The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 31 Jan 1872, p. 1

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SsECOND PARLIAMENT--FIRST SES SToOX, [ so, the dato and terms of such license. WepxrEspar, Jan, 51, 18i%, The SFEAKER took the chair at 3.45. PETITIOXNX3, Mr. DEROCHE--From the County Council of Lennox rearectiog the distribution @f the Muni-- cipal Loan Fund. Also, from the County Council of Frontenac, praying that the Act to legulize a by law of the county in favor of the Kingston and Fembroke Railway do pase. . A1iso, 110M ins County Council of Frontenac, praying that the Act to legz«lize a by law of the county in favor of the Kingston and Fembroke Railway do pass. T Also, from the County Council of Lenuox, pray-- ing for certain amendments of the elec ion law. b Baw maweass . o7 _ k$ CUOUBCHEi OE LENNHCOX, pPray-- iflfi:}" certain amendments of the elec ion lag. A r. COYNE--From the County Council of Peel praying for cortain amendments of the iury law. _ Mr. WEBB--From Donald _ McCall and other public school teachers in the East Ridin: of Nor-- thumberland, praying that no altcration" be made fu Vte law relating to the euperannuated teachers m:"l'f ""fiml'i'f?}l rom the Huron and On'ario _ Mr. WEBB--From Donald public school teachere]'\)gli?\led ;bl{'t?bf"{md' praying that nc f::nd? aw relating to the em Mr. PATTERSON --From the Hur Ship Canal Company, praying that s be taken to enable them to constru Also, from the City Council of bined with the County Councils of ceor to the same effect. Hon, ATTY.--GENERAL--From and othera of Toronto, praying to ments to the License Law' 7 [ 0730 SSo nuron anc un' ario , praying that some steps may iem to construct the work. ty Council of Toronto, com-- }v Councils of York aud Sim-- ect, toqrapH. tor c( and amea Burns rlain amend k. O% "'' I¢rs, of mmil'q Others. of c« ¥ of St. Mr. COYNE--An Act respectiug County Courts, To be read & second time to--morrow. Mr. FALIRBAIRN--Respecting the Grammar School Act. To be read a second time on Friday ext. C Mr. RYKERT--To enable the trustees acting for a widow named Margartet Ferris, to sell certain lands. _ Referred to the Private Bills Committce, Mr. PERRY--To grant leave of absence to the hon. member for Haiton on account of illness. _ Hon. Mr. BLAKE--Respecting the erecting. of registry offices in ridings, t QUESTIONS BY MEMBER 3. In reply to Mr. Patterson--Hon. Mr. Blake said that the Government did not interd during the present Session to introduce measures to revise and amend the Municipal law, _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Hon. Mr. BLAKE moved, seconded by Mr,. Mac-- kenzie that for the remainder of the ses:ion Gov-- ernment business be put on the paper for Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, to be taken up after the other ordcrs of the day are disposed of. Car-- ried. § Mr. OLTIVER moved for a select Commiltee to re port as to the best means of protecting timber from fire. Carried. Mr. LAUUVER moved, seconded by Mr. Scott (Groy) that a select Commitee be appointed to en-- quire into tho truth or falsity of certain state-- ments contained in numcrous sworn affidavits published in certain newsepapers to the effect that one Lewis, acting in concert with others, and who was recently a Government inspector of lands in the townships of Melancthon and Proton. in the county of Grey, during the lasi clection for said county, represented to the inhabitants of said townships that he was authorized by the Govern-- ment to state ** that if the voters of Proton voted against Mr. Lander, one of the candidates, they should have the full benefit of the low estimate which had been made of the value of their lands, but not otherwise."' 'The said committce to en quire Intathe circumstances connected with the alleged interference of said Lewis in said election, and the authority on which he so acted ; such committee toreport the result of such engairy to this House, togcther with the ev dence taken by them, such committee to have power to send for, person«, papers and records, and that such com-- mittee consist of Messrs. Rykert, Pardee, H. S. Macdonaid, Galbraith and Boulter. He was not going to have words put in his mouth, which he had never uttered, or made re-- sponsible for what he never eaid. Hecould rot say of his own knowledge what had passed be-- tween the hon. Commissioner of Public Works and Lewis when in the bed room togetber; jthat it did take place he had not the slightest doubt, but ho had not said that Mr. Blake had sent him there,uor that any other member of the Governmeat had sent him there. He wanted an enquiry into the matter to see whether the Government had sont him there or allowed him to go with their sanction. 