The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 9 Feb 1872, p. 1

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€CONC PA:RLIAMENT------FIRST SE§SHA 'TORONTO, SATURDAY, FEB. 10. ' By Mr. Baxter--the pstition of Johan . j Bosch and others, of Canboro', prajying that | the Bill to authorize a re--survey of certaia Iots in Canboro' may not pass. By the Hou. Mr. Cameron--the pstition of George Fiint and others, also the petition of Herry Faircloth and others, all ot Toront», severally prayieg for the establishment of a a Inebriate Asylum. * B{Othe Hon. Mr. Carling--the petition ~' the London Board of Trade &lso the petitio : of John Binell and others, ef Londor, sever-- all.g praying that the Bill to extend th> C nada Southern Railway from some ysint in Elgin to London may pass. By Mr. Webb--the petitlion of the Coun'y Council of the united counties of Northam-- berland ard Durham, praying that tho salo of spirituous liquors be done away with in Ontario; also from the same, pravieg that cor. tldn amendments be muile in the School aw. By Mr. Monteith--the potition of the C un ty Council of Perth, praying for cerkain amendments to the Drainago Act. 'The committee reported the Bill without amndments, 'The regort was received, and on motion by Mr. Blake the Bill was ordered to +s read a third time on Mondsy nex's. PROOF UNDER OATH FOR THE PUR. POsES OF THE ASSEMBLY, \Mr. CROOK $ moved the House into com-- mittee on the Bill to allow matters to be fioved under oath for the purposes of the ohfli:lative Assembly,. Mr. Hodgins in the By Mr. Clarke, (Norfolk) --the petition of REdward Mathows and others, of Waterford praying that no further acquisition of tersi-- tory be granted to the Long Point Com pany. BILLS PASSED. The following Bills wore read a third tima, and passed :-- To further secure the independencs of th. Legizrlative Assombly. M CROCKS consented, and progress was accordingly reported; commiitee to sit again on Monday. ELECTION _OF MEMBERS TO TAZ LEGISLATIVHEH ASSEMBLY, Mr, BLAKE moved the House Into com-- mittee (Mr. Perry ia the chair) on the Bill to make further provision touching the elec. :)ilon of members 10 the Legislative Assem-- y. » & To make debts and chosss in action asesign able at Jaw. To contQlidats the debenturse debt of the city of Torortd. To authorize the Law Ecciety of Oatarl« to admit Eiward Stonshoused 43 2 barrister. SCHOOL LANDS, The House received the report of the com mittee on the resolutions regardiog Common Sehool Lands. & -- hiwe4 Mr. SCOTT (Ottawa) introduc:d a B:] founded on the resolulions, 2D4 i was r°a~ & -- Givek Ad-- ,* C & * * frt* tang. second reading on Yuosiay rnext. Mr, CAMERON, remarking that thers was more importance in this measure than hon. gentlomen seemed to think, asked the Attormey.General to consont to the commit-- tee reporting progress, and asking leave to git again. Mr. BLAKE --My hon,. friend does not ree the difference {etween women's rights and women's wrongs. (Renewed laughter.) Mr. BLAKE was not afraid of such & re-- sult in this portion of the continsnt. Mr., LAUDER said this was a Women's Rights Bill, and he did not see why the At-- torney.General did not go further and give women a right to v:te and to hold oftizes. (Hear, hear.) Mr. FERGUSON thought this Bill was re-- versing the order of things altogether. Myr. McKELLAR moved the 1'c:f~ption of the report of the commiitee respecting Ma. chanics' Institutes, The motion was carricd. DRAINAGE, Mr. BLAKE moved the reception of the report of the committee on the resolution re-- specting drainage. The motion was carried, Mr, BLAKE moved that the resolutions be referred to the committee to which Bili 16 (Mr. Rykeri's Bill to amend the Agricul. tural and Arts Act) was referred. Carricd., MARRIED WOMEN'S RIGZITS OF PRO-- PERTY,. The House went into committse on the Bill to extend the rights of property of mar-- rled women, Mr. Hodgins in the chair. Mr., CAMERON thought the permission wroposed to be given to a married woman to