean: | p er Tt l nto had referred to the | j praciice in Erglaud, when aliusion was made | to bis tasiog fees to defend a criminal whow | , '(' was pr( s as an offiser of th ! \.'r(,-'.n., , Ahne practice in England might be | f t C enasctane ghu preither the Attorney , | \Yzll x :'.: Y',' T .;S, s so Genoral was a m".!n | o) [ inult cablsues. . They had nokt to advise | Her Majesty at all. Hs had {ound througt 1 out the country + y "i"-"( ,_.!"'lgl * | a ceneral flv'» 3 .m.' j C n -\' wrch elections | Hiced here 213 --0 En "h0, Sysfom pras | Hiced here and at Oitama of appointing | ?t{.b_ks Parliament to offices for which Mc) ."._\_".";A'l 'Cru;';'-xu;,;,,!t Ife belleved a very considerab'e improvement would bs ef fected in tha pablic tmnma af +1 ' * their passing such m on th ; country by imre mWwer, wes "»x ~il MCRSUrO3 as f.fi'g nrevont j ing any member of that Houss frorm in influenced by imuvrons,. . [jLCe ""Om botog yroper motitves, Mr BLAKE replicd: and 4 j marks from Mr. Fitrsigqmona in -- af fow ro the Bill, the matin-- 'Y i in support of without dissent, _ ¥as put, and carried | g e ho House adlournad at alawan a'rst.s ; PA u0uU &, RBieven Ociock ( g.. _ ~ --Ls UFMOTIONS, tion. Att! rney (i. noral {rn T h (13)'---i, 11 enti '1_}p.\!. it & ~.L~. 3 '.)Q;TQ.;['J | | Law Society of UL.'.,;;':'::;. act respecting the \ ki f C F A:dsfa-h-. On Thursday--Add s return of all the survevyed langs $ for | { 'Jnt"v of Sm e }""{-'1"'1 _"".'t 14}éfl\\fl in the the fee of which is sti 'lkiv\"':r o tais Provings % sibIn the ('eng | ug'the to;rz';bth, town or vilt own, shaw 4 and concession of each lot. * '"'*8°, number c # * * p...l. lgt 3 Also--Stating in resuect nge," | € lot the «following p&\'l.__i,_"'",." »eacd'lo'; or part | @ | agreed to be sold, and in asa.1.". _ *L 801d, or | | of the purchaser or i;g;h,?fti: case the name ~ | date of sale or agreement +.." P"dh:'ms.,,, the | « | for which sold, the il!nou"u'to? 5;3:5, the price s | the amount remaining dug 1, 'd thereon, and | j f 1 Algo, the conditions of pa:, @a%e of retury | l | sale, and as to !eitlex:c)a'.'"mnt '1D Ca'eg O.f ' . n--.*, 0¢ Otherwlge (if >.; h ® % a_(1{