1e had explained the whoge matter before, and he had no further remarks to make at present. f Mr, sCOTT (Grg') said that the persons that had made these aftidavits,which were published in TH& DaiL¥ TELEGRAPHK, were made by persons with whom he was wellacquainted, and whom he knew to be just as reliable as Mr. Lewis or any oth r persons who would speak on his side. It was certain that at the time Lewis went to Grey, on the 23rd of December, he had completed the valua-- tion of the Protonlands. Then what could have taken him there ? Mr. Lauder did not say these charges were true on his owa responsibility, but he said they were alleged to be truc, and he be-- lieved it, and therefore required a select commit-- tce- i lsw & w .c % s L JELAOL ic aucks i 24 Hon,. MtY. CL&AKG GCHIUCKH IUG CLALUTIIIOIILG DTE had been made in regard to his having seen Mr. Lewis, or had an interview wich him, in respect to the Ssouth Grey election. He bad no objection to a 7 en ols (vond i o en ie 4 -- taes i e e e 1 t committec being appointed, but he thought Mr. Lauder gshould have brought the motion on before. He had not the least doubt but that he would lose his office Instantly if it were proved that he had in-- terfered with the purity cf the election,. We had been at Grey befor: the el.ction, but he had told the people there that he expected to be at the heui) of the Government at all events, and that he expected to have a majority at any rate whether Mr. Lauder was clected or not. Mr. OLIVER said he wished to say a few words | in regard to the charges toat had been made | against himsel{ and his friend Mr. Lewis. Mr. Lewis had been employcd in many 'positions of trust, and there had never beeu any fault found with him. _ In regard to the telegram eent by him on the 23rd of December, Mr. Lewis had told him about a week before the eleciion that he had some friends in Grey whom hs intended to visit. (Laughter.) He had told Mr. Lewis that h thougsht there was no necessity for _ his going to Sonttfi Grey during that con'est. He afterwards went out to Grey, aud had sont this telegram to Mi, Lewis on Satarday, and he went out on Monday; but he had no conversetion with Mr. Lewis out there with the exeception ut 4 few moments; after that he could not tell what COlires Mr, Lewis had ko . : .. 2l e y iL /% ir Kon. MI. wWVVULI C@TU uiHke ant CeEn CofELiify CC South Grey and other ridings of the Province it had been said that the Improvement Fund had been rather miss-aJ)plied. It had been now de-- cided that there had been no mistake made in ap-- plying the funds to the Grammar School lands as well as to the Common School lands. An allusion had been made by the hon. member for South Groy, respecting the appropriation of these funds in his constituency, but a'though there had been a lettor | written by him in respect to it, he had no intention whatever to bias the opinion of any one. If a Government could not do justice to one portion of the country without doing an injustice to an-- other, he thought they mliglt do nothing at all. He had, in paeain%thronfi Grey, gromiscd that the people there should have the benefit of the Improvement Fund as far as he was able to effect it. He had been anxious,for Mr. La&ader's election himself, and did all he could consistently with his goemon at the time. He did not think the hon. President of the Council or the Commis-- sioner of Public Works had sent Lewis to Proton; but he had no doubt that ho (Lewis) had looked for Mr. Blake, but thas he did not find him. He had no doubt but that Lewis had gone to Grey for the purgoeo of influencing voters, and the ground of his influence was that he had re--valued the land, and had good reason to believe that if Mr. Dickey were elected they would fare better than if Mr. Lauder were elected. No such outrage could or would be tolerated in this country on the part of any Government. member fopr he wa do county, in ) freater Inger Afler Recoess, A RAILW&Y EILL. On motion by Mr. WILLIAMS (Durham, the House went into committee of the whole on the bill to incorporate the Omemec, Bebcaygeon, ard North Peterborough Junction Raillway Company,. Mr. Rykert in the chair. L -- After going thro?{;h a portion of the nill the Committee arose and reported progress, THE CARLETON HOSPLZAL. On motion by Mr. CRAIG (Russel, the House weut into committcee of the whole on the bill to amend the act to incorporate the county of Carle ton General Protestant Hospital, Mr. McDonald of Leeds in the chair. The Committee reported the bill without amend-- ment, and then arose. THE SEPARATIOXN OF TORONTO FROXM YoRrk. Mr. BOULTBEE moved the second reading of the bill to provide for the segara.tion of the city of Toronto from the connty of York for certain judi-- cial purposes, and, except in certain cases, to pre-- vent the trial in the county of York of any suite in which the causo of action arosc in any other county. The Bill would be