lrsure her husband's lifeo. was offsring a nra-- tesure her husband's life, was offering a pro-- mium to a woman to make the insurance and then get rid of her husband. Mr, CORBY suggested that the Attorney-- General should insert a clause allowing a woman to give three days' notice of an ac-- tion for divorce. (Laughter.) Che Wlobe. MECHANICS INXSTITUTES. The object of the Bill was to allaw aca 0 be admi:iute;eidhby Select or %?B::fi::tgs to mittees to w v private om referred. on any private bill shoulg be Mr, CAMERON moved to amend ; by extending the power to committ., axy purposes. Mr. BLAKE consented and ths amonded, was reported, Third re Monday. LAW FEES IN TERRITORIAL Dig. , TRICT®, Mr, CROOKS moved the House into com mittee (Mr. Hodgins in the chair) on Rill;, make proviglon for the payment of law {s,, in territorial and judiclal districts by meay, of stamps, The committee rose sud reported the bii] with amendments, 'Third reaiing on Al>y. day, Mr. BLAKE moved the second reading of | the Bill respecting the establishment of 3e gistry offices in rlglngs, and to amend the ts %htraum of Titles (Ontario) Act Ths leutenant Governor in Council bad form: ' ly porsersed the power of establishins res try offices in ridings, bat the hon,. mem» for Cornwall considered that tho power hii beenabused and it was taken away. Sub** quently it was restored, but it had not ho*" well or wisely exercised in most, if a= cases. There were lord complaints 015 | 1 of doors, ard it seemed that the interests of the community had not baseo ths only objects looked at in the exercise of tha' power, As a gemeral rule it was exgedic~> that the registry office should not be rem ve from the ghoe where the treasurer's 0: and the sheriff's office were sitaated. Th®) thought it better to deprive the execative 0' the power, and leave it for Parliament to d¢ + -- with, in any special cases which misht > | _ brought before it. This Act would not b" | _ _ retro--active. It was competert for any m*~ | :i ber to introduce a public bill to repeal %*° _ . Order in (Jouluxllp'l under which such * /-- oi separation as that to which he had advo"' _ _ _ _ mattere in Canada He thought thas we ought to provide for the adjadication of these cases in our courts © Mr. E. B. WOOD asked if the Bill would provide a remedy for greivances under the exciss and custom laws, _A man's who'!s property might be seized, ani he not ksow where to find a remedy. -- Ifthere wasamade of relicf for such persons. 1t would be a gross boon to the community, for if an unfortuaate wight fell into the hanuds of the officers 0' custom and excise, ho sometimes fosad that ho was bound with fron thosgs. kir. BLA KE said that questlon wo: cetrve * copseidcration from tho Gaver Xith regard to the obsetvation of l member {oySonth Praxt be had underss Mr. CA MERON apprehended that this Legisiature could not interfere with tas rights of the Crown, being tho Gosvarnment of the Dominion, so he presumed that onl; matters relating to the Government of On-- tavio were intended to be deals with by this Bill, 1t would, he thought, be batter that trial in the casce to which the Bill referred should not be by jury, but by the courts \Ir. CROOKS moved the rscond reriing of the Bill to further provide for the regis: tration of co--partnerships, and of other bis\ ness firms. The present law, which pro-- vided for the registration ef co--partzerships, did not apply to one person carryinsg on b«s! neses under a style or title includgiag oth=r names. 'This Bill supplied the deficiency. ((l)arried. Committes oF the whole on Mon-- ay. =. The Bill was then read» a seconl time. Committeoe of the whole on Monday. REGISTRATION OF BUSINE33 PIRMSY tgo rule 'wu' In these cases to give paurtiss the option of trial, by a jury or by the courts. He agreed with the member for Fast Toronto that the Bill cou!d only apply to the ©'cowo in Ontario. REGISTRY OFFICE3 IN RIDINGS. 8 § Bll, ag rermllog q, 40

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