advantagcous to the city as well &8 to the county. It would merely allow the county to have their own assizes, pay their own expenses, and do their own business. It had always been put off for the last 20 or 30 years, but he boped that the plain bill which he aubmitted would he passed. _ C * _ 1t being six o'clock the House rose for the usual recos@e, were near the Metropolitain City, they bad all th advantages that they could have, and to desire feparation for the mere paltry reason that the bhad a trifling extra expenss in the administratic Of justice was utter folly. He had no prejudi¢ one way or the other, but he thougbt it was simp, for the County of York to say: '"Let us have a the privileges and enjoy our farms, and you, To oNi0o, bear all the expenses." He thought t member for North YorE should consider well whi 3&,,,':"". '101"8 before pressing this matter: THk Hon, Mr. WOOD asked if he was to understand that the Bill provided for the separation of the cit; from the county for judicial purposes ? Mr. BOULTBEE--Yes. A Hon. Mr. WOOD said that the people of York county should consider that they bad in their county the largest city in Western Canada, and they had the best market in the IP'rovince. "lhey # 3 °> THE PROTON OUTRAGE. BILLS INTRODUCED. Mr. WOOD said that in the riding of his opinion. would in the end be th u0 ° . Malaaiea en n oe e e LC en auevin NMr. RYKERT thought the greatest virtue of tt Bill was to prevent ouside professional men fro bringing their cases to Toronto., f C Ullllslu uis 2 t 204 4. M -- M d Artv tncch dn t' Hon. Mr. BLAKE said the Government woulg not shirk the consideration of this Bill, for it w of interest to the general public as well as to the lucal population. Hewas not at the present m ment prepared to say that the Government woul consent to tne passage of this Bill as it was, by} If it were referred to a Select Committse, he hag no ob(;;cctions. He would not pledge himself thg; tha (t)ver'nmcut would do anything more ; pregent. * Mr. BOULTBEE thought that other memberg Gf the House did not see the advantages arising ou;} of the passage of the Bill which he thougfilt h could esplain if & Uommittee were nppointcd'e The Bill was read a second time, and refc rred to & Select Commilttce. JOINT STOCK ROAD COMPANIES. | Mr. SEXTON moved the second reading of the Bill to amend the Joint Stock Road Companies Act uow in foree in Ontario, _ Hon. Mr. McKELLAR said he thought there were some portions of the Bill which should be excepted. Every plank road company that he e\'cr'kuew of had lost money, -- The companies were not satisficd with the stockholders Jlosing their money, but they insisted that they should be fornished with all addiiional money required for repairs. s The BlU was read a second time and referred to a Select Commithce On motion of Mr. RLAKE the House then, at 'Q.150'clock, adjourned. 911 Iy A 1 at ie 11 Mr. Rykert--That he will move that the follow: ing clause be in--erted in Bill No. 31 ia Committed of the whole House. The every order in Council' shall immediately alter the passing thercof hbe published in the Ontario Gazel/c. *tvr. Gameron--On _ Friday next will move an humble address to His Excellency the Lieut.--Gov-- ernor for a retutn showing the township, number and concession of cach lot or part of lot of lands in the County of Norfolk,_ on which arrears _ arg due to the Crown, and subject t> valuation and res -- duction under the Act of last session, also show: ing the names of the original purchasers or locatcé and the present claimant, together with the ' amou{u of principal and interest due on each parcel. Nr. Scott (North Grey), on Friday next--Inquiry of Ministers whether they have decided upon the number of railways which they will recommend for participation in the Railway Funds, and if so, which railways. 3 Also, whether the rail vay companies now seek-- ing charters and wh ch are intended to run throu h the f'ree Grant Territory, will be recom-- mended for participation in said Railway Funds. | Mr. Code--On Friday next --Inquiry of ministers whether or not it i8 Their intention during the present Session to introduce a measure to allow locatees settled on lree Grant Lands to assign or transfer their claims to said lands prior to the time stated in the Act for getting their {))atent'. Hon. E. B. Wood@--Bill to repeal s gections 1 " two " avd * three," of section seventy--one of the Asses=ment Act of 1869, relating to the valuation of pw\)crt y in towns and villages for county rates. Mr. Perry--On #nday next--Inquiry of ministers whether they intend during the present Session to introduce a measure Assessment Law. Notices of Moiion. y), on Friday next--Inquiry they have dccided upon the which they will recommend s Railway Funds, and if so,

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